• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 4,629 Views, 39 Comments

Now Available on Vinyl - AmberRoss

Octavia needs a sponsor for her new tour, but will her personal life get in the way?

  • ...

Now Available on Vinyl

Vinyl Scratch yawned and stretched, the morning sunlight creeping through the massive bay window of Octavia's penthouse, causing her sensitive eyes to water and sting. She shut her eyes tightly and fumbled at the nightstand, trying to find her sunglasses to get some relief. Being an albino, Vinyl's eyes were exceptionally sensitive to any kind of bright light, sunlight especially. Even through her eyelids the sunlight was bothering her, making her paw at the table more desperately, just as she felt her glasses being slid on by some other pony.

She opened her eyes to see Octavia, and feeling the filly stroking her mane. Octavia was wearing her usually stern smile, a grin so small and subtle most people would barely notice it. But Vinyl always spotted it, and to her it was one of the most welcome sights she could imagine. The unicorn grinned and nuzzled her lover, the two not sharing a single word in their customary morning snuggle.

Of course, “morning” was a bit of a stretch. Since both generally worked nights, they often slept in until almost noon. The blinds in Octavia's luxurious penthouse were designed to open on a timer, simulating dawn at around 11am. The mares could easily sleep in further, and were often contented just to lie next to each other, but both had things to do, a places to go.

Vinyl kissed the trunk of Octavia's neck and reached her hooves down to Octavia's flank. The mare politely moved Vinyls arms to a more appropriate area.

“Not this morning love,” Octavia said, “I'm hungry.”

“So am I,” Vinyl growled softly.

“Now now,” Octavia said, her stern face returning.

“I don't see you getting out of bed,” Vinyl offered.

“That's because you won't release me.”

Vinyl pulled Octavia into a tender kiss. “Damn strait,” she laughed.

“Come now,” Octavia said with a hint of a blush.

“One more kiss and I'll think about it.”

Octavia obliged and the two shared another tender kiss before Vinyl finally released her. The pair stretched as they reluctantly got out of bed, both being heavy sleepers. After shaking off the sleepiness of a night's rest, the two trotted to the expansive living area attached to the bedroom. The room was luxuriously furnished and decorated with fine art.

Octavia immediately trotted over to her antique Victrola and put on a record. The delicate, beautiful sound of light jazz began filling the penthouse. While the couple was interested in vastly different kinds of music, they did agree on jazz. It's mix of modern and classic was a bit of a dirty secret for both of them. Octavia's collection of Jazz records was expansive, taking up almost an entire wall behind the antique Victrola, but she knew Vinyl's collection was far larger, occupying an entire spare bedroom in the DJ's apartment and a rapidly growing area in her living room and kitchen.

The couple did technically live together, and had for years, but they split the time between Octavia's highrise penthouse in Canterlot and Vinyl's somewhat more humble loft in Ponyville. The balance between the bustling city and the quiet, small town was something both enjoyed. Octavia's maid, Windex, had laid out breakfast for both fillies; a plate of granola and oats for Octavia, and a large bowl of fruity colored cereal for Vinyl. Windex was younger than either filly, a pleasant light blue, and wore her amber hair in a bun arranged around her spiral horn. She wore a frilly collar that Vinyl always thought looked cute, but Octavia had adamantly refused to try it on despite repeated pleas from the white mare.

“How's about some coffee, Windex?” Vinyl said before dipping her face into the bowl, liberally spilling the cereal all around the table.

“But of course, Miss Scratch,” Windex said, levitating a pot of coffee over to the table and pouring it in a mug in front of the unicorn.

“You have got the hottest voice,” Vinyl blurted out, making the maid blush.

“Scratchy, don't flirt with the help,” Octavia said, demurely nibbling at her granola.

“Hey now, you hired her for her looks right?”

Windex lowered her head grinning shyly, “Miss Scratch, please,”

“She's a skilled housekeeper,” Octavia said flatly, “She just happens to be an attractive young lady, and nothing more needs to be said.”

Windex only smiled and bowed, pouring Octavia a cup of coffee and leaving the kitchenette to allow the couple to attend to their breakfasts.

“You always get mad when I hit on Windex, but you totally just did!” Vinyl said with a laugh.

“I did no such thing,” Octavia retorted, sipping her coffee.

“Yeah, you did!”

“I just said she was attractive.”

“In your world baby, that's a flirt.”

Octavia leaned across the table and kissed Vinyl lightly, “That is a flirt, dearest,” She said. “Not simply saying somepony is attractive.”

“I'll give you that,” Vinyl said, with a rare blush on her face.

“Oh, I won't be going to Pony Joe's tomorrow night, I'm afraid. I'm having dinner with Hoity Toity,”

That stuffed shirt?!” Vinyl said, “Blue Note and the Hot Trotters are gonna be playing! It's my only night off; I was hoping we could get in a little jazz time together.”

“I'm sorry love, but he's my benefactor and his fiance is considering being one too.” Octavia said. “He wants me to meet her, perhaps close the deal.”

Her?” Vinyl said surprised, “Hoity Toity's marrying a 'her'?!”

Octavia scoffed, “Now now, just because he's a fashion critic your assuming he's --”

“She's loaded right?”

“Well . . . yes,” Octavia admitted. “But she's also quite beautiful, and he's been married to women before.”

“Oh come on!” Scratch laughed, “That guy's a colt chaser if I ever saw one.”

“Please, Vinyl, such language,” Octavia said, turning up her nose, “I should remind you Hoity Toity has a daughter.”

“Oh yeah, the Great and Powerful Whatever,”

“In any case, I'd love to join you, but this is an important business dinner. Blue Note will be in town another time.”

“I was hoping to hear you jam with him,” Vinyl said with a visible pout,.

Octavia sighed, hardly able to resist Vinyl when she turned up the cuteness, “Lover, don't make this difficult.”

“Alright,” She relented as she returned to her cereal. “I'll tell Big Blue you had business. Maybe you can get that tour you wanted, if this fiance is so well off.”

“That would be the goal. Now that I think of it, perhaps you could come with me.”

“To one of those high brow places?” Vinyl said, “No thanks.”

“It's just a casual spot- Starswirl's on the River,”

“I do like their spaghetti, but you know I don't fit in with all your high-end friends.”

“Nonsense,” Octavia said dismissively. “Hoity Toity likes you. You work with him all the time.”

“Well what about his gal pal? Is she gonna be all weird about what I do?”

Octavia brushed back her hair, “Come now my dear, why do you always think people judge you for being a DJ?”

You judge me for being a DJ!”

“No so! I admit, sometimes I wish you would pursue something more conventional, but I respect your trade.”

“Really?” Vinyl said, resting her elbows on the table, “What do you tell your friends I do when you talk about me?”

“I tell them you're a musician.”

“And you don't mention what kind?”

Octavia coyly dabbed her mouth with a napkin, “I do. I tell them your a flautist.”

“Like . . .I arrange flowers?”

“No, that you play the flute.”

Vinyl laughed heartily “See? You don't tell them the truth!”

“I do tell them the truth, you play the flute brilliantly.”

“Well yeah, but not in public!”

“You should. I've talked to you numerous times about.”

“Only for you Tavi,” Vinyl said with a sly smile.

“Well even so, you know how I feel about you, and I would love it if we could have more in common than jazz and lovemaking.”

“Yeah, we could benefit from branching out a bit."

“Than it's a date?” Octavia said, batting her eyelashes.

Vinyl couldn't resist that look, and blushed as she relented, “Alright, but I'm getting spaghetti, even if I eat it messy,”

“I'd have it no other way,” Octavia said with her subtle, satisfied smile.


The couple set off for their daily errands: a run by the record shop, then the mercantile for groceries, perhaps a light lunch. Octavia knew that Windex could easily run most of the errands for her, but she loved just walking along cobblestone streets and seeing friends. The streets were blowing with autumn leaves, carriages and chariots rolled through the streets, and the sidewalks were crowded with shopper and a few scattered tourists.

Vinyl was always amazed at the contrast between here and Ponyville. Canterlot's streets were always crowded, but there were no roadside shops or stalls. Instead, there were large indoor mercantiles, food markets, and department stores. There was much less conversation in the street, as everyone seemed to have someplace to be, something to do. There were no lazy days here, only hard working people at a rush to get wherever they were going.

Vinyl and Octavia were content to take their time, however. They retained their casual gait, in no hurry, but not being lazy. Octavia was famous in this town, and many other parts of Equestria, but without her bow tie and collar and her head covered in a stylish Fedora, few recognized her, and those that did, were usually polite enough not to bother her on her days off.

As the pair entered the record shop, the satisfying musty smell of old records stacked on shelves from floor to ceilings welcomed them. The walls were decorated in old concert posters and promos. Octavia was always pleased to see the poster advertising the only record she ever cut, “Octavia in Hi-fi” displayed on the side of one of the record store's vast shelves. While it never sold well (most ponies preferred to see her live), it was something she was always proud of.

An older stallion trotted out from behind the counter, his grey coat was patched and sparse with his age, his eyes were dark and sunken. He smelled of cheap cigarettes and sported a moth-eaten fedora on his head.

“Hey'a Tavi, Vinyl,” the pony said in a voice as gruff as his appearance,

“Hi'ya, Raindog,” Vinyl said with a grin, “Got some good news for me?”

“You bet!” Raindog said, pulling a weathered old album from behind the cashier's counter, “Clydesdale Davis, live concert recording from the Phillydelphia Lucky Horseshoe Club. I checked it, still plays just fine!”

The light in Vinyl's eyes could be seen even through her sunglasses as she grinned, “Raindog, you're the best!”

“You know it babe.”

“However did you find a playing copy of this record?” Octavia asked,

“Trade secret, Tavi,” Raindog said with a wink, “Let's just say I had to call in a few favors.”

“Well, I'm walkin' home with this one!” Vinyl said.

“What were you thinking, as far as cost?” Octvia asked, holding a hoof to Vinyl's chest to calm her.

“Hmm, well it's pretty rare, but I can let it go for two hundred bits.”

Octavia shook her head, “For that price, friend, I could hire Clydesdale Davis to play a private show. But my interest would be peaked at one hundred.”

Raindog laughed, “Clydesdale Davis is dead, so this is as close as your getting to a private show. I'd go one-seventy,”

Vinyl was looking at Octavia with wide, hopeful eyes, but this was why she wasn't the one doing the haggling. Octavia knew that Vinyl was so eager she would have paid a thousand if Raindog asked for it. While Octavia and Vinyl were not hurting for money, neither got that way from overspending.

“If you were willing to throw in those two Soprano Swift recordings I had on reserve, one-fifty would be adequate.”

“Well then, sounds like we have a deal. I'll box em' up for ya.”

Vinyl hopped up and down giddily, proud she could add something new to her ever-growing collection.

“My goodness Octavia, so you're the one who snatched up those Soprano Swift albums before I had the chance!” Octavia turned to see her friend, Frederick Von Horseshoepin, turning from where he was browsing the shelves.

“Frederick!” Octavia said hugging her friend, “Well, I didn't know you were back from Manehatten already!"

“The show closed a day early,” he said dismissively, “Some kind of problem with the venue, a remodel or something.”

“You knocked em' dead, eh, Freddy?” Vinyl asked.

“Hmm, yes I suppose I did,” Frederick said turning up his nose at the DJ. “I haven’t read the reviews as of yet, but I may very well have...'knocked them dead', so to speak.”

“I'm so glad to find some Soprano Swift recordings, she had such a delicate voice,” Octavia said.

“Yes, her glissando at the fourth act of 'I cavalli felici' during the aria? Amazing!” Frederick commented.

“Oh yes, I had tears in my eyes.”

Frederick paused and looked to Vinyl Scratch, “An 'aria' is a kind of solo,”

“I know what a bucking aria is... “ Vinyl muttered under her breath.

“I just didn't want to leave you out of the conversation, my dear,” Frederick said condescendingly “How has Canterlot been to you? Have you hosted any good 'raves' as of late?”

Vinyl's eyes narrowed; she hated the way Frederick always said “rave” as if the word burned him when he said it. For Octavia, Vinyl always tried to be civil, but couldn't resist making a dig at the stuck up stallion.

“I'm having a show at Club Flank tonight. How's about you come by? You'd look good with a nice set of neon shoes and a purple mane.”

Frederick looked as shocked as if his piano was set on fire while he was playing it, “Oh goodness, no! Thank you for the invitation but...frankly, that sounds dreadful.”

“Be a sport, Freddy,” Vinyl said, twisting the knife. “I'll hook you up with some glowsticks and you can dance your hooves off.”

“Thank you, but no, my dear,” Frederick said, as he trotted out the door. “If I am to dance, it will be in a ballroom, with proper attire.”

Vinyl turned to Octavia with a frown, “Tavi, how is it you let your friends talk to me like that?”

Octavia paid Raindog and took her box of records. “I thought you handled yourself rather well.”

“That's the whole thing! I shouldn't have to defend myself! Aren't we a team?”

“Of course we are,” Octavia said, “Frederick is just a bit snooty. I'm sure he meant no malice.”

