• Published 19th Dec 2020
  • 3,413 Views, 46 Comments

Equestria Girls: The Radio Demon - Spazz Kid

Sunset makes a dangerous decision - she makes a deal with a demon. Comedic mayhem ensues.

  • ...

Episode 4 - Encounter in the hallway

"Okay." Sunset says, turning to face Alastor. "You can..... walk around and do something, I gotta get to class."

"Okay..." Alastor said slowly. "But won't I get caught?"

"I don't really think they care. Just don't do something weird, okay?" Sunset asked.

Full of doubt, Alastor nods, and continues down the hallway they were in.

Sunset opens the door she was in front of, and enters.

Barely even a few seconds after, a loud-


Rings through the halls, startling Alastor. Not scaring him, startling him. Alastor doesn't do scared.

Anyway, as Alastor was standing there, trying to process what was going on, doors around him slam open. Students all around him poor out of the rooms. A couple of them bump into Alastor, who barely even notices, because he's still trying to assess the situation.

By the time he realizes what was going on, mostly everyone had left the hall, the remaining ones opening, and searching through, the lockers that lined the walls.

Deciding to ignore it, and began to practically strut down the hall. Why? Because he's Alastor, bitch, and you don't question Alastor.

Anyway, walking through the hallway, Alastor realized something-
He was much shorter than he was originally.

In fact, he seemed almost as short as the 2nd year boys, and weren't exactly the tallest.

Sure, he still towered over a select few, but they were only in the first year, and that's no fun.

He realized something else.

He stunk.

Well, he didn't realize it on own, the revolted expressions on everyone's faces sort of did it for him, but he found out nonetheless.

Oh, and then he bumped into someone.

She fell to the floor as Alastor simply stopped walking. Being absolute gentleman he is, with the most orgasmic voice a radio host can have, be began to apologize.

"Forgive me, dear, I was not wa-" Alastor began, but was interrupted by a feminine gasp.

"Why your garments are absolutely exquisite!" The young woman exclaimed, jumping to her feet. "I must know, who is your tailor?"

"Uh...." Alastor deadpanned. He honestly was rather taken aback by the girl's voice, and her almost painfully strong perfume.

Getting a better look at her, Alastor could see the girl had pearly white skin, masterfully curled purple hair, and rather large cyan eyes. She wore a very frilly purple skirt, which connected white her white shirt, which was covered by a pale purple jacket with a small blue tri-diamond pattern stitched to the left breast. She also wore purple high heels, with blue socks that went up to her knees.

All-in-all, the whole thing, in Alastor's eyes, seemed a bit... much for such a casual high school.

Alastor, though, was secretly thankful that the girl wore such strong perfume, so she couldn't smell him.

It seems decades of neglect on his personal hygiene has finally caught up with Alastor.

"You don't remember?" The excessive, purple girl asked, slightly brokenheartedly. Her face went from sad to excited quickly. "Oh, I apologize, I have yet to introduce myself! Ahem!" - She actually said that- " Hello, sir, my name is Rarity. Might I ask what your's is?"

"Alastor." Alasor introduced himself without nearly any of his usual enthusiasm, though his smile stayed plastered on his face. Then, that wasn't a proper way to talk to lady, and tried again, with so much enthusiasm, it caused some heads to turn; "I mean, hello, Rarity, my dear, my name is Alastor! Now, to answer your question; no, I unfortunately do not remember who tailored my wardrobe, but I remember their works being absolutely MAGNIFICENT!"

A full minute of silence went by.

"I like this guy!" Someone said, breaking the silence.

Rarity was staring at Alastor like he had just smacked her... Or kissed her... Or both.

Then, her face reddened immensely. "Oh.." She mumbled. "N-nice to m-meet you...."

Like the narrator said, his voice: absolutely orgasmic.

"Anyway!" Alastor said with unwavering enthusiasm. "I've got to get going! See you around, Miss Rarity!" He finished with a little bow, then began to walk away while Rarity began to sputter something that resembled a "goodbye."

"Hey!" A male voice said as Alastor rounded a corner. "Were you the one yelling?"

Alastor stopped, then turned to face the voice. "Yes, Mister...?"

"Flash Sentry." The boy said. Alastor couldn't really focus on much anything other than his hair, which was blue and swept upwards. It fit his face very well. "And don't worry man, I'm just impressed how well your voice carries."

"Well, nice to meet you, Mr. Sentry!" Alastor said. "And I get that a lot!"

Before Flash could reply, a short, tan haired boy pulling a purple girl smashed into him from behind, causing all three of them to fall over.

Alastor resisted the urge to chuckle.

There was two full minutes of a confused exchange before they realized what just happened, the boy apologizing alongside the purple girl.

"Sorry, man!" The boy said. "I was being stupid and didn't look where I was walking."

