• Published 16th Jan 2021
  • 2,785 Views, 6 Comments

Displaced Diet-y - MetalBrony20

After the discovery of a long lost Somnambulan temple, Rainbow Dash's curiosity will lead her across worlds; where the sun scorches the land, vast temples are erected for innumerable gods, and pegasi are treated as heavenly figures.

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Chapter 2 - Rude Awakenings far from Home

Evening had just begun, the boiling star beginning to shrink below the distant dunes. The brilliant light dulled and harsh heat of the day, replaced by a pleasant red tinge that filled the sky and cool ambience. Throughout the city, ponies and zebras were returning to their houses, parched and weary from their work hard, sweaty work, performing all manner of difficult labour. Stepping into their homes, they basked in the cooler evening air, happy to recuperate for the next hard day.

Despite this, one group of individuals, or rather a pair of individuals were in deep discussion. Within the palace walls, sitting beside one another, Zanubia sipped cool water, her eyes fixed upon the pony lounging across from her. “So, are you certain you’ve found the one then, Zan’?” She purred out, gripping the stone bench with her free hand, laying on her side.

“Surer than I’ve been in years. From this day forth our deepest worries and concerns will be silenced under great cheer. I have seen the signs from the almighty deities watching over us, there is little need to discuss.” Zanubia nodded.

“Well, if you're that certain, let us meet the mare.” Flipping herself onto her butt, the tan skinned mare rose to her feet, her jet-black hair bobbing as she offered a hand to the zebra. Locking hands, she sharply pulled, bringing the two face to face. “So, Zanubia, care to join me as I rouse our most important guest?” She smiled, placing a hand on the zebra's smooth shoulder.

“Of course, you couldn’t stop me with any force.” Placing her glass down, they headed for the royal chambers, a spring in both of their steps. Slipping through hallways, lined with elaborate carved statues, exquisite paintings and other assorted artworks and objects. The majority of these were devoted to some form of worship, displaying mythical battles or fantastically detailed depictions of animal-headed gods. With the scent of smokey incense in the air, they grabbed the heavy door handles. The weighty rock grinded against the floor, the engraved stone door swinging open, casting rays of light upon the sleeping mare.

Dozing under the soft, light duvet, Rainbow’s mind was abuzz with strange dreams. Grunting and moaning, she caught glimpses and flashes of odd images shooting through her brain. Rolling dunes of course sand, glowing pyramids wreathed in electricity. A golden cobra with azure wings spread wide, coiling to strike as light poured from its slitted eyes. A zebra, dressed in a light flowing outfit, holding Rainbow’s body close. Daring Do’s voice building and building in intensity, pleading and morphing into a deafening shout.

With a gasp, Rainbow lurched forwards, her head whipping around. Flecks of sweat matted her forehead, struggling to control her breathing. “Oh… it was just a dream.” She sighed, her slim fingers curling around the sheets. Flopping back, she shut her eyes, determined to get in a few minutes more shut eye. And yet, her eyes opened again, slowly becoming more aware of her surroundings. “Wait, this isn’t my room… and it isn’t the tent either.”

Instead of dense walls of cloud or sheets of thick canvas, great blocks of yellow brown stone formed an imposing barrier. Great columns and statues helped to break up the architecture, with images of fantastical creatures carved into the rock. Pulling the duvet off revealed that her dirty, sweaty clothing had been removed, with only her bra and panties on. So enraptured with the lack of garments and sudden room change, that her visitors went unnoticed, standing patiently in the gaping doorway.

“I see you're finally awake.”

“Whaaa!” Rainbow flinched, spinning to greet her intruder. A unicorn mare, dressed in an oddly designed skirt and a small top that gleefully displayed their owners bust. Composed of white fabric, the top ended with a band of gold and blue that ringed under her breasts, leaving her slim midriff exposed below. A modest collection of bracelets and charms were hung around her various limbs and appendages, the tips of her short cropped mane featuring braids capped by golden fixtures, complimenting the small circlet. Her skirt was formed of two halves, the top half only covering a portion of her thighs. Atop this, two great lengths of white, partially see through fabric lay against the sides of her legs, reaching just below her knees.

