• Published 22nd Jan 2021
  • 494 Views, 104 Comments

The Disastrous Adventures of Crew-T - TheMajorTechie

A decidedly unprofessional team of weirdos yoinked out of their comfort zone crashes through fanfic worlds and beyond, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Link your story in the comments and see what happens!

  • ...

Crash-land except the island is now obliterated and everything is on fire and oh dear Celestia we're doomed aren't we?

Author's Note:

An extension of the previous chapter. :twilightsmile:


Fire and smoke.

That's all anyone could see.

Fire and fla--

"Okay, geez, we get it." Shanky Shanky rolled her eyes. "And here I thought that I was the edgy one. Also, yes, we're aware that everything is on fire thanks to us crashing down on the island."

"Everyone hop on the Sweetie Giraffe!" Emily yelled. "She's right outside the ship! We can climb down her neck onto safe ground!"

Sweetie Giraffe proceeded to incinerate the already-flaming remains of the ship, causing the four inside to fall face-first on the ground below.

"Ow." said no one in particular.

Sweetie Giraffe lasered no one in particular until they ceased to exist.

"Who the heck was that?" Slissa pointed a thumb at the ashen remains of no one in particular. "Alright, head count, everyone. Let's make sure there wasn't any friendly-fire now, 'kay?"


"Yes, you are here, Sweetie. Other me?"

Plissa raised a hand.

"Alright. Emi? Yup, Emi's here. Butter Knife?"

"I am eternal."

"Yeah, I kinda figured. Anyway--" Plissa turned to the rest of the island. Of which was currently still on fire and rendered clean of any evidence of the one-eyed carnivore things ever existing. "Now what?"

Ah, yes. The dreaded question.

"We could always see if Spike has a ship we could borrow," Slissa began. "He seems to be familiar with spacecraft."

Spike wheezed comically, a puff of ash escaping from his mouth as he faceplanted on the ground in front of the five.

"Oh hey, there he is."

Fluttershy flew past in the background with her hooves filled with the singed remains of the one-eyed carnivore things. Nobody knows to this day what she did with them.

"So." Spike unwrapped a granola bar and began munching on it. "I heard you guys need a new spaceship?"

"Wait," Shin Shanker pointed a hoof at Spike. "I thought you were practically beat to a pulp just now!"

"Nope. That was half a minute ago. I'm better now."

Butter Knife facehoofed. "I swear, if this author keeps on doing things solely to move the plot forward, I'm gonna kill someone."

A mind-numbingly loud doorbell sound chimed through the air. Moments later, the sky farted out a shiny new spaceship, which landed on top of Spike. Yes, this is now a Spikabuse story. I think. Idunno for sure though, he really do be vibin' down there with his granola bar tho.

Spike raised a thumbs-up from beneath the piece of spaceship that landed on him.

See? Not Spikabuse! He's fiiiine.

Butter Knife screamed something inane about the author ruining the story. Probably not important enough to narrate anyway, 'cause we have a plotline to finish!



Sweetie Giraffe, the two Lisas, Emily and Butter Knife said their goodbyes to Spike (who was still stuck in the ground) and Fluttershy, who had curiously-red stains around her mouth and on her hooves. With Slissa once again at the controls, the ship took off without a hitch.

Wait, did I say Slissa? Oh. Well, the ship took off without a hitch then, save for the camper trailer dangling off one side by its trailer hitch, because I never specified what kind of hitch was not included. Oh, also, Plissa took over from Slissa before any damage could be done, so I guess that's a good thing.

Spike watched the ship take off.

"Man. And here I was thinking that we'd be able to get on board and get off this crappy planet."

Fluttershy walked up beside him, chewing on something. She held out something brown and shriveled. "Want some jerky?"

Spike didn't dare question how she got the jerky.