• Published 27th Dec 2020
  • 4,476 Views, 111 Comments

Equestrias Wild Card - KarasAdamas

If you where to find out that certain rumors you've heard about turn out to be true and you are aware that you're going to die anyway, why would you not welcome it with open arms to escape this boring world?

  • ...

Chapter 1. The Fool in the Velvet Room (edited)

"You have 6 months, I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do. The disease has spread to much throughout your body. I predict you'll have 5 months being completely healthy, during the 6th month you'll start showing symptoms and finally organ failure. Then you have to spend your remaining time on earth waiting for death in a bed. Again, I'm sorry."

That was what the doctor had told me, he didn't even sugar coat it. My life was going perfectly and then I find out that I have the same genetic disease as my father, the disease doesn't even have a name because they can't figure out what causes it.
My father died before I was born, and I only found out recently why he died because of the doctor. I understand why my mom didn't tell me earlier, but a part of me wish she had because maybe I would have takin life a bit more seriously. But as the saying goes "Ignorance is bliss" and I have to say that describes my life perfectly.
I grew a up in Sweden and had a pretty good life, mom and my grand parents were my only family, and I was never bullied in my school years, at least I don't think so. When I became 22 years old I got into college and made two new friends, I was still keeping contact with my old friends from middle and high school as well, but there were only three of them close enough for me to hang out with. My life was good... and increadibly boring.

I don't know why but I felt like there was nothing in this world that brought me true joy, even when I spend time with friends and family I could only smile because they were smiling. There was never a time in my life that filled me with the excitement that everyone else apparently felt, even during my birthday and christmas, it just didn't bring me the same happiness that others showed. I've tried so many hobbies from dancing, gymnastics, drawing, writing poetry, chemistry, tailoring, cooking, hiking, mountain climbing, martial arts, fencing and even playing instruments like piano, violin, drums, bass and guitar. The only time I ever smiled was when others where smiling, which is what caused me to develop such a need to help people with whatever they needed help with, especially my grand parents on their farm.

People always say that the world is filled with amazing wonders and colours. But to me? It's all Grey, as if whatever colours everyone else was seeing just wasn't there for me. Whenever I was alone I would spend my free time reading manga and comic books, watching animated tv shows or playing video games. Anything that could distract me from this boring world was the only thing that kept me from falling into depression. It was after I had finished Persona 4 Golden and started playing Persona 5 Royal that I picked up one of my wierder hobbies that suprisingly stuck with me, tarot card reading.

After making a new world record for the longest "sigh", I decided to simply lock myself in my appartment and finish Persona 5 Royal. My appartment was nothing special, it only had four rooms, a hallway, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room that double as my bedroom. When the credits were rolling and I was crying my eyes dry, I glanced over at the coffee table and saw my tarot cards. With nothing else to currently distract me I said "F**k it" and started doing some fortune telling.
I never understood why people don't like Chihaya Mifune in Persona 5.

Contemplating on what to do a fortune on, I decided to just leave it too fate and see what would happen, and what I got was questionable.
Tarot Cards and Arcanas have multiple meanings, many times you need to decide a specific topic and look through all possible results and do multiple tries with different methods in order to get a proper answer, the topics can be predicting the future or describing a person for example, and the multiple meanings usually has a percentage connected to them.
What I decided as the topic was "A day when a mayor change might happen," it was a really vague topic but I ended up with an answers anyway. The answer I got was a prediction of a gateway to a great journey that would present itself between end of May and the beginning of June.

"A vague topic with a vague answer... great." I said to no one in particular, "I got nothing to lose, I'm gonna die anyway so I might aswell waste away looking for a pointless sign hope, still almost a month worth of time is a large area of time to cover... Let's not waste any time then."

I started searching around the internet to see if I could find anything major, or atleast major within my interest, that could be my answer to the fortune. After nearly three hours I started feeling drowsy and decided to hit the hay. Or at least I was gonna until my friend Mark decided to call me.

"Hello" I answered half asleep.

"Sup brother from another mother, what are you doing?" Mark asked happily.

"... I "was" sleeping..." I answered with frown that he couldn't see.

"Cool cool, hey I was wondering, have you ever been intrested in cosplay?"

"Wut? Why?"

"So there is gonna be a this huge Comic Con Event in Gothenburg and I was wondering if you would like to go and cosplay."

"Eurrgh, sure why not, what do I have to lose?" Literally. "When is it gonna happen?"

"It's going to be open May 30th and close in June 2th."


"Hello? You still there bro?"

Now wide awake because of that, I stare silently at the Tarot card prediction I left lying on the coffe table and begin to brainstorm. This has to be a sign, I've never been religous but I have always been facinated with genres like supernatural, mythology and cosmic powers. It's some of the things I used to escape from reality and if this is not a sign, then I don't know what it is.
This. Is. It.

