• Published 20th Feb 2021
  • 950 Views, 25 Comments

The Eternal Blaze: Vicariously for Vengeance - The Bricklayer

Like a phoenix from the ashes, another Saber rose. And now began her quest to kill the immortal Swordsman. The pen, it seemed, was just as mighty as the sword! AKA Twilight is in way over her head.

  • ...

Volume 2: Beneath the Streets, a Secret

The Codex Gigas was an interesting piece of literature by anyone’s standards, given how impossibly huge it was requiring two adults to just turn a single page. While it’s exact origins were shrouded in myth, it was generally believed to have been transcribed Benedictine monastery of Podlažice, in Bohemia in the early part of the 13th century.

It also went by another name, the Devil’s Bible. Why soon became clear if you looked at it, as one page was a full spread depiction of his Satanic Majesty. On the other, a depiction of heaven creating a juxtaposition of Good and Evil. This tied into the legend behind the book’s creation, as everything about it felt… unnatural, due to impossibly uniform writing.

The legend went that a mad monk named Herman the Recluse committed unspeakable acts, and either he was to be walled up alive or he was to write all of human knowledge in one night. Now, obviously, this was an impossible act so he enacted a deal with Lucifer thus committing his soul not to heaven but to hell.

The ultimate tome of mystery, it had been passed around through several owners and wherever it went disaster followed. Nowadays, it was on loan to the Czech National Library and so far… so good, right?


“...oh boy, those diggers have no idea what they’ve truly stumbled across,” Twilight mused, brushing away the dirt from the lost page. Behind her, a portal closed and sealed itself away in one of her books. “...the Knights Templar did a good thing, hiding away these missing pages. The legend is true, at least to some extent. This book is an evil thing, a cursed object and the spells hidden in it were safety spirited away so that they may never be completed.”

She had to get this out of here, before…

“But now they shall.”

...before he showed up.

“I see the little squire’s all grown up,” Sombra said, his voice deep and almost soothing in a way. Reassuring, like a purr. But that was all an act, Twilight knew. Beneath the surface lay a monster just waiting to erupt like a volcano. “I admire that, you came all the way here, to Acra to try and foil my plan. Bravo. And you brought Rekka with you, so that must mean you’re going to attempt to stop me!”

“Sombra,” Twilight said, gripping her driver as it wrapped itself around her waist. Rekka was sheathed inside it, ready to be drawn. “You… You killed my master. I will avenge him today.”

“You will most certainly try,” Sombra chuckled in a low tone, his driver appearing from the void encased in darkness. Like Twilight, his own sword was sheathed inside it ready to be drawn in an instance. “But as ever, you will fail. Many swordsmen have fallen before me, you will not be the last. I am the Immortal Swordsman, you are merely nothing. No mere man can kill me.”

“Well, it is a good thing I’m not a man isn’t it? Blaze forth to a new story, Rekka,” Twilight said drawing her blade. “Hen… shin!”

And Sombra drew his.

“Burn away the path to this new world and blaze eternally Kyomu,” Sombra said slowly, drawing his sword and gripping the blade in his hands tightly enough for it to cut into him and draw blood. “Henshin.”

“Rekka, battou! Tornado Dragon Eagle! Extra Book! Osha Jizou San! Two Rekka Books! A raging pterosaur that burns everything with a hellish flame!”

“Draw a sword! Eternal Phoenix! Void! The jet-black sword returns to nothing.”

Eagle clashed with phoenix in the partially uncovered church, hidden deep beneath the streets of Acra. Fire erupted from Twilight’s blade upon transformation, coating the makeshift arena around them in a ring of fire.

The blades ground against each other, nothingness meeting fire. Sombra’s ultimately superior strength soon began to win out, pushing his opponent back into the flame, before his sword pulsated with a dark energy. Grinning under his helmet as Kyomu began swallowing up the flames, the black knight said this.

“It is impossible to win, I have the experience of the ages and you… you’re just barely beginning to walk young squire. Go back to your little pointless job, in your little pointless city in your little pointless life. Words will not save this world. Everything dies in the end, and is swallowed up by the void.”

