• Published 18th Feb 2022
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Equestria Ninja Girls: Spy Racers - Rio - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninjas and Allies team up with the Toretto Crew once again to rescue their friend and stop a new villain in Brazil.

  • ...


Every one of Layla’s men were searching around the streets of Rio as Tony, Echo, Gabby, April, and Twilight with her dog, Spike, inside her bag ziplined from one rooftop to another until they reached towards a safehouse that was owned by Dominic Toretto.

“The streets are crawling with Layla's buddies,” Echo told him as she landed safely inside the safehouse.

“You two sure this place is safe?” Twilight asked.

Tony assured her, “Of course. This is Dom's safe house, there's no place safer than this.”

Echo asked, “Didn’t he get caught here?”

“That’s what he wanted,” Tony answered.

Gabby remembered something and said, “Was that the time he and his crew stole a whole giant vault and drove through the street?”

“Is everyone in your family, spies or just natural adrenaline junkies?” Spike asked.

Twilight shouted, “Spike!”

Gabby wondered, “Actually, that's a question I'd like to asked myself.”

“Nah, that was a different time,” Tony denied.

Twilight inquired, “Stealing a whole vault? I find it impossible.”

Tony then shows Twilight old footage of two cars pulling a giant vault through the streets of Rio. This caused Twilight to jaw-drop.

“But that’s… scientifically impossible!” Twilight exclaimed.

April wondered,"I hope the others are okay."

"Don't worry, April. We'll call them," Gabby told her.

Tony said, “Anyway, we gotta figure out how I can talk to Layla without blowing her cover. I know she hasn't flipped.”

Meanwhile, the team of Cisco, Sonata, and Frostee were staying at the Beto’s house.

“Thanks again for the hospitality,” Sonata told Beto and Lucas.

Cisco contacted Tony through his spy watch, “I don’t know, T. She looked mad when she was chasing you.”

“Like even madder than you look when you’re chasing her,” Frostee inquired.

“What? When am I ever chasing her?” Tony flabbergasted through comms.

With Donut hanging on Sonata's arm, she told him, "You know, like when you and Rainbow Dash chased her throughout your entire first race with her."

“Or the time you chased her through the construction site or in the mines.” Cisco remembered while eating his cookies, but also trying to prevent Donut from eating his cookies.

Frostee remembered as well, “Aw yeah, the mines! You were behind her, like, the whole time!”

“Yeah she seemed pretty annoyed by that,” Sonata added.

“THAT WAS A MISSION! Otherwise, I'd have been in front of her!” Tony shouted in the safe house.

“Yeah, mad like that,” Echo pointed out after skating around with her skateboard. “Look, Layla’s probably in charge of this gang now. She is a criminal. We only met her because she helped steal the keys to an all-powerful super weapon.”

Frostee continued, “But then she stole the key to Shashi. And that’s like, stealing for good.”

“And if it wasn’t for Layla, we wouldn’t be able to stop Shashi and save Vegas,” Sonata stated.

“Oh, one time she asked me to "borrow" a tissue. And that just rubbed me the wrong way… It’s not like she was gonna give it back!” Cisco prevented Donut from getting his jar of cookies. “Anyway, I agree with Echo. She's a criminal.”

Donut shrieked as Gabby replied, “Only one way to be sure. If Tony and I can talk to Layla, we can find out what's going on. We just need to find her.”

“Wait! I know where Layla is.” Echo spoke up.

“You do?” April asked.

“Yeah, I got a tracker on her back at the fight in the mansion. Didn’t everyone place trackers on the gangsters during the fight?”

“Great. Let’s go find her,” Tony cheered.

Echo acknowledged, “Okay, but if she kills us, I told you so.”

Tony and Gabby started to have doubts on Layla and Tony informed everyone through comms, “We'll hit the streets. Sonata, Cisco, and Frostee, lay low at Beto's until the coast is clear. See if you can gather any useful intel while you're there.”

Frostee replied in comms, “Copy that.”

Gabby also told Frostee, “And contact the rest of our friends and tell them where to meet up.”

”Can do,” Frostee understood in comms.

“Take Spike with you. He's small enough to sneak around,” Twilight informed her friend.

Spike smiled, “Yeah, I can be sneaky.”

Echo picked up Spike and said, “Okay, little buddy. But try not to shed on my jacket.”

Gabby told everyone, “If we're going to find Layla, we need to approach this carefully 'cause they already know what our cars look like, so we're gonna have to find some new rides.”

“How 'bout this?” Echo took off the tarp and unveiled a motorcycle.

Tony cheered, “Awesome!”

“I'll help Frostee contact the others,” Twilight said.

April hollered, “I'll be on lookout in case there's trouble.”

Gabby whispered to the two girls, “Wait, you two are going to want to see this.”

Tony put on a helmet and hopped onto the motorcycle. He kick started the engine, but nothing happened. “Ah, come on. Uh… what the--”

He had a hard time figuring out how it works and Echo wondered, “Uh, have you actually rode on a motorcycle before?” Echo walked towards the motorcycle and started the engines like she actually knew how it worked.

Tony answered, “Oh. Technically no, but I'm a Toretto! How hard can it be?” He started driving the motorcycle, but Tony was having difficulty with riding on it. “This is hard! This is very, very hard! Aghh!” Tony screamed until he crashed into a pile of wood and groaned in pain after that.

“Ooh, that's gonna hurt,” April said.

“You know something, the first time he drove a motorcycle, he ended up crashing into a pond.” Gabby whispered until she and her friends giggled.

Echo shook her head after witness Tony’s motorcycle fail. “Oh Tony, what will I do without you?”

Minutes later, Echo and Gabby drove their motorcycles with Tony holding on to Echo while carrying Twilight's backpack as Spike enjoyed the wind. After that, they stopped at Layla’s location.

