• Published 2nd Jan 2021
  • 1,180 Views, 3 Comments

Dance Of The Hours - lillytheomegawolf

The last night of the year is here and Pinkie Pie is hosting a fun night of dancing for all to enjoy.

  • ...

Dance of the Hours

In the gardens outside the castle of friendship, the new years eve dance party was in swing. Music was pumping thanks to the music from Vinyl Scratch. The DJ was accompanied on stage by Octavia. The pair were currently playing a lively line dance and there were three rows of couples dancing back and forth. Most of the creatures there were ponies, although there were a few changelings, griffons, hippogriffs and young dragons too. Pinkie Pie and her husband Cheese Sandwich were the proud hosts of the evening. Having delivered their opening words, the couple were now enjoying dancing together. There were streamers, balloons and many other more intricate decorations from the castle to the treeline. The dance floor was marked out but the neatly cut lawn in front of the DJ booth.

Vinyl grinned happily down at the three rows of dancers, quick to note that the teenagers, Tender Taps and Apple Bloom headed the row of mostly ponies directly in front. Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich headed the left row and Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst led the row on the right. Right in the middle, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy danced together, the speedster occasionally stepped out of time, her movements hasty. Scootaloo kept glancing over at her adopted big sister while she danced with her own partner, Rumble. 

On either side of the teenaged pegasus couple was Flitter and Thunderlane dancing together then Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth. Rarity and Spike were together at the back of the left row, the drake wore a small bowtie while his date wore an elaborate blue dress that flowed with each of her movements. Right at the back of the left row Gallus and Silverstream joined in as the couples from each line met and the stallion’s twirled their mare. Silverstream giggled as her date half twirled along with her.

The suddenly blushing griffon scowled. “This is why I didn’t want to join in.”

Silverstream smiled as they trotted back a few steps, forward, then swung around their partners. “Oh hush, the dance looked easy enough. I’m sure we will do fine.”

“Fine. Just don’t complain when I step on your feet.” 

The pink hippogriff smiled back, “I won’t.”

Each line parted to allow the leading couple to prance down the middle, hoof in hoof. After they reached the end of the line they trotted back then filtered around the outside. Gallus rolled his eyes accepting defeat as he followed the stallion beside him down the line then around. As they reformed the line and took their partner’s foreleg once more, he caught his date’s eye and couldn’t help but be drawn into her radiant smile.

The line dance soon ended and Octavia laid aside her cello. Vinyl took off with a vibrant party beat and the lights dimmed.

Princess Twilight watched from the sideline as the lines broke up and every creature began to dance either by themselves or freestyle with their partner. She turned to Applejack who idled behind the food table. “If you like, I could watch the food table while you dance?” 

Applejack smiled and shook her head. “No need Twilight. In fact, I think it best I stay here for the time being.”

“Why?” Twilight asked.

The farmer smiled knowingly back.

“Can I Have this dance?” 

Twilight span around to face the speaker. “Luna!? I didn’t know you could make it! And Celestia, Discord! It’s great to see you too!”

“A retired alicorn should always have time for her mare.” The darker alicorn smiled as she approached. Now slightly shorter than her fully grown alicorn date, Luna took a moment to admire the sleek purple form of her lover.

Twilight blushed, Celestia giggled at her ex-student’s response. Discord faked a gag.

With a large boiiing! Pinkie Pie landed in front of Discord and Celestia. “Discord! Come to add some chaos to the party?”

“Hello, Pinkie Pie. I might. Although I’m here as Celestia’s pus one. She is likely to command my attention for most of tonight. But then again, with chaos... you never know...” Discord grinned.

“Oooooohhh!” The party pony smiled back. “Then you two need to hurry up and get on the dance floor!”

“An excellent idea,” Discord turned to Celestia and offered her a hand. “My lady?”

With a poorly stifled giggle, the sunny alicorn accepted the offered lions paw and the pair drifted off onto the dance floor.

Luna snuck up close and offered a quick nuzzle to Twilight who hesitantly returned the gesture.

“That’s not being discreet...”

Luna smiled at her complaining marefriend. “Relax Twilight. Would you allow me the honour of a dance?”

