• Published 8th Jan 2021
  • 631 Views, 17 Comments

More Than Meets The Eye - Bandit Blue

Ditzy is very clumsy, kind, bubbly, sweet and caring but she certainly is no fool.

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Chapter 1

Ditzy sat down alone on a table on Sugarcube Corner, enjoying some varied muffins in glee while taking a quick brunch break from delivering the mail. Her mailbag sat on the chair besides her as she ate. The place was rather empty due to being a weekday morning, only a couple of other ponies were there, both also alone, one reading a book and another the newspaper while drinking coffee. Ditzy was delighted in the delicious muffins she was eating as well as a cool morning breeze that hit her, it was a perfect morning so far.

She then saw a semi familiar face coming out of Sugarcube Corner. It was an earth pony stallion with a white coat who had a mane made with 2 tones of blue, one lighter and one darker, he had an abacus as a cutie mark and dark blue eyes. That stallion's name was Snowfall Delight. She had delivered him his mail and briefly talked to him a few times, and he insisted she'd refer to him as just Snowfall instead of Mr. Delight, which she could understand why.

Snowfall was wearing saddlebags and looked surprised and nervous upon seeing Ditzy, who in turn smiled and waved at him. Snowfall recomposed himself and approached Ditzy.

"Morning, Ditzy. Taking a muffin break?"

She nodded and replied with her mouth full. "Humhum! Do you want one?" Snowfall gave her a kind smile and refused.

"No thanks, the Cakes made sure to stuff me with treats while I was helping them with their books."

"I didn't know they had a book problem. They need new recipe books?"

"It's uh... Money books actually, to keep track of their earnings and expenses and all that. They were having a little trouble getting it organized so I offered to help. But it's no biggie, they just had to write a few lists basically, their business is blooming so they kind of lost track between that, taking care of their foals and... a lot of property damage for some reason..."

"Oh, I'm happy to hear they're doing well! As for the property damage... I might have contributed to that a few times." Ditzy blushed and giggled a little feeling embarrassed.

"Crash landings?" Snowfall smiled back as he asked.

"Pretty much, I just don't understand what went wrong until after I hit the ground."

"Don't beat yourself up, I'm sure If I had wings I'd crash in all sorts of things. I tend to space out when thinking and walking, so I hit more doors and lamp posts than I care to admit." Snowfall blushed and averted his gaze with a little smile on his face."

"Thanks, Snowfall, It's nice to know someone who understands, although I doubt you'd ever caused any property damage and sent somepony to the hospital." Ditzy averted her gaze giving away her discomfort.

"I... I sent myself to the hospital once, my nose wouldn't stop bleeding after I hit a wall. Does that count?"

"Hmm... I don't know but I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope it wasn't anything serious." Ditzy's discomfort vanished as she giggled at the stallion's remark.

"Don't worry, I recovered." Snowfall was still blushing and once again averting his gaze to the sky and brushing the back of his mane with one of his forehooves.

"That's good." She giggled again. Her laughter sounded like music to clearly infatuated stallion. "Well, I'd love to stay a little longer but I'm afraid I have to go back to work. I hope I see you around." Right after finishing her sentence, Ditzy looked confused and totally spaced out.

"Ditzy? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's just that I remembered, I think I have a letter for you!" Ditzy grabbed her mail saddle and placed it on the table before starting rummaging through it. "Aha, I knew I saw your name earlier, here you go!" Ditzy happily handed the letter to Snowfall, who only after a seconds of grabbing it he knew what was inside. Ditzy was almost ready to leave when she heard Snowfall call her name.

"Wait, Ditzy. Uh..." Snowfall opened the envelope and took out it's contents. "These are tickets for a Wonderbolts flight show in Canterlot, I got them last week and I was wonder-"

"No thanks, I'm good."

"Uuh... But you didn't even let me finish what-"

"It's okay, I don't need to. You saw a mare you thought you could prey on because of her disability and that you could take her to bed with an expensive gift. I know a lot of stallions like you, I should've known, you came here gloating about helping the cakes, trying to pass as some kind of good guy, thinking I would fall for you."