Twilight’s back was against the wall, the blades still interlocked and steel meeting steel.

“So, little dragon,” Sombra asked. “What will you do? Will you take my advice, and wisely decide to head home to live what’s left of your life? Or will you stand and face me, in the ultimate folly.”

“What…” Twilight said, slamming her boot into the wall behind her. “...do you think?”

Pushing herself off it, she flipped overhead and landed behind him. Sombra, with a growl whirled around to meet her blade forcibly shoving it down into her armor with Kyomu.

Twilight let out a scream of pain, her sword beginning to slip from her grasp and Sombra pressed his advantage. He cut into her, slashing into her shoulder.

“You do have some tricks, but…” Sombra stood over her, his blade still lodged in her shoulder. “But only just a few. I meanwhile… Have everything. The void swallows all, but every now and again it allows an escape.”

And with that, he released his stored fire sending Twilight flying back with an eruption of flame. Rekka flew from her grip, lodging itself in a nearby pillar even as Sombra charged out of the inferno.

“FACE FRONT TWILIGHT SPARKLE, KAMEN RIDER SABER!” he roared, raising his sword over his head and pulsating with dark power. Slashing downwards, the swordsman thundered out: “Fight me, or be stricken down like all those who came before!”

Twilight raised her gauntlet, allowing herself to catch his blade in between the small little figures that jutted out of it. Each depicted the soul of a lost child, in fitting with the Jizou legend. And then she shoved her arm upwards, and Sombra staggered, almost losing his grip on his blade. It was then Twilight thrust her arm outwards, each little figure opening his or her mouth.

As Sombra was bombarded with spiritual fire, Twilight advanced before grabbing her sword.

“Hgnh…” Sombra said, picking himself out of the dirt. “Clever, but you won’t catch me by surprise like that again. Does your soul still burn Twilight Sparkle? I know mine still does!”

Saber’s eyes widened.

“Impossible, after an attack like that he shouldn’t be standing nearly as well as he is! But… Is it true? Is he really immortal? No, it can’t be true. I’ll just have to up the ante then!”

At this, she activated her finisher. “Brave Dragon, Storm Eagle, Osha Jizou San! Sansatsu Geki! F-F-F-Fire!"

Leaping forwards, she slipped into a diving kick slamming into Sombra. He staggered back, and she flipped in midair slamming her boot into his shoulder via an equally powerful axe kick.

“You…” Twilight whispered, landing on the earth. “...will be surprised when your sword lays broken from just my fiery soul. I decide how this story ends. Not you.”

And Sombra started chuckling, picking himself up off the ground as Twilight took a few steps back in horrified silence. No, it was impossible, she hit him with two finishers one after the other! And still he rose… like a phoenix from the ashes.

“Is that what you believe?” Sombra said trudging forwards, blade still in hand seemingly impossible to remove. “Again I rise. Again I march forwards to conquer. When I’ve obtained the ultimate power, I ask you, what kind of world do you think will be reflected in my eyes?”

“I won’t let you, everyone has to die sometime. You’ve lived too long, power has corrupted you,” Twilight said, keeping a steady grip on Rekka despite her fear. She was a Knight, a member of the Sword of Logos and she would hold her ground against this seemingly unstoppable foe! “I shall finally lay you to rest.”

“I was born in the fires of battle, and the void of chaos left after it. Every war leaves behind a seed of sadness you know?” Sombra remarked. “In time, it matures and I arose from the chaos to put a shattered kingdom back together. But they rejected me! And cast me out.”

Twilight dodged his swing by leaping atop some rubble, before managing to slash him across the side. She swung again, only for her opponent to grab her blade in his hand.

“A foolish endeavor, I was the only thing to save them. If you want to run away then just leave this battle, it’s not easy to make your dreams come true. Especially if your dream is to kill me. The unkillable. Everyone aims for a future they wish for.”

He slashed, Twilight diving beneath the strike and sliding in the dirt before spinning and taking to the skies upon ruby wings.

“And the future that I wish for is one without you in it!” Twilight roared, diving towards him with blade alight. Sombra raised Kyomu, holding back her sword with it.

