• Published 26th Nov 2020
  • 3,310 Views, 21 Comments

Good Times In Equestria: Secrets of the Pillars - GoebelTron

Thomas starts to learn about six legendary pillars of Equestria.

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Legendary Camping Trip

On a nice relaxing mid-late morning, Thomas was ready for his camping trip with his big sisters. “Are you ready to go, sweetie?” Fluttershy asked. Thomas nodded, and then climbed onto her back. Fluttershy then took him and herself over to the entrance of the Everfree Forest to meet up with the others. When they got there, Thomas saw his big sisters, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo standing there, and went over to them for a hug. “Hey, little bro! How’ve you been?!” Scootaloo asked. “I’ve been good,” Thomas said. “Are you excited for your camping trip, cutie?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Yeah! Let’s go!” Thomas said, and he suddenly received a hug from Rarity. “Hello, precious. Are you ready to go?” she asked. Thomas nodded, and then Rarity walked over to Fluttershy.

“Are you sure you can take care of him?” Fluttershy asked. “Of course we will,” Applejack said. “As long as our sisters behave themselves and try to support the little feller, he’ll be in good hooves.”

“Indeed, darling. We’ll make sure he has a good time on his first camping trip and that he’ll stay out of trouble,” Rarity said. Thomas then hugged his mother before he left. “Thomas? Now you be good for your big sisters and listen to your aunties, because they’re going to take good care of you during your trip,” Fluttershy said. Thomas nodded, and then she gave him a kiss on the forehead. “Climb on, precious. You can ride on my back,” Rarity said, and then she lowered herself so he can climb onto her back and then he sat himself down. “We’ll be back in a few days, sugarcube,” Applejack said. “So don’t you worry about a thing,” Rainbow Dash replied. “Bye, Momma,” Thomas said. “Bye, sweetheart,” Fluttershy said, as the 7 went into the Everfree Forest to find a place to set up camp.

While their trek continued, Thomas suddenly got bored while he sat on Rarity’s back. “Are we there yet?” he asked. “Not yet, darling. Are you bored?” Rarity asked. “Yep,” Thomas replied. “I know, sugarcube. Once we get there, we’ll make sure that we’ll do something fun together,” Applejack said. Thomas nodded and then he suddenly fell asleep on Rarity’s back. “Awwwwww... looks like he was ready for a nap,” she said, as she covered him up with her mane.

Later on, they arrived at an empty wide-open space in the forest. “Thomas. Wake up, darling,” Rarity said. Thomas woke up and saw where they’re at, “Is this it?”

Rainbow Dash then showed him a view of a huge waterfall, “We’re right next to our destination.” Thomas looked in awe, and then he hugged his auntie. Rainbow Dash then hugged him back, then Thomas suddenly realized something. ‘Oh no! I forgot to pack a tent!’ he thought to himself. He then went back to the there, and saw them finishing up with setting up their tents. “Uh... can I help?” he asked. “Yeah, go ahead and help me get this rope tied up,” Applejack said. Thomas then When they finished, they had a nice picnic together with sandwiches, fruits, vegetables, and juice boxes, and then went to the waterfall and had a little race. Thomas came in first place, and then got a group hug by his big sisters.

Later on, as the sun was setting, they sat by a campfire and roasted marshmallows with sticks. Thomas suddenly felt uncomfortable about something until he got comforted by Applejack. “You feelin’ alright, sugarcube? You’re startin’ to feel let down,” she asked. “I’m fine, but I kinda feel like this camping trip is missing something,” Thomas said. Applejack then thought for a moment, until an idea popped into her head and she placed Thomas on her lap, “How about a campfire story?” Thomas nodded, and then the others were listening. “How about if I tell y’all mine and Apple Bloom’s favorite legend?” Applejack asked, as Thomas scooted closer towards her barrel and belly.

