• Published 29th Dec 2020
  • 337 Views, 12 Comments

Tales of the Sapphire Carousel: The Chef's Guardian - Undome Tinwe

A fanfic of the fanfic Crimson Lips. Shimmer Glass learns to trust again when she befriends the bodyguard of the Sapphire Carousel, Rainbow Dash.

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Chapter 6

"Oh, I should have practiced this before!" Shimmer Glass wailed as she stood in front of the mirror, struggling with the clasp behind her back.

"It's fine," Rainbow Dash replied, getting up from her seat in the dressing room and walking over. "It's not like you'll need to be able to put this on while you're in there. Lemme help you."

Strong hands pried the two metal halves from Shimmer's fingers, and a moment later she heard a click and the next piece of her ensemble lock into place. "Thanks, Dash." She looked into the mirror once again. "How do I look?"

In the reflection, she saw Dash smirking at her. "Like you could have literally anyone in the world eating out of your hand if you wanted. But you already knew that, right?"

Shimmer took a moment to really look at herself in the mirror. "I guess I did," she admitted, giving in to the little bit of vanity inside of herself and admiring the way that the lace hid just enough of her body to entice the imagination. "Rarity really did an amazing job with this outfit."

"She had an easy job with you," Dash said matter-of-factly. "Don't really need to do much to make you look good when you're already a knockout."

Shimmer let herself bask in the compliment before she grabbed the robe hanging off a nearby chair and wrapped it around herself to complete the outfit. "Still, I need to remember to thank Rarity again for making this and charging me next to nothing."

"She's nice like that, yeah." A shrug from Dash. "Every girl gets one outfit almost free when they start out. I think she calls it a marketing strategy or something."

"Well, I'll definitely be a repeat customer if this goes well." The reminder of the job Shimmer had tonight brought back the butterflies in her stomach.

It seemed her nervousness had shone through in her expression, as she saw Dash frown behind her. "You're going to be amazing," she promised. "Fancy and Fleur are going to love you."

"I hope so." There was a pause before Shimmer decided to ask, "so, how much do you know about them?" Rarity had assured her that they would be wonderful first clients to work with, and Shimmer trusted her, of course, but Rainbow Dash was... well, Rainbow Dash.

"They're pretty cool, even if they're totally hoity-toity nobles," was her response. "Nice to the kids, too, when one of them gets loose and ends up in the wrong place before we can wrangle 'em back to the dorms. And Fleur knows some really great dirty jokes, even if she looks like a prim and proper lady who wouldn't say a bad word if her life depended on it. Both of them are people I'd grab beers with after a shift."

Then Rainbow's eyes narrowed. "But that doesn't mean I won't give 'em the boot if they do anything you tell them not to. If they try any funny business you yell for me and I don't care how nice they seem, they won't ever hurt you."

And that was why Shimmer wanted her confirmation. She knew from the bottom of her heart that Rainbow Dash would protect her, would never let what had happened to her in the past repeat itself, no matter how rich or important or powerful the client was. Shimmer Glass was safe here, and that gave her the courage to stand up and give her reflection a winning smile that dripped with just the right amount of lustful heat.

"Shall we, then?" she said, practicing her sultriest voice. She trailed her fingers lightly across Dash's arm as she strode towards the door, and a thrill coursed down her spine as she saw the guard stiffen in response. Knowing that she could have an effect on her even in a place like this gave Shimmer a rush of confidence that she rode all the way until she stepped outside and saw the two people she was going to be sharing her body with tonight.

Lord Fancy Pants and Lady Fleur de Lis stood by the entrance of the back rooms, chatting idly with one another. Fancy Pants looked up as she neared. "Ah, you must be Shimmer Glass," he said, smiling kindly.

For a few seconds, Shimmer simply stood there, all the mental preparations she'd made crumbling down in the face of reality. She wasn't ready to do this, wasn't ready to go back to her old life. This was too much, she needed to leave before—

No. She was safe now, and she wasn't going to let the past have any hold over her. Keeping in mind all the wonderful experiences she had been blessed with at the Sapphire Carousel, Shimmer Glass smiled back at her clients for the night. "Lord Fancy Pants, Lady Fleur de Lis, it's a pleasure to meet you," she said, flashing them that same sultry smile that she'd practiced in front of the mirror so many times.

"The pleasure is ours, ma chérie," Fleur replied. "Notre petite diamant has spoken highly of you, and anyone who earns the praise of our dear Rarity is someone we are eager to enjoy the company of."

The reminder that Rarity had risked her own reputation in giving Shimmer a referral was both terrifying and comforting, and Shimmer Glass chose to focus on the fact that so many people believed in her, believed that she could go through with this. "Rarity told me a bit about you too," she said. "Is it true that you were the ones who gave the secret donation that kept the Hope's Hollow Halfway House running?"

"Ah, so it's finally time to pay the piper for the love of gossip we share with our Rarity," Fancy Pants said jovially. "A small price for such wonderful pillow talk, I must say."

"What my husband means to say is that we do try to help those in need. However, we do not wish our endeavours to become public knowledge, so as to avoid... complications." Fleur's lips quirked up into a smile. "Ah, but we can trust those who work at the Sapphire Carousel in their discretion, non?"

"Of course," Shimmer promised. "I promise I won't tell anyone. Your donation kept that place running, and helped me out a lot. Thank you."

"It was truly the least we could do," Fancy replied, "and if you have any places in need that you feel could use some help, we'd be happy to discuss with you."

