• Published 1st Jan 2021
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My Little Pony Friendship with Pirates. - Regis Stella

A Reboot of Friendship in the Sea of Thieves, my story will be an improvement from the last story.

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Chapter 2 The Princess and the Pirate.

"So let me get this straight," Twi said as she then tried to retell what I told her, "You're not from this world but rather from a world where magic and creatures like me are myth and legends. You were a 'human' before coming to this world, you went to a festival called the S.O.T Fest and got that necklace from someone called the Merchant and transformed you into this White Fox body. And gained something called The Gamer, that turns everything around you into a video game, and you want to recruit my friends and me to go with you to become part of your crew called 'The White Fox Pirates'?"

"That's pretty much it," I said to Twi and the rest of my new friends, "That is with all of your permission,"

Applejack chuckled a little. "Well, that's some tale you got there, William,"

"It's not a tale like the one before I sang Drunken Sailor," I told her, "How else can you explain the popup that appeared, after the singing, in front of me,"

A.J then looked a little embarrassed, "Fair enough," A.J chuckled.

"And what about you being a Pirate?" Rarity asked me.

"Well, that's what I wanted to be for a long time," I told Rares. "I love the boundless freedom that the open waves give to all who raises the Black Flag, and the Sea of Thieves is one place that I would love to go to, someday soon. Once I have a ship and a crew to call my own,"

The girls must have noticed that last bit because what Twi said next surprised me a lot.

"I would like to go with you if you want to," Twi said to me, then I got voices of approve from A.J, Pinks, Rares, Big Mac, Thunderlane, Bon Bon, Time Turner, Bulk, Redheart, Lyra, Spike, the CMC, Rumble, Pipsqueak and Skeedaddle.

"You all want to become part of my crew, as Pirates?" I asked them all. Then they nodded yes to me. "Okay, then. Welcome aboard,"

Just as I say that my Gamer powers' messages popped up and scared my new friends, they were the same messages that Flutters and Dashie got then they were accepted into my crew.

"Don't worry. It's just the crew message that Flutters and Dashie got when they were accepted into my crew," I told them as they then pressed the {YES} button and became members of my crew.

"Now this is something I've never seen before," A.J said as she and the rest of my crew looked over their STATS and their positions on the crew.

“I believe everything is alright, Applejack,” a voice came from the doorway of Sugarcube Corner, “I hope I’m not interrupting anything?”

“Princess Celestia!” Twi said as the whole room bowed to the leader of Equestria.

“Rise, my little ponies,” Celestia said then she looked over to me, to which I became filled with nervousness. “You must be the white fox that everypony was talking about,”

“Y-y-yes, I am the white fox,” I said to her with me kneeling to the Princesses.

Celestia chuckled, “There’s no need to kneel before me, young Pirate. And excellent work recruiting my student and her friends and then some,”

Everyone’s eyes were shot wide open at what the Princesses just said to me.

Celestia laughed, “There’s no need to worry. I wasn’t going to arrest you all for being Pirates of this white fox’s crew,”

Everyone breathed a sigh of relieve, “Thank the gods,” I muttered to myself.

“Although I am going to help you all with getting a ship and getting stronger and increase your STATS,” Celestia said that made everyone look at her like she was crazy. “Don’t believe me, look above my head and see what I mean,”

We all looked up and saw Celestia’s name, title and level and the latter made us all take a double-take.

Princess of Equestria
LV 10,000,000

“YOU’RE AT LEVEL TEN MILLION?!” I yelled at the top of my lungs and gave my ears a bit of a painful ringing. “My bucking ears!”

Celestia laughed a little, “I know I’m a bit overpowered, but you will soon get there, my friend,” She said to me. “I only a tenth of the way there,”

“That’s not even a possible level to reach and maintain,” I said to Celestia, “But if you can reach it then I will at least try to get there and grow past that,”

(Cue Spectral Sails from Sea of Thieves in the background)

Just then, a loud, window breaking, lightning strike. Scaring all of the ponies in the town as the lighting strikes slowed down a little. Skeleton Pirates began to fight and scare the ponies of Ponyville.

"What the Hay?!" Dashie said as she saw the skeletons attacking the ponies.

"Skeletons!" I said as I draw my Rapier and headed outside to fight them.

"Captain, wait!" Twi said as she and the rest of the crew let the building and saw the chaos that will make Discord proud.

"Protect the Princess!" One of the guards that came with Tia yelled to his fellow guards to protect the Princess and save the ponies.

"Die fleshies!" One of the Skeletons said and scared the guards into dropping their spears and running for the hills.

"Why does Tia even recruit them if they can't even stand there ground," I muttered to myself.

"Nevermind about that, Young Pirate," Tia said, now wearing a new outfit that made her look like a Pirate Queen or something. Then I saw her new title and name.