“You mean Rockhoof?! I love that one!” Apple Bloom replied. “Who’s Rockhoof, Aunt Applejack?” Thomas asked. “Well, Thomas. Rockhoof was known far and wide for his incredibly mighty strength,” Applejack said. “Wow!” Thomas said. “But he didn’t start out that way,” Applejack said. “He didn’t? Why?” Thomas asked. “I’ll get there. A long time ago, Rockhoof was a tiny little fella, and the son of a farmer,” Applejack said. “Yeah! Just like us!” Apple Bloom said. “Shh! I’m trying to listen!” Scootaloo said.

“They used to live in a village that sat at the foot of a gigantic volcano,” Applejack said, and then a flashback of the setting appeared. There were two soldiers fighting with spears.

“And the village was protected by an elite group of guard ponies called the Mighty Helm.”

The soldiers laughed after a fair fight, and another threw an axe at a tree stump with a target painted on it, until Rockhoof appeared and tried to pull it off, but he slipped and fell.

”Young Rockhoof wanted nothing more than to be part of the Mighty Helm.”

When Rockhoof got up, he was laughed at by the other guards, which made him sadly disappointed.

”But he was told that he was too scrawny and weak to protect the village.”

Suddenly, more soldiers kept laughing after they saw how scrawny he was, and then gave him a shovel and a noogie.

”But somehow, Rockhoof wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

Rockhoof looked into his reflection and then made an angry look and dug some holes for muscle building.

“Then, one fateful day...” There was suddenly a rumbling noise, and he looked up at the volcano. ”... the volcano erupted!”

“Whoa...” Thomas said, as he hid underneath his Auntie Applejack’s hug. “That sounds really scary.” Applejack nodded. “But this is my favorite part!” Apple Bloom said. “But aren’t volcanoes dangerous?” Thomas asked. “Yes, darling. But I’m sure Auntie Applejack knows what she’s doing,” Rarity said, as she next to Applejack and stroked Thomas’s hair and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Can you tell me what happened next?” he asked. “We’re just about to get there,” Applejack said, and then she continued.

“The molten lava started to pour down the side of the volcano...” The Mighty Helm ponies were chattering with the villagers for safety as the volcano kept erupting. ”...and try as they, the Mighty Helm couldn’t figure out a way to save the village! They had to evacuate.” After hearing about their plan at the docks, the villagers shook their heads for a no.

“But the villagers didn’t want to leave their homes. They’ve spent their entire lives there. They had nowhere else to go!” The Mighty Helm took the boat for themselves and abandoned the villagers. Rockhoof watched as they abandoned the villagers they were supposed to protect, and then looked back at the volcano, and then had an idea. “So Rockhoof decided to do something crazy.”

“What did he do?!” Thomas asked. “You’ll see in a moment, sugarcube. Just wait and see,” Applejack said.

Rockhoof ran to an edge of the volcano and started digging. “He thought if he could divert the flow of the lava, he might be able to save his village. So he started diggin’ a trench!”

“All by himself?!” Thomas asked. “Eeyup,” Applejack said. “But isn’t that impossible?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Yeah, I mean lava is liquid fire,” Sweetie Belle said. “But it’s a good thing Rockhoof didn’t believe in the word “impossible” at all,” Applejack said.

Rockhoof was still digging, until some of the Mighty Helm and the villagers saw what he was doing. “He continued to work, knowin’ the odds were against him, but determined to push through it. Then, somethin’ magical happened.”

Before he continued, a swarm of magic appeared and turned Rockhoof from a scrawny and weak little colt into a full grown muscular stallion.

“Rockhoof got visibly stronger! But the lava was gettin’ closer.” Rockhoof realized he was still digging, so he used his new strength and rapidly speed dug the trench all the way towards the water, stood aside and let the lava flow towards the water to solidify, and then the ponies of the island cheered for him. ”Through his extraordinary determination and sheer force o’ will, Rockhoof earned more than his place in the Mighty Helm.” Rockhoof gave the Mighty Helm a group hug, and laughed with them.

