• Member Since 11th Jul, 2012
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Lucky Seven

The only man to get a 2015 fanfiction into the 2024 feature box | Join my Discord and come chat!

Comments ( 18 )

Pretty good story. I think I seen a few spelling errors, but good story nonetheless

The handjob I gave you last night does not even COMPARE to the beating I gave to my dick to this story.

Hell yeah! Bro job, bro job, bro job! Choo choo!

The grammar was off-kilter but the story was good overalls.

sees story

My jaw drops to the floor, my eyes extend at a velocity never before seen, I take out a boxing glove and hit myself with it 17 times, pant like a dog, and yell AOOOOGA AOOOOGA then turn to the audience and say in 1930’s New York accent “HOT MAMA, now that’s a story!”

That was hot

i wish i could read :C

Oasis song titles gang gang

TDon't Look Back in Anger
So Celly can wait; she know's it's too late, as we're walking on by.
Super Trampoline · 1.1k words  ·  38  10 · 2.1k views

Champagne supernova. Champagne supernover in the sky.

Great job on the exchanges, characterizations and general wrap-up in this short story. Certainly just the right amount of steamy and sweet. And, I admit, it helps a lot that I'm a self admitted Starlight X Sunburst shipper.

I never really shipped them myself, but writing this definitely helped me see why people like it, and I may revisit it in the future!

I'm really glad you enjoyed it :)

Good story even though I don’t ship it I enjoyed it.

This was great! A perfect mixture of smutty and cute.
I guess the only thing I could critique is that it jumps too quickly to the sex, but I understand that this was a commission and you're working with a word count, so I can give it a pass, the smutt makes up for it 😉

Cute, sweet and sexy! Loik it.

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