"Yeah, sounds great, lets do it." I answered with newly found energy.

"Awesome! Just think of a cosplay and make sure its good. Later!" he said happily and hung up.

Now you be wondering why I would get excited over a Convention, well one of my other hobbies I picked was reading fanfictions. And on a particular site for a particular fandom, I found a genre of fanfics that not only opened up nearly infinite possibilities, but was also supported by multilpe reports of people going missing during conventions and rumours of a mysterious merchant.

Is it possible that this is all just a coincidence that will leave me dissapointed and crush my hopes and dreams of being transported to another world, as well as my soul?
Most likely YES, but again I have nothing to lose!

"But what should I cosplay as?" I ask myself.

And the universe gives me an answer with a youtube notification on my phone showing a "Let's Play" of Persona 3.

"But of course!" I say with a french accent.

The next five months were spent planning and making my costume, thank whatever god convinced me to learn tailoring. I decided that I would go and live out my next potential life as Velvet Room Minato. A deep blue vest over a black long sleeved shirt with thin light blue stripes, an ocean blue necktie, dark blue pants and stylish deep blue shoes. Complete with dyed golden blond hair and gold yellow eyes that glow in the dark, my new form is complete. I also brought my tarot cards to go with the theme.
After spending some quality time with my friends and taking photos with cosplayers, there was one guy dressed as Minatos final persona "Messiah", I decided it was time and check if the rumours were true.

I had seriously underestimated how big this place was, I've been walking alone for two hours now and found nothing. I was slowly starting to feel depressed and I could feel my body weakening from overworking it. I was expecting this but a big part of me was really hoping it would be true, I guess reality really is cruel.

"Hello stranger" came a voice to my right.

Slowly I turn to the all so famous accent and low and behold the entity I was looking for was standing right infront of me, dressed as the merchant from Resident Evil 4, with a booth filled with items from a large variety of anime, comics, movies and video games that semingly appeared out of nowhere.

"Looking for something?"

If a smile could emit light, mine would have been blinding. But I decided to catch myself before my hopes got to high.

"*cough* Yes and maybe you have what I'm looking for." I said composed.

"What are searching for young lad?"

"You wouldn't happen to have access to the Le Grimoire from the Persona franchise, containing all personas from every arcana and a map of equestria?" I said trying to sound professional but realised I might have said to much.

"*sigh* You know I usually act like I don't care but I can tell that you're desperate and that you don't have a lot of time left in this world." the Merchant said in serious but sympathetic tone.

"Yeah, I have about a month left before my body starts breaking down." I explained with a depressed tone.

He nods, "I actuelly knew that someone with potential was gonna come here today and I happen to have exactly what you need and more."

He goes behind his booth and comes back with a plethera of items, on him was the Le Grimoire that I asked for but he also brought a red revolver that a recognise as Judge of Hell, the sword Hinokagutsuchi, a key chain that had a crown on it that had text that said SALVATION printed on it and many other other weapons and items I recognise from Persona 5 Royal.

"But why?" I say in disbelief.

"You're about to leave this world anyway, leaving everything behind, I give you everything you need in order to become the ultimate Wild Card and you give me everything, including your identity." he explained.

"Why would you need my identity?"

"The rumours are becoming more frequent and it's only a matter of time before people start swarming to find my location, I can't leave this world yet, it's not good for my business. In order to stay hidden I need to change my identity occasionally, as a bonus for giving me everything, I'll also give you this." he said as he reach into his pocket and brought out a very familiar key.

"This will give you access to your own Velvet Room were you are the master, it will also allow you to invite others of your choosing into the Velvet Room through the Dream Realm whenever you fall asleep. It is also the area where you will be able to create and customise your Personas with full access to skills and abilities that weren't available in the latest installments of the franchise."

"I... I don't know what to say... this is more than..." I was struggling to talk as tears started to fill my eyes.

"Hey, don't get all emotional with me, I'm not doing this for you. This is what I do for a living and you dying just so happen to work in my favor. Any particular request for what type of equestria you want to be sent to."

Recomposing myself, I quickly think and answer, "Level 4 anthro and not too dark. I'm not to picky on when I should arrive but make it different from the main timeline so that it's not to predictable. Could I also have some small devise that allows me to listen to music from this world without the need for Wifi."

"Do you want Head phones with those?"

"Yes please."

"It shall be done," he answered satified, "Have safe trip."

I smile, finally letting a tear run down my cheek and say "Thank you and good luck yourself" to the merchant as I fall into unconsciousness and disappear in a white light.

The merchant goes towards the spot I ones stood at and picks up my wallet that was the only thing remaining of me, he looks through to make sure everything is there. He shoots one last glance to where I once stood and says:
"Good luck Minato. Make sure to enjoy yourself."

