• Published 29th Jan 2021
  • 384 Views, 46 Comments

The person from the devastated lands. - Green-Venom

A devaster belands in Equestria. Can he adapt from the horrors of his past home and start a new life in this peaceful land?

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Upgrades and news

Charlie took a step back looking at his work. After a while of comparing the contraption on the research bench with the blueprint on the computer of he shock his head and continued hammering it in to form. He looked at it again, this time satisfied before trying on his new welding mask.

I used up most of my metal for this, but it should be worth it.“ he thought, recalling the events from the previous day. The creatures he fought yesterday, ponies if he recalled how they called themselves correctly, where melee fighters.

“Start up complete. All systems online.“

He shove those thoughts aside and turned to the LapaBot he had made earlier. They took a while to be ready, but once they where, you could leave your base without being afraid that it would be destroyed during your absence. Currently only one, but he planned to make more in the future.

Charlie walked past his orange farm, made of some oranges he found in the house he was in to the smelter that had been happily humming in the background and took some alloys from it. It was a decent amount, but he needed more iron. Most of what he had went in the welding mask and now he was running low.

I need to go back to where these ponies live.“ he realized. If still remembered the village he had seen from a distance, but quickly decided against it. “To risky.“ he thought. “What i need is a small house or hut that is standing alone.

He picked up the welding mask before heading for the door. At last this time he was prepared.

Twilight looked at the yellow/golden colored piece of metal, that she was holding in her magic. It looked exactly like the one Rainbow Dash found inside the tree... only that this one was covered in blood and was found inside of Rainbow. Twilight shivered. “How can such a small thing cause this much harm?

A while ago she had been beaming to finding out how to get an object to such a high speed that it would cause lethal impact, but now that she saw what it could do... she wasn’t so sure anymore.

“Twilight? You have been staring at that thing for a while now. Are you ok?“

Twilight turned around to Rarity, who gave her a worried look.

“How can i be ok?“ she answered, a tear streaming down her face. “Rainbow is... She’s...“

“It’s not your fault Darling, please don’t cry.“

“I could have prevented it.“

“You dit all you could. Rainbow can be stubborn sometimes. You know that.“

“I had clear shot on that... thing, but i didn’t stop it. I could have prevented it, but it escaped.“

“You chased it away when you arrived. It could have hurt more ponies.“ Rarity shuddered, remembering the moment when they found the Rainbow Dash. The bloody memories seemed like a dream to her now that she thought back to them. She pushed them aside.

“Without you he might have killed her.“

“That might still happen!“ Twilight almost screamed. “She is deadly hurt, and even if she survives she might be crippled for the rest of her life.“

Rarity gasped. “Twilight! How can you think so negative! Rainbow Dash is strong, and she will make it. I never want to hear that from you again.“

Twilight didn’t reply and hung her head. It was uncomfortable silent for a while. Twilight opened her mouth to say something, but Rarity would never know what it was when Scootaloo burst in to the room, scooter included.

“I got news from Rainbow Dash! She is awake. She wants to see you and send me!“ she half shouted in excitement. “I already got the others, they are now heading to the hospital.“ In a blink of an eye she was gone.

Twilight and Rarity gave the situation a surprised look, before the massage arrived at them and hurried to the hospital.

The two mares arrived a bit later getting greeted by Nurse Redheart.

“Hello Twilight, hello Rarity. I already expected you. Rainbow Dash is in room 109. Your friends are already there.“ she said to them. “Also, go easy on her. She is still recovering.“

“We keep that in mind.“ Twilight said before heading in the direction shown to them.

“This has to be it.“ Rarety said after a while, heading to a door where a very familiar scooter was lying on the ground, wheels still slowly spinning.

They both slowly entered, finding the rest of the main six and the crusaders where already in the room.

“Oh hello.“ Rainbow Dash said. “I was already wondering when you two would show up.“

Twilight gave her friend a closer look. She was wearing a bandage around her wing and chest. She was connected to a few machines that controlled her pulse and had an infusion. She was overall in a better state than when Twilight found her after the fight.

“Hello Darling, how are you doing?“ Rarity asked.

“A lot better, i will be out of here in no time, and than that yellow melon will be the one in hospital.“ she said bumping her hoof in the air, before wincing as pain shot trough her chest. “Ok, it might be not that good after all.“ she admitted with a grimace.

“What dit the doctor say?“ Twilight asked.

“I am lucky. No vital organs where hit, but i have some serious injuries in my muscles. Also my wing had a hole and has been operated. I really hope that i can fly when this is all over.“ Rainbow Dash suddenly looked a lot more tired and sighted.

“Aww, don’t worry Dashy, it will be fine, you see.“ Pinkie Pie said. “If you can’t, we will find a way that you can.“

“You think so?“ Rainbow asked, with a slight hint of hope.

“Of corse. That is what friends are for, also you still got a trophy from your fight with that big meany.“

“Wait i have a trophy?“

“Of corse silly.“ Pinkie Pie said pulling a wooden object out of her mane and dropping it on Rainbows bed. “You don’t remember that you got this?“

Everypony looked completely stunned at the wooden spear. The blood had been washed of, but it was still recognized as the weapon that the devaster used to attack Rainbow.

“What? It’s still a trophy.“ Pinkie said after a moment of acward silence.

“Riiight.“ Rainbow quickly pushed the spear of her bed.

“Sorry, but the wisiting times are over. You need to go now.“ Nurse Redheart said entered the room.

“Alright see you tomorrow.“

Rainbow Dash sighted as she watched her friends leave, before tacking a Daring Doo book from under her pillow.

Rainbow Dash turned back to the door ash she heard it open and catched a glimpse of a familiar orange pegasus filly disappearing back trough the door, while holding a wooden spear in her mouth.

Author's Note:

Give feedback if it was good or bad and tell me how to improve.
Ideas for the story are also welcome. I might even use them.

Can you guess who Charlie will meet next?