• Published 22nd Dec 2020
  • 2,362 Views, 101 Comments

A Queen Imprisoned - FakeWolf

Chrysalis has come to have many regrets over the course of her life. Many of these regrets she has learned can only be blamed on herself. But what use is there in blaming yourself when it's all over anyway? The war is won, and a Queen is imprisoned.

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Chapter 4 - Vengeful

The Hive was buzzing with activity. Tunnels were choked with the constant shifting movement of traffic as Changelings carried out their duties with single minded focus. Changeling couriers dodged through the traffic as they delivered their messages, darting in, out, up, and around their kin in a dizzying dance of efficiency of movement that over many years had become just as much about spectacle as it was about speed.

I found myself in one of the larger rooms of The Hive, it didn’t have a proper name but many Changelings referred to it as the “centre plaza” of the Hive. A name dedicated it’s nature as a hub of movement between the various sectors of the Hive and it’s maze ever-shifting tunnels.

I watched the sprawl of the plaza from my throne, the dais it sat upon extended high into the air so that I did not have to crane my neck unnecessarily to watch the activities of the plaza before me.

No Changeling approached me, none stopped to bow or pay respects to their Queen- they had their duties and they would carry them out before allowing themselves to be interrupted by trivial nonsense such as that.

It took me a minute to notice the midnight Alicorn that stood at the mouth of one of the lesser used tunnels. She stood frozen, watching the sprawling mass of chaotic movement before her. Occasionally a Changeling or two would pass her by to use the tunnel she stood at, not one Changeling stopped to glance at or acknowledge her presents on the Hive beyond moving out of the way so as to not collide with the mare.

Finally, the Alicorn finished her out-of-place idle gazing. She turned instead to the single stil object in the crowd Her eyes settling upon me in an even stare.

No Changeling stopped or paused in the duties to interrupt or acknowledge the Alicorn as she began to wade through the traffic like water. The Changelings idly parted around her as she made her way to the base of my dais.

It was as I studied the Lunar Princess’ face that the thought finally occurred to be how odd this situation was. A certain clarity settling upon my mind as the Princess approached. Why had none of my drones reacted to her presence?

Why was the Lunar Princess here in the first place?

… Why wasn’t I more angry at her presence? She had killed many of my drones…

And I many of her Ponies. War is war.

My gaze settled back upon the swarm of drones going about their duties in the plaza.

“Thou dreams, Queen Chrysalis.” the Lunar Princess spoke from my side.

I turned away from the ghosts that surrounded us, my eyes landing instead on Princess Luna, who floated next to my throne in a sort of serene grace. She did not bob up or down, instead standing as if supported by an invisible platform or cloud.

“Did you expect I would not?”

The Lunar Princess looked slightly abashed for some reason, “To be true we were not sure it would be possible for us to enter your dreams. You are Changeling, and I hold domain over the dreams of Ponies. You are immortal as well, which complicates matters further.” as she spoke I could not help but notice the lack of any emotions within her. Her face moved and twitched, I could see her chest expand with every breath before its slow decompression as she exhaled. But I could not sense any emotions within her, a sort of blindness I had never experienced before. My gaze flickered back to the ghosts beyond us and the mix of emotional soup that was laid out before me as the various sources of emotion mixed together. There was something… off, with those emotions however. They were… lacking. Hollow. Tasteless when I tried to sample some.

Pieces slowly fell into place.

My eyes returned to Princess Luna. This Luna was merely a projection of the real thing then, not a figment of my imagination. Else my imagination would not blind me so and I would be able to taste the emotions of the Night Mistress.

“Why do you enter my dreams then, Princess Luna?”

“We… wish to talk to thee, Queen Chrysalis.”

I could feel my brow raise, “You desire to ask questions then? Like every Pony that has visited me before you. So be it then, Princess Luna, ask your questions and leave me to my rest.”

“Neigh, Chrysalis. We hath questions for you, true, but we’d far prefer thy company to whatever paltry answers you would offer us in your wish to be left alone. We wish to learn more about you, Chrysalis, beyond what we have learnt during our shared battles and beyond what Equestria would paint you as.”

I blame the dream reality around us for my lack of immediate response.

After the silence fell into an awkward lull I turned back to the sight of my Changelings.

“What is this?” My ear twitched as I registered Luna’s voice and the quiet tink of metal being lightly struck. I turned to see what Princess Luna was asking about to see her scowling at something. My head craned to get a look at whatever had caught Luna’s interest.

