• Published 3rd Oct 2012
  • 1,098 Views, 16 Comments

14 Days Until T-Day - bahatumay

Trixie returns to Ponyville for revenge... but Twilight is ready and waiting.

  • ...

12 Days until T-Day

12 Days until T-Day
8:00 am
Trixie's Airship

An earth pony guard stood at moderate attention outside the room which served as a holding area. His ears flicked as he heard hoofsteps coming down the hall, but he calmed as he recognized the visitor, and nodded in greeting.

“I got food fer Dust Dancer,” the newcoming unicorn announced, gesturing to the plate floating in his green magic. He dropped formality (what little he had, that is). “How's he doin', anyway?”

In answer, the guard slid open the communication grate, where they could still hear him singing.

“Yes, I'm sure glad on this day we've had, and that you're spending time with me! / 'Cause in the end we are all friends, and that's what magic's s'pposed to be!”

The unicorn, more than a little bit horrified, nodded, and finally managed to squeak out, “That bad, eh?”

The earth pony nodded, then looked around to ensure privacy. He leaned in close and whispered, “I don't know about you, and you didn't hear me say this, but I think this town is just all around bad news.”

The unicorn nodded in agreement as he rubbed his legband nervously.

12 Days until T-Day
10:20 am
Somewhere in the Everfree Forest, near Zecora's hut

Fluttershy walked down the river's bank, a basket in her mouth, scanning for.... there they were. She put down the basket and bit off patches of a long, thin-bladed grass, and placed them gently into the basket.

She grinned as she remembered the last time she had played with poison lemongrass. Luckily, it only affected unicorns. Too bad it also made a sweet and tasty addition to tea.... She had no idea why Twilight had asked for it again, but she had asked, so Fluttershy would deliver.

Picking up her basket again, she continued walking.

Suddenly, she heard leaves rustling. Her heart started beating faster. Being by a river, it was more than likely just a thirsty animal or something; but friend or not, surprises never ceased to unnerve her. Then, she thought she heard whimpering, and Kindness kicked in and overpowered fear. Dropping her basket again, she looked around. She headed towards where she thought the sound had come from, ears pricked to hear it again.

A rustling in a bush caught her attention. She took a step forward. “Are you ok?” she asked.

The bush rustled, as if whatever was inside (and it was large, whatever it was) was trying to back up and escape.

“No, don't leave,” Fluttershy pleaded. She lay down, trying her best (and succeeding wondrously) to look unintimidating. (1) “I don't want to hurt you. You can trust me.”

The bush shook a little bit, as if uncertain.

Fluttershy smiled and didn't move. Having worked with animals, she knew how to be patient.

12 Days until T-Day
10:45 am
Main Street, Ponyville; outside one of the restaurants that line the street

Twilight Sparkle wandered the streets of Ponyville. Nopony greeted her; in fact, nopony even looked at her.

Then again, she was wearing an invisibility spell, so that wasn't entirely unexpected. After all, you can't just go out and about and show yourself and your cutie mark to the world when you're trying to lay low and pretend you're not in town anymore. Ponyville may have been small, but there were quite a few ponies that passed through on their ways to other places, and Twilight had not yet perfected a spell for detecting spies.

That was not from lack of trying, though. Problem is, no one in Ponyville was a spy. Or at least, would admit to being a spy. (2)

So Twilight walked through the streets, silent and alone. She needed to talk to Rarity for the next stage in her plan. She walked quickly and purposefully down the street. Twilight briefly wondered what else could be done with this spell, but quickly banished that thought from her mind. She would never use this spell for eavesdropping.

“So did you hear that Trixie is coming?”

Well... maybe if it was a good research opportunity. She paused at a table where two stallions were conversing over sandwiches and drinks.

“Yeah, I heard; everypony has heard. Except maybe Twilight Sparkle.”

“She hasn't come out of the library yet, eh?”

Twilight grinned. Her facade was working perfectly. Right as she thought this, she heard a loud noise behind her, and was forced to do a quick teleportation to avoid a little mob of ponies running by. Apparently, Sugarcube Corner had hot doughnuts now, and that little group didn't care how many ponies—invisible as well as visible—they ran over in their quest for sugar.

Now standing on top of another table, she briefly considered dancing while nopony could see her, but decided against it in favor of listening to the rest of the conversation.

“Either that, or she took that tight flank of hers and skipped town. I mean, I probably would, if I knew Trixie had it in for me.”

Twilight stared in shock at what she had just heard. Did they really think she would abandon her home because of one deranged unicorn?

“I'm sure she's working on something,” his companion offered. “I mean, she is the Element of Magic.”

Twilight nodded in appreciation, glad that her town had not lost complete faith in her.

“Yeah... she's gone," the first said dismissively. "Prolly went down to Las Pegasus or something, working in a show. The kind with socks.” The stallion looked down to grab the untouched half of his sandwich... and found it gone.

“Did you take my sandwich?” he accused his friend.

The other stallion shrugged as he took a drink. “No. Maybe a ghost got hungry. Or maybe you ate it already, fatty.”

