• Published 23rd Aug 2021
  • 2,674 Views, 133 Comments

Project: Mars - Whirl Hoof

The remnants of life on Mars have been found. And it's far beyond what anyone could imagine.

  • ...

First Contact? (Outdated)

Nobody moved.

Steffan stared at Amanda, who in turn stared at the alien, who in turn- well, stared back at her.

Looking at it, the explorer could see no trace of fear in the alien's eyes like expected- only curiosity and confusion, which were both understandable. She had no idea what to do, though- and apparently neither did the doctor, because he was also rooted to the spot, mouth catching flies.

Then the alien did something nobody expected: it gave a little smile, and waved.

Despite herself, Amanda giggled and waved back. She then tried a long shot. Foolish, perhaps, but worth a try at least.

"Can you understand us?"

The horse's vacant look, tilt of head, twitching of ear and lack of answer was deafening.

Then it made a little 'o' with its mouth, and shook its head. At first Amanda thought they'd met the sassiest alien in history, but then realized: it was intelligent enough to recognize the intent of the words and question, even if it didn't comprehend them literally.

That was both exciting and terrifying.

Apparently the alien thought Amanda had the right idea, because it then spoke in what she could only assume was its own language. It tilted its head again, waiting for a response.

Amanda shook her head, hoping it would get the message.

It did. It made- was that a scrunchy face and raspberry? -and spoke a few more times, but each time sounding... different.

It was trying different languages.

Picking up on this, Amanda shook her head to each one- they all sounded like complete gibberish, not even close to any human language she'd heard of. She had the feeling even dead ones wouldn't be remotely relatable.

She herself tried the multi-language approach: Porteguese, German, Mandarin, Japanese- none of them seemed to attract more than a blank look or shaking head from the horse.

It scrunched its face again. Then a figurative lightbulb seemed to go off above its head, because it hopped off the countertop, and headed for a pen stuck in Steffan's pocket. The doctor recoiled slightly at its approach, but didn't do anything physical. The horse tapped the pen, then made little... writing motions with its hooves, then tilted its head at Steffan.

He looked at Amanda and nodded. "Grab the whiteboard and marker pack."

She mock saluted, and rushed out.


While the explorer headed out for makeshift communication supplies, Steffan and the horse sat across from each other on the floor, each analyzing every inch of the other.

Steffan honestly couldn't make out any aggression or even fear in the alien's body language- it didn't shiver, sat confidently and close (maybe too close), and didn't seem to search for any sort of weapon. It just... sat and looked at him.

It almost had the shine of a hyperactive child in its eyes- Steffan had a hunch the only reason he wasn't being bombarded with questions was because they couldn't understand each other. Not yet, anyway.

The horse also looked around the medbay, taking particular interest in the medical instruments it saw, like drills, scalpels and the stapler. It seemed almost familiar with them- like it had seen the objects before. Steffan supposed it might be possible. After all, many animals of different builds and biology on Earth could have common health issues.

He also rethought the extraterrestrial microbes threat, and remembered that was false. Alien biology was so different from human, the chances of diseases carrying over were astronomical- literally.

Of course, that was theoretical- it wasn't impossible that the horse and Steffan might transfer illnesses, however unlikely.

The horse suddenly stood up, and stepped to the doctor's side, seeming to look over his- fingers? He held them up for it, and the horse grinned and clapped its hooves. It held proper research etiquette, however- it didn't touch him at all, only peering at his hand from a respectable distance.

Deciding to be courteous, he removed a boot, allowing it to look at his bare foot. The sheer energy and interest of the horse alien was almost infectious- he could feel a smile forcing itself onto his face. He'd never expected an alien to be so... friendly. It was almost magical.

Wondering if the alien would reciprocate, he decided to mime out his request best he could, pointing at himself, then his hand, then it, then finally its horn and wings. It seemed to understand, because it sat down again, extending both wings.

