• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 2,011 Views, 100 Comments

Equestria Girls: Season 3 - sunsetshimmer_13

These girls come back together for a series of awesome adventures.

  • ...

The Equational Standoff

Sugarcube Corner

Another day, Another time at the Sugercube Cafe where everyone goes to hang out, eat, or just to drink some coffee, or listen to casual catchy tunes. Pinkie Pie was just going around to various different tables being the waitress and serving orders to people. Meanwhile Twilight and her Crystal Prep mate Sugarcoat were sitting down at their table just making up some casual talk talking about math and science subjects. Oh, what's that about Twilight and Sugarcoat you ask? Well ever since the Friendship Games and when they worked together on the music video for that video contest, the Shadowbolts wanted to make up all the wasted time for Twilight and took the time to know her to make up for their mistakes. Sugarcoat among the rest was mostly the most of neutral ground Twilight goes on.

"How about FeF3?” Twilight gave Sugarcoat a science problem.

“Child’s Play. Iron(III) Fluoride,” she answers.

“Ok, how about the combination and mass Lithium and Hydro...”

“Lithium Hydride which has a molecular mass of 7.95 and it’s the lightest ionic compound,” she quickly says in a bit of a strict monotone.

“Heh, you’re phenomenal at these Sugarcoat,” Twilight complimented.

“Years of studies since Pre K when I was only four. Spent my free time with more advanced sciences and physics even between equations,” Sugarcoat explains. “Sure I take breaks every once and a while, but everyone knows that the best students in their academics studies at their hardest.”

“Well sure but even I know that even we deserve to have some fun,” Twilight says.

“Correct,” the formal smart girl says. “You know two of our minds can think alike Sparkle.”

“Really?” she asked.

“Yeah. I never wanted to do this but I thought that maybe we could have a friendly competition,” Sugarcoat suggested.

“Oh. Well I didn’t expect this but... ok,” a shocked Twilight said.

“Consider this my way of ‘fun’ by putting our minds to the test,” she says.

“Ok. How about a little wager to make things more fun?”

“Oooooh I’m sensing a math ooooff,” Pinkie Pie says in her sing-song voice as she then rolls away in her roller skates.

“Whoever loses has to wear the most embarrassing thing they’ve ever worn in public for the entire week,” Sugarcoat says.

“You’re on,” both of the girls shook hands. “Let’s get down to CHS, the school should still be open today since clubs are still around in the afternoon.”

“May the smartest minds win,” Sugarcoat says. “Which, not to brag, I’ll win even by a close second.”

“Really?” Twilight scoffed. “Keep up with that and you’ll regret stating that precedent.”

“Do you want to take that chance?” she rhetorically asks.

“Maybe I do.”

“Even I know that I’m taking more risk of embarrassment.”

Both Twilight and Sugarcoat have each other menacing stares.

Later at CHS

Twilight and Sugarcoat were in one of the classrooms of CHS where it was completely empty. No one else besides Twilight, Sugarcoat, Pinkie Pie, and Sunset Shimmer. Sunset and Pinkie we’re gonna be the spectators of this little bet the two smart girls have.

“Sooooooo this is just a friendly competition right?” Sunset asked as she’s concerned because of how Twilight and Sugar oat are staring and each other.

“Yep,” they both say in unison.

“Looks like it to me... want a lollipop?” Pinkie hands the fiery haired girl a lollipop for her to enjoy.

“Thanks,” Sunset says as she sucks on the lollipop, tasting the flavor of it.

“Ok. So you two have to answer the most complex equation given in any math class. Whoever gets the right answer after the timer ends wins.”

“Not to mention this is the only shot you’ll get to not embarrass yourself in public for a week,” Pinkie adds.

“Yeah,” she says. “Anyways are you girls ready?”

“I’m born ready,” Twilight says as she adjusts her glasses a bit.

“I’ve mostly been ready ever since reading about calculus when I was four and a half,” Sugarcoat says in a slight monotone. The two smart girls stared at each other as if some dramatic music played in the background for a rivalry scene.

“I feel like this is more heated than I expect,” Sunset Shimmer whispers to herself. “Anyways... on your marks,” Twilight and Sugarcoat look away from each other for a brief moment and pick up their markers. “Get Set...,” the two girls put their hands, while holding the markers, on the board as they were ready to draw their solutions to the equation.

"GO!!!," Pinkie says as shes pops a mini confetti cannon.

The two girls at the board start to write on the whiteboard as they sovle the specific equation they were given. Sunset set the stopwatch timer to 5 minutes overall once they've started.

Twilight was doing pretty well on her side as she was solving a quarter of the problem already, but Sugarcoat was going to pass her up in her progress. Sunset and Pinkie in the meantime just spectates this so called ‘friendly’ competition. The two opponents up on the board kept writing as they were half way done in just under two and a half minutes. To them the moment just felt more like five to six minutes already as they battle it out to avoid putting public humiliation for the week. Both intellectual girls made this more tense than it even seems as if this were to be a retro beat em up video game except it’s replaced math equations and textbooks.

The two glanced at each other with their peripheral vision while they were still looking are their equations and variables. Flash forward a little later on they were four minutes in and both of the girls were drawing their final conclusions to the problem given to both of them. Looks like they were running out of time but they were confident that they’ll finish in time.

Soon they got to the final step of the equation and they solved they whole situation with their answers. As soon as Twilight and Sugarcoat completed their questions the timer was up and Sunset got up and checked the answers the two opponents gave.

“Well, I think that was a good challenge huh?” Twilight said.

“...Agreed, though it’s more likely one of us will be...”

“You both tied,” Sunset cuts in.

Twilight and Sugarcoat were surprised to hear that they tied in this bet. Well... now what.

“Should we do another round?” she asks.

The two intellectuals looked at each other.

“No. I think this proves Sugarcoat and I being evenly matched,” Twilight states.

“Agreed,” Sugarcoat replies. “I guess two intellectual minds think alike,” she smiles a little bit as Twilight does as well.

“Oooookkkaayyy but you do know that it means both of you pretty much have to embarrass yourselves,” Pinkie pointed out as the smart girls showed their bewildered expressions.

The Next Day

Meanwhile Twilight and Sugarcoat were in for a lot of embarrassing moments for the entire week.

Twilight was in her cornucopia outfit she wore before and Sugarcoat was dressed as a sailor all the while her bellybutton and a little bit of her legs are shown.

“There’s no way this is worth sacrificing my dignity,” Sugarcoat says in a slight monotone.

“Our dignity was destroyed a while ago when we wore these,” Twilight joked.

Both of the girls walk down the sidewalks Twilight giggled a bit. Sugarcoat even giggled a little herself too as she shows some humor for once today.

Author's Note:

Honestly... not my best or perfect work but I think I did decent :twilightsheepish: