• Published 6th Dec 2020
  • 719 Views, 15 Comments

Sonic Adventure: Equestrian Style - Someguy458

The Sonic cast gets mysteriously sent to Equestria. Follow the events as they are told from the characters' points of view.

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"Tails" Prower's Story

Author's Note:

Edit: changed Spike and Cream's text color in order to differentiate them more.

Edit 2: changed Cream's text color again to differentiate it from Fluttershy's.

The world slowly came back into focus as Tails regained consciousness. His body hurt like crazy, and he was too dazed to remember why. "Ugh, my head..." He groaned to himself as he tried to bring himself to his feet...

...only to find himself tumbling out of the tree he'd landed in. "Ow..." He groaned from his new position in a patch of flowers.

This time, when he uprighted himself, he made sure that he was on solid ground. He blinked the dizziness from his eyes, then froze when he realized where he was.

A forest. An overgrown, dark and foreboding forest.

The 8-year-old fox knew better than to freak out, but he couldn't help himself for a moment. "Wha- where am I? Hello? Anyone?!"

No response. He was alone.

He took a deep breath. "Okay, Miles, no need to freak out," he reassured himself, "You've faced Chaos 4 by yourself; you can certainly handle finding your way out of the woods."

Tails took a moment to fully take in his surroundings. The trees were greener and denser than those in the Mystic Jungle, and were a completely different type regardless. The climate was clearly temperate, he could see woodpeckers in the distance, and the ground was covered in pretty blue flowers.

After stretching his sore muscles (and noticing that his right foot was particularly sore), he leapt up and began to fly through the canopy. It took a bit of work to weave through, but he did manage to clear the treetops.

The trees seemed to stretch on for miles all around Miles. The nearest thing he could see that wasn't forest was a small rural community to the north. Groaning in disappointment, Tails slowly lowered himself back to the forest floor. With nowhere else to go, he began to head in the direction of civilization.

He didn't know when, but something changed. A light ringing began to sound off in his ears; the ground seemed to lurch at random intervals, throwing Tails off balance each time; and blue spots swam throughout his blurry vision, making it hard to focus or even think straight.

Eventually, it became too much, and the little fox boy had to sit down at the base of a tree. While he tried to regain his bearings, he heard something rustling through the bushes, but he couldn't think clearly enough to pay it any mind.

Then, after a moment, something left the brush and approached. He couldn't clearly see what it was, but it was purple-and-green, and it definitely moved on two legs.

Then it spoke: "Uh... Hi?"

Tails blinked, trying his hardest to refocus but failing. "H-hey..."

The creature flinched at his word, then seemingly calmed down. "W-what's up?"

Tails didn't know why, but he found that really funny. Maybe it was because they were in the middle of the woods, talking as though nothing were wrong.

Regardless, he started to laugh. That prompted the creature to ask, "What's so funny?"

Tails managed to get out between chuckles, "I don't know!"

As he wound his laughter down, he registered that the creature was slowly backing away out of fear. In a lucky moment of clear-ish thought, he cut his mirth short. "W-wait, don't go! I'm sorry, I just— argh, I can hardly think straight with all these blue spots I'm seeing!"

"Blue spots?" The creature seemed to recognize the symptom. "You didn't happen to touch any blue flowers, did you?"

"Actually, yeah," Tails scratched his head. "Is that bad?"

The creature sighed. "That was Poison Joke. It's like Poison Oak, but instead of causing a rash, it likes to play little pranks."

In the state he was in, he couldn't even bring himself to question it. "Hehe, Poison Joke..."

"Come on," the creature extended out one of its hands, "One of my friends has the cure."

Tails shakily reached out his own hand, but due to the delirium he was experiencing, he missed completely. He tried again, this time barely intercepting the creature's hand. "Thanks. My name's Tails."

"I'm Spike," he replied in kind, helping Tails stand up. Leaning on Spike for support, they began to make their way through the forest.

Tails didn't know for how long they'd been walking, but at some point, Spike suddenly froze in his tracks. "Wait, did you hear that?"

Tails perked his ears, but all he could hear at first was the ringing noise. "I don't—"

Suddenly, a crash came from some distance to their right, accompanied by the buzz of an insect's wings. Spike quickly moved himself and Tails behind a tree, and they waited.

Another crash sounded, this one closer. The buzz was growing louder. Another crash.

Finally, something big crashed through the foliage. Tails couldn't properly see it due to all the blue spots blurring his vision, but he could tell that it was yellow, white, and black, and was hovering off the ground.

Spike trembled, not daring to say anything as the creature tore through the forest. Thankfully, it didn't see them, and just continued on its path.

The little purple guy breathed a sigh of relief, "Whew, thank Celestia we didn't— Wait a second... That thing's headed towards Ponyville!"

"Whozzat?" Tails asked dumbly.

Spike looked back at Tails, torn over what to do. Finally, he sighed in defeat. "I wouldn't be much help against that beast anyway... I'm sure the girls can manage."

With that, he worriedly continued them on their journey.

Eventually, they reached what looked (to Tails) like a large mound covered in grass. Spike stepped forward and opened a door, making Tails realize that it was actually a house, and he ushered the ailed fox inside.

They made their way to a bathroom, where Spike drew a bath and poured something from a bag into it. He helped Tails climb in, then left to give him some privacy.

The fox sighed, the hot water already starting to work its magic. His ears stopped ringing, the ground stopped lurching, and his vision cleared up again — although his right foot was still sore.

"Wow, that worked wonders!" He commented, finally able to think straight again. "After I find out where I am, I should ask Spike what he put in this bath."

Grabbing a towel, he climbed out of the tub and dried his fur. Once he hung the towel back up, and after putting his gloves back on, he walked out of the bathroom and took a look around. The place felt comfortably natural, with vines growing down the cream-colored walls. Spike wasn't there at the moment; he probably —


Tails jumped at the sudden scream, then quickly rushed down the hallway towards the sound's origin. When he got there, he was floored by what he found.

A purple lizard-boy was staring in shock at a nice-looking bed, which hosted none other than Cream the Rabbit. Cream had been woken up by the scream, and was now staring wide-eyed at the reptilian creature before her.

"Cream!?" Tails gaped, drawing both of their attention.

"Mister Tails!" The little rabbit exclaimed, lunging out of the bed to hug him.

"Wha— you're still— that's what you— HUH?" The reptile, his voice identifying him as Spike, experienced a mental crash.

"How'd you end up here?" Tails asked, ignoring Spike for the moment.

"It was so weird; I woke up this morning at the edge of a forest, then I found this place. I only meant to rest my head for a little while, honest!"

He sighed in relief. "I'm just glad you're okay. But where's Cheese?"

She looked on the verge of tears as she exclaimed, "I don't know! He could be all alone, lost somewhere like that forest! I'm worried for him, Mister Tails..."

"Me too," he gripped her tighter into the hug, and they stayed like that for a moment.

Then Tails broke off the hug and turned back towards Spike, who was still staring at them with a slack jaw. "Alright, let's try this again: Hi, I'm Tails, I'm an 8-year-old inventor fox, and I have no idea how we got here. Nice to meet you!"

He extended out a gloved hand, which seemed to snap Spike out of his stupor. "Wh—what are you?!"

"I just said, I'm a fox."

He shook his head. "You're not like any fox I've ever seen..."

"And you're not like any lizard I've seen."

He huffed, "I'm a dragon!"

Tails's eyes widened. He'd rarely seen tiny dragons in his world (Chao particularly liked them), but never any that could talk. "Really?"

He nodded curtly, "Yes, and I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't call me a 'lizard'."

"Okay, sorry, I didn't know," Tails held up his hands in a disarming gesture.

Spike seemed to calm down at that. "Alright, I forgive you. My name's Spike, I'm a dragon, and I live in Ponyville with Twilight Sparkle."

Tails raised an eyebrow. "Who's that?"

The little drake beamed proudly as he answered, "Only the smartest, most talented unicorn in all of Equestria!"

Both of them blinked. "Unicorn? Equestria?"

Spike looked at them as though they'd just grown second heads. "You're really not from around here, are you?"

Before Tails could answer that, a quiet yet shrill scream rang out. The three turned to find a yellow pony with pink hair and wings staring at them.

That pony then proceeded to faint.

"Oh no, Fluttershy!" Spike jumped in concern, rushing over to her side.

Tails, on the other hand, was at a loss for words. He may have been a genius, but there were still some things that simply eluded his knowledge.

Talking ponies were one such thing. "Wha— who's that?"

"She owns this house," Spike replied, not taking his focus away from the fainted pony for even a second.

Tails looked to Cream, who was wide-eyed. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to frighten anyone, I promise!"

Spike waved her off. "It's alright, she's really sensitive regardless."

"You did say her name was Fluttershy, right?" Tails pointed out.

The dragon nodded, then turned to face the pony. He did something that Tails didn't quite understand, and the pony jerked awake in a coughing fit.

When she got over it, she paled when she saw the two. "S-Spike, who are—?"

The drake placed a placating hand on her chest. "It's okay, Fluttershy. I think they came out of that rift-thing."

That piqued Tails's interest. "Did you say 'rift'?"

Spike nodded. "Earlier today, Twilight detected something like a tear in space or whatever. She sent us out to find whatever came out of it, which is how I stumbled upon you."

Tails absorbed this information. "A tear in space... That'd explain the disconnect!"

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. "Disconnect?"

The fox-boy nodded. "We're unfamiliar with anything of this place, while you're unfamiliar with us. That rift provides us an explanation: we're literally not from here!"

Cream's eyes widened. "We're in another dimension?!"

Tails shook his head, "Not necessarily. We could've traveled through a wormhole to a different planet, or this may even be the distant future of our world."

"But it's still a possibility?" Spike asked.

Tails nodded. "Some of my friends have traveled between dimensions before, sometimes even on purpose. Though they need a lot of power to do that."

Fluttershy blinked owlishly. "Creatures from beyond Equestria? That's so fascinating! Tell me, what's your world like?"

Tails raised an eyebrow at her sudden change in demeanor, but didn't comment on it. "Well, we're from Mobius, where I live on South Island with my friends."

"Are they also bipedal animal folk?"

Tails nodded. "My friends Sonic, Shadow, Silver, and Amy are hedgehogs, Knuckles is an echidna, Big and Blaze are cats, Rouge is a bat, Charmy is a bee, Vector is a Crocodile, and Espio is a chameleon."

Spike guessed, "That's why you assumed I was a lizard?"

"Yep. Pretty much the only one of my friends who isn't an animal is Omega, and he's a robot."

The two Equestrians blinked. "What's a 'robot'?"

Tails paled. He asked with a note of worry, "How technologically advanced is this place?"

Spike shrugged, "It varies depending on where you go. Big cities like Manehattan have electricity and such; while smaller places like Ponyville haven't caught up yet, still having film projectors."

Tails sighed to himself. "Great, how are we supposed to find a way home if this place doesn't have anything I can use?"

Something seemed to click in Spike's head. "Wait a second, you said Omega is electric?"

Tails bobbed his head side-to-side, "Only implicitly, but yes, he's made of metal and runs on electricity."

Spike jumped. "I think I've seen him!"

Tails blinked. "You have?"

He nodded. "Before I went searching in the woods, Twilight discovered something large and metallic in a back alley of Ponyville. It was red, yellow, and black, with markings on its shoulders and sharp fingers."

Tails perked up. "Did the markings look like an upside-down 'U'?" Spike nodded, and Tails jumped. "That's him! Where is he?"

"Twilight's currently trying to figure out how to activate it."

"Well, then, what are we waiting f—"

Before he could finish that thought, Spike suddenly belched out green flames. This wouldn't have been anything special, except that the flames coalesced in the air, until they formed... A scroll?

Tails was dumbfounded. "What— how did that happen?!"

Spike grabbed the scroll as though he were used to this occuring. "Princess Celestia used her magic to send me a letter."

The fox's eyes widened. "Magic?"

Spike nodded, "Yup."

Tails shook his head, trying to wrap his head around it. "B-but that's not possible; magic is just science we don't understand yet, it doesn't— it can't— how— what...?"

It was just too much for him to process at once; Tails fainted.