• Published 25th Jan 2021
  • 4,487 Views, 4 Comments

A Place in Equestria IV: Shadow Play - GoebelTron

Can the Mane 6 and Pillars stop the Pony of Shadows?

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Chapter 4: Thomas Meets the Pillars/A Plan to Banish the Pony of Shadows

Back at the castle, everypony was in the throne room, waiting for Twilight, Starlight, Sunset, Sunburst, and Starswirl to come back as they were in the library and trying to find some books for information about the Pony of Shadows and how to send him back to Limbo.

“I’m sorry this happened,” Twilight said. “But I assure you that it was only a majorly tragic accident.” Starswirl nodded, saying that she can explain later, and then they continued to search for the answer.

Meanwhile, while Thomas still felt responsibly guilty for the accidentally releasing the Pony of Shadows, the Crusaders wrapped themselves in a big blanket that they shared to cover themselves while they still felt scared from experiencing the Pony of Shadows. “I sure hope Twilight can find a way to stop the Pony of Shadows,” Scootaloo said. “I better not find out what happens if not,” Apple Bloom said, as Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement.

Mage Meadowbrook walked over and gently rubbed Scootaloo’s head in comfort with her hoof. “Don’t worry, little fillies. I know she will,” she said sweetly. “Plus, we had no idea she would proudly find a way to bring us all back from so long, especially before—” She suddenly spotted Thomas hiding underneath Fluttershy and hugging her leg with his Snuggle Bear teddy in his arm. “Hello there, little one.”

She then walked towards Fluttershy while looking at Thomas with a warm smile on her muzzle, until Thomas whimpered and buried his face in his mother’s leg fur and hugged it tightly with tears in his eyes and cute puppy eyes. “Is he your child, Fluttershy?” Mage Meadowbrook asked kindly, until Fluttershy nodded with a “mmhmm.”

“Mage, this is my son, Thomas. And in case you didn’t know, he’s very shy when meeting new ponies,” Fluttershy replied, and then nuzzled Thomas. “Don’t be scared, sweetheart. This is Mage Meadowbrook, one of the pillars of Equestria. I promise she’s very friendly.”

Thomas nodded nervously, and then slowly walked from underneath as he saw Meadowbrook having a motherly smile on her face.

“Hello,” Meadowbrook said, gently kneeling down on her forelegs to Thomas’s level. “My name is Mage Meadowbrook. Please don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you.” Thomas got a little closer to her, “I’m... I’m Thomas.”

Meadowbrook then smiled warmly at him, “It’s so nice to meet you, Thomas sweetie.” She then gently reached out her left hoof and gently picked Thomas up until she gently held him against her chest until he curled up onto her hoof and hugged his teddy. The other pillars then came over.

“Aww… look at you. Aren’t you a little cutie?” Somnambula said, until she tickled Thomas’s belly with her hoof, causing him to laugh and giggle. “Yes, you’re a little cutie.” She then rubbed her hoof on his head and leaned over to give him a kiss on the cheek, until she allowed him to hug her hoof.

“My, aren’t you adorable?” Mistmane asked, while smiling at the little boy. “Fluttershy’s a mom?! That’s awesome!” Flash Magnus proudly said until Fluttershy blushed warmly.

“Tell us, Fluttershy. What made you decide to become a loving and caring mother to this sweet little boy?” Somnambula asked, as Thomas started blushing. “Well, it’s a long story, but we’ll tell you everything from the start,” Fluttershy said, and then she and her friends told the pillars how it happened from how he got here to Equestria and how Fluttershy adopted him.

After explaining the entire story, the pillars looked at Thomas, who was still in Meadowbrook’s hooves, which she positioned for a cradle, with sad faces of concern for him. “Oh, you poor dear. I’m so sorry,” Mistmane said in sadness. “It’s okay. I feel better that I have a momma and a family,” Thomas said, until he looked down in sadness. “What’s gotten you heartsick, sweetheart?” Meadowbrook asked. “It’s my fault that the Pony of Shadows is back,” Thomas replied as he began to cry. “I didn’t mean to. I only tripped over the chest, but I tried to put it back. It was an accident.”