“He was making fun of me!”

“I didn't hear that,” Octavia said, slinging the record box over her back, “And even if he was, words cannot hurt you. Let it pass.”

Vinyl just glowered to no one in particular as the couple left.


At the mercantile, Octavia pulled a shopping cart as Vinyl levitated items into the cart from the shelves. She'd been silent since they left the record store.

“Vinyl, don't get those paper towels; get the quilted ones.”

“These are cheaper!” Vinyl said.

“It isn't as if we can't afford a good brand.”

“It's just paper towels,” Vinyl grumbled.

“Are you still bothered by that encounter at the record store?”

“I don't care about that, just that you didn't jump in!”

Octavia sighed, nuzzling Vinyl as she passed, “My love, Frederick speaks to everypony that way, even me! That's just how he is. I admit, I could have corrected him, but that would have only escalated the situation.”

“I guess,” Vinyl said with a smile as she kissed her lover on the cheek, “I just think--”

“Filly foolers!”

“Get a room you sickos!”

Vinyl scowled and turned to confront the hecklers, a pair of college-aged unicorn colts.

“Hey! We don't like that name!”

“Then stop being fillyfoolers!”

“Why you--”

Octavia tapped Vinyl on the hoof, shaking her head. “Let them be.”

“But you heard what they said!”

“Just words,” Octavia said, with her gentle, subtle smile, “We only have to deal with their ignorance for a moment, but they have to live with themselves forever.”

Vinyl stomped her hooves as the pair laughed and walked off. “Octavia, I want to hear you tell somepony off, just once!”

“Perhaps, I will” Octavia said, “But I'm wouldn't waste words on a couple of ignorant louts.”

Vinyl felt a bit better as the two walked down the aisle together, nuzzling tenderly.

“Whoa! Total PDA!” Spike laughed, as the two rounded the corner.

“Spike?” Vinyl said, recognizing her friend from Ponyille “What are you doing here?”

“Me and Twilight are just picking up a few things before we head to the palace,” the dragon said with a bit of pride, “Royal business.”

“Spike who are you...Oh! Vinyl Scratch!” Twilight said, rounding a corner, “I didn't know you were in Canterlot!”

“Yeah, I hit the clubs up here every now and then. G, get some time with my gal pal!” Octavia blushed at the attention, but nuzzled her lover openly.

“Oh, so this is your mysterious girlfriend. Nice you meet you! I'm Twilight Sparkle.”

Octavia shyly shook Twilight's hoof, “A pleasure. I'm Octavia.”

“Hold on, are you the Octavia that plays for the Princesses?!”

Octavia nodded, “The same.”

“Wow! You're a real celebrity. I didn't know you and Vinyl were a couple!” Twilight said with amazement, “I'm surprised she never mentions it!”

“It's a matter of privacy,” Octavia said, “When I go to Ponyville I prefer to stay anonymous.”

“Tavi here likes her peace and quiet,” Vinyl said, kissing her lover's cheek, “Anypony who likes music normally won't leave her alone.”

Twilight curved her desire to ask a thousand questions of the mare, “Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. I wouldn't want to bother you.”

“Hey! Can you sign my record?” Spike said, producing a pen and a copy of Octavia's only record.

“Where did you get those?” Twilight said, shaking her head, “And anyway, Spike, Octavia's not here to sign autographs.”

“It's no trouble at all for a friend of Vinyl's” Octavia said, demurely taking the pen in her mouth, “To whom should I make this out?”

“How about, your bestest buddy in the world Spike?” Twilight cast the young dragon a glare. “Uh...just Spike will do.”

Octavia signed the record for the young dragon and he danced about excitedly, “I can't wait to show this to Rarity! She's a big fan of your music.”

“I'm flattered. I'm always glad to know someone enjoys my work.”

“I'm surprised you only came out with one record,” Twilight said, “I mean, you're probably one of the best musician ponies I know of, not to gush or anything.”

“Eh, people didn't dig the sound,” Vinyl explained, “They're used to Octavia doing classical stuff, and on the album she does some jazz numbers. None of the jazz people took it seriously and the snobs just though she was slumming.”

“I never thought that for a moment!” Twilight said, “my copy of 'Octavia in hi-fi' is almost worn through!”

“That means a lot to me,” Octavia said, “I'm negotiating a new tour of Equestria, since I'll be solo, I can play whatever I like. I want to play classical numbers and more modern jazz.”

“That would be wonderful!” Twilight said.

“It's all a matter of backing. Hoity Toity is interested, but his means wouldn't carry the entire tour.”

“We're gonna be having dinner with a him and his fiance, she's loaded and might be interested.” Vinyl explained.

“Well I really hope it works out for you,” Twilight said, “I'd love to see that show. Spike, stop staring!”

Spike shook his head, “Sorry..she's much prettier in real life.”

Octavia give a shallow smile and blushed, “Now, now, young man, Vinyl could be quite jealous of such a handsome young suitor.”

Spike grinned shyly and hid behind Twilight's tail.

“Come on Spike, it's time we got to the palace,” Twilight said trotting off, “It was a pleasure to meet you!”

“Hey, meet up with me at Pony Joe's some night, Twilight!” Vinyl said.

“Sure thing!” Twilight said, “Bye!”

“I didn't know you were friends with Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's student” Octavia said.

“I'm more friends with Spike,” Vinyl said, “He's always at Pony Joe's. But you see there? That's how friends should treat each other.”

“Are we going to talk about this again?” Octavia asked affectionately bumping her nose into Vinyl's “I was enjoying our public displays of affection.”

Vinyl sighed, knowing the subject was officially dropped, “Alright, but we're not done talking about it.”

“It can wait until after your show tonight,”

“What happens after my show?” Vinyl asked.

Octavia's eyes narrowed seductively, “Let's just say, you should save your energy for me. Don't party too hard.”

Vinyl smiled widely and stumbled a bit at the proposition, giggling to herself. Octavia always knew how to make her day.


Vinyl's party had taken a lot out of her, and the ride up Octavia's private elevator was taking a bit to long for her. All she could think of was climbing into a warm bed and resting. As with every party she officiated, she had probably half the fun that those on the dance floor did. She loved being a DJ, but it was still hard work, and while her heavy equipment was kept at the club, Vinyl still felt as if she was carrying something heavy. After dancing, shouting, singing, and setting up and tearing down, she was almost spent.

Vinyl gasped as the doors of the elevator slid open into Octavia's living room, to reveal Octavia wearing a pair of lace stockings, a collar, and bow tie. Her hair was undone, slightly messy, long and flowing. As usual, she didn't smile, just looked deeply into Vinyl's eyes.