“Dom can't know about this,” Tony said.

Echo sighed as Blade Swipe was jumping on the roofs when he spotted the group on the motorcycle. “Time for spy vision,” Echo said as she turned on her spy glasses.

The interface in the spy glasses uploaded the coordinates of the map while Echo and Gabby drove their motorcycles to the left.

Meanwhile, Sonata, Cisco, Frostee, and Donut were still staying at Beto’s house. With the kid watching, Beto wore his kitchen apron and presented the teens and the monkey a plate of chips on the table.

“These are cassava chips. They’re good dipped in acai,” Beto said.

An amazed Cisco cheered, “Bro, Brazillian fro-yo fries!”

"Never heard of that before," Sonata inquired.

Frostee whooped and before he took a bite out of the cassava chip, he saw a picture of a woman with her race car. “Hmm. Isn't that the same girl from the murals?”

“I didn't know saints were allowed to drive,” Cisco noticed too.

Beto answered, “Ah, Rafaela certainly was.”

Sonata asked, "Beto, is there anything you can tell us about Rafaela?"

“Rafaela was our princess and our champion.”

Beto continued explaining Rafaela’s backstory along with Lucas in a flashback.

“Every year, the crime bosses that control the favelas hold a Corrida das Cinco Famílias. The crime bosses drove their cars in a race throughout the neighborhood of Rio,” Betos explained.

Lucas stated, “It's this awesome street race through the neighborhood! The cars are unreal!”

Beto continued, “For decades, the Morenos had lost the race.”

Lucas exclaimed, “Till Rafaela got behind the wheel! She was our champion two years running. Some said it was because of her front wing design, but I think it was her sweet turning vanes!”

Rafaela was in her orange race car and drove right past the cars in front of her. She reached the finish line and won the race with the trophy in hand. The crowd cheered and lifted her up as Rafaela celebrated her victory.

Beto continued, “The Morenos were lifted up by this beautiful angel. Finally, our neighborhood could be proud. But at last year’s race, something tragic happened.”

Suddenly, after the race was finished, Rafaela’s car unexpectedly exploded with her inside. The trophy fell on the ground and everyone gasped, shocked at the sight of their fallen champion as the sirens wailed.

The flashback ended as Betos sadly told Sonata, Donut, and the two Spies, “That was the day we lost our champion. The five families have been warring for control over the Moreno favela ever since. Many think there'll be violence at the Corrida das Cinco Famílias next week.”

Back in the streets of Rio, the team of Spike, Gabby, Tony, and Echo arrived at the coordinates of Layla’s location.

“Finally, this is my chance,” Tony said as Gabby and Spike followed him to the alleyway.

“Me too,” Spike added.

Echo informed them, “I got lookout.”

Then, Blade Swipe perched on a rooftop and remained quiet as Echo saw a businessman going to the alleyway.

She alerted her pals through her spy watch, “Hey, yo! Someone's coming!”

Tony quickly used the invisibility cloak with Gabby and Spike beside him and hid themselves between the trash bins from the incoming person. The businessman then met up with Layla and a mysterious person with a hoodie for a meeting.

Spike sniffed a familiar scent and saw Layla too. The dog said, “Layla's here too. Stay quiet.”

Tony observed closer until he accidentally dropped the trash can lid.

Gabby and Spike whispered, “Seriously?!”

Layla heard the sound of clatter near her and went to check the disturbance. She observed the area and Echo secretly used her drone to create a distraction. She growled, “Stupid rats.”

Tony told her, “Thanks, Echo.”

Blade Swipe lowered his Kyoketsu-shoge to the three individuals. He quietly told them, “Grab on. I'll pull you up.”

“Thanks, but Gabby and I are good here,” Tony whispered.

“Suit yourself,” Spike nodded and grabbed Blade Swipe's weapon with his teeth. After that, he pulled the dog up to the rooftops while Echo used her drone to record the footage of Layla and two other people from her phone.

”Blade Swipe, you're okay!” Spike jumped onto his pal.

Blade Swipe hugged him back, “I'm happy to see you both too.”

While Blade Swipe put Spike on his shoulder, he asked, “Are the others with you?”

“No. It's just me.”

The meeting fell through and Layla grabbed ahold of the businessman. The hooded figure pulled out a phone and sprayed some sort of fragrance at the businessman until he was entranced. The hooded figure ordered Layla to leave while the businessman went with the hooded figure. Layla ran to her car while the Torettos followed, but Layla got away and Echo stopped by to meet with the two Torettos.

Echo asked them, “What just happened?”

“I don't know. We gotta follow Layla,” Tony said as he hopped on to Echo's motorcycle.

While Gabby put on her helmet and hopped onto her motorcycle, Echo suggested, “Shouldn't we stay and find out who these people are with Layla?”

Gabby answered, “No, we're here to talk to Layla. Vamanos!”

“I'll see you guys later while Spike and I go get the rest of our friends!” Blade told them.

The three teens nodded and proceeded to follow Layla while Spike and Blade Swipe went to find the rest of their friends.

Meanwhile, the team of Cisco, Frostee, and Sonata were eating their cassava chips until everyone in Beto’s house heard an alarm coming from outside.

“What kind of sound is that?” Sonata asked.

Beto answered, “It's a warning. There’s going to be a capoeira fight.”

Frostee whooped and laughed, “Sounds like my time to shine! Not to freak you out, but I’m basically the Capoeira Kid. Woohoo!”

Outside, people gathered around in the neighborhood to witness a fight centered around the capoeira fighters. Frostee, Cisco, and Sonata wore face masks to conceal themselves with Donut hanging on Cisco’s shoulder as they followed Beto and Lucas.