The first thing that comes to my mind as I slip back into consciousness is how much my head hurts. Reminds me of the first and only time I had a hangover, tip for everyone, do not take 9 Fernet shots in a row on your first time.

I slowly open my eyes and is greeted by a beautiful night sky and a... caged silver seeling?
Struggling to sit up and take in my surroundings I look around me to see that I'm sitting on a dirt path going up hill and surrounded by a field of blue flowers. I recognise some of the flowers because my mother always loved flower and the colour blue, the flowers I recognise are Iris, Delphinium, Blue star, Hydrangea and Brunnera. There are others but the names aren't coming to me.
As I look around me I realise that the entire hill is surrounded by a giant silver bird cage, down the dirt path is a door that leads outside of the cage, the door has a silver frame and seems to be made of metal. On the door is a painting with a blue flower field on the bottom. There is a depiction of a blue tree in the middle of the door, its flower covered brancess seem to form a hand that is reaching for the night sky that surrounds it. At the top of the door is a half way Solar Eclipse with the sun burning on left side while the moon is emiting some dark mist on the right side. In the middle of the moon is a silhouette of what appear to be a dark unicorn with burning golden eyes.

Outside the cage I see nothing but ruins of what appeared to have been a ones great kingdom, a castle crumbled with various houses collapsed. I don't see any bones but I do see weapons like spears, sword and axes in some places. The ruins are surrounded by towering walls made of stone bricks, the walls are covered with cracks but it looks sturdy.

I turn around and look up towards the hill and see a beautiful blue tree at the top of it. It appears to a blue chinese Wisteria tree, but it is far larger than any wisteria tree I've seen. The stem of the tree is much thicker and goes alot higher before meeting the crown.

Not wanting to walk on the beautiful flowers, I walk up towards the tree and notice that it's standing on a stone platform. The stone bricks that make up the platform are square shape but somehow the platform is a circle. The tree is standing at the center of the platform and its crown covers it almost entirely with its shade.
Near the base of the tree is a Victorian style round wooden table with five legs, one leg being at the center underneath the table. Around the table are four victorian style chair with cushion arm rests and pillows, both the table and the chairs are on top of a dark blue round carpet. On the table is a plate with an English silver tea set with four cups, one tea can, one bowl of sugar, one can of milk and four spoons.

I make my way towards the table and notice that my surroundings are starting to illuminate. I look up and see that the flower on the tree crown have started glowing in some form of bio luminescence. Shaking myself out of my amazement, I continue to walk towards the table and see that the tea set was not the only thing on the table. The Le Grimoire is placed on the table in front of one of the chairs, there appears to be a letter placed on top of it.
As I walk towards the spot I notice that the chair that the book is in front of is different, the chair is the closest one to the center, with the tree being right behind the backrest. The backrest of the chair is higher than the others and there is an engraving on top of it that says "MASTER". Looking back at the letter I take my seat and begin to read it.

"Greeting Minato and welcome to the Velvet Room, or more specifically Your Velvet Room. This place exist between dream and reality, mind and matter, it is the place were you can relax and take in everything that has happened to you so far."

I pause to take in the information that I have my own pocket dimension.

"This is where you will be able to create, customize and test your personas, the book is filled with cards that contains personas, skills and abilities, some abilities are not even from Persona or Shin Megami Tensei so feel free to get creative. Each persona does however have limits to what skills they can learn and the amount of skills that they can have at ones, some abilities are completely unique to specifik personas and can't be learned no matter what."

That's fair, it's a good way to balance things out.

"The room itself however has the ability to expand and change to the masters will, you can for example make the platform bigger so that you have more room to test some of your more destructive personas. You can also manipulate the passage of time in here, from time completely stopping or simply going slower than normal, you can even set a timer so that you know how much time has past."

So it doubles as a Hyperbolic Time Chamber, awesome.

"You can also bring others into the room using the Key in your pocket, but that doesn't stop others from entering the Velvet Room from time to time. Only those that are chosen or need the room can find and enter it however."

I didn't even realise I had the key in my left pant pocket, I wonder how I summon my other weapons?

Right on cue, I can feel that I now have the knife Paradise Lost in my right hand, apparently I can just summon the weapons by thinking about them. Also what was that about others being able to enter when they are chosen or need the room?

"This equestria will have a different history from the one you're used to, however certain events will still happen no matter what so you will be able to prepare yourself for what's to come. Good luck, but most importantly enjoy yourself."
"From your good friend: Mark the Merchant."

...Wait... WHAT!

Author's Note:

This story is going to be a bit more light hearted than my other stories, however I will remain in the area that I feel comfortable in.

Critisism is welcome and please tell me where I can improve.
Thank you :twilightsmile: