• Published 27th Nov 2020
  • 375 Views, 10 Comments

EASOTF: Assemble - Kitsune_Kenshi

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The Return (Part 2) The Q & A

Angel never really thought of ever returning to his home land, ever since he arrived on that cruel and violent planet inhabited by some bipedal creatures called themselves humans. All of his innocent and positive thoughts were crushed during his stay there, witnessing murders, genocides, terrorism, and brutal battles. Luckily, he was take care of by a man named Price. Putting all the good and bad memories aside, Angel began to answer the questions the mane six bombarded him with.

What's with the helmet? I've never seen any kind of helmet like that." Rainbow Dash asked, studying the details of Angel's helmet, "And what's with the strange markings?"

"These are called the Kevlar helmet, made of special materials that can shield my head from the shards." Angel explained, "And those markings on the helmet are called camouflages, it allows me to blend into the environment without being seen by enemies."

"Oh my, poor bunny, how did you get that scar?" Fluttershy looked hurt just by laying her eyes on the fearsome scar that runs along Angel's right eye.

Angel sighed, "Sorry Shy, that's from when I was captured by the Talibans and was tortured, I almost lost that eyes; luckily Price and his men came in and got me out of that hell before they do shits to me." Angel said, ignoring the winces from the mane six from his cusses, "And that's not the worst; I got my left arm and right feet blown off by landmines and a motor round, thsoe you saw attached to me were actually cyborg." He then clicked opened his cyborg limbs, revealing the wires and metals inside, Fluttershy on verge of tears, Angel notices.

"Seriously Shy, I'm not that weak. I'm not even a bunny no more." Angel rolled his eyes before patting his ex-master on her back.

"Sorry about your limbs Angel," Twilight said, studying his cyborg limbs, "but the hoo-man technologies are so advanced!"

"It's called "humans", and they got more advanced technologies than cyborg limbs." Angel said, "They've got planes; machines that could fly without flapping its wings."

"What?!" Rainbow raised her eyebrows, "That's not possible. And I bet none of them can beat me! The fastest flier of Equestria!"

"Sorry to crush your dream but," Angel said flatly, "planes have this machine mounted in them called engines, there's propellers that spins outside of them that allows them to take off and fly, the pilots just have to set in the cockpit to fly them. And by the way, Rainbow, you creates a Sonic Rainboom only by flying downward and reaching Mach 1. Guess what, there's another type of aircraft called jets, or fighter jets; they uses jet engines that creates hot gases that allows them to fly way faster than you. For example, there's this intercepter called Mig-25 that can fly three times faster than the speed of sound. And the F-35B, it can perform a vertical take off without gliding or using propellers. They mostly flies two times faster than the speed of sound. Performing super sonic cruise isn't a problem at all. By the way, I wouldn't recommend you racing against fighter jets, nor flying inside one; if your body isn't fit enough, the G-Forces would crush you like an ant." Angel's enjoying the shocked and dumbfounded expression on their mares' faces, "Trust me, I tried that once and being slowly crushed by 11Gs is NO fun."

Seeing the confused faces on them, Angel sighed and explained some military words of terms like G-Forces, codes, and a short history of how he and this "Price" met.

"So I woke up in a building, in a massive fire, I was suffocating, luckily I saw a few bipedal creatures came by. One of them spotted me and immediately called for his friends. They first thought I was a stuff toy or a lost pet, but... heh heh, you should've seen their faces when I talked; Priceless. Anyway, they did not turn me in or anything, the leader is the man I've been talking about, Captain Price, took me in and treated me like his son. He taught me to speak in English, writing, reading, and military stuff. After 5 years of fighting, I slowly grew into a normal human teenager size due to the growth spurt they have in their foods. And before I returned here, Price and his allies created a wormhole system, but before I stepped in we're attacked by terrorists----", Angel was cut off by Dash.

"Uh, sorry for interrupting but what are terrorists? You kept repeating that.", she asked.

"Terrorists are a bunch of illegal armed forces that threatens the governments by hurting innocents and civilians, sometimes kidnapping them, torture them, or kill them. I was one of their victims." Angel said, the mares flinched due to the part that the terrorists uses civilians as meat shields and hostages, "They're some real badass assholes, stubborn as fuck. The ones me and Price faced were called Talibans, and you DO NOT want to fall into their hands. Anyway, we were attacked by the terrorists, Price and his men managed to hold them off until I completely stepped into the wormhole. But I believe that they made it out alive; I never doubted Price and his men."

"Angel, how about we talk more in my castle," Twilight said, "Celestia's sun won't wait for us."

"Lead the way." Angel said.

Author's Note:

Another chapter done! Any suggestions or improvements?