Twilight smiled back. “You do know our dancing might be considered... disruptive to the others?”

“But it is so fun with you. And the yak is dancing with her colt. No pony appears to mind the Yak’s style of dance.”

“Yes... well... They have toned it.”

Luna sat beside Twilight. “Have it thy way then, love.”

Minutes flowed by, pumping with high energy and ever higher volumes. Vinyl Scratch faded the wubs down. “Alright everypony, I hope you’re having a great time tonight!”

Many cheers erupted from the crowd.

The DJ glanced over to her marefriend and grinned. “Well, now that I’ve got you all moving how about something a bit different?”

Before anypony could contest her decision, Vinyl faded in a classical waltz. With a pleased nod, Octavia took up an accompaniment, paying a slow, romantic harmony with her cello. Although a few on the dance floor broke off, many remained, swaying slowly as they shuffled along.

Cheese Sandwich joined in with a tune on his accordion, playing softly as he danced with Pinkie Pie.

“How about this?” Luna asked softly.

“What about it?” Twilight turned to the princess of the night.

“I am yet to experience a slow waltz with my marefriend.”

“I still don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Try me,” Luna replied with a cheeky grin.

“But the students-”

“Might enjoy seeing their old principal enjoying herself.” Luna grinned back at her nervous marefriend.

Twilight huffed, “oh alright. But you're fixing any damage.”

Delighted, Luna rose and led her partner out into the midst of the other dancers.

The music continued to play, softly and romantic Twilight felt apprehension rise. “So... how do we do this?”

With a flap of her wings for balance, Luna reared up on her hind legs then swept two purple forelegs up and interlocked them in a loose kind of hug. She smiled as they both briefly fought to regain their balance. “Two legs?”

“Right.” Twilight flushed a darker shade of purple as she fought to regain her balance.

Luna couldn’t help but smile adoringly. Twilight could be so adorkably cute.

The couple took a few moments to adjust their grip with their forehooves. Luna held Twilight like a colt would hold his mare while on two hooves, one around half her back and one lower, close to her cutie mark. As they began to shuffle around, Discord and Celestia glided past, her forehooves held in his own lion and eagles claw.

Luna poked her tongue out at her sister. Celestia replied in kind while Discord puled two silly faces. The elder alicorn and her temporally twin-headed partner continued to gracefully waltz, one two three, one two three around the other couples, all of whom were much smaller in stature than the princess on her hind legs with the lord of chaos.

Twilight meanwhile was fully occupied with trying to not stand on her partner’s hooves. She kept lightly kicking Luna's hooves which would cause her to glance down to make sure the impact didn’t turn into something more serious and send them tumbling. She glanced over at what princess Celestia was doing. Celestia made it look so easy! Twilight stumbled as purple hooves clicked rather loudly against dark blue. Midnight wings shot out for balance and the young princess found herself mirroring her lover’s stance, legs spread wide for greater balance.

“Relax,” Luna smiled kindly. “Just watch what Celestia is doing with Discord and try to copy her.” The dark mare winked, “after all, I’m watching Discord’s feet and I think it’s helping.”

The couple in question glided past the younger pair once again with ease as they maintained their faster pace, circling around the outer dance floor. Two heads swivelled to follow and Twilight couldn’t help but smile when a rose appeared in Discord’s mouth and he offered it to his princess. The now blushing sunny alicorn accepted and ate the gesture causing Discord to laugh at the please on her face.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash swayed slowly from side to side in the center of the floor. They held each other in a loose cuddle with their forehooves, their eyes closed and their foreheads touching. The normally proud Wonderbolt wore a rather pleased, slightly dopey expression on her face as she allowed her partner to lead their slow dance. Fluttershy hummed softly along to the music as she nuzzled her parter.

Around the two pegasi rotated a rather more nervous couple; Galus and Silverstream. They clasped each other with their foreclaws as they waltzed together. The griffon kept stepping out of time then hastily correcting his footing. His pink companion led, her movements more graceful, but no less littered with mistakes. She tried to gently apply pressure with her foreclaws to guide them around others who were moving slower. The young griffon had his eyes locked on what others were doing, occasionally darting to his hind legs to make sure he wasn’t stepping on his dance partner.

The pink hippogriff could tell her companion was uncomfortable. “Relax Galus.”

“But I’m doing it all wrong.”

“So?” Silverstream softly touched beaks then withdrew as his gaze darted to hers then for the first time since the slower music began, remained there. “Just enjoy dancing with me. Watch what I do and try keep in step as best you can. You could even try and lead. The guy is supposed to after all.” She giggled softly and was pleased to see a slight blush cover the griffon’s cheeks.

“Are you sure you want me to lead? I’ll mess us both up.”

“Try it. Use your foreclaws to apply a bit of pressure to my side to guide us left, right or slow down or speed up.”

“Right...” Gallus nodded slowly. His gaze sank to their feet and he did his best to use his grip on his partner to guide them. First, to the left. Then the right. He grinned. He tried speeding their pace up and was pleased when Silverstream kept up. He slowed them down and directed his partner to the left to avoid hitting Yona and Sanbar who were waltzing on the spot. His gaze once again sank to their feet as he tried to focus on matching his companion’s movements. One, two, three. One, Two, three, four. No wait! A quick fumble and he fell back into time. Maybe this wasn’t so hard after all. Gallus grinned at his pretty partner who smiled back with delight.

With a bump, Gallus’ eyes shot up to see that Silverstream had impacted with Spike and Rarity. “Sorry!”

Rarity smiled as she picked herself up and inspected her flowing dress, “it’s fine dear. I think you both are doing rather well together.”

“Yeah,” Spike agreed as he straightened his bow tie, smiling at the young couple.


Silverstream giggled at her partner’s shy response. “Nice steering.”

“Yeah, whatever...” Gallus sourly muttered back.

“Duck!” At Silverstream’s exclamation, the couple ducked to avoid a pink and orange pair that bounced overhead.

Cheese and Pinkie giggled as they landed. The premiere party pony of Ponyville waved at her students with a wide grin as she continued to waltz around the floor with her dance partner. The couple occasionally bounced over other ponies as they moved. Although the music was slow, they moved with equal gusto to Celestia and Discord who continued to gracefully flow between the other couples on the dance floor.

Tender Taps & Apple Bloom easily avoided the party pony couple as they expertly waltzed around the outer circle of the group. The young performer gave his partner a singular spin which she eagerly turned into a second rotation. With a grin, the orange colt drew his dancing partner close again and they resumed their waltz.

From her place at the food stand, Applejack smiled tenderly as she watched the pair of lovebirds talk as they tried their best to waltz. As Gallus attempted to dip Silverstream, her wings flared to prevent her from hitting the grass. Applejack chuckled to herself. Her gaze wandered to another dancing pair who rotated around the central dance floor; Ocellus and Smolder.

The young dragon wore a light blue dress that matched her partner, Ocellus. The changeling wore a pretty pink dress and was clearly enjoying the moment with her partner. Smoulder kept nervously eyeing those around them. The dragoness felt a hoof gently touch her cheek. With a start, Smoulder met her date’s gaze. 

“It’s okay. Just ignore them.”


“If you try to enjoy yourself and forget about them, maybe- maybe we could leave early for some snuggles.”

Smoulder grinned at the offer. “Rather bold there.”

“Well, I want you to feel relaxed. You will dance better that way. Besides… I like your cuddles.”

Smoulder ceased her movements and relinquished hold on her partner. As the changeling’s fourth hoof connected with the soft grass below, the orange dragoness took a deep breath. She glanced around and realized that no pony really was paying even the slightest attention to her. Each waltzing creature held their partner’s attention. It was sweet enough to make her barf really. Especially Gallus and Silverstream. She noticed their beaks touch, the way their claws brush each other. They looked like they were alone, even though other ponies were within hooves reach.

Maybe she was free to do what she wanted with Ocellus. Smoulder closed her eyes and let the music inside.

Smoulder smiled as she felt Ocellus nuzzle her chin. Time for action. With a fire in her eyes, the young dragon quickly traced her claws up her partner’s soft dress then pulled the bug onto her hind legs. “Let’s see some action.”

