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Enter The Iron Shackles

A few days ago In a lab inside the Atlas Military Base, a group of scientists was working on Doctor Polendina’s lost project which was retrieved from the flooded ruins of Old Atlas. The Project was called project ZP9 codename: Penny. While they were busy with the schematics a man with neatly combed black hair and a goatee copied the file onto a blank drive and deleted the original. As soon as he exited the lab the alarm went off with Winter on the intercom.

“ Dr. Stark has gone rogue, Threat level Red, Extreme force is authorized,” Winter said indicating how serious the plans for Penny were. Dr. Stark ran as fast as he could until he ran into a couple of Faunus guards.

“ You're not going anywhere Stark,” One of the guards said.

“ Guess again you worthless abominations,” Stark said while placing a metal shield over his eyes and dropping a round device that went off and created a bright flash as soon as it hit the ground which incapacitated the guards and blinded them. “ You may have sharper eyes than us humans but that just makes you even weaker against a flash grenade. While the Faunus were recovering from the flash grenade Stark entered the hanger and stole a plane making off with the plans for Penny which made Winter look very afraid.

“ This is bad If they bring back Penny we are doomed,” Winter said.

Present-day at Beacon Turquoise and her Team were in the Library playing a board game that looked like a map of Remnant Minus Eques.

“ You're going down Ice Queen,” Sylvia said to Turquoise who showed a mad chibi expression.

“ I'm not an Ice Queen and in case you forgot I already destroyed Sapphire’s armies with my Giant Nevermore,” Turquoise said.

“ And you're forgetting that I'm Vacuo which means my Vacuo based cards get an additional bonus,” Sylvia said.

“ Bring it,” Turquoise said.

“ First I will use Resourceful Raider to add Sapphire’s Atlesian Air Fleet to my hand. Sylvia took the card out of Sapphire’s Discard Pile before continuing her move. “ Next I will use Sandstorm to disable your ground forces and as you know my Vacuo Warriors get an endurance boost when fighting in natural hazards and I will also throw in the Atlesian Air Fleet I just took from Sapphire which can attack your walls directly. Sylvia was sure she was going to win until Turquoise burst her bubble.

“ Trap card,” Turquoise said before wiping the board of all of Sylvia’s pieces. “ Your armies have been destroyed.

“ You're good at this,” Sylvia said.

“ I’m sorry but I still don’t understand the point of this game,” Rainbow said. Just before Turquoise could explain a couple of boys walked up to them.

“ Ladies,” One of the boys said.

“ I’m sorry I don’t think we ever met,” Turquoise said.

“ Right introductions first,” The other boy said before introducing himself. “ I’m Red from Mantle Academy and this is my friend Clay also from Mantle Academy,” Red said.

“ Isn't the Library meant for studying and reading?” Clay asked.

“ Thank You,” Twilight shouted in the background in an annoyed tone.

“ Shut up don’t be a nerd,” Red said.

“ I prefer the term intellectual,” Clay said.

“ Anyway back to the point Turquoise Schnee by order of General Schnee you are to return to Atlas,” Red said.

“ What did I do wrong?” Turquoise asked.

“ You're not in trouble and as to why, That is classified,” Clay said.

“ I’m not going anywhere until you tell me,” Turquoise said.

“ We really hope it didn't have to come to this but the general hates to be kept waiting,” Red said before pulling out what looked like a whistle and blowing into it. Sylvia and Sapphire didn't hear anything but Turquoise along with the other Faunus in the Library looked like they were in great pain and Turquoise was handcuffed before she could cover her ears.

“ What did you do to her?” Rainbow asked.

“ Dog Whistle, effective against unruly mutts and Faunus,” Red said before he and Clay took Turquoise and dragged her out the door. As soon as they arrived outside, Winter was waiting for them.

“ Sorry for the delay General but Turquoise refused to come willingly,” Clay said before winter noticed the handcuffs.

“ Uncuff her boys,” Winter demanded before they complied. As soon as Turquoise was released she demanded an explanation. “ Did your mom ever tell you about Penny Polendina?

“ You mean that statue in the central square?” Turquoise asked.

“ I do and a spy from the Iron Shackles managed to swipe the schematics for her design giving them the ability to create an army,” Winter said.

“ What does any of that have to do with me?” Turquoise asked.

“ The Iron Shackles is an anti-Faunus group whose ultimate goal is to control and exterminate all the Faunus, not just the bad ones and I fear they might be going after you next,” Winter said.

“ I can take them no problem,” Turquoise said.

“ You're not listening. You can't win against them. If a simple Dog Whistle was all it took to subdue you then what they have will be far worse,” Winter said.

“ Then I just need to train myself to withstand it,” Turquoise said before Weiss came out of the airship.

“ Please listen to your aunt. Neither of us wants to lose you,” Weiss pleaded.

“ Well, what about my friends and teammates? I can’t just abandon them,” Turquoise said.

“ There is no time for deliberation. As we speak, Stark is building an army of Pennys whose directive is to exterminate all Fuanus,” Winter said before her scroll rang and she answered it. “ This is General Schnee.

“ Special Operative Katt reporting. We just discovered the Iron Shackles plan. They are gearing up to attack during the Vital Festival and are after the relics so they can unlock the vault that holds the Gauntlet of Reality,” Katt said.

“ If they get their hands on that they could erase the Faunus out of existence,” Winter said.

“ Sadly we don’t know when they will attack,” Katt said.

“ And the Penny Army?” Winter asked.

“ We managed to take back the blueprints but we were too late to stop Stark who now has about 400 pennies who are almost combat-ready,” Katt said.