12 Days until T-Day
10:51 am
Main Street, Ponyville; en route to the Carousel Boutique

Twilight grumbled as she took an angry bite of the pilfered sandwich. They talked about her like she wasn't even there! And even insinuating that she would perform in socks—or even wear them!

Five minutes later, she realized why they had been so bold, and burst out laughing.

12 Days until T-Day
11:30 am
Somewhere in the Everfree Forest

Zecora wandered through the forest, saddlebags full of lemongrass. Well, they were supposed to be full, but one bag was completely empty and the other was not even a third of the way. She traveled through forests, across hills and glades, but couldn't find many of those elusive blades.

While wondering how these particular grasses made seeds, so as to be prepared next time and to study their properties better, she came across Fluttershy who was facing a bush with her wings extended lazily as she basked in the sunshine. Zecora made sure to scuff a hoof before speaking, so as not to frighten her.

Fluttershy turned with her ears pricked high, but calmed visibly when she recognized her visitor. “Oh! Hi, Zecora,” she said.

“How goes your search, young pegasus? My efforts have yielded only this,” Zecora said, gesturing at her nearly empty saddlebags.

Fluttershy pointed a hoof at the bush. “I think there's some hurt animal hiding in that bush, and I'm waiting until he feels safe enough to come out.”

Zecora raised an eyebrow, but merely said, “If I've learned anything from my past, it's 'sometimes it's better not to ask'.” She picked up Fluttershy's basket (also nearly empty) and dumped it into her saddlebags. She looked at the level sadly. “Twilight said we'd need much more, but where to find it? I'm not quite sure.”

“It grows best by rivers. I think there's another patch just upstream that way,” Fluttershy said, pointing.

Zecora blinked. “You knew where the grasses like to grow, and yet neglected to tell me so?”

Fluttershy blushed in embarrassment. “I... thought you knew....” she said, sinking lower into the ground.

Zecora, who of course didn't bear any hard feelings whatsoever towards Fluttershy, turned back to the forest. “Fear not, my young yellow friend, I'll find these grasses in the end.”

Fluttershy smiled and turned back to the bush. It was silent. Apparently, Zecora had frightened her target, and now she would have to wait longer. Ah well--it was a beautiful day today, anyway.

12 Days until T-Day
12:15 pm
Somewhere in the Everfree Forest

Fluttershy tried to calm her heart, but she was pretty excited. Was it a hoof coming out of the bush? Was it a pony tentatively poking her nose out? She hoped it was.

The moment was interrupted by Zecora prancing out of the forest, the bracelets on her leg jingling happily. “Success! Success! I have enough! Thank you, Fluttershy, you know your stuff!”

Fluttershy's heart was racing again, but this time from surprise. She turned back towards the bush.... and the hoof was gone.

Fluttershy fought back a sigh and resettled herself.

12 Days until T-Day
1:00 pm
Somewhere in the Everfree Forest

Fluttershy smiled as the bush began rustling again. She spoke softly. “Don't worry. I'm Fluttershy, and I'm a friend to anyone here in the forest.”

It WAS a hoof! Fluttershy squinted, trying to make out the features of the pony.

As soon as she stepped into the light, Fluttershy couldn't help but gasp in horror.

The green pegasus looked as if she had been through a fight with an avalanche. Scratches, most of them scabbed over, covered her body; they were most common on her face and front. She looked tired, sick, and dehydrated at best. Dried blood clung to her forehooves, and small trails of blood led down from a saddle that was tied way too tightly, the saddle having rubbed the skin raw until breaking. Tearstains ran down her cheeks; it was obvious that she had been crying. And what was that in her mouth?

Fluttershy managed to restrain herself enough to walk slowly up, wings down in a show of submission. “What happened to you?” she whispered.

The pegasus couldn't say anything, and looked down at... whatever it was stick in her mouth—in answer. So, of course, that strange object was the thing Fluttershy started with. Fluttering her wings softly, she got behind her and started to undo the knot.

The green pegasus thought that she was just wasting her time, but Fluttershy had had much practice tying knots and bandages and untying them as well, thanks to her veterinary duties. To her surprise, her mouth soon was free.

“Th- thank you,” the green pegasus said, her voice scratchy from thirst and disuse.

Fluttershy had moved on to the saddle now, her dexterous tongue making quick work of the knots Trixie had left. The green pegasus let out a sigh of pain and relief as the saddle slipped off, and stretched gratefully.

“You're not going anywhere like that,” Fluttershy said. “Come back with me to my house. Can you fly?”

The green pegasus spread and flapped her wings instinctively... then remembered that they had been clipped.

The next thing she knew, Fluttershy had her forelegs wrapped around her in a tight, comforting hug. Was she... crying?

“Your wings have been clipped,” she sobbed. “That is so awful... Who would do such a thing?”

The last time she had been held like this, it had been Trixie's doing, and a quite terrifying experience; but this time, she felt... safe. Even so, she wasn't sure how to respond. It had been so long since she had had pleasant pony company, she simply couldn't remember what to do. Hesitantly, she decided to return the gesture and lifted one leg and wrapped it around Fluttershy. She felt the warmth from the yellow pegasus, and could feel her heart beat.