Beto explained, “Since Señor Moreno was killed, the other gangs have been battling to take over for this neighborhood.”

“Ah, this is dope! I want in!” Frostee cheered.

Cisco smiled, “Yeah, I wanna be a Capoeira Kid!”

Lucas laughed, “You're not going to want a piece of this.”

The two combatants battled in the circle and their kicks collided. The female capoeira fighter leg swept the tall male capoiera fighter and jumped up high to take him down. However, he saw it coming and rolled over to dodge the incoming attack. They continued fighting until the man tripped and the woman jump kicked him, sending him flying out of the circle.

“Oh… This is a different style of capoeira than I'm accustomed to,” Frostee said.

“Fascinating,” A voice said as Sonata and the Spies looked to their right and saw Carter and Angel taking notes from their notebook while Buffy and Zach watched with Caitlyn recording from her phone.

Sonata greeted them, “Glad you can make it, guys.”

Then, the rest of the Ninjas, Allies, and Spies entered the neighborhood with their face masks on.

Cisco greeted them, “Hey, guys! Meet our friend, Beto.”

Echo then noticed Layla on the field. “Look, there's Layla.”

Layla entered with a fiery look in her eyes. She shoved the fighter and said, “This is Moreno turf, hoss!”

“Not anymore! We're coming to take over.”

“You'll have to come through me,” Layla fired back until the capoeira fighter shoved her off.

The fight ensued between the two ladies and Layla punched the fighter in the face. The fighter bounced back with a tackle to Layla. While the fight continued, more capoeira fighters started fighting each other, turning it into an all-out brawl.

“Awesome! Let me join in,” Raph smiled until Leo held his arm up and stopped him.

Then, the Ninjas, Spies, and Allies saw Gary as he arrived in the neighborhood of Rio. He nodded, letting them know that Ms. Nowhere wants to see them. However, one of the capoeira fighters charged right at Gary, but the big agent effortlessly punched him.

The Ninjas, Spies, and Allies followed Gary, but Sonata told Beto and Lucas, “Sorry about this, but we gotta go. I'll see you guys later. Again, thank you very much. I’ll make sure your hospitality and generosity is rewarded.”

The Ninjas, Allies, and Spies arrived at the safehouse and Ms. Nowhere was furious.

“Gary, I'm not happy. Am I?” Ms. Nowhere asked her agent.

“This seems like a trick question,” Gary answered.

“Why am I not happy, Gary?”

“Uh, because they were out of this Paco's Pork Pies you like so much?”

Mikey commented, “Those are good.”

Frostee sang, “Mm-hm, you get the piggy without breaking the bank. Ah!”

“It’s a little taste of hog heaven,” Echo commented.

Cisco chimed in, “Advertising, bro. Always trying to sell you something you don’t need.”

“You know what, just forget about the pork pies!” Ms. Nowhere frowned. “I’m also not happy because you ruined your mission and my mission. That’s two ruined missions. Three if you count my date with the prince, which Gary does!”

“There was chemistry,” Gary sadly told the teens.

Karai replied in comms, “No there wasn't!”

“Sounds like we saved that prince from a date worst than death,” Angel whispered to her friends and everyone snickered.

“You are all mission ruiners!”

Tony stood up to her, “We didn't ruin our mission, we just saw Layla talking to some mysterious people in an alley, she's clearly using her cover identity for good.”

Ms Nowhere inquired, “How do you know Layla hasn't flipped?”

“We don't,” Echo answered.

“Because I know Layla,” Tony said.

Ms. Nowhere replied, “You know absolutely nothing.”

Gabby agreed, “Look, something's wrong with her.“

April nodded, “I agree, I could sense something different in Layla's mind. In fact, it was also in the goons that were working for her as well. I sensed something in their mind, that shouldn't be there.”

“Why should I believe you?” Ms. Nowhere questioned.

“Because I'm a telepath. By the way, that's not nice you deny Gary a raise by saying the Agency doesn't do raises.”

“You lied about that?!”

“Can't worry about that now, Gary! You brats lost the hauler in quicksand and then you walked into Rio like it was a ball pit or whatever it is that dumb kids walk into,” Ms. Nowhere stated until she saw Donut on Cisco’s shoulders. “And you're apparently friends with a monkey now.” She noticed Donut touching her hand and responded the monkey with a hiss.

Donut panicked and climbed behind Cisco, making him yelp.

Fluttershy angrily said, “Hey! Leave Donut out of this!”

“And I thought the Color Strikes were the worst,” Caitlyn grumbled.

“No wonder the Turtles and Rainbooms don't like her,” Zach whispered to her sister.

“I already didn't like her before I met her,” Angel noted.

“Maybe Tony had the right idea of not calling her for help,” Buffy frowned.

“Oh yeah,” Carter nodded.

“Big time,” Keno agreed.

Ms. Nowhere noticed the binder, “At least one of you saved your binder.” She passed it aside to the Spies and Ninjas. “Like I told you before, this is bigger than all of us. Interpol has been working on it for a year. Now that I’m here, I'm taking over this op. Gary, hook me up.”

“Starting off casual, text the prince, a leap to a romantic song and say, “"Heard of this, thought of you." Yeah?” Gary suggested, pointing his fingers at his boss like a cool guy.

“Not with the prince. To the spy satellite feeds,” Ms. Nowhere corrected him.

After setting up the monitors, Ms. Nowhere plugged the two connectors together to turn on their spy computer, but it didn’t, it just turned on Gary’s phone charger.

“You just plugged in my phone charger,” Gary told her.

“Ugh!” Ms. Nowhere groaned in disappointment.

“So, guys, who was the walking sardine?” Echo asked the Turtles and Rainbooms.

“His name's Fishface,” Leo explained. “He's one of our oldest enemies.”