Steffan stood up, examining its horn and wings, along with the mark on its rear. He of course respected its space, not touching- that would be rude and likely dangerous on many levels.

The horn seemed real enough- he couldn't see any signs of it being some kind of accessory, though he admittedly wasn't an expert. Its use was likely for self-defense, though if that were the case, he expected it to have two or more, and for it to be larger. It also seemed... blunt, more like a spoon than anything evolved to stab.

The wings also seemed real- he could see each individual feather. It seemed highly unlikely it could fly; he didn't know how much the horse weighed, but considering it was up to his neck when on all fours, it had to be approaching Earth equine weights, right? The wings may have been obsolete, but then why so big? Perhaps the Martian gravity allowed it to fly- he could see no other explanation for it.

The mark seemed like a tattoo, but then he realized- it wasn't on the skin, otherwise the fur would've muddled it. It seemed to almost... hover over the rear, like a hologram. And when he neared it, he felt a strange tingling in his chest. He decided not to mess with it.

Miss Chorol returned with the whiteboard. She had to adjust its height slightly, and set the opened marker box on the floor. In case the alien didn't know what markers were, she opened and capped it a couple times for reference.

The horse nodded, and approached the box of writing utensils. A purple glow appeared around its h-


Agony erupted in Steffan's skull, his brain, his mind. He collapsed onto the floor, not even able to scream through sheer suffering- merely whimpering. He clutched at his face and cranium, trying to claw whatever nightmare abomination had drilled into him. His eyes slammed shut, tears flooding. He was sure, convinced, certain he would-

Then it stopped, as instantly as it had appeared.

Steffan slowly opened his eyes. The pain had vanished utterly and without a trace. He turned to Miss Chorol- she was sitting up from the fetal position, telling him he wasn't the only victim.

They slowly looked at the alien.

It was in hysterics. Tears gushed from it, and it was definitely blubbering what Steffan assumed to be apologies in its language. It slammed its head onto the floor- begging for forgiveness?

Steffan looked at Chorol, who rubbed the back of her head, staring at the mess of a horse alien. She thought.

Then she nodded to the doctor, giving a thumbs up.

He kneeled before the alien, tapping it on the shoulder(?). It looked up, face red and snotted up.

He used soothing words- both because he believed the alien truly didn't intend whatever happened, and because he didn't want it to happen again.

It eventually calmed down, still spewing forth presumed apologies and still sniffling, but it looked at the marker box again.

This time, it elected to pop off a marker cap with a hoof- somehow -and grabbed one end in... its teeth.

Steffan decided never to touch that marker again.

It then scribbled a whole mess onto the whiteboard, at a pace The Flash would be jealous of.


Amanda was shocked at how much the horse drew in so little time.

Gazing over the board, she could see four main points of interest: a simple drawing of the horse itself and- was that a female gender sign? That was... slightly concerning, but at least they knew what it- she, was, at least presumably.

The drawing also had a couple more bits under it- a half circle on top of a line, and stars scattered around a little 'kaboom' symbol.

Amanda looked at it for a minute, thinking. Then she turned to Steffan. "Is that its name?" She pointed to the lower drawings.

He put a fist to his chin. "Perhaps. I suppose it could be a descriptor of itself in some way, but if I were an alien introducing myself to those behind a language barrier, I wouldn't use terms or symbols for things only I had. That would be confusing."

Amanda looked at the symbols again. "It looks like a sunset or sunrise, and... shining? A sparkle, or glimmer, or something?"

Steffan shrugged. "Let's stick with 'Sunset Glimmer'. I don't have better ideas." Amanda gave a thumbs up.

She then looked over the other three scribbles.

One was a very rough sketch of Steffan and Amanda. Directly under them, there were two question marks.

Right where the sunset and glimmer were for the alien.

"It wants our names, or a descriptor, perhaps?" Steffan crossed his arms.

"But how do we... do that? I mean, I'm almost certain that we did not interpret its name correctly, assuming it even was a name."