“Wow... Rockhoof must’ve been very brave,” Thomas said. “Indeed, darling,” Rarity said. “Suddenly, a thunderstorm appeared, and Thomas screamed until he gripped onto Applejack’s belly, and he started to cry. “Awwwwww... poor little thing,” Rarity cooed, until she gently lifted him up and sat him on her lap and brought him over towards her chest and belly for a hug. “Shhhhhh shhhhhh... There, there, precious. No need to worry,” Rarity said, until she gave him a kiss on the top of his head. Thomas kept shaking as his aunt kept hugging him and he started hearing her heartbeat. Rarity then thought of an idea, “Thomas? You see this cave we’re in? If you look closely at those rocks...” she swept some dirt off with her hoof and showed him some gold. “...you can see flecks of pure gold in them, while others either carry silver or gems inside. And see the way the firelight dances on the cave wall, shadow and light?” She showed him a shadow puppet of a ballerina pony dancing.

Thomas softly smiled, but there was another loud bang of thunder, as he jumped again and hugged his Auntie Rarity tightly. “Aww, darling. I know something that might’ve cheer you up. Sweetie Belle, have I ever told you about my favorite legend?” Rarity asked, as she continued to comfort Thomas after putting a blanket around him to keep him warm. “No. I didn’t know you had one,” Sweetie Belle asked. “Well, her name... was Mistmane,” Rarity said. “You mean that old sorceress with the flower?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yes, but she wasn’t like that before. Did you know she used to be the most beautifully young unicorn in all the land?” Rarity asked. “Not really,” Rainbow Dash asked. “What was she like?” Thomas asked.

After Rarity gave him a kiss on the forehead, she started, “Well, Mistmane was a very promising young sorceress whose heart was a soft as a cloud.”

The setting took place in an Asian-styled village, where some imperial ponies lived. “She was as talented as she was beautiful and kind. Everypony loved her and missed her when she was sent to the finest magic school.” All the ponies gave her a few hugs as she left for her school.

“Wow... She even sounds beautiful and kind, kinda like you, Aunt Cadance, Twilight, Starlight and Momma.”

“Yes, darling. But while she was gone, she was delighted to find out that her best friend, Sable Spirit was crowned empress. She couldn’t wait to return home when she finished her studies.” Mistmane read the scroll a guard gave her and then stood up and left for home.

“But once she arrived, she was devastated by what she saw.” Mistmane saw her village removing of beauty. “What happened here,” she asked a villager raking leaves. “The empress happened,” he replied, pointing at her palace. “She makes us work day and night on her palace. We don’t have time to take care of everything else.”

“That can’t be. I know her,” Mistmane said worryingly. “She would never do this.”

“But there was no denying what was in front of her.” Mistmane saw a young unicorn colt running with a blossom flower, until a carriage appeared and somepony with a black cloak to it away. After the carriage ran off, the colt began to cry. Mistmane walked over to him for a hug. “Sable Spirit took everything that was beautiful away from anypony else! And Mistmane was sure that there had to some sort of explanation.”

“That sound really harsh. I kinda wish I didn’t go down that path,” Thomas said, while the blanket kept him warm and Rarity stroked his shoulder. “I know, darling. But do you want to know what happened next?” Rarity asked. “Yeah!” the four young ones replied.

”She went to confront her friend by going to her palace.”

Mistmane walked towards the palace and then saw Sable Spirit in her black cloak and wearing a black veil over her face, “Sable, is that you?”

“Don’t tell me you don’t recognize your old friend,” Sable Spirit said. “I don’t. My friend would never work our families and friends to the bone for something as silly as a palace like this,” Mistmane said. Sable Spirit got offended, “Silly? My palace is a beacon of beauty! Anypony who passes will be in awe of its glorious majesty!”

“What good is a pretty palace if it just hides the misery of its ponies?” Mistmane asked. “Beauty is everything. You taught me that,” Sable Spirit said. “What?!” Mistmane asked.

Sable Spirit walked over to Mistmane, “You were always the pretty one. You got to go to the best magic school. Everypony missed you, and they loved you! I admit I was jealous, so I tried to perform a spell that would make me beautiful as you. But... you can see how that went!” She showed Mistmane her elderly look, causing her to gasp in horror.