“Well, how was the party?” Octavia said in her sing-song voice.

Vinyl struggled to make a sound, dumbstruck by Octavia's beauty.

“Must have been good,” Octavia said, using her forelegs to pull Vinyl from the elevator. “But the best part of this night, is yet to come.”

“Heh...wow...” Vinyl finally managed to said.

“Let us lower the lights,” Octavia said, “So I can see those beautiful eyes,”

The mare dimmed the room lights, pulling off the sunglasses to reveal Vinyl's lovely ruby eyes. Octavia was always amazed; with the glasses on, Vinyl was still beautiful, but seemed far more in charge, stronger. Without the glasses, she had the tender, lovely eyes of the bashful girl next door. Vinyl seemed almost naked without her sunglasses, since so few people had the pleasure of seeing the albino without them. Octavia first kissed her lover softly on the mouth, then dove in further, letting her tongue run over Vinyl's recklessly. The two separated, Octavia now wearing her sly smile.

“Now, I'm sure you're tired,” Octavia said, advancing on Vinyl and making her retreat toward the bedroom, “But I don't feel like allowing you to rest just yet.”

“No?” Vinyl said timidly, her eyes glimmering with anticipation.

No,” Octavia shoving Vinyl sternly into the bed, “But you will rest well. Afterward,”

“Oooh yeah,” Vinyl said as Octavia joined her in the bed.


Octavia yawned, opening her eyes groggily and feeling her jaw ache as she opened her mouth wide. Octavia shifted and noticed she was laying the wrong way on the bed with her head almost hanging off the foot of the mattress. For a reason Octavia could hardly remember, the canopy of the bed was ripped off and hanging loosely on the posts. She smiled and stretched; that was an amazing few hours she and her lover shared.

Octavia looked around the bed, curious as to why Vinyl wasn't there, but she did catch the scent of something being baked, and voices from the kitchen. She wasn't expecting guests, but it wasn't uncommon for Vinyl to have somepony stop by. It was Octavia's home, but Vinyl had lived there for years on and off, so it wasn't uncommon for a few guests to stop by. The mare walked into the living area, resting her weary self at the living room's piano.

“Oh! You gonna play something?” Spike said, making Octavia jump.

“Spike, don't bother Octavia,” Twilight said, “Besides, she plays the bass, not the piano.”

Octavia tossed her hair, “Young lady, would I own a piano if I couldn't play it?” Octavia tapped out a classical number before Vinyl pulled a hot tray of golden bagels from the oven.

“Tavi here can play anything with strings!” Vinyl said kissing her lover, “I've heard her play cello, double bass, contra bass, violin, guitar, piano, and she can sing!”

“Oh! Sing something, Octavia!” Spike said excitedly.

“Now, now,” Octavia said, blushing, “I rarely perform for free.”

Spike just grinned vacantly as Octavia batted her eyelashes.

“Hope you don't mind them here. Ran into Spike last night at the club and asked if he wanted to stop by for breakfast.”

“This young dragon won't be eating my good diamond necklace, will he?”

“Oh no,” Spike said, “I only eat rough cut gems. Once their cut and polished, the flavor is all gone. Just bagels for me!”

Octavia smiled, “Vinyl is far from a cook, but she does make a good bagel.”

“I'll say!” Spike agreed.

“Vinyl, remember our dinner tonight,” Octavia said as Windex set down a bagel and a mug of coffee on the piano before her.

Vinyl rolled her eyes, “I know Tavi.”

“Have you gotten an outfit laid out?”

Vinyl laughed, cleaning her baking dish, “Baby, I got one formal outfit and you picked it out!”

“Shouldn't be hard to prepare then,” Octavia said.

“Oh! Are you going to Pony Joe's?” Spike asked.

“No, tonight we're meeting with a potential backer for my show,” Octavia said, “Hoity Toity's fiance, a mare named Lady Faberge.”

“If I could make a suggestion, Octavia,” Twilight said, “The Princess does have a fund set aside for music and the arts; maybe she'd be willing to help!”

“Not a bad idea!” Vinyl said, letting Windex take over the dishes. “You're always playing for royal balls and stuff like that,”

Octavia shook her head, “A good idea Twilight, but all my work through the Princess is booked with her palace organizers. I've never even talked to her directly.”

“Well I'm her student,” Twilight said, “She obviously likes your music and--”

Octavia raised a hoof, silencing Twilight, “Thank you Twilight, I truly appreciate the offer, but I wouldn't impose such a thing on Princess Celestia. Her fund for the arts would be far better spent on somepony with more talent than I.”

“C'mon Tavi, it wouldn't hurt to ask,” Vinyl said.

“And you've gotta be one of the most talented musical ponies anywhere!” Spike gushed.

Octavia shook her head, eyes narrow, “Now, now, I'd rather not bother the Princess with my personal ambitions. Thank you, but no.”


“That's my final word on the matter,” Octavia said sternly.

“Better just drop it guys. When Octavia says it's the final word, she means it.”

“It's very generous of you to offer Twilight. I am truly thankful, but it's not my place to disturb the Princess.”

“I understand,” Twilight said, a hint of disappointment in her voice. “I'm sure your private backer will come through. Somepony as talented as you would be a good investment.”

Octavia munched on her bagel then returned to playing the piano, the delicate notes filling the air.

“Would you like to play along, Vinyl?” Octavia offered.

Vinyl blushed, “Tavi, not now.”

“You play something too?” Twilight asked, genuinely surprised.

“No, not really...” Vinyl said, shifting a bit.

“Don't be so modest, Vinyl,” Octavia said, turning to Twilight, “Vinyl here is one of the most talented flautists I've ever heard play.”

“I know how to get it to make noise--”

“Noise?” Octavia said with mock surprise, “My dear, you won the Dean's Award two years in a row at the Royal Academy of Music.”

“Heh, I guess I did,” Vinyl said humbly, tousling her blue mane.

“I never knew you were into classical music!” Spike said.

Vinyl sighed, her secret was out, “I'm not Spike. I mean I guess I'm good at it, but I never really got into it.” She looked lovingly at Octavia, “I only do it well when I got something that inspires me. And she inspires me. I never play for anypony but my Octavia. Just kind of a personal rule.”

Octavia held hooves with her lover, “The conductor was always frustrated when Vinyl would move over a few seats so she could sit by the string section. And me. He started allowing it when he realized Vinyl could only play well while she gazed into my eyes.”

“Gotta have a reason to play,” Vinyl said tenderly kissing her lover's lips.

“No mushy stuff!” Spike said, hiding his eyes.