Somehow, she was feeling better already.

12 Days until T-Day
1:45 pm
Fluttershy's cottage

Angel Bunny is a bit of an arrogant s.o.b., but he knows the limits. He will push them, for sure; but won't ever cross the line completely.

He tried it once. Just once.

That day is legendary among the forest animals.

He doesn't speak of that day. (3)

When he saw the green pegasus walking behind Fluttershy, he could instantly see that she would be no fun, and left, but not before throwing an angry, expectant glance at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy knew that look. “Be nice. She's been through a lot.”

Angel Bunny rolled his eyes, but obediently left.

Fluttershy turned back to her new guest. “First, let's get you patched up, and then find you something to eat.”

The green pegasus asked something that had been bothering her. “Why? Why are you helping me?”

Fluttershy paused, genuinely confused at the question. “Why wouldn't I?” she answered.

“You just met me, you don't know me, you've never seen me before, you can't trust me. For all you know I'm a spy or a murderer,” the green pegasus responded, but that's all she could say before she began coughing.

Fluttershy rested a hoof on her shoulder until she stopped. “Those aren't good reasons not to,” she answered, and left to go grab a first aid kit.

Shocked, the green pegasus dropped to her haunches... only to stand up and hiss in pain as the open scratches on her back touched the ground.

“Well, at least I know where to start bandaging,” Fluttershy said. (4)

12 Days until T-Day
8:58 pm
Ponyville Library

Twilight methodically turned down her covers, fluffed her pillow, shut the window drapes, and closed the door before levitating out her list again.

“All right. Visit Rarity? Check. Discuss designs? Check. Begin work on Rainbow Dash's suit? Check.” That last one had taken most of her day.

“Make Derpy muffins—check!” came from the gray pegasus sitting happily on the cloud. She patted the cloud contentedly.

Twilight nodded, wondering if she should mention that storing the muffins in the cloud (as Derpy had done) would probably make them soggy in the morning. She decided against it for the sake of keeping peace, and settled for making another check on her list. “Apology muffins? Check. Check on Apple family? Check—the letters were sent yesterday morning. Tower construction? Check--plans are laid, and work begins tomorrow.” She rolled the list up and put it away. Turning to Derpy, she grinned excitedly. “Things are going great. We'll be ready ahead of schedule at this rate.”

Derpy smiled. “We trust you, Twilight. All of us.”

“All of you?” Twilight raised an eyebrow at her choice of words. "Do you have somepony else in that cloud?"

Derpy scrunched her nose. "No, silly... 'Us' us. This is our home,” she said simply, shifting her body deeper into the cloud until nothing but her ears were visible. Apparently, this was comfortable for pegasi. “We're not leaving, and you're the only one that can save us.” She poked her head back out of the cloud and gave a bright smile. “So no pressure or anything.”

Twilight giggled. “Don't worry. We'll be fine.” I think, she silently added.

12 Days until T-Day
9:56 pm
Trixie's bedroom on Trixie's airship

Trixie admired herself in the full-length mirror (with extra emphasis on her hindquarters) one last time before returning to her bed. In all honesty, she was very happy that today there had been no letter sent, admitting defeat. Deep inside, she hoped that it would not come. Nothing would make her happier than crushing the little town that had proved her downfall.

A clanking sound came from the side of the bed, and Trixie heard a small "mmph?" sound.

Well... almost nothing. Trixie couldn't stop the smile from spreading across her face as she turned to the bound unicorn.

"No, Star Charmer," Trixie said smugly, "Trixie did not forget to take off the chains. You'll find a comfortable spot to sleep eventually, and I promise that the magic suppressor does stop itching. Usually. But do try to keep it down, will you? Trixie needs her beauty sleep."

"Mmgph ph mphpn iphp!"

Trixie tsked. "Now, now, Miss Star, do you lick your mother with that tongue?"

Star Charmer's eyes narrowed. "Grmph ph imphp rimh! Cksphm kr llsr!"

Trixie looked up with a look of surprise and regret on her face. "Is she now? Because of Trixie's doing? Oh... she's so, so sorry." Trixie paused, and her expression returned to its normal state of haughty derision. "Actually, that's a lie: she's not. But you wouldn't know that, because of her superior acting skills."

"Mph kphng mphls ah phsk hnk!"

"Kiss your flank? Oh ho ho, Trixie didn't know you were like that! But now that she knows, she'll be happy to oblige... tomorrow, that is, as she's just not in the mood at the moment. Please try to contain your desires until then."

"Gphrmnph ckhp shpih hsphpnme shpmeih hpoch!" Star Charmer was now blushing furiously as she swore angrily. She was not happy, to say the least.

In response, Trixie merely cast a silencing spell over her bed and watched as Star Charmer continued to angrily bang her chains against the ground, making a loud noise that Trixie couldn't hear. She couldn't suppress a giggle as Star Charmer continued to curse at her through the gag in her mouth. This unicorn was a feisty one. She might last three weeks, maybe even four. Trixie sighed in contentment. This never got old.