"Wha... What? Disability? There's not at all what I was-"

"Save it, "Mr. Delight". I'm not stupid. I bet you think of yourself as a nice guy but here you are, trying to take advantage of the first mare you assume has low self-esteem within your gaze. Get some help, creep." Ditzy's speech and sudden personality change left Snowfall thunderstruck, with his mouth half open and unable to say anything. Right before taking off she made one last remark. "Have fun at the show, I hear Canterlot has a lot of cheap whores, you can take one with you. Actually, it's better you stay away from all mares altogether, otherwise I'd feel bad for them."

Averting her gaze from the stallion, Ditzy got up, took a few steps from the table and flew off into the sky. Snowfall was still in shock when he heard a voice coming from behind him.

"Oof, Brother, that was hard to watch. But she's right, you can't just take advantage of the disabled like that, I mean, you've got to have standards." The voice came from a stallion sitting on one of the tables, apparently reading the newspaper. He watched Snowfall's expression turn into a scowl as Snowfall moved towards him slowly. With each step Snowfall took in his direction made him ever more afraid of the white stallion approaching.

"Common, now, guy. You're not resorting to aggression just because of that comment are you?" The stallion tried to smile as he stated that, but once Snowfall was close enough, he saw his eyes. His scowl made very little light able to bounce of his eyes, making them look like the eyes of a dead pony. The stallion was cold sweating as Snowfall stopped right besides him, his muzzle standing right above his. The stallion froze with fear.

"Who's disabled?"

"Wh... What? The mare you were talking to!"

"What's her disability then?"

"You... you didn't see it? You didn't see her eyes?"

"You've just made 3 mistakes, "Brother." First, you assumed I was taking advantage of somepony, second, to talk down to somepony you absolutely don't know and third... You're very wrong about what a disability is. You know, I would push your head down on this table so hard that it would break not only the table but the hard floor beneath it as well, and then I would break both of your legs just to show you what a real disability looks like. You're not the only one who made mistakes though. That mare was mistaken about one thing, I don't think I'm nice, I know I'm not, I'm trying really hard to be. That and the fact that the owners are very kind people that I don't want for one of them to have to clean your blood off the floor. Good thing you have that newspaper, "Brother.", I wouldn't want for them to clean your piss either."

The sitting stallion quickly looked down to see if the white earth pony was telling the truth or messing with him. The truth made him dart away in embarrassment and fear and tears streamed down his eyes. Snowfall watched him run away and felt guilty, he facehooved in visible regret. He took the newspaper the stallion was reading and placed it over the pool of urine on the floor, trying his best to avoid touching it directly. After doing so he sighted and started walking away but once again heard a voice behind him.

"I don't know what she has been through to treat you like that and despite the sad display of psychopathy just now, you probably didn't deserve it. I've never seen somepony get so brutally rejected."

The raspy voice came from a pale purple mare with a gray short mane and very bright lime colored eyes. Snowfall was caught off guard by the mare’s beauty. He blushed before responding. "W-What's it to you?"

"Nothing really, I just felt sorry for you. Just... Better luck next time."

"She felt sorry for me too, that's why I thought... Whatever, I'm done with this."

"Not the first time, huh? But if you think all mare's are the same, I suppose I don't have to feel bad for you for cleaning somepony else's piss off the floor, especially when there's a working hose a few feet away from it." The mare smirked at the stallion with a huge, almost devious smile as he gazed at said hose in disbelief. "You're angry so I'll let it slide. I don't think I could've came up with such a graphic threat like that myself."

"It comes naturally, I'm angry but what you saw it's just who I am. She was right about me being rotten. She's better off without me and I'm probably better off without her, I never thought she could be so mean."

"Ugh! Self pity, much? That's really attractive." She had struck a nerve, the stallion opened his mouth wide to speak but no words came out as one of his eyes twitched nervously. "She obviously went through some rough stuff, dude, are you so dense you can't see that?" Snowfall closed his mouth and recollected himself and he pondered the mare's words. "Plus, if you're such a rotten guy, why did you bother cleaning that guy's piss? It was as hilarious as it was painful to watch."

"You... you watched me the whole time and waited until I was done to tell me there was a hose I could use right next to me?"

"Yeah, sorry about that. I'm a little rotten myself." She smiled at him with amusement. This mare couldn't confuse him more. Was she trying to comfort him? Was she flirting? Was she just a sadist? Who was she and why was she so attractive? Snowfall took a deep breath and continued walking away, deciding it was better to just ignore her.