Rumble & Scootaloo swayed slowly as they stepped back and forth, their hooves all firmly on the ground while their sides touched and their muzzles rested on the other’s back. Grey wings brushed lightly against orange. “Thanks for letting me take you to this dance, Scoots.”

Scootaloo grinned, “It took you long enough to ask.”

The grey colt withdrew, “say what?” 

The orange filly giggled, “even I could see you wanted to ask me. It was kinda cute.”

Rumble turned his muzzle away as he flushed a darker grey. “Right. Wanna get some food?” 

“I-“ Scootaloo pulled her colt in closer. “Want to finish this dance.”

“Oh.” A lovestruck grin slid onto the grey colt’s muzzle as his partner cuddled close. He wrapped his hooves a little tighter around her orange form.

Sweetie dragged Buttom Mash up to the teenaged pegasus couple. The young gamer colt looked like he had been thrown in the deep end of the ocean as Sweetie positioned him ready to join in the waltz.

The white filly smiled at the pegasus couple, “you two look like you’re having fun.”

“Yeah, Rumble’s not as bad as he claimed to be.” Scootaloo grinned as she took charge.

Rumble allowed her to lead and together they began to waltz closer to the keenest dancer in their small group.

Rumble forced the lovestruck smile off his face for a moment. “I never said I was bad.”

“Yes, you did.” Scootaloo shot back playfully.

Sweetie Belle giggled.

Button Mash pouted for a moment as he glanced back at the ‘safety’ of the food table. “Farewell oh land of safety.”

Sweetie Belle poked her dance partner in the chest. “This isn’t some boss fight.”

“Yeah, well-“ The colt perked up as the music came to an end. “Saved by the DJ.”

“Awwww…” Sweetie complained. “This is why you should invite me to dance with you at the beginning of the music like a gentle colt.”

“But I can’t dance.” 

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes. “And you won’t learn if you keep waiting until I drag you up. Or I can find a new partner.”

Alarm bells went off in the brown colt’s head. “Don’t do that! I’ll-”

Sweetie Belle giggled and stepped back from her date. “I’m going to get a drink and wait for the next dance. Maybe somepony will act as quickly as he does in the games.”

Pinkie bounded up to the podium and whispered in DJ-Poni’s ear. The white mare nodded, a grin ripped across her muzzle and she allowed the sounds of nature to fill the quiet. All of a sudden the music changed to a full on party song, loaded with energy.

Pinkie Pie landed on the first big wub next to Cheese and swept her stallion up.

Yona began to romp happily, Sandbar at her side. Those around the couple shifted to give the pair a wider berth once more.

Luna gathered herself back up onto four hooves and smiled mischievously at Twilight.

The young alicorn flicked her wings apprehensively.

The mighty ruler of the night nodded to her partner as she began to loosen up, her body wiggling in time to the music.

A smile broke out across Twilight’s face as she too began to dance, slowly and carefully at first. Caution gave way as she allowed the music to fill her. Twilight closed her eyes and delivered a kick.

Luna giggled at the hind leg that twitched up and down before it lowered. Twilight’s forehooves reached out into thin air and wiggled around as she slipped into full Twilight dance. The midnight alicorn playfully ruffled her partner’s mane. This got the newer princesses’ attention and she paused, a forehoof awkwardly held high.

Luna coyly wiggled a foreleg, then a hind leg. Then with a half flap from her right wing she transformed the motion into a wave like wiggle which flowed into the rest of her body. Her head swayed from side to side and she kicked out and began to do a sort of two legged hop. One dark hoof rose from the front and one from the back as the princess of the night wiggled around in what only Twilight or herself could possibly call a dance.

The purple alicorn giggled at the darker mare’s joyful release as she joined in with a fully fledged Twilight dance. The pair quickly fell into a spot close to Sanbar and Yona. Between the four crazy dancers, no pony was willing to venture onto their half of the dance floor. Yet somehow, with Luna at her side, Twilight was okay with this. More than okay, in fact, it felt great! With each resounding wub she allowed the music to wash over herself and flow into her crazy movements.

