• Published 25th Feb 2021
  • 3,271 Views, 97 Comments

Sunset Shimmer Discovers Her Feet - TheOneAJ

Little mermaid Sunset Shimmer Crossover... oh and shipping somewhere in there ❤️

  • ...

Act 3, Changes

“Hey, Sunset!” Rainbow Dash called as she and Twilight held up a piece of plywood. “Could you please give us a hand with this?”

Even after calling her name four times, Sunset still didn’t respond. Instead, she had her feet dangling off the orchestra pit, eyes fixated on a familiar book in one hand and a pen in the other, holding both indecisively.

Should she respond, or should she ignore? Sunset tapped the pen on the book. Was it right, or was it wrong? It wasn’t fair, that was for certain! Why did she have to feel such guilt over this? She had been living on her own for years now, and everything—

“SUNSET SHIMMER!” Rainbow Dash called so loudly, Twilight nearly let go of the plywood to cover her ears.

Having finally heard her, Sunset jerked upwards, slamming the journal shut, looking at the precarious situation her two friends were in.

“Sorry, sorry! Yeah?” Sunset added with a forced smile.

“Um...” Rainbow Dash started, almost forgetting for a second why she wanted Sunset’s help to begin with.

Twilight let out a grunt of pain.

Oh right! The set piece they were working on, and the fact they wouldn’t be able to hold it for much longer...

“Could you please give us a hand and screw this thing in?” Rainbow asked, motioning to the drill at their feet. “If it’s not too much trouble,”

“Sure. Sure thing!” Sunset exclaimed, springing to her feet and rushing over to help. “I’m always more than willing to help!” She smiled, but frowned upon picking up the drill. “Unlike what some people would say,” she said between screws. “I’m very compassionate, smart, caring...” her voice became harsher with each screw she drilled in. “Able to take care of myself, and don’t need to be told I’m a child, or that I can’t—

“You okay?” Twilight asked once the weight on her shoulders lessened.

“Peachy!” Sunset said through gritted teeth. “Why do you ask?”After she had drilled in several more screws, she noticed Twilight’s reaction to her tone and let out a sigh. “Sorry, Twi. It’s nothing,”

“Doesn’t sound like nothing,” Twilight mentioned as she brushed herself off.

“I promise, it is,”!Sunset huffed as she set the drill down, putting on a forced smile. “It’s simply been the most magical day of sunshine, rainbows, and leprechauns!” Her voice became higher pitched as she clasped her hands and held a foot in the air. “Oh and I watched the movie version of this play last night. Really loved it! Although I do have some notes. Especially with that ending,” Sunset’s voice became sharper. “I mean, did Triton really think he could just waving his fricking magic wand and that would somehow make up for having traumatizing his daughter? Pushing her to make stupid choices without so much as a sorry?!”

Rainbow and Twilight looked uncertainty at each other, then back to Sunset.

“Okay, well, you clearly seem to have a lot on your mind,” Twilight determined.

“No shit!” Sunset snapped, before realizing what she said. “What? No! I mean... Sorry, guy. But see! Not so hard.”

“Really, Sunset, what’s the matter?” Twilight asked, reaching a hand out to her friend. “If something’s wrong, we’d be more than willing to listen,”

“I’m fine, Twilight,” Sunset assured, turning her back. “It’s absolutely nothing about nobodies,”

“Sunset,” Twilight frowned, putting a hand on Sunset’s back. “Please, whatever’s wrong, let us help you!”

“Just leave me alone, dammit! I’m not some stupid kid!” Sunset snapped, turning sharply and swatting Twilight’s hand away.

Rainbow’s jaw dropped as Twilight pulled back in shock, Sunset breathing heavily.

There was a pause.

Sunset’s eyes widened. She held up a finger to try and say something.

“I... I, um, I…” After a minute, she said, “I got to go! See you girls later,” With that, she stormed over to the pit, grabbing her backpack and the journal before she left.

“Sunset!” Twilight cried, rushing forward. She was held back by Rainbow Dash.

“Hey! Let me—”

“No! Twi,” Rainbow said firmly. “Just let her go.”

“You can’t be serious,” Twilight deadpanned as Sunset ducked out of view. “She’s clearly upset and needs our help!”

“I know,” Rainbow agreed with a sigh. “But take it from personal experience; If you try to do anything now, as good hearted as it may be, you’ll only make things worse. Give her some space to cool down for a while and let her come to us. Okay? She will, or at worse, we’ll confront her about it tomorrow.”

Twilight frowned, and started to protest, before admitting defeat. “Fine. I’ll trust you. For now…”

Rainbow nodded and patted Twilight’s shoulder. “Hey, I promise, everything will be fine,”

“I hope so,” Twilight muttered as she looked in the direction Sunset had stormed off in.

🧹🔨🛠 🔨🧹

“Now, sing!” the sea witch commanded.