Beside her, was a zebra mare, her clothing looking simultaneously conservtive and exposing. Closer to a dress in form, her outfit was formed of a top and bottoms. A lengthy top stretched down her front, exposing her slim middle if she leaned too much one way. Her black and white striped mane had been braided in such a way that each strand was a different colour, a large jeweled band of gold encircling her head.

Around her hips, colourful fabric wrapped around, culminating in a long piece of cloth that draped from her centre all the way to her knees. Along the length, numerous symbols were stitched. This lay atop a simple white skirt that stretched to her shins. What took the cake, however, was just how much it hugged her figure. The tight fabric conforming and accentuating her considerably large breasts and ass.

Bands of gold, symbols encrusted with carnelian and turquoise, necklaces featuring Ankhs and scarabs, her body bejeweled in many artefacts, contrasting strongly with the plain white of her outfit. Despite how the two creatures' clothing differed, there were still some similarities. From their sandaled feet, to the large, intricately decorated neck collars enveloping their top halves, to the matching tattoos drawn around their eyes. Rainbow blinked, taken aback by their appearance, recovering as she stared at the oddly familiar zebra.

“Please, relax. You're in good company here. If we wanted to harm you, we’d have done so when you materialised a few hours ago.” The unicorn chuckled, taking a seat at the edge of the bed, barely covering any of the huge mattress.

“Wait, what? Materialised? Who are you, and what’s going on?” Rainbow snapped, her wings flaring out, causing the unicorn to oddly smile at the aggressive display.

“One thing at a time. As for who we are, well, I’m Hetramila, High Governor of the Blessed Lands of Akhethra.”

“And I am called Zanubia. I serve as the High Priestess of these Lands, to be in the presence of a pony such as yourself is ever so grand.” The zebra spoke, a tone of reverence clear in her voice.

“O...kay? And why am I here?”

Hetramila laughed, pointing at an object to Rainbow’s left. Straight at the ruby crown, laying upon a gilded pillow. “Really now? You are the bearer of the Crown of Harvests after all. You’re the one to help us in our time of need, presented as an avatar by the goddesses themselves, within the Temple of Prosperity itself.”

Rainbow was stunned, a sudden numb feeling running through her chest. “Wait, what do you mean chosen by the goddesses? I’m just a Pegasus. Well, a pretty awesome pegasus at that.”

Instead of being discouraged by Rainbow’s words, Zanubia jolted forward, planting her hands on the mattress. “Exactly, a Pegasus you are! For thousands of years, your kind hasn’t been seen, but with you right here and many a hope has been gleaned!”

“Indeed, the only ponies to dwell in these lands are the horned and non-horned. The winged ones haven’t been seen for such a long time. Even one appearance shows us that the messengers of the goddesses haven’t abandoned us. And to go along with that, she turns up with a lost artefact as well.” Hetramila crawled across the bed, coming close to Rainbow’s face. “If that isn’t a blessing, I don’t know what is.”

Rainbow was silent, trying to process the information. Instead of a captive, she was the representation of a god? She was just about ready for somepony to pinch her and wake her from this dream. Yet, it continued to play out. She could see the orange rays of the setting sun, she could feel the soft fabrics of the bed linen beneath her. She could taste the woody, heavy aromatic perfume on Hetramila and she could smell something… divine.

The first to break the silence was Rainbow, or rather her gut did instead. The three of them looked upon the flat organ, grumbling it’s displeasure for being neglected. “Heh… excuse me. I guess I’m a bit hungry. Whatever that is, smells amazing.”

“Naturally, only the finest chefs work in the palace. You’ve chosen an ideal time to wake, dinner should be served in but a few minutes.” Hetramila grinned, gesturing to the prismatic mare with a wave of her hand.