“He was once a street thug named Xever,” Raph explained. “Shredder brought him into the Foot to handle their more dirtier jobs.”

“He got mutated along with our other enemy, Chris Bradford,” Donnie put in. “After that, Shredder had Baxter Stockman construct robot legs for him from stolen Kraang tech.”

“And that's when I named him Fishface!” Mikey interrupted. “It was either that or Robo Carp.”

“Since then we've all had many clashes with him,” Sunset explained. “And after Shredder's defeat, he formed a new street gang called the Turks.”

“They even held us captive,” Twilight added. “But he fled after we defeated his gang.”

“We also fought him in our home town when he teamed up with his ex-partner in crime,” Applejack said.

“That was when I first fought him,” Blade noted.

“And that fiend tried to rob a jewelry store!” Rarity huffed.

“And also held me hostage,” Caitlyn added.

“Until our friends: the CMC, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Bright Eyes caught him in a rope trap,” Rainbow smirked.

“We even fought Fishface when we went to another dimension and met alternate versions of the Turtles here!” Pinkie popped up. “But that's another story.”

“We actually have a file on this Xever guy, and he's one bad dude!” Garry said and pulled up a file with a picture of Xever when he was human. “He's wanted for robbery, criminal assault, and numerous other felonies both here and in New York.”

“Never mind that!” Nowhere brushed off.

One minute later, the spy satellite feed was on.

“There. Now I'm going to talk to my buddy at Interpol who tipped me off of this whole thing,” Ms. Nowhere groaned in disappointment. “Frostee, Donnie, Twilight, Chaplin, figure out what the formula does.”

“I'm about to brea out my beakers!” Frostee said in excitement and left with Donnie, Chaplin, and Twilight following him.

“Echo, Gabby, check the supply chain,” Ms. Nowhere ordered.

“On it,” Echo nodded.

“Mikey, Sonata, Cisco, get more information from your favela contact.”

Cisco and his team nodded, but Cisco's stomach was full. He groaned, “I'm pretty full, but we'll do our best.”

“I got this,” Sonata said and gave Cisco a kiss on the cheek.

Cisco blushed and was fired up, grabbing the duo, “LET'S GET GOING!”

“And keep that monkey of yours in check!” Ms. Nowhere added.

“The rest of us will be on lookout, ma'am,” Blade Swipe suggested.

“I don't care,” Ms. Nowhere answered.

Sunset then asked her friends, “Guys, have you seen Vinyl? She's not here.”

Rainbow suggested, “She's probably playing music on the street. She'll be fine.”

Blade Swipe and the rest of the Ninjas exited the building except for Tony, Zach, Caitlyn, Carter, Angel, and Buffy.

“What's the most important job do I get?” Tony asked.

Ms. Nowhere answered, “I don't need someone to drive real fast into a stupid situation right now, why don't you stay here and watch Gary watch the cameras.” Gary saved Tony a seat right next to him.

“Can we help?” Angel asked.

Ms. Nowhere told the rest of the teens, “Let me think? Um, no.”

“Why not?!” Angel questioned her.

“Because the mission is too dangerous for a little girl like you.” Ms. Nowhere stated, which made Angel angry. “And that goes for the rest of you kids. Why don't you go explore around the streets of Brazil like you normies do. You're lucky that I'm not your geography teacher 'cause if I did, I would've given all of your school projects an F.”

Angel got angry and said, “Oh ho ho, that's it. You're going down, Jerkwhere.”

Carter, Zach, Caitlyn, Buffy, Tony, and Gary snickered at the name.

“What did you just call me, young lady?!”

“Jerk! Where!”

“That's it! All bets are off!” Ms. Nowhere yelled and took off her coat.

Angel brought out her ninja weapon, “Bring it on, old lady! Bring it on!”

Ms. Nowhere and Angel glared at one another until Gary and Leo separate them.

“Enough!” Gary called. “We got an important job to do, Ms. Nowhere.”

“Fine!” Ms. Nowhere stood down and walked off. Then, she grabbed the binder and told Echo, “Good job getting a tracker on Layla. Of all the people here I don't trust, I don't trust you the least. At least someone's putting this thing to use.”

“ I don't know what you're talking about,” Echo said.

“I get it. Book learning's for squares,” Nowhere then whispered to her, “Your secret's safe with me. Wink.”

After Ms. Nowhere exited the safe house, Carter asked his sister, “I'm gonna head out with Buffy, Zach, and Caitlyn to look around at Rio. Wanna come?”

Angel answered, “You guys go on ahead without me. I'll stay right here and cool off some steam.”

“That's understandable. See ya later, sis.”

After Angel’s friends and brother left, she was now stuck in the safe house with Gary and Tony.

Meanwhile, Vinyl was indeed on the street playing music from her turn tables with the bongo drummers. However, Layla noticed her from afar.

“Have I seen her before?” Layla wondered and walked towards Vinyl.

Then, her phone rang. Layla sighed and walked back to the alleyway.

She answered the call, “What?”

Fishface called, “The boss wants you overseeing at the warehouse. Now.”

“Alright, I'll be right over,” Layla nodded and walked away to go forward with the plan.

Meanwhile, Echo and Gabby drove their motorcycles on the road and Rainbow was not too far behind to catch up to them.

“Need some backup?”

“Sí, Dash!” Gabby answered.

Gabby, Echo, and Rainbow at a flower field, but with no too little flowers on it. Echo and Gabby got off as Rainbow picked up the orange flower that her friends saw before.

“Guys, I think there used to be a whole bunch of those orange flowers, but they used them all up,” Gabby informed Frostee and his pals through her spy watch.

Frostee realized in comms, “Ah, that's why they needed the formula to replace the flowers.”