A small metal chain grew out of my throne, and extended into me.

It did not end in a shackle or cuff, instead the metal seemed to twist and meld into my chitin in a truly grotesque fashion.

“A promise.” I answered.

Princess Luna was silent once more, and the two of us turned back to the sight of the plaza and the ghosts it contained.

“It is an impressive sight.”

“It is the Hive.”

In the corner of my eyes I could see Princess Luna give me an unimpressed look. “We can see as much, despite thou underhanded tactics in our battle our sight remains unhindered.”

Ignorance, in even the greatest of Ponies. I gave Princess Luna a baleful eye. “It is more than just the location, Princess Luna. All Changelings travel through this place. This place is representative of the Hive. You can learn the desires and needs of the Hive from this room. You no doubt saw that when you travelled through this place yourself.”

“... it was empty.”

“What does that tell you then? The Hive’s halls empty of life, your only option forwards led to my throne room. Not a Changeling in sight.” My words felt acidic on even my own tongue as they slithered from my mouth.

It was a while before Luna deigned to answer. “That the war was hard on you, harder than it was on us.” The Lunar Princess admitted, her voice quiet as she spoke and heavy with an emotion I could not sense. “...and that at the end you fought valiantly for your Hive. Even if you could have chosen to simply flee instead.”

“Not well enough.” I said bitterly. For all I had fought I still lost.

Luna disagreed however. “You equalled our might, even when we had the support of soldiers and you did not. You were weakened as well, were you not?”

“No matter how well I did, no matter what you say, no matter what beliefs you hold Luna, I did, forever have, and always will have been a failure.”

“You still lived, some will believe that is victory enough.”

I believe otherwise. I should have met my end then, that I still breath is only another failure.”

“Ah, we misunderstood then. However… are thou not victorious still? Your Changelings live, that is what you hoped to accomplish, was it not?”

I refused to let any sort of surprise at her words show on my face, “You seem awfully proud of the fact my Changelings lived, Princess Luna.” my voice warned.

“It would be untrue to say we wished all your kind dead, Chrysalis. Thou kind bravely, if perhaps without honour, until the end. It would be remiss of us to not respect such a thing.”

“Honour is worthless to a Changeling. We fought to annihilate your kind before you could annihilate us in turn. Your Ponies would not accept us.”

“Respectfully, Chrysalis, we believe thou art wrong. Ponies would be unlikely to welcome you with open arms, we admit that much to be true, but they have accepted me even after all the terror I raught. After a thousand years of banishment, after the kidnapping of my sister and her sun in pursuit of an eternal night that may of doomed us all.” she turned to face me, her expression one I could not hope to understand. “They still accepted us, and we have hope they would accept you.”

Her words… it was difficult to tell her true thoughts and beliefs, with her emotions closed off to me as they were. I let out a sigh as my mind turned to consider the facts and determine whether or not Luna’s words were of deception or truth.

Luna had once held the Element of Honesty, and while it was true the Elements had abandoned her with her turn to Nightmare Moon and subsequent banishment, that did not mean Luna was as much a liar as her sister. She was capable of lying, yes, but I knew her actions were always powered by what she believed to be true and right.

She was… rash. Always acting and perhaps spending too little time thinking through the consequences of her actions.

With much deliberation, my mind responded with the only answer I could ever supply to her. “I will not bow to Ponies, Luna. I have chosen this path, and I would see it to the end.”

The Lunar Princess sighed beside me, “We had hoped thou would choose differently. We will not interfere then, even if we believe thou chosen course to be foolish and unnecessary.”

I snorted, “Foolish or not, I will not be convinced otherwise.”

“And it behooves us to try, and we regret that we could not. Still, we would like to apologise and give thanks in turn.”


“We found Ponies cocooned in your Hive. Unconscious, exhausted, and sickly, but otherwise unharmed.”

“It would be idiotic of us to harm our food sources.”

“And we thank you for this, even if we must apologise that we have no Changelings to set free.”

“It was not as if you could take such a risk. A single Changeling prisoner could sow chaos and escape far before they were ever noticed missing.”

“We are disappointed that thou speak true on this matter. At least such times are coming to an end.”

I blinked as her words registered in my mind. “My Changelings were captured?”

“It pleases us to say they were not, Chrysalis. Your Hive yet lives free.”