“My future… the one that I wish for,” Sombra said. “It is one where everyone can live without despair, in harmony and as equals.”

“Like hell!” Twilight said, lining up to kick him in the stomach. She heard Sombra let out an furious cry of pain, and then slashed him across the stomach.

“It’s true though,” the Dark King continued to pontificate. “I only wish to rebuild my kingdom, lead the world into a great new age with me front and center! Won’t it be glorious?”

As their blades clashed, Twilight uttered: “I doubt it.”

“Oh, it’s alright,” Sombra said, leading her on a chase through the tunnels. “Your vision is limited!”

“I can see just fine, thank you!” Twilight shouted back, the two emerging into a huge underground water storage tank somewhere beneath the modern-day streets. Several others lay beyond, through very small openings. They had very little room to move, right now and she hated it. “You are the blind one.”

Twilight ran up a wall, leaving scorch marks behind her in her fury even as Sombra followed. Their blades met again and again as they ran, before finally Sombra summoned a phoenix. With fiery force, the massive bird rammed her and sent her flying into the opposing wall spiderweb-style cracks rupturing out from where she landed.

Her armor was covered in burns and dented in some places from the sheer power that her opponent exuded. Twilight leaped forwards, even as Sombra did the same with swords meeting in mid-flight. But the lock was broken, the current Kamen Rider Saber leaping upwards and kicking her opponent square in the face.

His armor cracked from the blow, but did not break and Sombra rocketed upwards throwing a hand around Twilight’s throat. Once again, she found herself slammed into a wall, Sombra impaling her with his blade. She felt her life began to burn away, growing weaker with each passing moment.

“I… I have to do something, but…” Twilight thought, feeling her hold on life began to slip away. Her blade dropped to the floor with a clatter. Her vision began to blur, with Sombra’s orange helm just a faint shade of peach now. “...but what? Master Searing, I’m sorry, but I failed you. I couldn’t stop him, I couldn’t avenge you!”

Moments flashed by, her life going before her eyes. Smiling faces, warmth and light replaced by only the cold. Her blood began turning to ice. And then? “Take my hand, Twilight. Let me show you there's another way... just like someone once did for me.”

Love. Pure unadulterated love for every little thing on this earth, welcoming it all. Warmth and fire, rising from the ashes like a phoenix to help all of those who needed it. It was her… Not just Searing that inspired her to finish her training and become a true Knight of Logos. And Twilight’s soul was now filled with that same light, and her foot launched forwards.

Sombra dropped to the floor with a howl of pain, even as his blade clattered to the earth next to him.

“...you think you can stop me?” Twilight asked replacing one group of books for another set of stories. “My soul is burning with resolve right now. Now let’s blaze forth to a new story! HENSHIN!”

“Rekka battou! The Loving Dragon! The Valorous Dragon! The Proud Dragon! Emotional Dragon! Divine Beasts, Unite! These feelings are overflowing...!”

With both sword and shield in hand, she charged forwards glowing with gold light. With each slash, she summoned a dragon of energy to strike at Sombra, and chased him into the next room.

“Where did you get this power?” Sombra asked, dodging another summoned dragon. Twilight waved her sword like a conductor’s baton, directing an entire orchestra of emotion. “Was it from him?”

“No, it’s from my resolve…” growled out Twilight chasing him into another room. “TO DEFEAT YOU!”

“Emotional Hissatsu Geki!”

Rekka declared this, sending a massive dragon hurtling towards Sombra. He grinned.

“Your resolve eh?” he asked, enveloping the room and the gold light in a dark void. “LET’S TEST THAT!”

When the shadows faded, they were in another corridor, wooden planks beneath their feet creaking and groaning with every step. Lights illuminated their path, reflecting on their blades and making them shine brightly. The light was dampened somewhat, however, by the book that Sombra brought out.

“Jaou Musou Giri!”

He too sent dragons towards his foe, letting them wrap and ensnare around her like snakes. The shadowy serpents bit into her, snapping at her armor and pulling at it attempting to tear it away and expose the vulnerable human inside.