That got a smile from Shimmer. "I'd be happy to do that." Charity donations weren't always a sign that someone would be nice, but Fancy and Fleur really did seem to be genuinely good people, and Shimmer actually found herself looking forward to spending time with them. "But first, I believe you paid for a full night with me."

"Pleasure before business, hmm?" A wicked grin flashed across Fancy's expression before he turned to Fleur. "I like her!"

"Mon amour, notre plaisir est son affaire." Fleur tsked at her husband. She extended a hand towards Shimmer. "Allons-y, mademoiselle. Let us attend to your business tonight."

Shimmer took her hand, and together they made their way towards the bedroom so that she could ply the trade she'd once sworn never to return to. And yet, this felt like a victory unlike none other she had ever experienced.


"It was amazing!" Shimmer exclaimed as she wrapped the towel around her soaking-wet body. "I've never felt anything like that before!"

From across the bathroom, Rainbow Dash smirked as she perched on top of the toilet seat. "They're that good, huh?"

That got a snort from Shimmer. "Not like that. Well, I guess a little like that. It's just, I know the other girls talked about it, but I didn't think I could... be like them, you know?" She shrugged helplessly, struggling to communicate just what she was feeling to Rainbow Dash.

Luckily, that didn't seem to matter to the bodyguard. "I'm really happy for you." Dash stood up and grabbed a towel, then walked over and offered it to Shimmer. "So, how do you wanna celebrate getting your first clients?"

"Well, first, I'm going to go check on Glass Shard and make sure he's sleeping safe and sound, and then I'm going to sleep for a week," Shimmer replied, her lips twitching up into a tired smile as she took the towel. "That was exhausting. Fancy and Fleur were wonderful, but they really believe in getting their money's worth."

Dash chuckled. "Heh, I can imagine."

"I'm sure you could." Shimmer wrapped her hair up and began drying herself off. "Can't imagine working in a place like this as long as you have and not having some wild stories to tell."

"You got that right."

"I bet you've even got some crazy stories yourself." Shimmer smirked. "Or does the great Rainbow Dash never kiss and tell?"

There was a moment of hesitation before Dash laughed awkwardly. "Oh yeah, totally. Wouldn't want everyone fighting over me if they knew how awesome I really was, you know?"

Normally, Shimmer would have written off those words as part of Dash's natural bravado, but there was something distinctly fake in her voice that had her instantly suspicious. "Really?" she asked casually. "There isn't a single time you can talk about?"

"I, uhh..." And when Dash faltered, Shimmer knew the truth.

"You've never slept with anyone before!" she exclaimed, shocked to the core. This was a brothel, after all; as far as Shimmer had thought she'd known, there wasn't a single virgin working at the Carousel. Except maybe for the Lady, but Luna was the owner, not an employee.

The effect of her words was immediate. Dash's eyes widened and she held up her hands in a panicked gesture. "Please don't let anyone else know! You can't tell them!"

Shimmer raised an eyebrow at that. "You really think that they'd think less of you for that?"

"Well, no," Dash replied. "But still, do you know how much street cred I'd lose if the girls found out that I've never actually rocked anyone's world before? I don't want to blow any chance I have with any of them!"

"You know, you'd probably get a lot farther with the truth," Shimmer said. "I think they'd appreciate it a lot more."

"Probably," Dash admitted, "but I'm... I'm Rainbow Dash." She sighed. "Everyone expects me to be confident and awesome all the time. I don't want them to know that I have no idea what's going on when it comes to the thing that this place is literally famous for."

"Oh, Rainbow Dash." Ignoring her relative state of undress, Shimmer reached out and pulled her friend into a hug. "I'll keep your secret, but please know that none of us would ever judge you for being a virgin. It's nothing to be ashamed of."

It took a moment, but Dash eventually returned the hug, her stronger grip wrapping them tighter together. "Thanks, Shimmer. You're a good friend."

"Just returning the favour." As they pulled apart, Shimmer took the opportunity to brush her fingers underneath Dash's chin.

Rainbow Dash hadn't made a single comment hitting on her since that day when she'd first considered getting back into sex work. Part of her had actually been looking forward to receiving that same teasing that the other girls got, and Shimmer decided at that moment that if Dash wasn't sure if she'd be okay with comments like that, then Shimmer was going to make sure she knew.

With a teasing smile, she lifted the bodyguard's chin and playfully teased, "And if you ever want to get some experience in intimacy, you know who you can come to. I'm a professional now, after all."

The blush that formed on Rainbow's cheek was absolutely adorable, and Shimmer immediately regretted not teasing her more often. Still, her friend recovered impressively quickly, and fired back with her own smirk. "Heh, don't worry, I'm a fast learner. It'll be me teaching you in no time."

Shimmer giggled. "Alright, Professor." Drifting away from Dash, Shimmer quickly dressed and headed towards the door. "Anyways, I really need to hit the hay right now. Thanks for watching out for me tonight. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course," Dash said. "No way I'm missing out on lunch if you're cooking. Night, Shimmer."

"Good night, Dash."

For a moment, Shimmer had the urge to turn around and give Rainbow Dash a good night's kiss. Being with Fancy and Fleur must have left her feeling more affectionate than usual, and now that it felt like physical intimacy was possible for her again, Shimmer's mind couldn't help but wander even more than it had before.

Still, her earlier reasons for holding back were still true, so she quashed down the urge by letting the day's exhaustion wash over her, and left the room without turning back.