• Published 21st Jan 2021
  • 2,305 Views, 16 Comments

Sunset Young Justice - madhat886

Traveling through the mirror Sunset ends up in the world of DC Young Justice.

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Chapter 10


Jinny Hex once again woke up in in a pile of bodies after a night with her lovers. Starfire, Blackfire, and Sunset are insatiable in their sex drives and ravaged her for hours. All three are much stronger and larger than she is and easily manhandle her, which is why she’s trap underneath Blackfire and Starfire who are using her as their living teddy bear. Their massive breasts are pressed up against her head as they held her between them. Looking at the weight on her, Jinny sees Sunset using her stomach as her pillow.

“At least this is better then when they all had their breasts press around my head,” Jinny said as she has woken up to all 3 giant pairs of breasts smothering her head.

And if they’re not cuddling her and have their backs to her, she still has to deal with their hair.

She has seen the cup sizes that they wear, which cause her self-esteem to crash. They were slender when they first came to Earth but thanks to having more food than what they were given while held prisoners, they have grown back to their healthy weight for their race. Both of them now have ankle length curly hair that are very thick and full. Both sisters now have incredibly powerfully built bodies with a very muscular and voluptuous, giant breasts at F cups that spits in the face of gravity, wide hips big tone butts, and both stand at 6’4” feet tall.

Sunset on the other hand is much more voluptuous in built, with H cups and a larger butt, both are very soft and jiggly. And she stands at 6’6” feet tall. With long red hair with a yellow stripe that are just as thick and full as the sisters.

Which Jinny has to deal with when they’re not cuddling her. Their mass of hair would cover her face when they sleep with their backs to hers. She herself just has a C cup with a tone body and butt, making her the runt of the group. Not that they mind as they like her as she is, finding her cute.

“Come on let go,” Jinny said as she tries to wiggle herself out of their hold on her.

Which just caused her girlfriends to tighten their hold on her and nuzzle her more.

“This is what I get for being a morning person,” Jinny said as her lovers all like to sleep in and use her as their cuddle toy. Then notice that all 3 are awake and looking at her.

“It’s our day off and we want to sleep in, but if you’re up we can tried you out. By eating western,” Sunset said as she picks up Jinny’s lower body up and helped by Starfire and Blackfire who held her legs.

“Yes some western be a good morning meal,” Blackfire smirks.

“Oh yes, I love eating western,” Starfire giggles.

“Eep,” Jinny said as she knows that there’s no stoping them.

Jinny found herself with her lower half of her body up in the air held by her 3 lovers as she balanced on her shoulders. With much of her weight being held by her 3 lovers who stare lustfully at her as they held her up. The three went to work on Jinny causing her legs, the only parts of her sticking out to shake and flop around from the mass of hair they foamed around her as she moans out as her lovers ate western.


Pub at the End of the Universe -

“So, I left Klarion in the realm of Despair who while he looks like a child, isn’t as that be saying that since Joker looks like a clown he’s harmless and completely safe to be around. No prison on this world would be able to hold him and this way will keep him from causing harm for a very long time. Not to mention scare off others like him,” Jeffro explains to the reporter Greg who came to interview him about what he did to Klarion.

Jeffro took the interview to the Pub at the End of the Universe. Where cosmic beings and travelers show up time to time, from both the past and future and beyond. With the android made to look like the old English man that The Presence uses, running the pub.

“Is he gone for good?” Greg ask. The camera man Henry is filming the interview.

“I wouldn’t count on it, but he won’t be doing anything like that again. There are others like him, so if I did kill him off, someone else would replace him,” Jeffro said.

“Speaking of which, what happen to Gentleman Ghost? The Avengers dressed up as Ghostbusters and trap him, is he in a ghost container?” Greg ask.

“He was cursed to remain in the world of the living, so I just broke the curse and sent him to Hell,” Jeffro explains.

“What?” Greg ask.