“Now… for this.” Sombra said re-sheathing and then unsheathing his sword for a finisher.

“Eternal Phoenix Musou Geki!”

“You…” Sombra said, summoning dark flame around his sword. “Will be a sacrifice for the greater good. My greater good. It is over, do not resist.”

And then he struck, but to his surprise his blade hit only empty air.


Twilight laughed, and Sombra whirled around to see her holding a ride book themed after The Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya sucking in air. “A simple matter, it was easy to clone myself with ninja technique. Ren isn’t the only one who’s cornered the market on such things.”

“Clever,” Sombra admitted with a chuckle. “So you can think ahead.”

“Tactical planning never fails. Smart is the new sexy,” Twilight grinned under her helmet. “And what was it you said? Oh yes, it is over and do not resist. It is indeed over, for you anyways.”

As she readied to scan Emotional Dragon again, Sombra suddenly began chuckling.

“Why’s he laughing?” Twilight through worriedly. “What’s so funny?”

“You’re quite right, actually. Smart is the new sexy, but you’re not the only one who can plan ahead,” Sombra remarked. “You see, I had a thought. There was the possibility you could beat me, and stop my plan before it comes to fruition. I’m sorry, but I can’t allow that.”

“What did you do?” Twilight asked in a low tone.

“Oh, it’s not what I did,” Sombra replied, circling her like a vulture, or indeed a furious phoenix. “But it’s what some friends in some very high places did. It pays to make connections, really. I’d get going, if I were you. I think you can start to hear the screams.”


And screams there were, as in the streets above as what looked to be a dragon and a druid walked through the ancient pathways in each hand holding blackened and charred books. Upon their opening, duck-like monsters spilled out of the pages.

“Well, it’s about to get completely quackers around here, isn’t it?” one of the duck megid mocked. “Let’s get quacking!”

“Oh no, they speak in puns,” Storious, looking like a druid but with the mind of a devil said in a frankly bored, uninterested tone. “Duck puns at that, however will we survive?”

As their white-feathered army set about kidnapping people and throwing them into white books, the dragonic Legeiel rolled his eyes. “...personally, I thought we should have used goblins. Much more interesting, and much more entertaining. I bet that furball is over the moon that you’re using his speciality.”

Indifferent to Legeiel’s grumblings, Storious smirked. “Whatever gets the job done, and in any event we’re just a distraction anyways.”

“A distraction huh?” Legeiel asked, sounding a bit furious but staying mostly composed. “You really think that idiot Sombra or Falchion or whatever he calls himself really has a good plan?”

“He does have lofty ideals, yes,” Storious agreed with a nod. “But if his plan works, the Swords of Logos will be history.”

“He takes too long,” Legeiel grumbled. “Much better to have instant results!”

“Now now,” Storious commented, smiling a satanic grin as he held a black book of spells. “Let’s see how all of this plays out eh?”

“Agreed,” Legeiel admitted. “The Sword of Logos isn’t the only group who knows how powerful words are!”


“What have you done?” Twilight demanded, her hands shaking in fury before they gripped Rekka ever tighter. “Who have you allied with?”

“For a woman supposedly so smart, top of your class right?” Sombra remarked in a tone that honestly made Twilight feel a bit sick. “...you are incredibly slow on the uptake right now.”

Twilight’s mind ground to a screeching halt as she suffered a horrific realization, one that honestly made her feel sick. “...no, you couldn’t have. You allied with the MEGID?”

“Ding ding ding, tell her what she’s won,” Sombra grinned, full of menace. “Of course, I wouldn’t call our relationship being allies. I would barely call it a relationship. More like… oh, they think they’re using me but I’m using them. They provide ample distractions for the Sword of Logos, namely you, while I get down to brass tacks as they say.”

“Why you…” Twilight started locking blades with Sombra. “You’re a monster.”

“Whatever it takes,” Sombra replied cordially. “But what will it be, me or them? Do you kill me, or at least attempt to kill me anyways, and let the innocent civilians die? Or do the happy people of Acra live to see another day while I go off and prancy my merry way into the sunset? Your choice! Now what would a hero do?”