Pirate Queen of the Sea of Thieves
LV 10,000,000

"Princess?" I heard Twi say in a quiet voice like Flutters to Tia.

"Stand and fight me, you good for nothing undead Bastards!" Tia yelled as she attacks the skeletons with sword and pistol in her magic.

"What in tarnation is going on here?" A.J asked everyone as the skeletons began to attack my crew to which I strike one of them down then I turn to my crew and say the following.

"Don't just stand there in shock and awe and fight these undead forces!" I told them then weapons appeared in front of them like swords, pistols, axes, halberds and rifles as I then said to them, "Fate or something is helping us and is telling us to fight like hell!"

Like a thundering herd, my crew began to fight the undead with a little more skill with their weapons than the undead did.

"Pirate!" I heard a voice from behind me, "Looks like you're a creature worth at least something!" said Rathbone, the Gold Hoarder Skeleton Lord as his green gem eyes, glowed in excitement for me at the prospect of selling me to the highest bidder for a lot of gold.

The Gold Hoarder Lord
LV 10,000

"I won't go easy!" I told The Gold Hoarder Skeleton Lord.

My first fight was now beginning. Rathbone charged me with a Gold Hoarder Shovel and tried to stab me with it. I tried to dodge it, but Rathbone was too quick and nearly took out all of my health in one attack. "Now, you're mine, White Fox," The undead Lord said to me as he was going to attack me.


A gunshot was heard as Rathbone was quick to react to it as he was the one that was shot in the back of the head with an electric gunshot. "What the devil is this?" He said as he turned around to see Celestia standing there with a flintlock pistol in her magical grasp.

"Hello, Rathbone," Celestia or Calypso, in this case, said as Rathbone was trying to fight back as Celestia began to sing.

(Cue Valhalla Calling by Miracle of Sound)


"Ships on vigour of the waves are skimming
Barren summits to the verdant plains
Each horizon is a new beginning.
Rise and reign

Far from the fjords and the ice-cold currents
Ravens soar over new frontiers
Songs and sagas of a fate determined.
Shields and spears

Vows of favour or the thrill of plunder
Pull together for the clan and kin.
Clank of hammers and the crash of thunder
Pound within

The echoes of eternity
Valhalla calling me
To pluck the strings of destiny.
Valhalla calling me
Valhalla calling me"

As Tia sing the song, Rathbone looks like he is pooping his pants, if he even had poop, to begin with.


"Sails a' swaying on the crimson rivers
Blood and glory in the fighting fields
Shields a' shatter into splintered timbers.
Iron and steel

Fires are rising, and the bells are ringing.
Glory takes us into Odin's halls.
Golden glimmer and the sound of singing
Asgard's call

The echoes of eternity
Valhalla calling me
To pluck the strings of destiny.
Valhalla calling me
Valhalla calling me"

Rathbone was now trying to get away from a now scary Tia and her power that only a Pirate Queen, no Pirate Goddess like her can have.


"Wind and the waves will carry me
Wind and the waves will set me free.
Wind and the waves will carry me.
Wind and the waves will set me free.

The echoes of eternity
Valhalla calling me
To pluck the strings of destiny.
Valhalla calling me
Valhalla calling me"


"PLEASE, SPARE ME!" Rathbone pleaded to Calypso for mercy.

"Like you did to Ramsey?" Calypso said with venom in her voice. "I know what you are, Rathbone. You don't care if one of your slaves betrayed you, so long as they give you the gold to make you happy and pleased. You want the Sea of Thieves to yourself and all of its gold and jewels. Claiming that, and I quote. 'because I think he's wrong to hoard the knowledge.' You wanted all of the gold for yourself you piece of dung,"

"Parley?" Rathbone pleaded again to Calypso.

"No," Calypso said then in one swift move, she cut off Rathbone's skull, and it rolled over to my pawed feet.

The skeletons that were attacking Ponyville all turned to dust, and the storm was turning into normal clouds and was leaving the town's sky.

Ponyville's citizens were now coming out of the building and celebrating the defeat of the undead invaders, but then they saw Calypso and were worried for themselves.

"It's okay, everypony," Calypso, now Celestia but still in her pirate outfit, said to her fellow Ponies. "The enemy is no more and will not be returning anytime soon,"

Once the Ponies saw that it was their Princess and that all was safe to come out.

"Princess Celestia!" Twi said as she and the rest of the crew came out wearing some new outfits that made them look more like Pirates. The Mane Six was wearing their Pirate costumes from the My Little Pony Movie toyline where the Mane Six were dressed like Pirates. The rest of the crew wore outfits like Bulk was wearing plate armour, Bon Bon was wearing black clothing to blend into the world's dark places, Time Turner wore a Tinker's costume, Lyra wore a bar maid's outfit, Thunderlane wore the same outfit as Dashie wore, but in Wonderbolt colours, the Cabin Foals wore the same outfit like what Jim Hawkens wore in Muppets Treasure Island.