To those keeping the wide berth of the two couples, it was clear that Twilight was anything but in time and Luna wasn’t much better. Their hoof beats fell at random intervals, night blue wings stretched, compressed, flapped then wiggled in a sort of off beat timing.

Yet despite the giggles and shocked looks, the couple danced on.

Yona and Sandbar seemed to take cue from the crazy couple, their own bold stomps raining down upon the earth like small quakes.

Discord snapped his fingers. Cheeze and Pinkie bounded right through the mighty ruler as they moved in time with the party beat. Celestia smiled, she was opaque. “Discord?”

“Hush. Let’s see if this works.” The lord of chaos grinned as he guided his mare into the danger zone. Closer and closer the opaque couple drew to the alicorns who danced with reckless abandon. Celestia flinched as a deep blue wing extended-

-and passed right through her and Discord. The chaos master grinned.

Celestia smiled cheeky back.

Discord held a finger to his lips. Luna had not appeared to realize her wing had passed through her sister and was now back in the open air. With a final flourish, the draconequus guided his partner into the chaotic pair and they passed effortlessly through.

Twilight and Luna faltered and crashed into each other as they stared at the couple who had passed through them.

“How rude.” Luna addressed the being of chaos. “I was enjoying my dance with Twilight. Please take your chaos elsewhere. That felt highly unusual.”

“Can you show me how you did that, later?” Twilight piped up.

Discord grinned. “You want to know?”

“Yes please.”


Before the alicorn couple stood a now fully solid sunny alicorn and draconequus. “Alright. Ta, ta!”

Celestia allowed herself to be taken away by her partner. “That did feel most unusual Discord. I prefer to teleport through something, not pass through it.”

The master of chaos grinned slyly back. “But it was worth it to see the looks on their faces, right?”

“It was,” Celestia smiled warmly and pecked her draconequus on the lips.

The party tune passed into another high energy song. A few more ponies filtered onto the dance floor, forcing Twilight and Luna to relax their special dance techniques.

“Hey scoots!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she trotted up to the young pegasus couple.

“What’s up Dash?” Scootaloo paused her dancing to smile at her big sister.

“Wanna dance on the clouds? I placed a few good ones above us so that I could dance in the sky with Fluttershy, but I figured you might wanna join in the fun?”

The teenaged filly lit up, “that sounds cool. Wanna try some sky dancing, Rumble?” 

The grey colt shrugged. “Sounds cool to me.”

Rainbow Dash spun around and snagged her mare. Fluttershy ‘eeped!’ as she found herself held bridal style in her mare’s forehooves.

“Dash, a bit of warning next time, please.” 

The Wonderbolt chucked. “Sorry,” the totally not sorry mare zipped up and alighted on the large cloud that hovered above the party.

Rumble and Scootaloo alighted on a cloud nearby and carefully began to move to the beat. They flapped their wings, bumped flanks and generally let loose with wild fun.

As the music changed into another fun dance tune, this time with the zing of the cello, the vibrant pegasus couple paused. “Let’s fly.”

With a flap of her wings, Rainbow Dash took her partner above their cloud. Fluttershy shyly smiled at her partner, with a reassuring grin back, Dash led their areal dance with a swift twirl. The first quick movement flowed into a second. With interlocked forehooves, Dash led her mare back and forth then round and round.

As the high energy of the dance tune lulled, they parted, wings flared, their bodies held upright as though they were about to land on their hind legs. A single forehoof extended, reaching out for the other. Fluttershy sang softly to the driving beat as they continued to slowly rotate above the clouds. From above, Luna’s moon gently lit their muzzles with a soft blue glow. Rainbow Dash took the time to admire the soft mare before her.

As the music began to build, the couple spiralled tighter and tighter till their extended forehooves touched. Rainbow Dash pulled her lover close and picked up the pace to once again. As the crescendo hit, the speedster broke off and sped from the castle to the trees then spiralled back to her partner. A rainbow trail sparkled in the night sky where she had flown.

Fluttershy admired the sparkling colours then allowed her gaze to be captured by her mare as blue hooves interlocked her own. She giggled as they resumed their graceful sky dance. “That was lovely, maybe you could give us a bigger light show?”