“He’s already dead and with him continuing to be a villain since his death and not even trying to redeem himself as a ghost. Where you actually think he would ended up?” Jeffro ask causing Greg to become silent as he thinks it over.

“Good point,” Greg said and went to the next question. “Who are the Endless?”

“The Endless are a rather dysfunctional family of seven siblings who are each Anthropomorphic Personifications of one of seven concepts that are named after them. They are the children of Mother Night and Father Time, and the concepts they represent. Both of whom are much more powerful than their children, or it’s because they’re their parents and still can push them around, I’m still trying to figure that out. In order of oldest to youngest, they are Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Desire, Despair, and Delirium. Each of the Endless has a realm in which they are completely omnipotent, and their realms can even shape the concept that is opposite to their own. They are generally uncomfortable in each other's realms, and only travel to them when it is unavoidably necessary. Like how many siblings stay out of each others room,” Jeffro said.

“The Infinity items you talk about, are they really that powerful?” Greg ask.

“Yes they are and here’s the home versions. I sell props of the real things,” Jeffro said making cheap copies appear in front of the reporter. The gauntlet with all the gems in the slots, the necklace and the crown.

“This is what it looks like?” Greg ask.

“Yes that’s what they look like, and they can let anyone who wields all of them do anything, within this universe. They don’t work in another universe, which happens to lots of things. Someone is all powerful in one universe but then moment they step outside of it, they find themselves powerless. It’s a safety feature to keep really powerful god level beings in check. But anyways the gauntlet is held by Despair being the only thing that can handle the power of the gemstones. Desire has the Power gem, Delirium has the Reality gem, Destiny has the Mind gem, and Death has the Soul gem. The Time gem and Space gems are held by their parents, Time and Mother Night. Then there is the Necklace of Creation held by Destruction that allows the holder of the gauntlet to be able to understand how to use their new found powers and to master it. And the crown is the Crown of Imagination held by Dream, gives the wearer the creativity and imagination to do anything. But they are all kept by the Endless family and unless you pass their tests there is no getting the items. You can steal it which is the dumbest thing you can do as stealing from Death would just get her to show you why she’s the most feared being in the universe. She use to enjoy making death be the worst thing ever, and while she’s nice now the slightest hint that she’s losing her temper, will cause anyone who is smart to back down. Besides they don’t work unless you pass the test. It be like having the item but has nothing to power it,” Jeffro explains.

“What about fighting them for it?” Greg ask.

“That be bad, because of the fact that you can kill an Endless. The first Despair the one who convince Rao the Kryptonian sun, to create life on an unstable planet, even though it would be doomed to destruction. However, it didn't turn out as she'd planned; she intended for there to be a single survivor, "to remember, to mourn, to despair..." Except, that single survivor grew up to be Superman, who isn't particularly noted for giving in to despair, and definitely not known for inspiring it. She was killed and while the other Endless won’t speak of it, I figured out that the new Despair is the one who killed the first one, now force to become the one who she killed. The Endless have one of the most prefect defense there is, if you kill them the one who did it becomes them. And are bond to the rules that they have to follow,” Jeffro said. (1)

“Wait Superman is only around because of Despair making sure it would happen?” Greg ask.

“Yes one of her long term plans that takes millions of years to bare fruit. The thing to remember is that the Endless all have very different morals from even other beings like them. For example Delirium if treated nice, once made someone happy, forever, treated bad she will made someone believe they’re covered by bugs, forever. I known them all for a long time and they still do things that make sense only to them. There are only a very few exceptions which are beyond their authority, which they don’t talk about,” Jeffro explains.

“And that’s them?” Greg ask pointing to a picture on the wall. Showing all the Endless and their parents in it, taken in the pub.

“Yes that’s the only picture of all of them together before Time and Night separated after something happen between them,” Jeffro said looking at the photo.

“Who’s that?” Greg ask pointing to the old woman who is in the picture.

“That’s Madame Razz, she use to look after the Endless when they were younger, their nanny,” Jeffro said.