Sable Spirit then continued, “I then found that if I couldn’t have beauty, I would take it. I wasn’t chosen to be empress, you know. I took it! Just like I’m going to take everything else.”

“I can’t let you do that,” Mistmane said, as she was about to fight. “Let me?” Sable Spirit asked, until she made an evil cackle. She then sprouted some vines from her magic and covered it around Mistmane, until she fought back. Sable Spirit then created a red dragon construct, and Mistmane created a aqua blue dragon construct and then beat the red one, and then covered up Sable Spirit with roots, until the guards cheered for Mistmane’s bravery.

“Everypony thought Sable Spirit was defeated, and that was that. But Mistmane knew there was more than she could do to help.” Mistmane took the flower Sable took and planted it on the dirt ground.

“Beauty isn’t everything. But Mistmane knew that she does have the power to make ponies smile.” Mistmane lit up her horn and bloomed every plant in the village, until she glowed and turned herself into an wrinkly old pony. “She made a huge sacrifice to bring that smile back to her friends’ and family’s faces... including Sable Spirit’s.” Sable stepped out of the roots and saw herself as a young and beautiful unicorn mare again, “You did this for me? Even after I was so cruel?” Mistmane hugged her friend.

“Sable Spirit was so touched that she vowed to be more like her friend in the ways that mattered. From then on, she ruled with kindness and compassion.” Sable Spirit gave the unicorn colt from before a flower crown, and then gave him a hug. The ponies cheered for her new behavior.

“Even though she gave away her physical beauty, she dedicated her life to spreading beauty all over Equestria. Any time you go out of your way to brighten somepony’s day by doing something like giving them flowers, you’re following the hoofsteps of Mistmane.”

“I think she’s my favorite legend too,” Sweetie Belle said. “That was beautiful,” Thomas said. Rarity then hugged him softly towards her chest and then gently rocked him while hugging her nephew.

“Looks like the storm stopped,” Applejack said. “But it’s already moonlight,” Rainbow Dash said. “I don’t suppose we have time for one more?”

“And what is it you would like to share?” Rarity asked. “Nothing. Just my favorite legend, Flash Magnus!” Rainbow Dash replied. “Ain’t he the pony who took on the big, scary, and mean dragons?” Apple Bloom asked. “How’d he do that?” Thomas asked. “Well, how about if I just tell you?” Rainbow Dash asked. Thomas nodded, and then Rainbow Dash walked over to him.,“Umm... Rarity? Could you put him on my lap?” Rarity nodded, and then sat him on Rainbow Dash’s lap, until Rainbow Dash wrapped her forelegs around the small boy and then began when he nuzzled with her fur, “A long time ago, before the Wonderbolts were even founded...”

”...Flash Magnus was a lowly cadet in the Royal Legion.”

Two cadets gave him high fives with their wings, and joined the other members in flight. “And the Legion needed to fly over the Dragon Lands to get to their comrades on the other side. But as they got closer to the dragons...” Flash Magnus coughed up from the smoke, until they saw the dragons appear and started breathing fire. “...the dragons attacked!”

“Whoa! Whoa! What did they do?!” Thomas asked nervously. “Hey, hey, hey. Easy there, buddy. If you busy hang in there, I promise you and the others will like the ending, okay?” Rainbow Dash said, comforting Thomas. “Okay,” Thomas said, and he got back to nestling with her fur. Rainbow Dash then continued, “So like I was saying, Flash Magnus and the Royal Legion tried to get past the dragons...”

“... the dragons wouldn’t let them!” The dragons roared and breathed fire, and the Royal Legion was somehow terrified. “Everypony, retreat!” Commander Ironhead said, and then they all fell back, but Flash Magnus and his two comrades got thwacked by a dragon’s tail. “Flash Magnus and a few other cadets were separated from the battalion. He managed to get away, but the dragons captured his friends and took them back to their lair!” The two Legion cadets screamed for help, but Flash Magnus was about to save them, until Commander Ironhead caught him and they hid somewhere in the Dragon Lands to avoid detection while the dragons flew into the big cave.