“You want a sonic rainboom?” Dash asked as she carefully spun her mare around.

As they again met, muzzle to muzzle, Fluttershy nodded.

“Alright. You asked.” Dash grinned.

The music faded out.

Fluttershy shook her head lightly. “I hope they pick a slower tune this time.”

Dash grinned back as she guided them down to their large cloud. “Maybe something with our hooves on the cloud this time?”

“I would like that.” Fluttershy nuzzled up close.

A moment later a pumping, hoedown mix of raise this barn took over.

Applejack laughed and began to dance her way over from the food table to join her sister. Applebloom dragged a joyfully wiggling Tender Taps into the centre of the floor where they led with gusto.

Back and forth the dancing pack of ponies went, many on their hind hooves. The other creatures, such as Gallus and Silverstream did their best to join in the loose, fun jive too.

Luna backed away from the packed dance floor and noticed the pegasi above. “Would thou like to join me in the skies?” 

Twilight’s gaze followed Celestia and Discord as they drifted skyward. “Well, I’ve never danced in the sky…” 

“Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy appear to find it most enjoyable.”

Twilight unfurled her wings while her hooves tapped mostly in time with the lively beat. “Okay.”

With a mighty beat of her wings, Luna took her partner’s forehooves. After bobbing her head along with the party tune the night mare flapped her wings again.

The couple began to ascend, unsteadily at first but their wings quickly fell into sync and they began to slowly twirl together.

Their space was quickly claimed by Lyra and Bon Bon, both of whom were proudly sporting their rings. They joined in the singing as Applejack began the second verse:

“Raise this barn, raise this barn
One two three four
Together we can raise this bar
One two three four
Finish the frame
Recycling wood
Working hard you're doing good
Turn 'em round quick by the right elbow
Grab a new partner here we go”

As the synth beats gave the singing ponies pause, Vinyl Scratch stepped back from the turntable. Octavia caught her eye and placed her cello aside. The DJ stepped off her podium and swept her partner up.

“Hello good looking,” Vinyl grinned.

Octavia cuddled up close and pecked her DJ on the nose. “Fancy seeing you here.”

“Yeah, somepony is really fancy.” Vinyl broke out the quick step moves.

Octavia tried to join in but found herself wiggling ungainly to the quick beat.

The white DJ chucked, her mirth drowned out by the volume of the music. She banged her hips against the waggling light grey flank. Octavia cried out as the cheeky bump threw her off balance.

The blushing earth pony found herself in the magical hold of her sniggering partner.

“I see you’re falling for me!” Vinyl playfully exclaimed.

“Oh hush you!” Octavia fought her way out of the magical hold and planed her four hooves on their shared platform. She ignored the white hoof that was offered to her. With a warning look at the grinning DJ, she continued to shuffle in time to the fast beat with all hooves safely on the ground.

As the final beats of the song rang out a thunderous boom echoed throughout the party. Overhead a rainbow trailed through the sky as Rainbow Dash passed over all of Ponyville and looped back to the party. The giant circle of colour was followed by cheers and many leapt for joy.

Rainbow Dash circled down to her lover who sat, wide eyed in wonder, enjoying the spectacle on their large cloud. As she aligned Fluttershy gave a winged hug and a kiss to her cocky show pony.

Vinyl leapt back up onto her turn table to begin a slower, more relaxed party song then rejoined her mare.

The night continued on with more and more winged couples joining Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy in the sky. Ocellus and Smoulder had fun dancing alongside Gallus and Silverstream. Although neither couple could alight on the fluffy clouds, that didn’t stop them from hovering above the treeline and trying out a few areal maneuvers in time to the different tunes.

For those still on the ground such as Tender Taps and Apple Bloom, the absence of a few winged friends gave greater room to maneuver on the dance floor. Both skilled dancers, along with Yona and Sandbar gleefully made use of the extra space.

Despite the building perspiration, Yona and Sandbar claimed the centre of the dance space as a new duptrot song was unleashed by Vinyl’s skilled hooves. They stomped and romped and playfully bumped into each other.