“And who’s that in the corner?” Greg ask pointing to someone sitting at the side of the picture sitting at the counter and looking towards the camera. Greg sees the face but can’t see it either.

“That’s Dread the erased Endless who use to represent Dread and Bravely. That picture is the only proof Dread was ever around thanks to the Pub being outside of the DC multiple verse. Still within the boarder but just outside enough not to be affected by anything that remakes or changes the universe. Which happens a lot around here,” Jeffro said. (2)

“Erased?” Greg ask.

“Like unused characters when a creator comes up with an idea for a fictional world. Some characters are added and changed, while Dread there never makes it pass the concept art or even the idea. They’re not even in Limbo,” Jeffro said.

“Limbo?” Greg ask.

“As I said the DC universe gets rebooted, a lot thanks to a whole lot of things happening, from multiple verse threats, time travel and other things. You and most of the other beings just don’t remember it. Like an animated show where the art style is changed so that all the characters look different from the last season. I remember what use to be and how things were, and some people are just left out of the change,” Jeffro said.

“They’re just in limbo?” Greg ask.

“Yes, but they came be brought back , Mr Freeze use to be in limbo but got out after the last change and just can’t remember he was there. No one who ends up in Limbo can remember being there till they go back there or be remembered by anyone else but a few. Do you remember the Inferior Five, Green Team, Poop Patrol, Red Mask, or the Gay Ghost?” Jeffro ask.

“Gay Ghost?” Greg ask.

“He’s from the 1700’s and gay meant something else in that time. He doesn’t want to comeback as he’s just embarrassed,” Jeffro said.

“I see,” Greg said. “So when changes happen some people are just erased?”

“Best not to think about it,” Jeffro said.

“And what of you?” Greg ask.

“An all powerful bystander who can do just about anything I want, choosing to become a shopkeeper who for something of value will grant a wish of equal value. And like the imp Mxyzptlk, have some fun while I’m at it. Like popping the Kent’s, Lois and Clark into places when they bug me,” Jeffro said making a screen appear.

On it shows Lois stomping out of Luthor’s office with her husband, both dress in janitor uniforms, having been teleported naked in Luthor’s private bathroom.

“I been teleporting them into their coworkers officers, restrooms, closets, rooms in the Daily Planet. A whole bunch of places in the Luthor building, their parent’s homes. At this point there’s a betting pool to where they will end up next both at their workplace and at Luthor’s company,” Jeffro said.


Daily Planet -

“Is there?” Lois growls out looking around the room as she and the others watch the interview.

“Yes,” Jimmy said.

“While we’re on the subject, you and Clark need to stop. With how often I find you two in my office, I’m thinking of putting a private screen so that you two can just hide behind it,” Perry said.

“We should stop,” Clark said embarrassed of all the times he and Lois are caught naked.

“At least you two can always blame Jeffro when you two do play around in the office,” Alice said causing the room to burst into laughter.


Author's Note:

1 - It’s pretty clear that the one who killed the first Despair became the second one. Meaning that while you can trap an Endless if you kill one you become the new one. Making the Endless having the most prefect defense in the DC universe.

2 - The Pub and the Mystery Shack are free from any reboots or remakes that happen to DC. So anyone inside of it will not be affected at all.

Comments ( 4 )

ROFL I want to be part of that betting pool that sounds super fun and shows they are annoying a super powerful person so he can cut them down a couple of pega

Also jenny needs to stop complaining bout her girlfriends she is lucky as hell to have those girls. They are super hot and the fact that they find her cute is a plus or the fact that they give her mind-blowing orgasms just so it can be with her. She needs to stop complaining

Hahahah man the laugh trip is soo worth🤣

Hey sorry to ask this here but was there a dc story with Male sunset x sci twi? I'm pretty sure sunset was the last male in that particular story but I cant remember the name of it anyone else here knows it?

Again sorry for asking on your story man

Redeeming Bridges Across the Universe

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