“So they must be making a bunch of it somewhere,” Rainbow inquired.

Chaplin chimed in through comms, “But what's it for?”

Donnie asked, “Rainbow. Can you see anything useful that might give us a clue on what the formula is?”

Rainbow searched around with her super speed until she was done. She answered, “Nope. Can't find anything, Donnie.”

Echo then contacted Cisco, “Cisco, does Beto know anything about the flower?”

Meanwhile, the team of Mikey, Cisco, and Sonata were in Beto’s house.

Cisco asked Beto, “Hey uh, Beto. what's up with that orange flower that's everywhere?”

“Ahh. The Pimenta do Diablo, the Devil's Pepper. It's the symbol of the Moreno family. Some say it was the source of their power, that they used it to perform quimbanda - Brazilian sorcery.”

Cisco blinked his eyes, “Whoa.”

Mikey stuttered, “That's…that's spooky.”

Meanwhile, the team of Frostee, Chaplin, Donnie, and Twilight were figuring out the effects of the formula in the lab.

“Hmm,” Frostee wondered.

“Still nothing on acidic properties,” Twilight said.

“Negative on fuel supply usage,” Chaplin inquired.

Donnie called, “Ditto on poisons. Got anything Frostee?”

Frostee poured the chemical from the formula and used a small stick to identify the formula’s effect.

“What does this stuff do?”

Back in the safe house, Gary was watching the security cam footage of the mansion from his computer while Tony and Angel were bored, watching him. Tony groaned in frustration until Caitlyn, Zach, and Buffy entered with shopping bags in Buffy’s hand.

“We're back,” Buffy sang-songed.

Angel greeted her, “Hey guys.”

“Why the long face, T?” Caitlyn asked.

Tony sighed, “I should be out there in the field, using my spy craft, getting in touch with Layla.”

Gary said, “Surveillance is important and challenging too. You gotta think of camera placement and or blind spots, and of course pixilation is always a wild card!”

Tony groaned more, feeling frustrated.

“If I may, Gary,” Buffy raised her hand.

“Say no more, Buffy. I'm all ears. What's your take on this?”

“I think that you can use your imagination, Tony.”

“Huh?” Tony wondered.

Buffy explained, “Let me explain. Whenever I read a book, I imagine myself as a character and watch what the characters are saying.”

“Really?” Caitlyn questioned.

“Yeah. I sometimes use my imagination to keep myself sharp and focused on what I'm seeing,” Gary said.

“Well that's nice,” Zach put in.

Everyone turned their attention to the computer and watched surveillance footage of the two guards at the mansion.

“And… ACTION!” Buffy shouted.

Gary said in a high-pitched voice for the female guard, “Luiz, did you get a haircut?”

Then Gary used a deep-pitched voice for the male guard, “Oh Adrianna, you spot everything. You're like a telescope.”

“Speaking of telescopes, would you like to watch the stars with me sometime away from these harsh city lights?” Gary ended his high voice.

“Well? What happens next?” Tony asked.

“Just keep going. You're doing great,” Buffy told Gary and took a seat next to him.

Back on the road, Echo and Rainbow arrived at a warehouse where Layla and her goons were working at. After the guard wasn’t looking, Echo and Gabby barrel rolled near Layla’s car and launched a grappling hook, zipping them up to the rooftop while Rainbow used her super speed to run up to the rooftop. The girls looked through the window and saw some goons working inside with Layla watching.

Echo contacted Frostee, “Frostee, we were right. Now that they have the formula, they're making tons of this stuff.”

“So, what are they doing with it?”

Gabby answered, “They're just loading it onto a truck right now.”

Twilight warned them, “Stay out of sight and don't come in contact with the formula.”

“You got it, Twilight,” Rainbow confirmed.

Back in the safe house, Buffy watched Tony and Gary watch the surveillance while acting with their voices.

Tony said in his deep-pitched voice, “Hurry Commander Iglesias! We must save the Black Hole device!”

Gary replied in his high-pitched voice, “Cool your jets astronaut Sanchez, we'll make it in time!”

“Will we? The Infinity Field is too small!” Zach joined in.

“Don't you quit on me!” Gary exclaimed in his high-pitched voice.

“The spacetime continuum is too strong!” Caitlyn joined in as well.

“Do it for our child!”

“Wait… you're pregnant?” Tony wondered.

Buffy and Angel snickered at that line.

“I gotta admit, that was pretty funny,” Angel admitted.

“Wow. What's happening with this?” Twilight wondered.

“I don't know how we can understand this. But, why is this suddenly reacting?” Chaplin wondered as he went to check the holographic stats for readings.

Donnie groaned, “Ugh, I mean, is the compound suddenly reacting with some invisible substance that's all around?”

Then, they got a reading of the formula.

“It is!” Frostee laughed. “It's oxidizing!”

Twilight then realized, “Oxygen! That's the answer to what was missing in the formula! And with the chemical composition like this, the formula will...!”

Then, everyone heard loud bubbling and whistling coming from the beaker.

“Uh-oh,” Frostee said.

Donnie yelled, “EVERYONE OUT OF THE LAB!”

Later, Zach, Caitlyn, Tony, and Gary were pretending to shoot lasers with their fingers.

“Pew! Pew! Pew!” The four said repeatedly.

“Step away from the baby, alien scum!” Tony vowed.

While Buffy continued to watch, everyone heard screaming from upstairs and the tech team exited the lab. Donnie closed the door and everyone ducked as the explosion rang from the lab.

“What was that?” Angel wondered.

Donnie sprayed the fire with a fire extinguisher for safety as Gabby, Raph, Keno, Casey, Applejack, and Blade Swipe entered the safe house.

“Yo, we heard the explosion,” Casey said.

“Is everyone alright?” Aria asked.