As Gallus alighted near the punch bowl and grabbed himself and Silverstream a drink, his gaze darted around the areal dancers. “Have you seen where Ocellus and Smoulder went?”

Silverstream nuzzled her partner then realized how sweaty he was, she withdrew. “Well, I think I saw them fly off a song or two ago. Oh, I know!”

“What do you think they are doing?” Gallus mused loudly, his voice half drowned out by the loud music.

Silverstream grabbed her griffon. “Who cares about them, I’ve just had a great idea!”


“Dancing underwater! We’ve done it in the sky, now I want to see what it’s like underwater!” The eager hippogriff dragged her date off.

The griffon yelped as claws dug into his foreleg, “Hey, I can agree without you dragging me!” 


Gallus turned in realization to face the DJ as a low rumble broke forth. “She’s gonna drop the bass! Quickly!” 

Gallus grabbed his girlfriend and hastened to the nearest flowing water near the palace. He counted in his head as the build up bubbled. Then a suspensive lull hit. Gallus dived, Silverstream held close and impacted with the water as an almighty wub exploded. The earth felt like it was struck by an earthquake and the water vibrated. It threw the two submerged creatures deeper into the waters and they were forced apart.

The pink hippogriff frantically kicked off toward her griffon. She caught him with one foreclaw and with her free one, touched the pearl shard. A vibrant glow erupted and as the base continued to pound through the water.

Gallus found himself looking like a half shark, half griffon hybrid. Silverstream, as her pink seapony self giggled, delighted by the sight before her. “Come on!”

The eager seapony led her boyfriend through the waters, twirling, diving and leaping in time to the dubtrot beats.

As the song continued, pounding away, every creature on land, sky and water were lifted higher and higher by the energy right up till the final release.

A resounding boom rang out in time with the final beat. Pinkie Pie flew through the air, propelled from her canon. She shot through the large cloud above then dived toward the ground. Cheese Sandwich caught his mare and together they bounced onto the DJ platform.

The party mare herself grabbed the mic, “thank you everypony for coming! We come now to the last waltz. Grab your partner and let’s fill the dance floor one final time!”

Rainbow Dash downed her glass then offered her hoof to Fluttershy. “Right Flutters, last waltz in the sky?”

Yellow touched blue as the shy mare accepted the offering. “That sounds loverly, Dash.”

Vinyl nodded to Octavia who led with a calm soft introduction.

Scootaloo and Rumble sat on their cloud, panting from the last series of dances. Scootaloo turned to her colt, “a slow one to finish? Or do you wanna go before it gets too sappy?”

Rumble stood and eyed the couples flocking to the dance floor. “Let’s go.”

The couple rose and took flight. They playfully flittered through the night sky in tune with the soft good night of the music.

Twilight and Luna took up their position on the ground, Luna nuzzled into the crook of Twilight’s neck and led, shuffling back and forth, careful not to be too elaborate or crazy. The purple alicorn delighted in the soft, warm contact nuzzled back and quickly found a place to rest her head, securely on her mare’s shoulder close to the base of the fluffy dark blue wings.

“You’re doing wonderfully, love,” Luna commented softly.

“Thanks, I have a great partner.”

"As do I..." Luna hummed happily.

Lyra and Bon Bon swayed close by the snuggly alicorns, their foreheads touching as they moved.

Tender Taps and Apple Bloom waltzed slowly around the outside of the dance floor, pleased grins upon their muzzles as they enjoyed the final dance for the night.

Many other couples including Spike and Rarity, Mr & Mrs Cake and Yona and Sandbar flowed around the cuddly alicorns. However, for Twilight and Luna they may as well have been alone, they continued to share nuzzles as they moved in time to the music. Luna would occasionally whisper sweet words into her lover’s ear. Twilight’s smile was so wide, she was sure Luna could feel it as her muzzle brushed against the dark blue shoulder.

Celestia and Discord floated down to the grassy dance floor and elected to pace in a small square, their movements slow and relaxed after an evening of action. The sunny mare snuggled close, Discord grinned as his grip changed from the standard waltzing position to match his mare’s cuddle.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash twirled gracefully in the sky, their forehooves interlocked. Fluttershy nuzzled up close and allowed her speedster to carry them both slowly through the sky. Close by pegasus couples such as Flitter and Thunderlane enjoyed their own slow areal dances. Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth passed nearby, their own sky dance more of a duet performance.