Sunset tried to swim backwards at the hauntingly green, magical hands that Adagio had summoned. However, she was held back by the whirlpool she found herself trapped in,!and a sudden desire to do what the witch commanded. Which would hopefully be the last time she had to listen to anyone ever again.bNot sure if she should be singing a particular song, Sunset merely began to hum her strongest note. Something she had done thousands of time with Celestia—

She ignored those pleasant memories, in small part upon noticing a glow coming from her neck.

“Keep singing!” Adagio commanded, the hands moving forward.

It was then Sunset found that she couldn’t stop, even if she wanted. Which clearly she didn’t! Not even as those sinister hands crept closer towards her.

This is what I want, right? Sunset asked herself, as those hands became uncomfortably close.

Before she could respond, one of them wrapped around her waist as the other slid into her mouth. She let out a gasp from the sudden intrusion but continued to sing. As the hands retreated, they pulled from her mouth a golden orb that was chimed the tune she had just been singing.

What the hell? Sunset gagged, holding her hands to her neck as she watched the green hands carry—what she came to realize was her voice—towards the shell necklace Adagio wore.

Once her voice was secured, the witch began to cackle. Adagio’s laughter developed a maddening tone as the room changed from a swirling vortex of sickly green to a menacing yellow. In a panic, Sunset tried to back away again from the foaming cauldron that separated her from the crazed witch. However, before Sunset could do anything about it, one of the foaming columns shot out of the cauldron and ensnared her. Sunset threw her arms up into the air, as if to shield herself as a yellow bubble swallowed her whole.

In a panic, Sunset tried to reach out to the walls to try and escape, but the bubble held her captive. She tried to think, say, or do something to get herself out of this situation. However, her thoughts were interrupted as the witch’s magic started to course through the little mermaid's body. Sunset’s face twisted to reflect the agony she felt as the magic circle around her body, contracted ,and contorted the poor child to and fro. Pain ripped across Sunset’s entire being, stinging her down to her very molecules as the spell started to alter her being. All Sunset could do was wordlessly curse. There was no one to blame for what was happening to her now but herself. She knew that. The torture began to make thinking difficult. However, that was nothing compared to what was to come.

It happened sharp and quick. The bones in her tail grinded and altered. It was a miracle—or more likely a curse—that Sunset hadn’t passed out from the agony. There were a series of bright flashes, and after each one, her tail halves kicked outwards as they transformed into a pair of human legs. First her right leg, then her left one, followed by a right foot, then a left one. Each sickening pop of the transformation making Sunset Shimmer’s skin crawl. Once her legs had formed, the magic softened, allowing Sunset to breath.

‘Is it over?’ To Sunset’s horror, the bubble started to shrink, closing in on her.

Help me! she mouthed. Not that it would have done her any good as she was now curled into a ball.

Just as Sunset thought she would be crushed, there was another round of flashes as the spell continued, adding the finishing touches to make her fully human. Sunset grabbed onto her stomach as her gills disappeared, her body changing from being able to breath water and air, to only air. There was one final flash, and to Sunset’s relief, the bubble popped, and the pain of the transformation passed. Only for her new, air only lungs, to fill with water. Cheeks swelling up, Sunset reached upwards and started kicking her limbs about, trying in vain to move anywhere, somewhere, nowhere.

Why, why, why?! Stupid, stupid girl! Sunset thought to herself, her mind becoming hazy.

Guess Celestia was right. Pride was my downfall….

🧜‍♀️🪄 🪄🪄🏃‍♀️

Author's Note:

Again, this story is lot of risk taking in terms of structure style and what not. I’m aware of this, and NOT afraid of criticism (MORE than welcomed to it in fact!) This is just a ‘so you know’ if you wanted to give feedback.

Anyways, I’d like to thank the artist DrawOneScene for offering to create the amazing artwork of Sunset losing her voice despite his busy irl schedule ❤️

Also don’t forget, I still need a lot of artist such as him, both commissionsable and who’s be able to help out for free, so if you’re interested in either click this link https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/938372/sunset-shimmer-little-mermaid-art-map

AND PLEASE don’t forget how some art made so far would not be possible without sponsors such as Grumpy Kirin, whom I’m hoping to turn his fan fic into a dramatic reading within a few days https://www.fimfiction.net/story/485559/life-with-a-nirik
As well as our newest sponsor, Peppermint Papa https://www.deviantart.com/vahshircatdreamer
If you wish to join them and get your own shout out in the credits as a sponsor, either check out the same art map link above, or say so in the comments.
Until then, hope you’re enjoying so far and even if it’s not saying you wish to sponsor, feel free to comment below what you liked and disliked about the story. It really is why I do what I do! ❤️

Oh! And one more link ^^’ Thanks to ExplosiveMare, notes from the pre-readers is back in the comments as well! 🎉