“Yeah, we're good,” Twilight answered.

Chaplin asked, “You guys want the good news or bad news?”

“Does it matter?” Raph hollered.

“Good point,” Gary noted.

Frostee explained, “Good news: we figured out a chemical process the formula doesn't take into account. Bad news: when the formula reacts with oxygen long enough, it explodes.”

“Are ya telling us that they're making a BOMB?!” Applejack questioned the tech team.

Twilight answered, “No, not purposely. We're still not sure what the formula really is.”

Then, Echo, Gabby, and Rainbow appeared onscreen.

Gabby warned them, “Guys, the truck is loaded up.”

The spy satellite feed showed Layla going into the truck.

“That's literally a hundred times of what we made!” Donnie exclaimed.

Chaplin added, “According to the equation, if that explodes in a populated area, innocent people will get hurt!”

“Aw man, it's gonna blow in…” Frostee started counting with his fingers. “Fifteen minutes!”

Tony suggested, “It's the first time they're making it. Layla has no idea. We have to warn her.”

Tony and the rest of his friends were ready to leave, but…

“Wait!” Echo said and everyone stopped. “There's a little problem with that. There are security dogs and motorcycles all over this truck. I can't get in to talk to Layla.”

Gary realized, “That warehouse is across the town. It'd take 30 minutes to get backup there.”

“Driving real fast into a stupid situation? Sounds like it's time for Tony time!” Tony said with determination.

Tony, Gabby, Echo, and the rest of the Ninjas were following the truck with security cars and motorcycles, heading south.

Echo informed everyone, “Tony, Gabby, get to Layla. The rest of us will handle the support cars.”

Everyone nodded as Tony and Gabby accelerated their vehicles to find Layla.

Back in the safe house, the team of Cisco, Frostee, Gary, Donut, Chaplin, Donnie, Mikey, Caitlyn, Zach, Buffy, Twilight, and Spike were on their way to the lab.

Cisco commented, “It's a good thing you guys made one batch of that exploding stuff.”

Donnie nervously told him, “Uh, about that…”

“It's actually not the case,” Twilight continued Donnie’s sentence.

Buffy asked, “What did you guys do?”

They entered the lab and saw three beakers of the chemicals that contained the formula.

Frostee explained, “Those are all going to explode in ten minutes and destroy the entire safe house.”

“HUH?!” Caitlyn, Zach, and Buffy reacted.

“What?! I always knew Twilight’s experiments would be the end of me when you tried to repair your dad's lawnmower,” Spike remembered.

Cisco freaked out too and said, “Same goes for me! I've had nightmares about your science experiments just like this! And in them you tell me--”

Frostee warned him, “Don't you fear fart!”

“Fear fart?!” Twilight wondered.

Cisco weeped, “But then I accidentally fear fart anyway!”

After Cisco released gas, everyone coughed while Spike and Donut fainted from the stink.

“The window!” Donnie coughed.

Gary, Caitlyn, Zach, Buffy, Mikey, and the rest of the tech kids opened the windows to get some fresh air.

Frostee commented in disgust, “Déjà-ewww.”

“That is so not cool, dude!” Caitlyn commented.

“Guys, is there anyway to stabilize the formula?” Gary asked.

“Well, The best way is to do that is to stabilize the compound.”

“Something like... What Donut has!” Donnie pointed his finger at Donut.

Everyone turned their attention to Donut, holding his banana smoothie.

Frosted gasped, “Potassium is the stabilizing agent! Bananas have potassium!”

“Get that monkey!” Mikey shouted.

Spike sighed, “Here we go again.”

Donut ran to keep his drink while everyone tried to grab him.

Meanwhile, Layla continued driving down the road with the truck full of chemicals. Then, Tony drove in and pulled in reverse. His car summoned a paintball cannon from the hood and Tony fired paintballs at the car behind him.

“Heads up. We got more company in the way,” Leo informed everyone through comms as Layla’s security cars turned around and pursued the heroes.

“Tony, you and Gabby stop Layla! We can handle these guys!” Aria told them through comms.

“Go! Hurry!” Blade Swipe yelled.

Tony and Gabby drove their vehicles as fast as they could to catch up to Layla.

“Whatever is wrong with Layla, we need to help her!” Gabby told her cousin.

Tony nodded as the two motorcyclists brought their night sticks out.

“Allow me, primo,” Gabby said and drove the Turtle Racer right past Tony.

Gabby drifted the Turtle Racer and the two goons were sent flying out of their motorcycles.

“Doc, take wheel!” Gabby told the mutant chicken as she clicked.

“Alright, time to lock on to that truck,” Tony said as he pushed the auto drive button.

Tony put on his spy gloves and was ready to hop on to the truck. However, Layla and her goons noticed the Torettos behind them and one of them drove back to ram Tony’s car.

“Hold on, Tony!” Gabby yelled.

Echo drove her motorcycle on the rooftops and landed down on the road to help Tony. She drove right beside the goon’s vehicle and placed her spy device on it.

Less than a minute later, the vehicle was deactivated as Tony got up.

Tony thanked her, “Thanks, Echo.”

Another henchmen drove the vehicle and rammed Tony’s car, making Tony jump on the handle of the ladder of the truck. Echo drove by the henchman’s vehicle and dropped off her drone, making the driver stop the vehicle while the drone tasers the henchman.

“Now that's practical jewelry,” Echo commented.

Tony and Gabby used their spy gloves to slowly walk on the side of the truck.

“Layla! It's us, Tony and Gabby! The truck's gonna blow!” Tony warned her. “Stop the truck!”

Layla however, decided to punch him in the face. She said, “Get off my truck, Torettos!”

Then, Fishface popped out of the window of the truck and hopped onboard the container with his sword out. “Well, well, we meet again, mocosos.”