“Great!” Though I don’t suppose you have my clothes, do you?” She gestured to her nude body.

“Not at the moment. We sent for it to be cleaned. In the meantime, you can wear these instead.” Lighting her horn with a light blue aura, the lid of a chest creaked open. From it, a set of clothes significantly more basic than her host’s emerged, alongside a pair of sandals. “Unfortunately, we don’t have anything that would fit you at the moment. Until we get a tailor to take your measurements, I’m afraid these will have to do. They don’t even have any holes for your wings.”

“Nah, It’s fine. It’ll be a bit uncomfortable, but I can manage.” She casually replied, plucking the hovering garments out of the air. Feeling the light fabric through her fingers, she set about slipping them on, her stomach growling impatiently. Adjusting the waistband, Rainbow felt comfortably decent. “There, I’m ready to go.”

“Not quite, you are lacking something to show your might.” Zanubia, with the utmost care, lifted the crown onto Rainbow’s head, the cool ruby slipping on just as easily as before. “I do not wish to be mean, but when you are out and seen, the crown you must wear, a promise I hope you’ll swear.”

“Sure, that's fine by me.” The prismatic Pegasus nodded, hopping off the comfy embrace of the bed onto the hard, cool floor.

“Excellent, now follow me, the dining room is not too far away.” Taking the lead, Hetramila guided Rainbow through the winding maze of corridors, the High Priestess taking up the rear. Walking in silence, the pegasus was content, taking in the architecture and decorations of her temporary home. It wasn’t too long before they passed by a small group of pony and zebra mares, busy cleaning and ferrying objects around.

Catching sight of the group, their eyes were suddenly drawn towards Rainbow. Some openly gasped and goggled, others dropping to the floor and bowing. Rainbow stopped, glancing around at the ten mares. One servant looked close to tears, mumbling something under her breath.

Rainbow was unsure what to do. Sure, she’d had fans who flocked to her, both before and after she’d become a Wonderbolt. But this was on a whole other level of reverence, so much that it bordered on zealotry. And just like that, a sudden rush of adrenaline pumped through her body as the reality of the situation dawned on her. These ponies and zebras worshiped her, and likely the very ground she trod. Rainbow’s blood felt hot and heavy, surging through her veins as her world slowed to a crawl.

Her trance was broken as Zanubia tapped her gently on the shoulder. Flinching slightly, she turned to look at the zebra’s smiling visage, gesturing towards the open door. “Introductions will happen soon, but for now you must grab a spoon.” Nodding, she wandered through the open door, glancing back over at the awed group, who whispered among themselves. Drifting over amongst the chatter, an odd remark caught her interest for a brief moment. “I thought she’d be bigger…”.

Brushing off the comment, she acknowledged the table stood before her. It was carved out of the finest marble, ladened with piles of fresh food. Steaming bread rolls placed beside a plate of butter. Greasy meat and fish accompanied half a wheel of cheese, whilst a pile of dates sat glistening in the light. Licking her lips, her hostesses directed her towards the head of the table, an appropriately decorated chair sitting there.

Easing herself into the chair, her hosts took positions either side of Rainbow. “You first, please, take your pick.” Hetramila waved her arm across the spread. Nodding, Rainbow filled her plate with a variety of delicacies. Fairly basic compared to the stuff she’d had back at home, but it smelt and looked just as good. Soon, she’d made a modest pile, an extensive amount of space still left on the massive platter she’d been provided with.

Satisfied with her current selection, she looked back up at the two, giving her small nods. “You must have your fill first! We insist.” Shrugging, Rainbow grabbed a roll, spreading a thick layer of butter with her meagre selection of cutlery. Given it was a royal palace, she’d half expected there to be at least 8 types of knives, forks and spoons. Thankfully, there was just one of each, and her hosts didn’t seem to care how she used them. Taking a bite, she let out a satisfied moan of approval, before she continued to munch through the rest.