“Well, If I'm gonna have a formal dinner, I better dye my hair,” Vinyl said, grabbing a bottle of blue dye from a cabinet next to the piano. “My mane and tail are looking a little pale.”

“Why do you use blue hair dye if your mane is already blue?” Twilight asked.

“Because my mane is white,” Vinyl said with a laugh. “I'm an Albino,” The DJ whipped off her sunglasses, revealing her eyes, “See? They're red baby.”

“Albino,” Twilight said searching her memory, “A lack of pigment. Well, I can't even tell with the sunglasses and hair dye.”

Vinyl blinked, and put the sunglasses back on, “Hey, I'm not ashamed of it, just think I look better in blue. And the glasses aren't to hide anything, light bothers me. Good thing I work in dark clubs all the time.”

“I honestly don't think I've ever seen her hair's natural color,” Octavia observed.

“Hey, this is natural!” Vinyl said as she walked into the bathroom with her hair dye, “It better be- I paid enough for it.”


Starswirl's on the River was one of the most exclusive casual dining restaurants in Canterlot. It was a place where the rich and powerful came to discuss business away from tourists and the more pedestrian crowds. Vinyl ate here often, mostly at Octavia's side. The chef was a friend of Octavia's and his son was a big fan of Vinyl's parties. Hoity Toity disliked more fancy restaurants, despite his name, and Starswirl's was a place a pony could unwind and enjoy great food.

Hoity Toity had staked out his usual table on the balcony, under Luna's full moon. His daughter, Trixie, sat beside him, the young pony picking across the menu. Frederick Von Horseshoepin was sitting at the table, feeling like a fifth wheel with the father and daughter, but wasn't about to turn down a dinner with such influential people.

“Daddy, the Great and Powerful Trixie is chilly,” she said, shaking her shoulders theatrically, “Why are we sitting outside?”

“Please, dearest,” Hoity Toity said, “You'll be meeting your new mother tonight, and I'd like you on your best behavior.”

Trixie smiled smugly, “The Great and Powerful Trixie is always at her best.”

“You can wear your cloak if your cold, honey. Just no magic tricks at the table, please.”

“But how am I to impress her?”

“Impress her with your manners!” Hoity Toity said.

Octavia and Vinyl arrived on the balcony, Vinyl fidgeting with her collar as she walked.

“Stop playing with your collar!” Octavia said.

“I can't help it; it's uncomfortable! I look like a waitress.”

Trixie overheard the comment and giggled, “Waitress? Can you refill my lemonade?”

“You behave, Bellatrix.” Hoity Toity said, standing to greet the ladies. “Well, well, Octavia, and DJ-Pon3. A pleasure.”

“Hey there Hoits! Hey'a Freddy!” Vinyl said slapping him on the back, “Trixie, though you'd be worn out after how much your partied last night.”

Trixie's face blushed, “Eh...yes, well,” she stammered, “I wasn't aware you were there.”

Vinyl laughed, “I was the DJ, we see everything from the booth. Were you dancing with a griffin?”

Trixie felt as if she wanted to hide under the table, her father casting her a curious gaze. “The Great and Powerful Trixie, erm, doesn’t wish to talk about it,” Trixie said with a sheepish grin.

“Well,m my fiancee is fashionably late as usual,” Hoity Toity said, “She's so wonderful, wait until you meet her. She's pretty, well read, and quite cultured.”

“She's from a very powerful family,” Trixie bragged, “When my mummy speaks, people listen.”

“I can't wait to meet her,” Octavia said, “Have you spoken with her about the tour as of yet?”

“Oh yes, she adores you music. She saw you in Trotingham a year ago. You must have been 'on your game' as it were.”

“So she's enthusiastic about becoming a backer?” Octavia asked, trying to hide her excitement.

“Indeed,” the stallion said, “She is just a bit concerned about the profitability of a tour however, since your album did so poorly.”

“It was critically acclaimed!” Frederick said in her defense, “Music Bit Magazine gave it a ninety-eight out of one hundred.”

“I agree with the critics,” Hoity Toity said, “But in the end, this will be an investment. You've sold out venues all over Equestria, but that album is a bit of a heavy burden.”

“I understand,” Octavia said, “Investment is always a risk.”

Lady Faberge entered the balcony, and everypony turned to see the fiancee they've heard so much about. She was barely older than Vinyl, the youngest pony there, and was tragically overdressed. Her ornate gown was something that was looked like something a pony would wear for a royal audience instead of a casual diner. Her almost comically large necklace both showed her great wealth, and lack of good taste. It was so gaudy that Vinyl though she looked like a lampshade at a whorehouse.

Lady Faberge leaned in to give Hoity Toity a passionless kiss on the cheek and sat next to him, grinning as if she was satisfied with her look.

“My dearest little dumpling,” Hoity Toity began, “I'd like you to meet my daughter, Trixie. She's a magician.”

“Aren't all unicorns magicians?” Lady Faberge droned.

“None nearly spectacular as I!” Trixie said, grinning.

“This is Frederick Von Horseshoepin, the pianist.”

“A what?!” Lady Faberge said with a slight look of shock on her face.

“I play the piano,” Frederick explained with a bit of disdain in his voice.

“Well then, why not just say so dearest?” Lady Faberge asked, visibly aggravated.

“Sorry, lovey,” Hoity Toity said apologetically. “And this is Octavia and, um...her good friend, Vinyl Scratch.”

“A pleasure to meet you!” Octavia said, bowing demurely to Lady Feberge. “And Vinyl here, is my lover, not just a friend.”

“Oh I see,” Lady Faberge said, “You're fillyfoo-- that is, you're homosexu-- eh, what term is that you prefer to be called now?”

“We like to be called Octavia and Vinyl,” Vinyl corrected curtly.

“Yes but, isn't there a proper name of your...” Lady Faberge struggled to come up with the right term, “Eh...lifestyle?”

“We're in love,” Octavia said, “That's an adequate term, no?”

“Yes, I guess that will do.”

Hoity Toity grinned nervously at the sudden uncomfortable silence. “Eh,Vinyl here is a musician as well. She's worked many of my fashion shows.”

“Really? You're not one of those rock or roll musicians, are you?”

“Rock and roll dearest,” her fiance corrected.

“Yes, that.”

“No, rock and roll is dead, Fabby,” Vinyl said, “I do electronic music, techno.”

“No great deal of difference there,” Lady Faberge remarked, half to herself.

A waitress arrived to gather everyone's order, Vinyl giving Octavia a look when she noticed the waitress was wearing almost an exact copy of her collar and bow tie. Lady Faberge took the longest to make her decision, pouring over almost every item on the menu and declaring most of them too “pedestrian” for her tastes, before settling on a simple salad and the most expensive wine from the wine list.