"No, it's alright..." Flash said, staring at the girl with a love-struck expression, mouth agape.

The girl, who already looked uncomfortable, gained an even more uncomfortable look on her face when she saw Flash's face.

It was all very amusing, at least to Alastor.

But, that wasn't all; the girl had a very familiar aura emanating for her very being.....


She came straight from Equestria, going off of the aura alone.

Realizing this, Alastor's signature devilish grin flashed across his face as he stared at Twilight, who had looked back at him.

Needless to say, she had a very unsettled expression on her face.

Realizing he was giving himself away, and because his face was beginning to hurt (for some reason), he went to a simple smirk, nodding at her.

She uneasily nodded back at him.

"Anyway," The boy said, snapping the two from their odd staring contest. "Me and Twilight here got to get to the library before the end of my free period. See ya, Flash." He grabbed Twilight's hand, and began to powerwalk past them.

"See you around, Nathan!" Flash said, waving the boy off.

"It's Nate!" Nathan replied.

Alastor's gaze followed them as they rounded a corner at the other end of the hallway. He looked back at Flash.

"You know, Flash." Alastor said. Flash, who had turned back to his locker, looked at him. "If you like someone, you should probably try not to leave your mouth hanging open like that in front of them."

"W-what?" Flash yelped, his face growing red. "I don't like her! What gives you that idea??"

Alastor shook his head, chuckling. "Whatever you say..." He snapped into a different position, his arms behind his back. "Right. I'll be off." He gave Flash a little bow. "Untill next time, Flash Sentry."

He began to continue on his way.

As soon as Alastor was out of earshot, Flash sighed to himself.

"What the fuck, man?" He muttered, turning back to his locker.

"That tall guy was kind of creepy." Twilight told Nathan.

"Yeah, true." He said.

They were taking a break from walking in the middle of a hallway.

Nate took off his backpack and unzipped it, peering inside.

"You doing good, Spike?" He asked the bag.

Suddenly, Spike's head popped out of it, gasping for air.

"SWEET BABY FAUST!" He yelled, making the other two look around frantically, hoping no one heard him. He took multiple deep breaths, before sighing, and looking up at Nate with a very disturbed expression. "What do you put in here? It freaking reeks!"

Nate looked at him with a confused expression. "What? No it doesn't. I even check to make sure!"

"It might have something to do with the fact that dogs have much greater sense of smell than you monkeys do." Twilight said matter-of-factly.

"Humans, Twilight." Said Nate monotonously.

"Sorry, than you humans do...." Said Twilight apologetically.

Suddenly, from around the corner to their left, a door burst opened, followed by loud thunk on metal.


Nathan, Twilight, and Spike all looked around the corner to see an... interesting scene.

There was a girl with red and yellow hair stood over a cowering girl with long pink hair.

"Oh no.." Nathan whimpered.

"What?" Twilight asked quietly.

"Watch." He said fearfully

"Y-yes...." The pink-haired girl muttered so quietly, that Twilight was surprised that even the other girl was able to hear her.

It reminded her of someone...

"WHY WOULD YOU GIVE THE OFFICE SOMETHING THAT BELONGS TO ME!?" The red/yellow girl practically shrieked.

The pink-haired girl muttered something that was too quiet to hear from where Twilight, Nathan, and Spike were.

The red/yellow girl looked absolutely pissed, her face turning as red as her hair.

Before she opened her mouth, Twilight stepped from the corner, much to the despair of Nathan and Spike.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" Twilight yelled at red/yellow, not nearly as loud as her. Nathan's mouth dropped comically.

The red/yellow girl looked at her, her angry expression turned to a simply annoyed one.

"What...?" She said before seeing Twilight, then she smirked. Her voice was slightly hoarse when she spoke. "Oh. It's the new girl."


"Word gets around fast." Sunset said simply, stepping towards Twilight

"Too fast." Spike muttered to Nathan, who nodded.

"Now, new girl..." Sunset said menacingly with an evil gleam in her eye. "Would you like to... repeat that thing you said?"

"I said, 'leave her alone,' you bully!" Twilight exclaimed, standing her ground.

The red/yellow girl suddenly adopted an oddly sorrowful look on her face.
"Oh, looks like you don't know how things work around here.."
Her face twisted into an evil grin.
"Listen, new girl, my name is Sunset Shimmer. I run this school, and it would do you good to remember that. Now stay out of my way... bitch."

She stomped down the hallway, past Nathan and Spike's hiding spot.

Twilight scoffed and rushed to the pink-haired girl, who had collapsed on the ground, and was looking at Twilight with an awestruck expression on her face.

"That was awesome..." Nathan said, and Spike could practically see the hearts in his eyes.

Unbeknownst to them all, there was another figure... watching.

He quietly chuckled to himself.

"This'll be interesting."