Gabby deadpanned, “Tú otra vez?”

Fishface swung his sword down at the two, while they screamed and dodged.

Back in the lab, everyone was chasing after the monkey.

“Donut, don't…” Frostee grunted. “Grab him!”

Gary tried to catch the monkey, but he failed.

“Donut, please! We need that!” Buffy pleaded, trying to grab the monkey.

“Donut!” Cisco panted until he crashed into a table.

Donut climbed up top to a rail, close to the ceiling, as everyone surrounded the monkey.

“C'mon, Frostee's gonna…” Donut interrupted Frostee as he swooped down to the table. “Why don't you listen to me?!”

“I got him!” Spike said, chasing after Donut as the beakers were shaking and getting ready to fall.

“Spike! Be careful!” Twilight gasped while catching the beakers.

“Get him! Ah, everyone!” Zach cried.

“Hold on!” Cisco yelled.

Then, Spike tripped on the phone and accidentally called Tony.

“Calling Tony.”

Tony answered his comms and saw Donut up close at the camera.

“It's gonna explode!” Donnie shouted onscreen while Gary struggled with Donut’s face on the camera.

“Why is Donut face-dialing me?” Tony wondered.

Donut continued using the tablet until he shrieked and saw Gary.

“Hey! Come here, little monkey!”

Gary tried, but he failed until he notice the monkey on his back, carrying the banana smoothie.

“Hey! Get back here. Hey! Come here, come here!”

The tablet then was set to self-destruct mode.

“This tablet will now self-destruct.”

“WHAT?!” Everyone except Frostee yelled.

“WHAT?! NO!” Frosted freaked out.

“Hold on!” Cisco shouted.

“We got you!” Mikey yelled.

While Gary continued struggling, Frostee scrambled to stop the detonation and succeeded.

“System disarmed.”


“Hey, slow down monkey!” Chaplin called.

Everyone continued to reach Donut behind Gary’s back while Gary stood still until the monkey jumped.

Mikey and Donnie caught Donut except the banana smoothie as it flew up in the air.

Cisco was about to grab it, but Donut beat him to it.

“This monkey's too fast!” Spike commented.

Gary and the teens fell down in a pile as Donut grabbed the banana smoothie and landed on the table where the chemicals were fuming. Spike arrived and played a game of tug of war with Donut for the banana smoothie while they breathe in the formula. Twilight then noticed Spike's pupils going big.

“Donut, give us the smoothie!” Donnie yelled.

Twilight ordered, “Spike, stand on your left fore paw.”

The two animals obeyed their commands as Spike stood on his left fore paw while Donut delivered the smoothie to the tech team. Frostee grabbed it and everyone stood up. After that, Frostee poured the banana smoothie on each beaker of the formula. After the formula became mixed with the potassium from the banana smoothie, the sizzling stopped and everyone exhaled in relief.

“Huh, does this mean we're the monkey whisperers now? Huh…” Frostee thought as Mikey laughed.

Donut was riding on a unicycle while juggling three toy balls while Spike was doing the moon walk.

“Really Mikey?” Twilight questioned him. “You obeyed them to do that?”

“What? I thought it would be funny,” Mikey explained.

Donnie ordered the monkey, “Donut, slap him silly.”

Donut got off from his unicycle, let go of the juggling balls, and slapped Mikey.

“Hey!” Mikey slapped him back.

After that, Mikey and Donut repeatedly slapped each other. Everyone except Twilight laughed as Cisco said, “Yo Spike. Slap Mikey too.”

Spike obeyed his command and slapped Mikey too.

“Really Spike?” Mikey called.

Donut and Spike took turns of slapping Mikey in the face while Gary and the tech team except Twilight laughed with Caitlyn, Gary, Frostee, and Cisco holding up their phones to record the whole thing.

Donnie told her while laughing, “And you laughed at me for getting beat up by a monkey.”

Back on the road, Fishface continued to try and hack at Tony and Gabby with his sword. When he suddenly felt something hit him in the side of the face. He turned and saw that Angel had hopped onto the tanker and had thrown one of her sparring sticks.

“You again?!” He growled.

“Yeah,” Angel smirked, twirling her sticks. “Got a problem with that?”

Fishface charged at Angel and swung his sword at her while the girl dodged and parried with her sticks. Then, Fishface stood on his hands and landed a kick on Angel that nearly sent her off the tanker, but she managed to grab onto the railing and swung herself back up, nailing Fishface with a kick of her own.

“You will regret that, chica!” Fishface snarled before continuing to fight her.

Just then, Leo suddenly lept onto the truck, with his swords drawn. Fishface quickly pulled out a knife and blocked his attack.

“Mind of I cut in?” Leo smirked.

While that was happening, Gabby tried to reason with Layla.

“Layla, we got to bail!” Gabby shouted only for Layla punched her next.

"I said get off!" Layla swerved the truck while the two cousins held on.

On top of the truck, Fishface continued fighting against Leo and Angel.

“So, if you won't tell us what the formula does, maybe you'd like to tell us who you're working for?” Leo asked.

“Now that would spoil the surprise, tortuga.” Fishface smirked while the three were at a standstill, clashing with their weapons.

“A surprise like this?” Angel questioned, before she head-bashed him in the face.

Layla moved the truck closer to the walls, trying to crush Tony and Gabby.

“Oh no!” Gabby said.

“Nononononono!” Tony exclaimed.

Then they climbed up onto the roof of the truck and rolled over to the other side and went inside. Layla tried to back-fist them, but Gabby blocked it.

“Really? That's how it's gonna be?” Tony exclaimed while he and Gabby dodged and blocked Layla’s punches. “Hey!” he continued dodging. “Layla, I don't know what you're doing. This truck is about to explode!”