“Hoity, dearest,” Lady Faberge whined, “Why must we eat at a place so pedestrian?”

The stallion shighed at the over-use of the word, “Sugar plum, I come here because I know the chef. It will be just fine darling, trust me.”

“I suppose I'll have to give it try.”

“She's a real prize, ain't she?” Vinyl said quietly to Octavia.

“Please Scratchy,” Octavia said affectionately. “I know she's a bit difficult but this tour is very important to me. Please don't endanger it by taunting her”

Vinyl sighed, “I'll behave, for you,”

“What are you two ponies muttering about?” Lady Faberge said curtly. “Don't you know it's rude to leave somepony out of a conversation?”

“My lady,” Octavia said, “Vinyl and I were simply speaking about how good the spaghetti is here. It's our favorite dish.”

Lady Faberge scoffed, “Such a peasant's meal! I'd think, Octavia, if you were such a lady as you claim, you'd never let it touch your lips.”

“I enjoy a variety of things,” Octavia said, “Variety, indeed is the true gourmet's spice of life.”

Lady Faberge seemed pleased with this answer, offering a goofy smile, “Well, you seem far more culture than I originally thought.”

“Cultured, honey bunch,” Hoity Toity corrected, “One is 'cultured' not 'culture'. “

“Yes, that's what I meant...”

“As if you're not cultured!” Vinyl grumbled in a low voice, “This bitch is creasing my brass!”

“Don't let it get to you love,” Octavia said, affectionately stroking Vinyl's mane. “She's only ignorant.”

The waitress arrived, setting down everyone's meals, Vinyl grinning and immediately beginning to devour the spaghetti. The waitress began pouring a glass of the wine to everyone sitting, but Vinyl raised a hoof to politely refuse.

“No thanks, I'm straight edge.”

“I thought you were gay,” Lady Faberge said with confusion.

“No, no, my muffin,” Hoity Toity said, visibly fatigued at correcting his fiancee, “ 'Straight edge' means Vinyl prefers not to drink, smoke, or do any kind of drugs.”

“Really then? I always though those 'electronic music' festivals were just overflowing with those kind of things.”

Vinyl gritted her teeth, but swallowed her rage, “Most of them are, and it causes trouble. That's why there's a lot of us who only work straight edge parties. No drugs, no alcohol, no smoking. Makes it safe for the kids, you know?”

“Well, how delightfully noble,” Lady Faberge said, waving a hoof dismissively, “But we're adults here, so you may partake.”

Vinyl had to fight back anger to keep from jumping across the table and strangling the irritating mare. As if Vinyl only needed her permission to break one of her most important personal principles! “No, thank you.”

“Is this not your vintage?” Lady Faberge offered, “I could have them bring a white wine.”

“I don't drink alcohol,” Vinyl said, a vein visibly beating in her forehead.

“Well, there's no need to be huffy about it,” Lady Faberge grumbled, “If you don't drink, you should have just said so. Dearest me, what I do to try and be nice to some ponies!”

Octavia smiled shallowly, trying to calm her lover with the look. “Just relax,” Octavia whispered, “She's not trying to be aggravating.”

“Yeah right,” Vinyl consented, returning to her meal.

“So, Octavia,” Lady Faberge said, “Hoity Toity tells me you're looking for a backer for your new tour of Equestria.”

Octavia sighed; the sooner business was concluded, the sooner she could excuse herself from the uncomfortable scene.

“Yes, indeed,” Octavia said, “My manager has prepared a seven city tour, and a show that will display a variety of selections.”

“Delightful,” Lady Faberge said, “It will be so wonderful to hear you get back to proper classical music. I don't know who convinced you to throw in those jazz selections on your album, but they almost killed your entire career!”

Octavia felt her heart drop a bit, “Well, I has hoping I could play something more contemporary on my tour.”

“Nonsense. I don't know who's idea that is, but they don't have your best interest in mind. Just play what you do best on this tour and everypony will love it.”

Octavia was silent, looking down to her feet, Lady Faberge was a wonderful backer but she didn't want to give up her chance to show her true range.

“Tavi, you're not just gonna sit back and take this, are you?” Vinyl whispered.

“Please, Vinyl, just let me handle this!”

Vinyl sighed in frustration, removing her sunglasses to rub her eyes. She blinked them open at the dim scene of the restaurant and Lady Faberge was taken aback.

“Dear me!” The mare said, seeing Vinyl's brilliant red eyes. “Whatever is wrong with you eyes?”

Vinyl just sat silent, startled a bit at the forwardness of the statement, “I'm sorry?”

“Is that some sort of contact lens?” Lady Faberge continued, “Is that in style for an electronic musician?”

“She's an albino, sugar cookie,” Hoity Toity said, now visibly frustrated, “She was born with eyes like that.”

“How awful! Well I don't blame you at all dear for covering those terrible things up,” Lady Faberge said, curtly. “You know they do have procedures that can fix that.”

“I- just...” Vinyl stammered, now totally humiliated.

“Please, put those glasses back on! I can't eat looking at such freakishness.”

Vinyl quivered, her anger now gone, replaced by embarrassment. “I'm sorry,” Vinyl said, her voice breaking into a sob as she ran back into the restaurant.

Every eye at the table stared at Lady Faberge with a mix of shock and disgust. The mare only quietly munched her salad. “Finally, that horrid pony left. I am very picky about my company, you know.”

Octavia felt her face twist into a scowl, and she slammed her hooves onto the table and stood on her hind legs.

“You dried up, inconsiderate hag!”

“I beg your pardon?” Lady Faberge said fanning herself with a hoof.

“Shall I add 'poor hearing' to your ever-growing list of flaws?” Octavia continued. “Fortunately for you, I don't mind repeating myself- I called you a 'dried up inconsiderate hag!' ”

Lady Faberge looked at everypony at the table as if expecting one of them to jump to her defense, but no one did.

“I was willing to let it pass when you were rude to us, and dismissive, even your insensitive comments about our lifestyles! But how dare you so curtly point out Vinyl's albinism and so thoroughly humiliate her for it! I am appalled that someone claiming to be cultured and ladylike could be so utterly crass!”

“Well, young lady, this is no way to speak to somepony you wish to do business with.”

“You're very right,” Octavia said, leaning over the table so she was mere inches from Lady Faberge's face “So that I will be perfectly clear, I will use words that even a dullard such as you can understand. I would never do business with someone as dreadful as you. I would not accept one straw penny from, you even if I was starving! Good night.”