“Commander! We need to save our captured comrades!” Flash Magnus said. I appreciate your loyalty, Flash Magnus, but getting past those dragons is going to be impossible. Nothing will work,” Commander Ironhead said.

“So did they die?” Thomas asked. “Not exactly, but if you can outfight dragons, out-think them,” Rainbow Dash said.

Flash suddenly looked at the cave and suddenly came up with a plan, “Commander Ironhead, I’m pretty sure I can outfly the dragons. If I can lure them into chasing me, you can all sneak into the lair and retrieve our friends before they get back.”

“Are you willing to take that chance, soldier?” Commander Ironhead asked. “I am, sir,” Flash Magnus said. “You do realize it’s a very brave thing you’re doing. So, you’ll need all the help you can get,” Commander Ironhead said, as he showed the cadet a bronze colored shield. “Is this... Netitus, the fireproof shield?!” Flash Magnus asked. “Yes, it is. It has protected many heroes of the Royal Legion for many generations. And today, I can’t think of a worthier flank for Netitus to protect,” Commander Ironhead said, as he gave Flash the shield. “Good luck, soldier.” He and the other two guards saluted Flash, until he saluted them back and then took off to get started on the distraction.

“HEY! COME AND GET ME, FIRE-BREATH! IF YOU CAN!” Flash Magnus shouted, until he banged his shield. “HEY, HEY! COME AND GET ME! I’M OVER HERE!” The dragon then roared and began breathing fire, until Flash blocked it with the shield.

“While Flash Magnus bravely flew for his life, Commander Ironhead was able to get his soldiers back.”

Flash Magnus then did some aerial maneuvers while facing off the dragons and blocking off their fire breath with the shield.

“Flash Magnus flew like the wind...” The dragons kept breathing fire while Flash Magnus kept deflecting it with the shield. “...faster than the dragons!”

The dragons combined their fire breathing and then Flash Magnus blocked it with the shield. “But he knew he couldn’t do this forever. Luckily, he had a plan.”

Commander Ironhead and the other soldiers formed a huge storm cloud out of other clouds, and then the commander whistled for Flash’s attention, until he and the others got out of the way. “He led the dragons straight into a storm that the Legion had planted!” Suddenly, lightning struck, and the two dragons got roasted.

“One taste of lightning, and then BOOM! The dragons retreated.” There was then a long pause for the Legion because they were wondering if Flash was okay or still alive. Suddenly, he came out roasted. “Flash Magnus’ plan worked!”

The Legion cadets cheered for him and Commander Ironhead gave Flash permission for him to take care of the shield, and they all saluted at the conquering hero, until he saluted them back.

“Wow! That was amazing! If I was like him, I’d show them that there’s more to me than meets the eye!” Thomas said. “You said it. He even inspired me to be my brave and awesome self,” Rainbow Dash said, playfully tossing Thomas up and carefully catching him in her hooves, until she ticked his tummy, causing him to giggle. “Ya know, he does sound like ya very much,” Applejack said. “Tch! Yeah! I’m just like him!” Rainbow Dash Thomas suddenly went to get some firewood for tomorrow as the others went to their tents to turn in for the night.

When Thomas came back, he still realized he forgot to pack a tent for himself, so he went over to Rarity’s tent, and then he saw her sleeping. He quietly got his pajamas on privately, and then he went over to Rarity, and got into her sleeping bag. Suddenly, she woke up and saw her nephew sleeping against her chest fur while his lower body was gently pressed against her belly. She smiled warmly, and then wrapped her forelegs around him, so he can sleep peacefully.

The next morning, they had eggs for breakfast, and then went over to Winsome Falls for some relaxing. “Thank you, Aunt Applejack for bring me,” Thomas said. “You’re welcome, little feller,” she replied as she pulled him over for a hug. “Now, why don’t ya go and have some fun?” Thomas nodded and the went over to his big sisters so they can play tag.