“Seriously, Layla-argh!” Gabby cried as Layla landed a punch on her, knocking her into Tony. “You are making it really hard for us to want to save you!” She griped, blocking another punch.

While the chaos continued on the truck, Echo drove her motorcycle up a ramp and leapt towards Fishface and her friends. Echo ejected herself from her motorcycle and her two friends backed off while Fishface was knocked off from the truck by her motorcycle.

“Adiós, Calamari Breath,” Echo told Fishface.

Angel told her, “Nice shot, Echo.”

Echo climbed up and ran forward until she kicked Layla from the left door window, taking the steering wheel from her.

“Hey guys, still think this is part of her cover?” Echo asked as Layla tried to attack her only Tony and Gabby restrain her. “I'll steer for an unpopulated area. Get her out of the truck!”

While Echo drove the truck to a detour and the chemicals in the tank being exposed by the oxygen, Frostee alerted everyone through comms, “You guys got 20 seconds left!”

“Listen to me and Tony! This truck is loaded with explosives,” Gabby informed Layla.

“Gabby's right! We can't stay here!” Tony advised.

Layla struggled and groaned, “Get off of me! I have to deliver this! It's my mission!”

Echo used her spy glasses and saw an empty beach up ahead, knowing what to do with the truck. She drove the truck straight towards the beach.

“We gotta ditch!” Angel yelled.

“Not without Layla,” Tony told her.

“Ten seconds!” Twilight cried.

“Layla! Por favor!” Gabby yelled.

The truck arrived on the beach as Echo tackled Tony, Gabby, and Layla out of the truck while Leo and Angel jumped off as the truck drove into the ocean and exploded.

“Is everyone okay?” Leo asked.

“Yeah,” Angel nodded.

“I'm good,” Echo nodded.

“Still in one piece,” Gabby said as Layla started to wake up. “Layla!”

“Layla, wake up! Layla, are you okay?” Tony asked, feeling worried.

Layla came to her senses and wondered, “Where am I? What are you all doing here?”

Tony and Gabby chuckled and exhaled in relief. He said, “Saving your life, as usual.”

Layla felt her head ringing as she looked around and observed the area. “Are we in Rio?”

“Yeah. Are you okay? What's going on?” Gabby inquired.

Layla did her best to remember what happened. She explained, “I remember going undercover, the… The favela, the gangsters…”

Then, the Spies and Ninjas heard the sounds of motorcycles coming to their location.

“Yo, we got company!” Echo called.

“We gotta move. Now!” Leo shouted.

While Tony called his car for a pickup from his spy watch, Layla continued, “They did something to me.”

Tony answered, “Uh, yeah, that was kind of us.”

Gabby told her, “We threw you out of the truck. Before it exploded.”

With the Torettos helping Layla up, she told everyone, “No. It's this formula. It's mind control. I figured it out before she caught me.”

“She?” Leo asked.

With the Spies and Ninjas having a little bit of time to think, Dr. Cluckingsworth with the Turtle Racer and Tony’s car arrived at the beach.

“We gotta go!” Echo ran to Tony’s car.

“Come back with us. We can take down whoever's behind this,” Leo suggested.

Layla rebuffed, “No. I'm going back in.”

“Are you serious?” Tony said in disbelief.

“Is she serious?” Angel shockingly replied.

“They still think I'm mind-controlled. I can finish my mission. Nobody controls me.”

Echo honked the horn from Tony’s car. “Yo, just leave her! Let's go!”

“Get out of here everyone! I'll be in touch,” Layla said.

“Wait!” Tony and Gabby shouted together, making Layla stop.

Tony grabbed something from his pocket and told Layla, “Here. Take this eagle camera so we can track you.”

Layla took the camera and told the Ninjas and Spies, “Thanks for coming for me.”

“We're family,” Tony smiled.

“And you're my best friend, Layla.” Gabby hugged her. “Friends stand by each other. Unlike some people!” Gabby then shot a glare at Echo while she rolled her eyes.

Dr. Cluckingsworth honked the horn of the Turtle Racer and clucked loudly.

“We gotta go! Now!” Leo ordered.

Tony told her, “Good luck, Layla.”

Layla nodded and ran off on her own while everyone else went to their vehicles and drove out of the beach. After that, the motorcyclists stopped Layla and she looked back at her friends.

The Ninjas and Spies drove head on with determination as Tony looked at his rear view mirror, hoping that he and his friends will find a way to rescue her.

Meanwhile, Ms. Nowhere arrived at an undisclosed location and met up with her old buddy from Interpol who was sitting on a chair at his desk.

“I'm sorry about the delay. There was a crazy truck chase that held up the traffic.”

“Agent Medina,” Ms. Nowhere greeted him. “Who's a gal gotta intimidate around here to get a pork pie?”

Agent Medina laughed and turned his chair around to see her. “Good to see you too, Ms. Nowhere,” He greeted her with a sinister grin on his face.

Author's Note:
  • The two cars pulling a giant vault through the streets of Rio is a reference to the Fast and Furious movie, Fast Five.
  • The confrontation between Angel and Ms. Nowhere is inspired by the Spongebob Squarepants episode, Band Geeks.
  • Donut and Mikey slapping each other is based on Larry and Dexter slapping each other from the movie, Night at the Museum.
  • Spike and Donut slapping Mikey back and forth is based on Dexter and Able slapping Larry back and forth from the movie, Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian.

Happy new year! 🎆

Comments ( 10 )

That was all very amusing

I can't wait for the next chapter.

It Was Worth The Wait.

Working on it right now.

It’s Been A While Bro.

We already finished the next chapter

So When Is Chapter 5 Going To Be Posted Bro?

I’ll Wait Bro.

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