• Published 27th Nov 2020
  • 365 Views, 5 Comments

Titans In The Sky - waywardfallout

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Titans in the sky

It had been two months since Celestia and Luna had lost control of the sun and moon respectively.

Since then Princess Twilight along with most of the scientific community had been looking out at the new night sky. Charting the brand new stars.

This new night sky put Luna’s old one to shame. There were easily hundreds of thousands of stars in the sky now versus Luna’s once messily thousands.

Then there was the cloud that stretched across the whole sky. The thing had left Twilight and her friends in awe. It was impossible to describe how it looked, it just was. Somepony had named the cloud The Milky Way and the name stuck for some reason.

Twilight was currently on the Library’s balcony with a magically enhanced telescope looking out at the stars, making a map of the stars like hundreds of other ponies.

Or she was least trying to map the night sky, something massive had changed since last night. There were two sets of shapes blanketing the night sky.

The shapes on her right looked like cubes with random fins sticking out in random directions. They had this light orange haze to them and they came in three primary sizes.

The smallest size of cubes was the most abundant by far. There numbers in the hundreds easily. The second biggest shapes on her right sat behind the smallest. Numbering about twenty or so. Then the biggest cubes alone blocked out hundreds of stars. They were so big anypony could easily see them with the naked eye. But there was only three of them and they were in the far back of the group.

The other set of shapes was to her left. All of them looked like a spiked ball with a red haze surrounding it. They were numerous enough to block out thousands of stars as well.

Then the alicorn noticed something the shapes were moving! They were getting closer together, blocking out stars while revealing others as they moved.

“What in Celestia’s name?” Twilight muttered to herself as she watched intently as the shapes got closer, tea and daisie sandwich forgotten.

Twilight was furiously writing notes about what she was currently observing. Turning her telescope wildly trying to see everything.

Then the heavens spit in two.

A bright white beam cut through the dark night sky, lighting up the whole of Ponyville as it did. Twilight followed the beam back to its source without her telescope. Finding it to have originated from one of the biggest cubes in the sky.

Twilight followed the beam back from its source to its end destination. One of the red spiked spheres.

The spiked object that got hit by the beam silently exploded causing more light to fill out the night sky. The way it exploded might as well looked like a firework going off in celebration.

But Twilight knew this was not a joyful moment as the alicorn princess was anything but stupid. She had quickly come to the theory that she was watching a battle.

This assessment was only reinforced by the red shapes firing hordes of small red beams and green spheres at the smallest orange shapes. Which were quickly speeding up to meet the red shapes head on bright orange trails marking their path.

Then two more beams just like the first lanced their way across the night sky once again going towards the red spiked balls. One seemed to miss its target going out of her line of sight entirely. The other beam hit more of the spiked spheres causing them to also silently explode.

At this point the night sky was so bright that it might as well be day. All the light had woken up many ponies going by the sound of many doors opening which were quickly followed by gasps of shock.

Twilight was trying to keep up with the sky but was interrupted by a frantic Fluttershy blocking her telescope. Twilight was surprised, Fluttershy must have flown at Rainbow Dash like speeds to get to the library so fast.

“Twilight! All my animals are terrified of the lights in the sky! What is happening to the sky?!” Fluttershy shouted and not her shouting at basically a whisper, an actual shout left the normally quiet pegasus’s mouth.

“I think there’s a battle going on in the sky.” The alicorn said somewhat confidently as blue lightning left some of the medium sized blue cubes and hit the red spheres.

“A battle?” Twilight turned her head to look at Rainbow as she flew in towards her.

“That’s my best guess right now.” Twilight answered Dash as she landed next to The alicorn.

“What are they fighting over?” Fluttershy interjected as she hovered nearby.

Twilight didn’t have an answer for that yet. “I don’t know.” Twilight answered the yellow pegasus as she looked into her telescope.

The smallest orange cubes were now swarming around the spiked spheres. But the red beams of the spiked spheres were hitting the smallest cubes causing some to explode while some vanished in a blue light.

“Maybe they're fighting over the sky?” Rainbow suggested pointing a hoof at the sky.

“That’s not a bad guess let’s go with that for now.” Twilight said in agreement to Dash.

Fluttershy was still flying in the air and she looked nervous more than usual anyway. “Can they stop? All the light is scaring my animals.”

Twilight turned the telescope to look at the largest orange cubes finding them to be just sitting there not doing much. Then one of the middle sized orange cubes exploded as a green orb hit it.

“Flutters I don’t think they’re going to stop soon.” Rainbow suggested.

“You’re probably right Rainbow.” Sighed the yellow pegasus.

“Y’all know what’s happening to the night sky!?” Rainbow got up and moved to look over the balcony railing. Dash found Applejack looking up at her from the ground.

“What happening is there’s a battle going on.” Rainbow shouted down to the farm mare.

“A battle?” AJ turned to look up at the sky.

“That's the running theory.” Said the alicorn as she watched one of the red spheres explode.

“Uhh, ok” Applejack replied, not really believing or questioning what she heard from the two. “Am I able to join y’all up there?”

Twilight lit her horn briefly. “Door’s open.”

Rainbow watched the orange farm mare speed off to the doorway. Than Rainbow went back to sitting next to Twilight who was still looking through the telescope watching the battle unfold.

“So what happens to us when one side wins?” Asked Fluttershy innocently.

“That’s a good question.” Twilight replied as one of mid sized cubes vanished in a blue light.

Applejack reached the balcony and moved past the lavender alicorn and cyan pegasus. She looked up at the sky watching as another red sphere exploded.

“I reckon we will have to wait and see.” Applejack said.

So that’s what they did. They sat and watched, not knowing two Titans fought over the planet they observed from.

Author's Note:

Wrote this in a few hours.

Comments ( 5 )

Stellaris crossover boiis! Nice!

Descriptions are shallow and the pacing is off. Also, you're taking some liberties with the game's mechanics. A battle in Stellaris can last from a few days up to a few weeks. It would take those corvettes/destroyers the better part of three days just to close the distance to be able to fire.

I also hate that ugly machine shipset. It's got nothing on the Machine Shipset on the workshop. God, whoever thought that spiky chew toys would make for cool starships oughta be slapped.

Thanks for the feedback.:twilightsmile:

I'm guessing one of the combatants has been observing the planet for some time and the false sky was an elaborate hologram to study how the inhabitants would live under such a state.

Is that
Fucking stellaris

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