Octavia slammed the table once more and stormed off the patio. Lady Faberge just sat wide-eyed, glancing to every pony at the table with a look that resembled panic. She'd never had anyone speak to her in such a way, and it seemed to almost scare her.

“I'm sorry, Hoity Toity,” Frederick said wiping his mouth with a cloth napkin as he stood and glared at Lady Faberge. “But like the lady here, I'm quite picky about the company I keep. Good night.”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie has...lost her appetite,” Trixie said as she stood, also glaring at the lady with a flourish she left.

Hoity Toity and Lady Faberge sat alone at the table, the latter still wearing her shocked look.

“My dear.”

“Yes, Hoity?”

“Never, speak to my friends like that again,” Hoity Toity said with barely concealed anger.


Octavia found her lover in the small lady's room of the restaurant. Vinyl was looking at herself in the mirror with her sunglasses off, the tracks made by tears running down her face. Octavia walked behind her, nuzzing her gently without words. Vinyl turned to Octavia and snuggled her, leaning her neck over Octavia's shoulder and weeping quietly.

“I'm so sorry,” Vinyl said, in a weak voice, “I didn't want to embarrass you.”

“No, no,” Octavia said embracing her lover, “You have nothing to be sorry for. I love you Vinyl, for who you are. I think your eyes are beautiful, so unique, and I feel sorry for anypony so blind they cannot see it."

Vinyl smiled, tears still streaming down her face, “I guess the way I stormed out, you might lose your backer.”

“Well if that didn't kill the deal, my behavior certainly did,” Octavia admitted.

“You didn't do anything.”

“I'm afraid I did. I had a bit of a confrontation with Lady Faberge after you left.”

“Really?” Vinyl said, suddenly smiling widely, “You told her off?”

Trixie entered the restroom smiling, “Oh did she ever!” The blue unicorn said unceremoniously as she checked her hair in the mirror. “I believe the word 'hag' was said?”

“You called her a hag?” Vinyl said, laughing, “I really wish I was there for that!”

“Vinyl, there is only so much I can take. I love you, and should anyone hurt you, it's only natural to come to your defense.”

Vinyl kissed Octavia passionately, the two embracing each other close, neither wanting to separate. Vinyl thought she'd never loved Octavia as much as she did at the moment, knowing now without a doubt, that her lover would be there for her always.

“Excuse me,” Trixie said with a curt smile, “I don't mean to ruin the moment, but the Great and Powerful Trixie really does have to use the bathroom... . . .”

“Sorry,” Vinyl said, “Well, the night is still young. What do you say we hit Pony Joe's?”

“Lead the way, my love.”


Like most Friday nights, Pony Joe had a nearly full house. Blue Note and the Hot Trotters were on stage, playing a relaxing, lazy jazz number that filled the room with gentle notes. Vinyl and Octavia entered the room, seeing that despite the diner being crowded, their favorite booth was still open, as it always was. Pony Joe greeted the mares as they too their seats.

“So the usual for you two?” He said with a grin.

“Of course,” Octavia said.

“Tea and scone, hot chocolate and cream stick; coming right up!”

For a long moment the two lovers just looked into each others eyes. It was amazing how such a terrible experience, one that would drive most apart, could bring them together so closely.

“I love you Vinyl Scratch,” Octavia said out of the blue.

“I love you back,” Vinyl said, rubbing her nose against Octavia's as Pony Joe set down their orders. “I hope you can still find a backer.”

Octavia sighed, “I'd love to, but however it turns out, I know I'll have you. Even if no one else appreciates me, I know you do, and I will be happy.”

Vinyl and Octavia shared a tender kiss as Frederick appeared, seeming almost embarrassed to be there.

“Evening, ladies,” Frederick said, “I hope I'm not interrupting.”

“Naw Freddy, have a seat!”

Frederick let his eyes dart about, as if he was afraid to be seen.

“I'm sorry to have stormed off,” Octavia said.

“Oh I don't blame you,” Frederick said, “It took all of my willpower not to flip that table over myself!”

“Why's that, Freddy?”

Frederick looked taken aback, “Vinyl, my dear, I do consider you a friend, and I cannot stand someone speaking to a friend in such a manner.” He explained. “We may not agree on music or style, but you are a delightful young lady, and you make my good friend Octavia very happy.”

There was a bit of a commotion in the restaurant as the band stopped playing, and every eye turned to see a cloaked alicorn enter the establishment with Twilight and Spike in tow. The figure threw off the cloak, revealing the dark visage of Princess Luna.

Patrons of Pony Joe's!” The Princess said, her voice resonating loudly in the room. “Let us not interrupt thy revelry! Let the bards play on!

The band complied, nervously continuing their song as the Princess approached Vinyl and Octavia's booth. Vinyl, Octavia, and Frederick bowed politely to the Princess before she nodded, acknowledging them and letting them stand.

“Octavia, I know you said you didn't want to bother Princess Celestia, but I was speaking with Luna here and your tour just...kind of came up,” Twilight said with a blush.

We have heard thou art in need of a backer!”

“Indoor voice, your Majesty,” Twilight whispered.

“Of course,” Luna said, a bit quieter. “We-- er, I have been an admirer of thy music since my return to Equestria. The royal fund for music and the arts was made to sponsor such endeavors.”

“Your majesty,” Octavia said humbly, “I'm flattered by your kindness, but I wouldn't want to bother you with such a modest thing as my own ambitions."

We will hear no protests!” Luna said stomping a hoof, “The people of Equestra need to hear thy music! This is the reason my sister and I have established this fund; so that artists such as thou do not wallow in obscurity!”

“No time to be humble, Tavi,” Vinyl said, “You earned this.”

Octavia grinned shallowly and bowed her head, “Thank, thank you Princess. I will do my best to honor this boon.”

“There will be one royal demand of you, in exchange for your funding.”

Octavia sighed. Of course the Princess would rather not hear anything so modern as jazz on the tour, after all with the Princess being away for one thousand years, all she likely knew was classical music.

“You need but ask, your Majesty.”

“Would it be possible for thou to play, something more in the way of what these delightful bards are playing now?” Luna said with a smile. “This jazz music I find to be quite intriguing."

Octavia had to keep herself from giggling in excitement. “Of course, your Majesty! I would be honored.”

“Tavi here plays some great jazz tunes,” Vinyl said, “You won't be disappointed, Princess.”

“Your Majesty?” Pony Joe said with a bow, “Can I bring you anything?”

Luna tapped her chin, “Yes, perhaps we shall partake of some of that heated chocolate that my sister speaks so fondly of, and your finest pastry.”

“Sure thing, your Majesty! And it'll be on the house, of course.”