“Your… letting them go?”

“Officially? No. We cannot manage such political backlash. But we have chosen not to pursue them, and any Changelings discovered will be held in imprisonment until such a time as they can be released, escape, or perish of natural causes.”

I squashed any hopefully feelings lest they betray me. “I doubt that will stop some particularly exuberant Ponies from carrying out the old sentence.”

“It is unlawful for a civilian to take the law into their own hooves, much the same as it is for a lawpony to commit such acts on a prisoner.”

“Accidents will happen.”

“We regret that that may be the case, however much we are disgusted by it. We will do all we can to stop such ‘accidents’ from occuring, and to punish perpetrators of such acts to the full extent of their crime.”

A bitter, scornful, and far too amusing thought struck me. I could not help but laugh bitterly once more. “To think that the one helping my kind the most will be the one who has slain the most of their kin. Is this penance, Luna?”

“Not quite. Although certain ironies do seem far too present throughout history, however grim some of these ironies may be.”

The two of us were lulled into a quiet, my gaze focusing attention back on the ghosts and memories of a Hive lost around us.

“There are… a few Ponies I have come to admire recently.” I eventually brokered.

“Oh? Would we be included upon such a list?”

“No.” I spoke quickly, despite the fact she was.

“‘Tis a shame then.” Her voice was light, “What reason have you to bring this up, however?”

“I… would like to return a favour. You have told me of my Changelings, and in the events you are lying to me… it is a pleasant lie I would choose to believe then.”

“We would assure you we are not lying.”

“Whether you lie or not it matters not.”

Princess Luna frowned at me.

I ignored her. “You may not find this story kind, but it is a Changeling story of two Ponies. One I hope you will appreciate.”

“And these two Ponies are?”

“The Bearers of Loyalty and Honesty, Rainbow Dash and Applejack.”

Like all days in the Badlands it was a dry day in Celestia’s abominable sun. A day that parched the tongue no matter what you drank. I skulked through the ranks of Changelings that had gathered around me, taking note of each and every one of my as they worked in tandem to prepare our trap.

No matter how many times operations like this were performed, no matter how far ahead they were planned or how well detailed their orders were, the organisation of everything became a mess from start to finish. Problems flared into existence like cinders on a fire that wouldn’t be put out no matter how thoroughly smothered, and so those in charge found themselves running about and putting out new fires to prevent the entire operation from going up in flames and the lives of all the Changelings here being scattered to the wind like ash.

I myself was growing increasingly haggard and irritated with this mess. With drones questioning the authority of their superiors and claiming my presence was excuse enough to do so, as if I had the time to sit each individual drone down and tell them what I needed them to do. A portion of my mind was tempted to tear whoever dared to use me as an excuse for their disobedience or ineptitude in two and wave the bits of broken Changeling around as an example that I am not in the mood to be trifled with.

When the next Changeling did run up to me I managed the incredible display of resilience of not shattering his chitin under my hoof, instead thoroughly focusing my mind on the news he brought with him.

“The Ponies are on their way?”

“Four klicks out, Your Majesty, behind the north hill.”

“Good. Follow through with final preparations. Those that fail will know my displeasure.”

“Yes My Queen.” The drone gave a brief bow before leaving to attend to his duties. I could still hear his low, guttural voice informing everyling present to get into their positions and transform, taking on the shapes of rocks, ruins, and various features that would not be out of place for the Badlands.

What had once been a deserted and empty bowl in the dust and rock desert now seemed to be a desecrated and rocky ruin. Statues of Changelings, some half crumpled and some still standing tall mixed among the rocks and dilapidated walls that now filled the basin.

Anyone with sufficient experience with the Badlands would notice the oddness of the basin, how the rock formations were obviously unnatural and relatively dust free, how many of these ruins when lifted held dust and dirt beneath them as if freshly placed, but the disguise would be enough and do well fool a stupid Pony that wasn’t paying attention and knew little of what to expect from the Badlands.

With a flare of my magic I transformed my body as well and put half my mind to ignoring the discomfort and claustrophobic tightness of the stone that wrapped around me. Focusing what parts of my mind and intellect I could at keeping an eye on our surroundings and the Ponies that were on their way.

It was difficult to tell just how long had passed until the first Pony peaked over the hill that hid the disguised Changelings.