It was a devil’s choice, impossibly sadistic. But it wasn’t even a decision at all was it?

“Damn you!” Twilight hissed before breaking into a sprint as she made her way into the shining sun of the streets above.

“A true knight in shining armor, maybe there’s hope for her yet,” said Sombra, turning into shadow. “We’ll see, maybe she’ll grow to impress me yet. But right now, I’ve got a new chapter to read!”

Meanwhile, Twilight found herself sprinting through the streets with her armor shining in the sun. No longer was she a warrior fighting from the shadows. Now her sword was seen by all, and it was cutting through evil villainy.

“Okay, to borrow one of my fellow knights’ favorite phrases… One: evil bastards... Two: shall feel the earth's rage... Three: It's already decided, so there's no point in arguing!” Twilight said, leveling her blade at the duck megid. “Now, I shall decide how this story ends!”

“Oh, now will you?” asked a certain druid stepping in front of her. “It’s a honor and a pleasure to have Saber him… or rather, herself in front of us today. Apologies. I heard about your master. A true tragedy.”

“Yeah, I’m sure you’re overcome by emotion,” Twilight drawled. “You’re going back to hell, devil, and I’ll be all too happy to send you there!”

“Excuse you, I’m a druid, and you won’t be sending me anywhere!” Storious remarked, and sent arcs of red lightning towards her, the bolts erupting from his fingertips. “You however, you’re going somewhere far away. And just a couple of thousand miles deep.”

Twilight was bracing herself, using her shield to absorb the lightning.

“Aw man, Storious,” Legeiel groaned. “You’re not letting me have any fun?”

He jumped in, sword in hand absorbing the lightning and using it to power up his slash. There was a horrible bang, like a thunderclap and Twilight flew backwards sliding on stone and kicking up dust.

“Two of you?” She asked, her voice faint and numb from shock.

“Yep,” Legeiel remarked resting his blade on his shoulder. “Two. The more the merrier I say, as I heard there would be a swordswoman or swordsman out today and I just had to come see for myself. See, I have a simple task. Keep you distracted while our minions do their work.”

“Not the brightest bulb in the basket are you?” Twilight deadpanned, ducking under a swing. “Should you really be explaining your plan?”

“Well, either way it’s a win win situation for us. You either foil Sombra and get rid of a very annoying thorn in our side,” Storious commented. “Or you foil us and allow him to continue his plan.”

“Meaning…” Legeiel jumped in, running alongside Twilight with their blades poised to strike. “It’s a lose-lose situation for you!”

“Damn it, he’s right,” Twilight mused to herself. “So which do I choose?”

She knew what her master would say, that the needs of the many always outweighed your own. So, that meant for now at least, Sombra would have to wait another day. Wonderful.

“This is quacking hilarious!” one of the duck megid laughed, he and his siblings leading a crowd of frenzied people exactly where they wanted them. “Look at them run! It’s like they don’t even know what’s in store for them!”

“Exactly, quack! These idiots are so amazingly stupid, quack!” agreed another. “It’s almost too pathetic to watch!”

“Almost!” agreed a third member of the paddling. And for those of you asking, yes that is the accurate term for a group of ducks. “Now let’s get quacking onto rounding them all up!”

“They’re not cattle!” Piped in a fourth.

“No, but they’re close!” said the third.

“Quack, man they’re stupid, quack.” said the second. “And they don’t even know about the best bit!”

“The best bit?” asked the fourth.

“Yes, you idiot! The best bit,” the second remarked. “Our hidden sibling! Watch, they think they can escape!”

Sure enough, when several people tried to run down another alley, an invisible and mysterious figure knocked over crates directing them back where the duck siblings wanted them. “...and now for part 2!”

Holding open another blackened and charred book, the duck released a reborn salamander megid into the world…

“Aaaaah, it’s so good to be back in the game!” the sapphire slimer laughed, evolved into a more powerful form. Gunk dripped from his fingers, and at his waist was a chainsaw-like blade. “Now let’s get sticky!”


“Emotional Hissatsu Geki!”

