• Member Since 10th Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen May 11th


just someone who likes to read


the Seed Of Light was meant to shine for 7 days, but instead, it only shined for 3. the origin of this light was never discovered. in Equestria however, a seed had sprouted. the Library of Ruina, and the librarian of her roles namesake had arrived.

this is the story of the library, and it's effects on the world of Equestria

MLP:FIM belongs to Hasbro
Library of Ruina belongs to Project moon

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 8 )

Oh wow a Library of Ruina crossover fic? consider my interests piqued with an instant follow and favorite

oh? this is interesting searching around any good updated fics and lo behold a bonefied Library of Ruina crossover in this site, huh, who knew?

looks like i'll be sticking around to see where this is going, i wondor why the library chose equestria of all places? is it maybe attracted to the elements of harmony? or does it want the ponies for something...more?

mmm ok i'm now just rambling must do some digging again on the lore of LOR hahaha just keeping doing what your doing!

Keep up the good work so far

Now this is an interesting crossover. Can you also tell me more about the abnormality? I don't recognize it from the games or Wonderlab, is it an original abnormality and if so are you gonna make up entirely new ones or do we see some of the ingame abnormalities as well?

very late reply, sorry. I've been very busy so I haven't been able to work on the story as much.

yes, it's a unique abnormality I thought up. I felt it would be more interesting to have at least some unique monsters to handle, especially seeing as the abnormalities in Library of Ruina are related in some way to the patron librarians.

the Idle Hands themselves are somewhat inspired by Distorted Yan's hands in design and have the main fighting gimmick of swapping resistances with each other. one hand attacks while the other defends, swapping roles each scene.

I hope to add some other unique abnormalities into this, but do expect some from project moon as well.

I can also kinda imagine how the Hands could relate to RD, perhaps in a way reflecting how she may see the state of Equestria's hidden criminal underground. I could imagine that she starts feeling like she and her friends did not really do enough and only went for the big, bombastic, obvious threats.

I'm also curious how the Floor Realizations are handled with Rainbow taking Roland's place. I do have some ideas how it could be done myself but I wanna see what you cook up for it.

With two librarians added to the mix including Malkuth things are about to get more interesting. RD is gonna need a LOT of hard Cider when she hears about the world they come from.

The Odyssey had a purpose

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