The Pony, a bright blue creature with maroon eyes, looked around at the tribe of rocks and ruins. Apparently finding nothing wrong, the foolish Pony led his fellows down into the disguised swarm of Changelings.

Disguised as a statue of a Changeling mage I only half-remember, perched on the rock bodies of drones, I was given a suitable view of the Pony company that began to investigate the ruins they had stumbled upon.

The Earth and Unicorn Ponies all wore armour that gleamed in the sweltering sun, a trade of comfort for the protection that their pathetic pastel coats could not provide, each of them carried a spear, either in-hoof or tied to their side and ready to be drawn. The few Pegasi in their company wore blue uniforms outfitted with padded vests and goggled helmets, most carried metal blades along their wings or hooves to strike an opponent as they flew by.

Delight crept along my spine as I noticed more and more of their failings, how many of them failed to raise any suspicion about the area around them, how many of them held their weapons at rest, at how their Pegasi stood on the ground unready to make an unexpected escape.

I and my Changelings waited moments more, practically salivating in anticipation as final numbers of the Ponies made their way into the basin as we hid in plain sight.

My eyes crept across their number before finally landing on a particular Pony of interest. Applejack wore armour made of golden metal much like the Ponies that surrounded her, her straw hair covered in a similar helmet to the ones her lackeys wore. What differences there were in design would be how her armour was accented with touches of orange, how her helmet drew back around the cheeks to show off more of her face and most distinctively the plume of red that contrasted the blues of her followers.

Her eyes met mine as I watched her, or rather, her eyes met the eyes of the statue that I hid me. The Ponies and Changelings between us muddled whatever emotions cooked within her, and I never bothered to learn how to read the expressions of Ponies given how useless the skill was for me to learn.

But, I knew, at that moment, the time had come. I gathered my feelings of rage into a tumultuous ball and expelled them from my body in an invisible surge.

To Ponies, nothing would have happened. Perhaps some would have sensed the wave of rage wash over them, but those who did were few and far between and quick to dismiss such instincts.

To Changelings, they sensed and smelt my rage easily, and each knew what that signal heralded.

A green inferno sprouted into life, a chorus of hissing Changelings and buzzing wings filled the air as my kin discarded their disguises and flew into battle. I heard my own voice rise up from the hissing chorus, an echoing laughter as I pulled my disguise apart.

Ponies reared and glared, the more ready and able of them turned to battle the Changelings that swarmed their numbers.

Magic strummed into existence as spells flew through air, and I felt the lyrics of an old Changeling song rise to my lips as the opera of battle swept through everything before me. The sounds of conflict were my beat, my swarm the musicians, magic and might our instruments as we descended upon the foolish Ponies that dared oppose us.

My darling dears your mother’s here

My love protects you there’s no need to fear

I’m so sorry it all went wrong

Let me sing you a little song

We took the bride I took her form

And all of you prepared a mighty swarm

But our efforts were brought down low

Tears of joy turned to tears of woe.”

My eyes followed the orange Pony that rallied the resistance of our foes, a bulwark of grit and determination faced my swarm. Spells sailed from my horn as I made my way towards their beacon of inspiration, each terrifying spark of fiery green magic felling another Pony as I snuffed out their lives.

“But worry not your mother has a plan

We will return and will take back the land

Strength in numbers we have on staff

So listen close to what I have to say

Prepare to fly and we will win the day

If you’re patient we’ll carry on

And our foes will all soon be gone.”

As the battle raged on a wave of rainbow light spread through the sky followed by a mighty boom. My eyes were dragged towards the distance as a flock of Pegasi flew through the sky towards the battle. Just on time.

“We must be smart we must be wise

we must be quick if we're to claim the prize

Their dear princess controls the sun

And she's worshipped by ev'ryone

Her protege and all her friends

Must be dealt with before the story ends

Careful planning is what we need

This is what mother has decreed.”

The Pegasi charged into us in a show of dramatic fury, pushing back and cutting through my Changeling swarm. My eyes narrowed on the rainbow haired mare that now hovered by Applejack. I heard my swarm bridge the song, offering their voices as they pushed against the Pegasi’s reprieve.

“We the hivemind we the swarm have faith in our mother

She inspires us and teaches us and calms us during storms

If only others knew her love they wouldn't see a bad girl

For it's her love that keeps us safe out there in a cruel world.”