Twilight slashed, sending a nest of serpentine dragons towards her foe. Legeiel slashed them apart with a laugh. “What’d you think that would do? I’m the master of legendary beasts, and that includes dragons you foolish little girl!”

So arrogant in his abilities was he, that Legeiel didn’t stop to wonder if that was Twilight’s true attack. And it most certainly wasn’t.

“Densetsu Shinjuu! Hissatsu Geki! Fire!”

Twilight launched herself towards Legeiel, boot glowing with power as dragons pinned him down. “RIIIIIIDDDEERRR KICK!”

“Aw, crap…” Legeiel sighed, resigned to his fate but he held up his blade, letting it take the kick. Twilight bounced off of it, the Asian woman flipping in midair and ignited her blade slashing downwards. Metal met metal, a massive golden dragon plummeting down towards Legeiel.

“I don’t think so!” Storious declared firing off more arcs of red lightning, Twilight screaming out in pain as they wrapped around her like chains and lifting her up. “You won’t stop our plans, the Swords of Logos have interfered for too long in matters. You’re ancient, outdated and you can’t stop what’s coming. Now, it is time for your final page.”

Thrusting his hand forwards, he sent Twilight crashing into a building slamming her into what was once somebody’s living room. Picking herself up out of the rubble and using her sword to steady herself, the Swordswoman of Fire and Flames gave a small growl. “Druids, dragons, neither one will stop me. I am a Knight of the Swords of Logos and shall defend truth and justice. All who seek to disrupt the peace will fall by my blade.”

Leaping out of the hole that was now in the wall, she strode through the ruined street ready to take on the two Megid Generals.

“Well, I’ll give her this,” Legeiel commented, impressed. “She can take a beating.”

“Yes, but she’s stupid enough to come back for more!” Storious added.

“Or simply that determined,” Legeiel replied. “I admire that in a warrior.”

“But…?” His partner pressed.

“Determination only gets you so far,” Legeiel agreed. “Now let’s see just how determined she is!”

Slashing through the air, ice fired like needles from his blade and sliced through the air, whistling towards Twilight. Like pins, they seeked to implant in her armor and rip into it drawing blood. Their target knew she had to act fast, and find something to melt the ice. Not wings of emotion, but ones of fire.

“Rekka Battou! Tornado Dragon Eagle! Extra Book! Jackun-to-Domamenoki! Two Rekka Books! A raging pterosaur that burns everything with a hellish flame!”

Wrapped around a stone-grey arm, was a little green vine that traveled up and wrapped around the horn on her helmet. With one swing she let it wrap around Legeiel’s sword like a whip, pulling it from his grip. With a running leap, she took to the skies as a stalk launched her forwards up and above the ice, firing seeds like bullets.

“Oh, cute, real cute,” Legeiel said, bracing himself as he was pelted by hardened seeds. As Twilight slashed her sword, the seeds became larger raining down like bombs. “Creative, but real annoying.”

“Then allow me to help you,” Storious said, opening up his spellbook and allowing fire to scorch the giant seed shells bombing them. Raising himself up on wind, he rose to face his foe.

Directing a blast of wind at Twilight like a hurricane, the devil druid watched in stunned silence as she powered on through the battering gale. All to punch him square in the face, and with a crack he was sent hurtling towards the ground. Storious quickly righted himself, launching a fireball at her, and Twilight spiraled out of the way before flying high up above another thrown fireball.

...before being slammed into another building by a manifested dragon from Legeiel. “What, did you think you could just forget about me?”

As she tried to recover, another blast of wind from Storious sent Twilight sprawling.

“Too easy,” he remarked. “Hmph.”

With a grunt of strength, Twilight sent more seeds shooting through the air even smashing through a thrown boulder from Legeiel.

“Alright, enough of this…” Twilight muttered seeing Storious high above her. “I don’t have time for you.”

“Brave Dragon, Storm Eagle, Jackun-to-Domamenoki! Sansatsu Geki! F-F-F-Fire!”

A truly massive beanstalk sprung up from under her, binding Storious in vines. With a war cry, a truly massive crimson blade of energy erupted from Twilight’s boot as she shoved it through the druid monster. He was sent flying via explosion, landing in another part of the city even as Twilight descended to earth.