Silverstream and Gallus strode out onto the grassy bank. With a shake to dry himself off, Gallus offered his date his right foreclaw, ready to join in from their secluded spot. Silverstream immediately accepted a pleased grin upon her face. Although the soft melodies were muted thanks to the thin tree line between them and the party, it gave the couple a setting to relax and wind down away from other creatures. Silverstream cuddled up close as their sort of walzy moves turned into gentle swaying.

Gallus fought to loosen the bear hug he found himself trapped in and as soon as his hippogriff eased off, he nuzzled her back and settled more onto his haunches.

As the tune wound down, Pinkie Pie took center stage again. “Thank you everypony for attending our new year eve dance! We are now an hour away from a new year. Although the dance is officially over, you can either stay and enjoy a bit more music or head off and enjoy the last hour of the year with your family, friends or special somepony! Good night!”

And with that, Pinkie Pie bounded up to her partner and gave her cheesy stallion a big hug.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy settled down on their large cloud. Although the proud blue mare sat there proudly, her soft companion cuddled up close. The speedster quickly melted into her lover’s embrace and they settled down together. Twilight and Luna alighted on the white puff beside the pegasi and they too settled down to enjoy listening to the light background music. Discord and Celestia flew up to join the small gathering and as they relaxed, Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich floated up, held aloft by a large collection of balloons.

After Applejack dismissed her sister and Tender Taps, Rainbow Dash pushed the large cloud down to near ground level. The farmer waved in greeting to the group. They chatted the last hour of the year away, content. Rainbow Dash rose as the count down began. The speedster took to the skies and as the last second was called out, she initiated her signature move. The explosion of colour was accompanied by fireworks. The sonic rainboom swirled around the castle and friendship school before looping out across Ponyville.

The vibrant colours twinkled and glittered in the late night sky, fading slowly as more and more fireworks continued to light up the night.

“Beautiful. Isn’t it?” Octavia remarked as she placed her cello in its case.

The earth pony was found herself swept up and kissed. Vinyl Scratch withdrew, a pleased smirk upon her lips. “You are. Yes.”

The couple shared a giggle.

Rainbow Dash landed just in time for the new years group hug between their group of six friends. Twilight dragged Luna and Celestia in. Discord stepped back, pleased to free of such action but found himself captured by the golden glow of his mare’s magic. The noodlebeast promptly found himself in the middle of the cuddly huddle.

“Happy new year everypony!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

Everypony replied in kind as they all settled down and turned to enjoy the rest of the fireworks. The night of fun may be over, but a new year had just begun.

Author's Note:

Happy 2021 everypony.
May it be a wonderful year for you.

As a note,
https://derpibooru.org/images/1519650 inspired the Tuna waltz in the last section.
https://derpibooru.org/images/2128039 and the Flutterdash cover art along with https://derpibooru.org/images/2273691 inspired me to start this story in the first place.

Comments ( 3 )

Cute and simple story here. Loved the pairs and saw that hint of a Sparity moment. But the main focus was on the dances and how each moved around the floor- personal favorites were Tuna and Dislestia related since both were fun and creative. Also the transformed Gallus bit was really nice didn't expect that. Definitely neat to see a story with little stakes- sure it doesn't have a narrative push beyond "dance party" but not all stories need to be world changing and this was definitely the calm story I needed to start the year.

Had a smile throughout for just how comfy it felt with how the story moved through each scene. Felt nice and a brief episode feel, if less stakes.

I want to like this. I do. I love Twiluna (even if I despise the other couples, and you will never convince me otherwise that they ever were a thing or had a chance. Except Pinkie and Cheese, since it is canon).

But there's too many mistakes (your horrible sense of shipping being one them). Random signs, I guess, appearing all over, and that was just in the few paragraphs.

Needs a bit of work.
A few grammar and spelling mistakes here and there.
And those strange squiggles in some places.
Otherwise, a nice story.

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