My voice sang with the swarm’s, leading them in verse and battle as the Pegasi’s resistance began to crumble before us. Ponies attempted to make their retreat whilst their most foolhardy fought against us in a desperate attempt to give them a chance to flee.

“I can hear your song

It makes me proud to know you all are strong

Stretch your wings and prepare for flight

Bare your teeth and prepare to bite

Now rise and sing and call my name

Equestria will never be the same

We must act now the time is soon

To take down both the sun and moon.”

Whatever efforts they made to hold us off were failing however as I waded through the Ponies towards the heart of their collective body. Where passion and emotion burned as two heroes fought against the ever-increasing odds of my swarm.

“And then we'll feast at any time of day

And we will rule in ev'ry single way

No more hiding we will be free

When the ponies look up to see

A mighty swarm consuming the whole world

A changeling army with its fangs unfurled

Food aplenty for all our kin

Over others we all shall win.”

Their resistance was worthless however, as a flare of my magic flew from my horn and into the Element of Honesty. Her fire burned through my spell, in a surprising display of strength, but she stumbled and faltered nevertheless. My swarm and I continued to sing as the two Ponies exchanged words of passion.

I felt the surprise that blossomed onto Rainbow Dash’s face, did her friend ask her to leave?

She faced her friend as more words were exchanged in the heat of battle, the two pressed against each other.

“We the swarm will take whatever lands upon our plates

We don't care what price we must pay!

And in any kind of weather we all have to stick together,

And we don't want it any other way!”

Pony lips met, and the outpouring of love caught the attention of the swarm in its entirety. With a cry my children that hungered for the most desired emotion descended upon the bonfire of love that sat within our grasp.

“Let's FEED!”

Ponies scattered like insects and fled as my swarm turned to the two lovers and the hoofful of Ponies that fought within them.

“Yes I do so love my brood

It's my heart that feeds them food.

I won't let harm come to what is mine!”

At last I arrived at my destination and stood before the two Elements of Harmony that fought against us here. They were both battered and bleeding, Applejack moved with a limp leg while it seemed many of Rainbow Dash’s feathers had been torn from her wings.

Rainbow Dash was the first to make her move, boiled rage and passion burned inside her as she pounced on me like a spring. Her wings beat, the half-feathered masses providing little lift.

“Hurry now we must take care

We must be ready and we can't fight fair,”

My horn lit with power as I ducked my head and rammed, the spell slicing through magic and material protection as my horn split through her body.

I reared into the air and with a burst of magical force the gagging Pony was torn off my horn and into the horde of Changelings that followed me.

“With the buzzing of countless wings

Gather all your most precious things,”

I turned to face Applejack just in time to see her charge into my side.

I grunted in pain and staggered away from the Pony. A Changeling from the swarm flew in between us just in time to receive a mighty buck from the mare.

“And follow me as we take flight

We can't stop now because the time is right,”

I tore the Changeling that flew into me away and reached out to Applejack, as my jaws clamped around her heart I saw how she flinched at the painful sensation.

I drained what gave her strength away. I feasted upon her love and rose back onto my hooves as the pathetic whelp desperately fought to escape my grasp.

With every second her resistance grew weaker. Her will to fight more and more broken.

“Raise your voices and fill the air

Hidden monsters; we're ev'rywhere.”

The Pony known as Applejack fell to the floor. Limp and drained of her life. My Changelings turned to the Ponies that were still making their feeble attempts at escaping. As one with the swarm we sung the final lyrics of this battle.

“The Ponies' time is coming to an end

An age of changelings will begin again

We will conquer and we will rule

And the Ponies will be our fools.

They all will fall for our grand masquerade

And they won't doubt the faces on parade

Let's make haste so we can proceed

This is what mother has decreed!”

Our cry of victory rang through the air. Fleeing Ponies were brought low and any that still lived were wrapped into cocoons to be fed upon.

A smile sharpened across my face as I turned to the two fallen Elements of Harmony. How foolish were these Ponies to risk their greatest weapon like this?

I felt myself chucke, this pathetic excuse for war would be swift indeed.

Author's Note:

A few things.

First, the song that was used was Mother Changeling which I am definitely not talented enough to write so credit does not belong to me.
It can be found here on youtube however!

Second, I would like thank you to everyone that decided to favourite, like, track, or even just read this story. Knowing some people are enjoying this is a great inspiration for me.

Third, this chapter was the one I was most excited to write if you couldn't tell, and marks about the almost halfway point in this story.