“...oh well, the plan’s progressed enough so that I’m not needed,” the Megid General decided. “I’ll just leave those quacking fools to it.”

Vanishing, he left only the scent of musty old paper and burning sulfur behind.

“Now, where were we?” Twilight asked, leveling her blade at the remaining general. “En garde!”

In another part of the city, deep underground was Sombra. Brushing off dirt from the ages-old page, he allowed himself another grin as his armor faded away. “Finally, another piece of the puzzle.”

“Yes, it is like a puzzle isn’t it?” Storious mused, stroking his chin in thought. Sombra, with a growl whirled around drawing Kyomu. “Now now, let’s be friends here. We’re all after the same goal, the end of all civilization as we know it right?”

“Finally got bored fighting off the Swordswoman of Fire?” Sombra remarked. “I never thought you’d not want to kill a Knight of Logos?”

“Knight in Training,” Storious corrected him. “Even as fun listening to her ramble on about truth and justice and all that is, I lost interest. Besides, the plan doesn’t need me anymore so why bother sticking around?”

“You ran away scared, that’s it isn’t it?” Sombra chuckled. “The mighty Storious, running away scared from a little squire!”

“She’s not a little squire anymore, you’d do well to remember that,” Storious replied. “She’s not the same little girl you slaughtered her master in front of.”

“Are you saying she actually has a chance at stopping me?” Sombra asked, keeping one hand on his Haken Bladriver and patting it. “Hello, what part of my title of The Immortal Swordsman don’t you get?”

“Immortal, not invincible,” Storious replied. “There is a difference.”

“Not with me,” Sombra nearly growled out. “She won’t even come close to stopping me, there’s only one person who’s ever given me a difficult fight, and that’s…”

“Searing Steel?” Storious replied. “What’s that they say about the apprentice surpassing the master?”

“Not this time,” Sombra seethed. “She will be cut down before she even has a chance to prosper!”

“That’s what I’m saying.” Storious replied. “What if she already has?”

“Bullshit! I’m unstoppable, no-one has ever felled me and that little squire will certainly not be the one to do so,” Sombra returned with a snarl. “I’d like to see her try though, she’s rash and reckless and determined she may be, I am far stronger. I wield the blade of nothingness, Mumeiken Kyomu and all will be swallowed by its might.”

“All?” Storious asked, raising an eyebrow.

“All,” Sombra confirmed. “Including you, if you get in my way.”

“Careful now, be wary of who you challenge,” the druid replied. “You need me, remember? As powerful as your driver is, it has it’s… drawbacks. One slot, one instead of three. And you can’t fit Jaou Dragon into that slot. Like it or not, you need my help in turning that book into something more… let’s say biblical.”

“Indeed…” Sombra admitted through gritted teeth.

“Rekka Battou! Tornado Dragon Eagle! Extra Book! A Very Deathly Quiet Christmas! Two Rekka Books! A raging pterosaur that burns everything with a hellish flame!”

Waves crashed against the two warrior’s feet as they fought sword to sword upon the sea wall. Once part of a large fortress, now only hints of its past remained. Trading vines for a scythe, Twilight fought.

The armor they wore gleamed in the sun, a crashing wave nearly knocking Twilight off balance. It was next to impossible to fight in these conditions, and she knew exactly that was what Legeiel was counting on.

The dragonic warrior leaped through another wave, blade encased in ice drawing the water from the sea. His sword was truly gigantic, and next to impossible to dodge.

The sword shattered against armor, making Twilight stagger. “...so what, are you overcompensating for something there?”

“The obvious joke,” Legeiel remarked, cracking his neck. “It’s never funny.”

She needed a new defence, the woman was swift to realize as she swapped out books. Thank God for the fact that everyone had duplicates of another swordsman’s ride books, otherwise this might never have worked.

“Rekka battou! The miraculous Saiyuu Dragon! Extra Book! Needle Hedgehog! Rekka: Two Books! The Buddha's monkey meets and dances with the sword of flames!”