“We'd prefer to have it in here, if possible,” Luna said, everypony stifling a laugh.

“Well, looks like you everything you want,” Vinyl said smiling at her lover.

Octavia drew Vinyl in for a kiss, a broad smile on her face. “I already have all I want right here.”

Comments ( 39 )

I love this! Why doesn't this have more views? This is great! :rainbowkiss:

So... Much... YES!!!

Great great story, seriously, this deserve more thumbs up and favs.
Thumbs up and Faved

Most impressive. :ajsmug: Well written, superbly paced and featuring my favourite couple, Octavia and Vinyl. Simply exquisite. :twilightsmile:

This was a really good story cute and all good job!

Thank you for getting me into Octavia/Vinyl.

Also... Trixies real name is bellatrix!!!! That made my day.

Short, sweet and very good. Bravo I say :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

I went looking for good fic and happily found it! I find this pairing so intriguing and love all of the detail you put into the story. Instafave! <3

Fabrige was a bit...2-dimensional. I really couldn't see somepony like Hoity actually getting near enough to her to date, let alone get engaged to.

That and she was also more than just a bit generic. Painfully so, to be honest.

Other than that, it was a pretty decent Vinyl/Tavi story.

i can just read octavia's rant over and over again mutiple times and not get tired of reading it

also i think it was very lucky of Faberge that they were on the balcony and not inside the resturant otherwise alot more ponies might have walked out around her

Ah, what a fine little story! I was a little wary about a story starting off with them together, as often they lead to shallow/unbelievable relationships, but such was not the case for this story. Despite the length of the story, you did a great job of developing the characters and their relationship, and I'm particularly found of your take on Octavia. Vinyl as an albino was an interesting choice, and I applaud you for making her with red eyes for a good reason, instead of just because everyone else was doing it.

As another comment said, Lady Fabrige was a bit much on the cliched side, but I understand why you used her character. I do, however, agree that I cannot see Hoity being anywhere near somepony like that, if he has the character to be friends with Octavia and Vinyl.

Other than that, this was a thoroughly enjoyable read -- you did a great job with this. :twilightsmile:

Side note: I've always had this idea that Octavia and Vinyl agree on jazz music, so I guess it makes a lot of sense.

... WHY HASN'T THIS BEEN FEATURED??!?!!? :flutterrage:

(Also Trixie is Hoity Toity's kid? I don't even, wat. How. Whaaaa? You broke my brain there.)

This is a great story. I love the characterisation, and the plot, and the conflict, and just everything! I really don't see how this doesn't get enough views; I shall promote this among my followers immediately! :twilightsmile:

That was a very beautiful story. You did a fantastic job with the chemistry and love between Octavia and Vinyl. In addition, you created a thoroughly hateable character that received what's coming to them. I'm going to make a new section on my profile for this story; it deserves it. :pinkiehappy:

This was a good and enjoyable little story that did well in setting up the conflict, relationships and everything else. Well done, faved, etc.

"Octavia's maid, Windex"

I don't know why but I lost it at this, hilarious name. :D

GREAT story. I felt a strong connection to Vinyl, being a straight-edge musician myself. I haven't seen her portrayed that way in any other story. Save for a couple of grammatical errors, this is one of THE best OctaScratch stories I've seen on here.

Am I the only one getting a "bad gateway" message, then?

I am using a Gatewaytm computer. Perhaps I should discipline it?



Am I the only one getting a "bad gateway" message, then?

I am using a Gatewaytm computer. Perhaps I should discipline it?



Edit: didn't work. :fluttershysad:

I don't get why these stories don't become popular, sure they lack the excitement of stories that involve crises or emotional turmoil but sometimes it's nice to read something that's just plain sweet.

Good work.

I found this while preening through someones favorites. I enjoyed it thuroughly. A few small errors here and there, had just the right build up, climaxed nicely, handled the proceeding events nicely. Luna appearing at the end was a little forced, but did allow for a happy ending beyond the reinforced relationship.

D'aaaaawwww :pinkiehappy:


My sides are now floating away in space due to the laughter you have made me endure from the comment you made.... Well played Sir

Wonderful one shot! The snooty attitude of a Canterlot noble was captured perfectly. And what's a story without any Trixie. Thanks so much was a fun read! :twilightsmile:

This was a pretty neat and cute story.
The only small problem i had with it was the fact that you used the term filly in stead of mare.
When i read filly i think of them being around the age of the CMC or younger.
Other then that i enjoyed this story and i will be keeping a eye on what ever else you might write in the future.

i must say i squeed myself abit why reading this

This story was, and still is, ridiculously cute. Bravo!!

Great story, kept me entertained all the way!

This was definitely cute. I'm always surprised to find more OctaScratch that I haven't read yet, especially good ones like this! Great job sir/madam/whatever-the-hell-you-are.

I'm lovin' it!

This is so adorable!

“This is Frederick Von Horseshoepin, the pianist.”
“A what?!”
"A pianist!"
"Good night everybody!"
Couldn't help myself. Anyway, this was a pretty cute story. XD

Oh luna I love you. That was quite a fun read.

This was a short and amazing read! >3< Love how in the end, Octavia stood up for Vinyl Scratch. Love wins~

Well, well, well - wasn't that a fun ride! I always enjoyed seeing background characters interact with the mane cast, so I greatly enjoyed Spike, Twilight and Luna showing up. Your portrayal of Octavia and Vinyl was just as lovely and I really appreciated Fredericks consistent character. Still a little bit snobby, but a cool guy nonetheless.
What made me laugh for quite some time was Trixie. Not only showing up at all, but showing up as none other than Hoity Toitys daughter. I don't know how you got that idea - but it was just as awesome as it was hilarious! "Impress her with your manners" - at that moment, I thought "Ejupp, you're screwed!" - but what does it say about ones character, if even some brash, seemingly self-absorbed little brat like Trixie turns her back on one? I just loved that scene.
While I figured that Twilight would somehow search - and find - for a way to weasel around Octavias 'final word', I thought the solution would be Frederick, as he turned up at the dinner unexpectedly. Didn't even think about Luna. (Which really isn't good at all, one should always think about Luna... haaaw... uh... anyway...)
This was lovely and entertaining.

Thank you!

I truly enjoyed this story. Keep up the great work!

A most excellent story

Terrific read. Lovely story. This totally stands the test of time and even after all these years, it's a magnificent read.
I really like how you have made Vinyl albino works really well and I think it even fits in nicely with later developments. The interactions between everpony were great and moments such as Twilight and Luna coming in to Pony Joe's with their little moment at the end was a great way to go out.

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