Taking a small selection of food for themselves, Zanubia and Hetramila were more content to watch as Rainbow continued to scarf down more and more of her plate, the pile already diminishing into Rainbow’s trim stomach. With each slice of cheese, hunk of greasy meat and sweet fruit, the pegasi’s hunger was diminished.

Or, at least it seemed to be. Being the athlete she was, Rainbow tried to lay off as much rich food as she could, only really cutting loose for parties and the like. Here, though, she could still feel an emptiness in her roaring gut, even though she'd passed another buttered roll through her lips. She didn’t even notice when she’d slurped from the ornately decorated goblet that a servant had placed beside her, so overcome with her sudden voracious appetite. Cool, creamy milk flowed into her packed gut, already pressing forward into a rounded dome, her top rolling up.

Throughout all this, Rainbow was totally wrapped in her own world of flavour, the sheer pleasure of consumption filling her mind. Every texture and subtle flavour didn’t escape her feasting. Part of her was concerned about this level of gluttony, the only time that rivalled this was during a pie-eating contest she’d entered for a bet; and she’d never back down from a challenge issued by Applejack. Even so, the sheer quantity she’d shovelled down made her feel like her belly would explode.

Here, she was only now feeling sated, dropping a stray bone to her plate with a clatter. Smiling dopily, the pegasus laid the cutlery down, rubbing the swollen orb that was once her stomach.

“Did you enjoy your meal? How has it made you feel?” Zanubia finally spoke up, the sounds of voracious consumption dying down.

“It was greaBBBUOOOOUURRPPP!!!” Rainbow exploded, only just remembering to clap a hand to her mouth. Snapped out of her trance, she now could appreciate the level of feasting she had partaken in. Her top was spattered with a myriad of sweet, sticky juices, adhering the smattering of crumbs to the fabric. Her plate similarly was dusted in a smattering of crumbs, greasy stains, sauces, and syrups. Glancing from it and then back to her hosts, she expected them to be disgusted with her.

Instead of appalled expressions, they were unphased by the piggishness. In fact, they looked… pleased? “That’s good to hear. Do you require anything else? Another slice of cheese, or perhaps a sweet?”

“Err, nah, I think I’m good.” Rainbow responded, though with a slight pause, almost as if she were considering having even more. “I think I could go for a nap though.”

“Very well.” Hetramila’s horn glowed, the doors opening a few seconds later. 3 servants smartly entered. “Please escort our blessed guest back to her chambers.” The three nodded as Rainbow got to her feet. Passing by her hosts, she gave them each a small smile as she walked somewhat uneasily.

“Thanks again for all that.”

“It is no problem at all, whatever need you desire is at your beck and call.” The zebra smiled back. “Enjoying our dishes brings us great joy, so do not be so coy. Have a pleasant rest, we hope to talk to you again at your best.”

“Sure, sounds good. I’ll see you in the mornuUURRPpp!” With that, she exited, the servants following on moments later. They waited for the sounds of footsteps to die down, before they turned to face each other.

“After seeing that display, I’m even more certain she’s blessed by the gods above.” Hetramila smiled, resting her head upon her hand.

“As do I. Did you feel the change in the air? Some powerful magic came from that mare.”

“I did, The Crown of Harvests shone with power unlike any I’ve ever seen. That power… made me feel so much more energetic. And much, much hungrier too.” Chuckling, she polished off the rest of the roll with a few bites.

“It’s power I could feel surging through my hands. I could feel it ring through the air and over the land. The prophecy will be as sure as the work of one of my healing potions, the sands of time are set now in motion. All we must do is fuel the vessel's hunger, and I think we shall all feel many decades younger.” Grabbing a hunk of fatty meat, she tore into it, smearing grease on her lips. “In the morrow, for our clarity I shall inspect the aged texts, so we may understand what will happen next.”

With that in mind, the two rulers of the land returned to their dining. Spirits and hope high, they could hardly wait for what treasures morning would bring.