"Hmm... we could use... fruit, for simplicity?"

"What if the fruit don't exist- or didn't exist -when and where it came from?"

"Good point. Well, we found those buried artifacts- an alarm clock and a shovel. Maybe those?"

"Better than what I would've said." Amanda wiped off the question marks- using the proper eraser, of course -and put down the said markings; shovel for herself, alarm clock for Steffan. She thought it made more sense.


The horse, 'Sunset Glimmer', seemed to be perfectly fine with that, because it grinned and clapped its hooves.

Another drawing was... a globe, an arrow pointing to it, and a question mark.

"Is it- she asking where she is?"

"I... would assume so, but we don't have a method of explaining that in drawing, I believe."

Both Amanda and Steffan turned to Sunset, pointed at the globe, and shrugged.

The horse made a scrunchy face.

Lastly was a completely straight row of symbols. They were placed side by side, and looked almost... almost...

Steffan's eyes widened. "Is that an alphabet?"

Of course! Sunset must've been hoping that, if they couldn't speak with each other, perhaps they could somehow get across using writing.

Unfortunately, Amanda didn't recognize anything in that alphabet, and she assumed Steffan didn't either. Seeing him frown from the corner of her eye, she was right.

But she did have an idea.

She put a hand out in front of Sunset, gesturing for the marker. The alien understood, dropping it into Amanda's hand. Steffan gagged, but she didn't care about Martian horse spit- that wasn't a concern right now.

She quickly wrote out the letter alphabet in English, directly underneath Sunset's. She elected not to use punctuation or the like- that would be needless for now.

She looked back to see if she was right. Judging by how Sunset was beaming, eyes twinkling, she guessed so.

So... now what? It was still nighttime, they still couldn't really communicate...

Sunset put a hoof to her chin, then looked at the doorway out the infirmary. She then looked at Amanda, pointing a foreleg at the doorway, and tilting her head.

Amanda decided it couldn't go that badly, and waved the alien along, stepping out the door. Sunset followed along, with Steffan trailing, a look of both interest and annoyance on his face.


Sunset seemed to take in information like a sponge; she very quickly learned how a water fountain worked, could open doors with a hoof with only a moment of practice, recognized light switches immediately, and overall seemed to pick up on new things insanely fast.

Amanda had to admit, she was jealous- she could count the amount of people alive with that intellect on one hand.

They'd stepped through the kitchen, where Sunset 'o'ed at the linoleum flooring; Bio, where Amanda immediately promised herself never to get between Sunset's manic smile and that room; the drone control, where the alien seemed to heavily restrain itself not to disassemble everything...

Then the library.

Amanda would never recover.

As they passed by the entrance to the dorms, Amanda's head was in mist. It was so strange- Sunset seemed far more human than even possible, her mannerisms reminding the explorer more of an energetic brainchild than any superadvanced, sagelike ancient society. It was both comforting and confusing- the former because it meant Amanda (and humans in general) could relate to Sunset far more easily, but the latter because... she was an alien horse who acted and even sounded like a human.

Amanda was so caught up in her thoughts, she didn't notice Sunset had gone through the door to the dorms. She jerked awake, and was about to chew out Steffan for not stopping her-

The doctor was nowhere to be seen.

Amanda facepalmed, and dashed as silently as she could into the dorm hall. She could only hope Sunset hadn't woken anybody up. Especially-

"What the f- there's a damn xenomorph in my room!"

Terrific. Omega was awake.

Author's Note:

Can you guess I like Twilight? :pinkiecrazy: I'd like to think I've portrayed her well so far from a foreign perspective, but I could be wrong.

Correction on the last A/N:
This is still definitely going to be my longest story by far, but 10k was a drastic underestimation. It'll be closer to 50k, maybe more. That epilogue chapter is still planned, but it's certainly a ways off now.

On a side note, I actually took the time to outline the entire fic! This marks the first time I actually planned a story, as opposed to just winging it. Hope it helps.