“ Return to base and await further orders,” Winter said before hanging up. “ Now do you see what we are up against?

“ So? it's going to take more than a bunch of wind-up toys to beat me,” Turquoise said.

“ You're missing the point. we still don’t know much about the Iron Shackles or who is working for them,” Winter said.

“ Enough, You wasted enough of my time, now if you excuse me I have to get back to my team before they start to panic,” Turquoise said as she was leaving. As Turquoise was about to leave an Arma Gigas appeared in front of her.

“ Sorry Turquoise but we are taking you back home whether you like it or not,” Weiss said.

“ Looks like I have no choice,” Turquoise said while punching in a sequence of numbers on her scroll which summoned a locker. As soon as it opened Turquoise grabbed her Bloody Fang out of it and prepared to fight. Turquoise made quick work of the Arma Gigas before summoning a bunch of glyphs and running on them at high speed.

“ Should we go after her?” Red asked.

“ We can,t. Oscar would not like it if we turned Beacon into a battlefield and Turquoise will gather her team so all we can do is retreat and hope she will see reason,” Winter said. After reuniting with her team Turquoise filled them in on what Winter told her.

“ So those monsters are still alive?” Rainbow asked.

“ Apparently so. Do you know them?” Turquoise asked.

“ They tried to invade Eques five years ago. If not for our princess’s Celestia and Luna they would have turned our kingdom into a living nightmare,” Rainbow said.

“ What did they try to do exactly?” Sylvia asked.

“ They had these collars that when placed around your neck your emotions and behavior are now controlled by whoever holds the remote. They could even have you kill yourself if they wanted you to,” Rainbow said still remembering the time they collared Twilight and used her as a weapon.

“ I remember now. There was a scientist from Atlas who secretly conducted experiments on mental manipulation. At first, he experimented on any Grimm that was lurking around outside the city and then moved on to Faunus. Naturally, under the new equal rights act written by Blake Belladonna and approved by the rulers of the five kingdoms, he was shut down and arrested for his illegal research. But that was seven years ago,” Turquoise explained.

“ Whoever these Iron Shackle guys are, I'm sure we can take them,” Sylvia said.

Meanwhile in Oscar’s office Winter along with Weiss were talking with Oscar.

“ And you said they plan to attack during the Vital Tournament and want the Gauntlet Of Reality?” Oscar said in shock.

“ Yes Oscar and all the Faunus here are in danger unless you cancel the Vital Tournament,” Weiss said.

“ Listen I do share your concern but we can’t cancel the Tournament. The Teams from the other Kingdoms will be here tomorrow and the only way to get to Amity Arena is to go through the Teleporter Station,” Oscar said.

“ And what about the Vault?” Winter asked.

“ As I'm pretty sure you know When Cinder was killed we could not find the new Fall Maiden since her killer was a man but I do know who the Spring Maiden is,” Oscar said before pulling up the file on Krystal Kurmana.

“ Is this some kind of joke?” Weiss asked.

“ No it’s true we have known about this for a while now,” Oscar said.

“ But Krystal has never shown any signs of being a maiden and she always visited our manor to play with Turquoise all the time,” Weiss said.

“ But did you ever wonder where she came from?” Oscar asked.

“ Come to think of it she wasn't registered in the Atlas database and the last census took place before she left for Beacon,” Winter said.

“ That’s because she was raised by Raven Branwen and her tribe. After Raven passed away she passed her maiden powers on to Krystal before she left the tribe,” Oscar said.

“ How do you know all of this?” Winter asked.

“ During one of my travels I ran into her and saw her power for myself,” Oscar said.

“ If you know what is at stake then why not do something?” Weiss asked.

“ Because I don’t want to cause a panic among the students,” Oscar said.

“ Didn't you learn from Ozpin’s mistake that keeping secrets is bad?” Weiss asked.

“ Ozpin was hiding his involvement with Salem and how she can’t be killed. This is different. We are talking about hundreds of kids who are full of guts and bravery. If we tell them about the Iron shackles they won’t want to step down and hide they would want to fight. So let’s just keep quiet about it,” Oscar said.

“ Fine but I will be quadrupling security for the tournament,” Winter said.

“ Do what you must just don’t get my students mixed up in this again,” Oscar said.

Meanwhile in a hotel room in vale three students who wore the Haven Academy uniform were in their room plotting something.

“ Do you think the Fall Maiden will show up for this Tournament Snow?” A girl with gray hair and blue eyes asked a girl with black hair and hazel eyes.

“ She is the daughter of the previous Fall Maiden Noir so of course, she will show up,” The girl known as Snow said.

“ How exactly do you know that girl has the power?” A boy with green hair and yellow eyes asked.

“ Simple Orre. When Stark was busy infiltrating Atlas he managed to get a sample of the Winter Maiden’s energy and used it to create a device that can scan a person’s aura and if that person has a flame inside them that proves they are a Maiden,” Snow said.

“ By the way, any idea when Wayne will be back,” Noir asked before the door opened and a boy with white hair and blue eyes came in.

“ Did someone call my name?” Wayne asked.

“ We did. Anything to report?” Snow asked.

“ The Atlas Military is tightening up security. Apparently, someone dropped the ball on the plan. Should we abort?” Wayne asked.

“ No, the plan must continue. Let them tighten security, we will still reach the Vault and take the Crown of Choice,” Snow said.

Author's Note:

Stark's inspiration comes from Iron Man in case everyone was wondering. And as you may have guessed Team S.N.O.W are the new versions of Cinder and her team. Finally, the Iron Shackles is a team created by Mr. Tenebris who gave me permission to use them.