Now the power of a true epic of literature was on her side. Raising an arm, a gold pole extended out from it blocking Legeiel’s next strike. However, Twilight slipped on the wet stone, and tumbled into the ocean.

With a laugh, Legeiel waved his blade like a wand and summoned stone hands to pull her out of the deep, and clutch her close. He mimed them lining up a fastball, and threw her.

“Oh no…” Twilight whispered, the Swordswoman of Flames thinking fast and extending Wukong’s staff. It slammed into the earth, and she swung around ready to slash and strike. Retracting the pole, she dived towards her enemy, blade on fire.

And Legeiel encased his own in ice launching a rock towards her. Twilight slashed it apart, meeting her blade with his own before spinning away careful not to get washed away again. With a single slash, quills shot towards the Megid General crackling with electricity.

He stood firm, allowing the hit.

“Now for the real fun!” he laughed, Twilight’s eyes widening.

“What does he…?” she wondered before Legeiel launched the quills at her. They stung, like a thousand Japanese hornets and Twilight screamed in pain.

“You think you’re ready to go up against The Immortal Swordsman?” Legeiel asked. “Look at you, you’re determined yes. But you’re way too single-minded, laser-focused on one goal!”

He continued lecturing her, even as he struck again and again.

“Haven’t you wondered where all the people went?” he asked, approaching Twilight and readying another sword slash. “Where in the Wonder World they’ve gone? And who took them?”

And Twilight hung her head in shame, knowing he was right. She’d been so focused on the generals she’d forgotten the footsoldiers, not even looking at what they were like! Legeiel readied another slash, raising his sword above his head.

Twilight let out a yell of pain as the dragonic warrior slashed downwards, striking true. “But you’re been so focused on striking me and Storious down, you’ve forgotten haven’t you? While I admit you’ve given me a challenging fight, you make a pretty poor knight!”

Before he could strike another blow, a dark dragon appeared from the seas erupting from the waters below. It slashed and stuck at him, biting through armor with fangs of shadow.

“No, it can’t be!” Twilight thought to herself.

Legeiel’s roar of shock rang out even as a darker knight leapt from the waters emerging from a swirling portal. In his hand, Kurayami, the Blade of Shadows.

“Enough critique, words are no longer necessary,” Kamen Rider Calibur, AKA Hayato Fukamiya said as the portal vanished back into the book from whence it came. Water dripping off his deep purple armor, silver adornments shone in the sun. “You are not welcome here, Megid. Leave her out of this, why don’t you try fighting with someone else for a change? I guarantee I’ll give you the challenge that you’re after.”

“So, the dark dragon emerges from the shadows?” Legeiel asked. “Come to save what’s left of your student’s dignity?”

“We’ll have words later,” Hayato said, Twilight bowing her head in shame. “Right now, my only focus is on you.”

Charging his sword, he slashed wordlessly through Legeiel’s armor shattering it with a single strike. The sun gleamed off his blade, and he thrusted forwards like a champion fencer doing more damage. Legeiel staggered, but was not free from the onslaught as Hayato raised his blade above his head, slashing downwards.

“I would advise you to leave, now,” Hayato said. “I won’t ask again, and if you’re a wise Megid you would heed my advice.”

“Agreed,” Legeiel replied, vanishing into flame.

Canceling out his transformation by removing his book from his driver, Hayato walked up to Twilight who bowed before him.

“I’m sorry, Master.”

“There will be time for apologies later,” said Hayato, tilting her head to look him in the eyes. His sword was now strapped to his waist, ready to be drawn again at a moment’s notice. “Right now, we have a city to save. Don’t you agree, my student?”

Author's Note:

Okay, so yeah now that we're actually in the real meat of the story I can talk more.

I didn't want to make Twilight too unsympathetic, show there's still a good person underneath all of this grief and revenge. So I gave her a really sadistic choice. The ability to possibly strike down Sombra or save the city.

...well, we know what a real Kamen Rider would do right?

I had a great time making a few of my own Ride Books, like uh doing a Hogfather themed one was such a Life Goal.

Also, yeah, there will be a globe-trotting theme to this. I wanted it to partially feel like a classic adventure novel in some areas after all.