13000 EXP, 10000 GOLD, 10 LV'S OF EQUESTRIA REP, 2 STR, 4 DEX

"Nice to know that we got something from that fight," I said to myself, then I turned myself to Celestia, who was still in her Pirate Queen's outfit. "Now, can you please explain why you're dressed like, and have the title of Pirate Queen of the Sea of Thieves? Before I lose my head trying to figure it out,"

Celestia came up to me, towering over me with her height alone and said, "I know it's a lot to explain, but give me a tankard of rum and let me tell you and your crew everything about why I'm the Pirate Queen,"

"After today, I think a drink is what we need. And if it's the Apple family's famous Apple Cider, all the more to have a drink,"

At the local Ponyville Tavern.

Celestia, myself and my crew were now in the tavern, as we entered everyone in the tavern was looking at us, but the most of the tavern's ponies were looking at Tia with eyes the size of dinner plates.

"Don't mind us my little Ponies, please return to your drinks," Tia said to everyone minus those who entered the tavern.

"Princess," I said to her.

"Please, call me Tia, Young Pirate. We're Pirates, aren't we?" Tia said to me.

"Okay, Tia," I agreed to her request then asked her as we found a table for all of us. Everyone was looking at us like we were the bad guys, we do look a little scary for the Ponies of Ponyville, as well as them seeing their Princess in an outfit worthy of a Pirate Goddess like her. "First Question. Why do you have the title of Pirate Queen of the Sea of Thieves?" I started my questions.

Tia sighed, "The year was 1730 in the human world, near the end of the Golden Age of Piracy. I was one of the Pirates to enter the Sea of Thieves with Ramsey Singh, the man you know as the Pirate Lord of the Sea of Thieves. He had grand plans for the Sea of Thieves, but someone or something took him to the grave. But he was still alive to run his faction, Athena's Fortune and made me the Pirate Queen of the Sea of Thieves in secret. Only a few know of my existence in the Sea, now you and your crew know of this. I was foolish to reveal my Pirate self to all of you and Ponyville. I hope I can fix this problem before the nobles of Canterlot get news of this," Tia then took a long drink of rum.

"But how were you named Calypso when you changed into your Pirate form?" Time Turner asked her.

"The reason is that only Ramsey and his inner circle know of my real name. Outside of his council of Allies, and the rest of the Sea of Thieves only know me as Calypso, the Pirate Goddess of the Sea of Thieves," Tia told me.

"Then how did the undead got into this our town?" Big Mac asked Tia.

"It's because of the necklace that your captain is wearing," Tia said as she used her wing to point to the necklace that I was wearing. "That is a Star Amulet. It has the power to open gateways to other worlds. In your case, it opened one between this world and the human world with the Sea of Thieves in it. For this one, it can be activated by singing shanties,"

"So, I caused the undead of the Sea of Thieves to come to Equestria?" I said, my spirit now down lower than the ground on which I stood.

"You had no idea that it would become active as you were singing Drunken Sailor, William," Tia said, but it did little to make me better.

"But I nearly brought the kingdom to ruin!" I said as I slammed my hands on the table, gaining the attention of the tavern.

"William," Flutters said to me in a calm voice that she is known for, "No one knew any of this would happen,"

"I know, but it's not like this thing (Points to the necklace) came with instructions," I said to Flutters, "But, the Merchant never said anything about this being anything of power. I guess that's the price I paid for being in the Displaced Multiverse,"

"We all make mistakes like that, William," Tia said as she began to sing again.

(Cue The Dawn will come from Dragon Age Inquisition In-Game version)


"Shadows fall
And hope has fled
Steel your heart
The dawn will come
The night is long
And the path is dark
Look to the sky
For one day soon
The dawn will come."

One by one, my crew begin to sing.

Ponies of Ponyville:

"The Shepard's lost
And his home is far
Keep to the stars
The dawn will come
The night is long
And the path is dark
Look to the sky
For one day soon
The dawn will come,"

"Bare your blade
And raise it high
Stand your ground
The dawn will come
The night is long
And the path is dark
Look to the sky
For one day soon
The dawn will come,"

"Even the greatest leaders make mistakes," Tia said to me then we continued drinking.

To Be Continued.

Author's Note:

Name: William Hunter.
Title: The White Fox.
Level: 8
Bounty: $0.00
Faction: White Fox Pirates.
Money: 10,300 Gold Coins.
EXP: 0,000 out of 8,000

STR 10
DEX 12

Captain of the White Fox Pirates.
Gold Hoarder Survivor.

[LV 1 Sword Skills]
[LV 1 Marksmen Skills]
[LV 1 Sailing Skills]
[LV 2 Diplomacy Skills]
[LV 1 Crafting Skills]
[LV 5 Singing Skills]
[LV 1 Medical Skills]