"HEY!" Snowfall looked behind to see the mare walking towards him with an angry face, that somehow looked natural for her. "Don't leave while I'm talking to you, Mr. Big Bad Guy." Snowfall sighted and turned towards her.

"What do you want, lady?"

"Since you're not going out with her, would you wanna, I don't don't know, grab dinner with me or something." She tried to hide her embarrassment but her blush gave it away. Snowfall was shocked. That was one of the last things he would’ve expected to hear from the mare.

"Are you asking me on a date?"

"Shut up, you're up for it or not?" She crossed her arms, looked away blushing even more and pouted. A few seconds of silence passed before she moved her eyes to see the stallion staring in confusion, which made her even more embarrassed and a "Go big or go home" thought made her say what would later she consider the stupider words that had ever left her mouth. "Wh- Who knows, you might even get lucky."

"You... you just saw my heart get ripped to shreds by a mare I've been infatuated with for months and then make a pony piss himself in fear, and your reaction is to ask me on a date?"

"What?! You're available, not a wussy, very considerate, not a lazy loaf and not... the worst looking stallion around..." The mare started the sentence shouting in anger but her voice was about inaudible by the end of it as she went from staring the stallion right in the face back to averting her gaze with her cheeks now more red than purple.

"I see. You are planning to kill me."

"What?! Are you missing a screw in your head?! Do you know how hard it was for me to come here and say all this crap?!" Once again Snowfall was surprised, but this time his expression quickly saddened over the guilt he felt after realizing the mare's feelings.

"Look... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you but I don't even know who you are and you caught me at a really bad time for reasons you saw yourself."

"Ugh. It's fine. You're right, I put you in a rough spot. I'm Limestone."

"I'm Snow-"

"Snowfall, I know. I'm staying at Sugarcube Corner, I was there all morning. I guess you were too focused on working on their books you didn't even realize I walked past you several times."

"Thank Celestia."


"Oh, uh... I don't mean that in a bad way it's just that you would've been a distraction, the bad type." Limestone stared at Snowfall in disbelief. "I didn't mean that, I meant the distraction wouldn't be the bad bad type but the good bad type, wait, that's not it." After staring at her with his mouth open for a few moments he became stiff, gazed at nowhere and shouted in a most robotic manner. "I FIND YOU VERY ATTRACTIVE!" He maintained his pose, blushing heavily.

"Why are you screaming that, you doofus?!" She whispered while feeling extremely embarrassed. "Make up your mind, you wanna go out with me or not?"

"Okay, okay, geez. Listen, Limestone. I really want to say yes but I just can't. But just so you know it's not because of you. I can't explain it, you're a little aggressive but it's cute, you sound... honest. You've been weirdly kind to me after seeing, well, all that and heck, you're super cute. This might be stupid of me to ask but... can I maybe... take a raincheck on that dinner?"

Limestone was still blushing, glad to hear the compliments but she was a little deflated by Snowfall's answer. "Yeah... sure, I understand..."

"I'm... just really confused right now. Feels like I'm drowning a little, I don't know what to think. You made me more confused but you also made me feel better, I really want to get to know you even if it's just as a friend, but I'm..." Limestone made a gentle smile.

"Drowning. I get it. I'm glad I was right about you, unlike the blonde you turned me down carefully, you worry about other ponies feelings and whatnot. It was nice to meet you, Snowfall. You better not take long on that raincheck, though." Limestone approached Snowfall and kissed his cheek, who froze in place blushing and in shock. "A mare like me never stays single for long." She then turned away and went back towards Sugarcube Corner, blushing heavily and cursing every word of what she had just said.

"Nice to meet you too, Limestone. See you around?" Limestone just waved a hoof without looking back. She felt happy despite her embarrassment. She was going to leave Ponyville in the morning, she could postpone that a little just in case. She blamed herself for getting her hopes high. ("What if he said yes and the date went well, what was I expecting? That'd he'd follow me to the rock farms or ask me to move in with him after one date? It's better this way.") She thought to herself. She also thought about Ditzy. She didn't like Ditzy. She thought she'd made Ditzy a visit before leaving Ponyville.