“Shhhhhh... Hush now, little one. You never meant to do it,” Somnambula said, stroking her hoof on his head and smiling warmly at him, until he smiled back at her. “Young man? Is it true? Was it you?” Starswirl asked. Thomas nodded, “I’m really sorry, Mr. Starswirl.”

“Don’t be. What’s done is done,” Starswirl said. “But since this is your doing, we’ll all have to do our part to protect you and find a way to send him back.” Thomas nodded, and then he suddenly felt calm. “So, did you find out how we can send him back?” Rainbow Dash asked. “No. Without Ponhedge, we cannot send him back,” Starswirl said. “But we’ll need to confront him elsewhere, after we find him.”

“Then let’s see what the map says,” Twilight said, and they all walked over to the cutie map, while the girls stood by Sunset and Fluttershy was now holding Thomas in her hoof. “Something about this magic seems familiar...” Starswirl said, as he lit up his horn and shot a magic beam on the table, constructing a projection of the Tree of Harmony, which was a crystal tree that had the Elements of Harmony on each branch that had pearl beads on the branches.

“Did you know he can do that?” Rarity asked. “He's Starswirl! He can do anything!” Twilight said. “This map, and indeed this very castle, are grown from the seed we planted over a thousand years ago,” Starswirl said. “Then it did work!” Rockhoof said.

“What worked?” Sunburst asked. “Each of us infused a crystal seed with our magic in hopes that it would grow into a force for good,” Somnambula said. “Really?” Thomas asked, as Somnambula nodded in reply. “We wanted to leave something to protect the realm in our absence, but we never dreamed our gift would become so powerful,” Mistmane said.

“Y'all mean the Elements came from you?” Applejack asked, leaving the pillars confused. “You know, the sparkly crystal things that grow from the Tree of Harmony and represent each of us? Laughter, honesty, generosity, loyalty, kindness, and magic!” Pinkie Pie explained with a little showcase, and then Twilight smiled warmly. “In case you didn’t know, I also represent the Element of Empathy, and it looks like Starlight represents the Element of Peace,” Sunset said, causing Starlight to blush while nodding in reply.

“They are reflections of our own elements of hope, strength, beauty, bravery, healing, and sorcery,” Somnambula said. Twilight looked at Starswirl, until he nodded with a smirk. “We had no idea our small seed would bloom into the living spirit of the land. I am glad our mantles have passed to such capable ponies,” Mage Meadowbrook said, placing her hoof on Fluttershy’s chest. “More importantly, we no longer need Ponhenge to send our foe back to limbo. We can use the stored magic in this Tree of Harmony,” Starswirl said.

“But doesn't a banishing spell take a lot of power? We'd have to sacrifice the Elements for that,” Twilight said. “Mm-hmm,” Starswirl said. “They'd be gone... forever?” Thomas asked nervously. “Starswirl, I don't think the Tree can survive without the Elements. If it dies, Equestria will suffer,” Twilight said. “If the Pony of Shadows has his way, your land will not exist. So unless you have a better idea...” Starswirl said, until the projection disappeared and then formed back into the map, and then showed black swirling voids on each section.

“What’s that?” Thomas asked nervously. “Our foe will seek dark places from which to draw power. I will prepare my spell so that we may strike as soon as you find him,” Starswirl said. “What are we waiting for?” Rainbow Dash asked excitedly. “I like your spirit!” Flash Magnus said proudly. Everypony else made excited chatter, but Thomas still felt broken about what he unleashed, so he climbed off his mother’s hoof and walked away.

Thomas then went to Twilight’s bedroom and sat down on the bed and hugged his teddy while he had tears of sadness in his eyes as he looked down in shame, and then softly sobbed and sniffed. “Thomas? Are you feeling okay, little bro?” Scootaloo’s voice asked. Thomas shook his head, “No. It’s all my fault! If I hadn’t opened the chest, this wouldn’t have happened,” Thomas replied. “You can’t just be sad forever! You gotta a least try to find a way to help!” Apple Bloom said. “Plus, we’re your big sisters and your friends. You can talk to us,” Sweetie Belle said. “I just want to be left alone,” Thomas said, as he turned around and looked away and continued to cry.

“Come on. He probably needs time,” Scootaloo said. “Poor little cutie,” Sweetie Belle said, as the three fillies walked out of the room.

Later on, Spike helped Twilight, along with Starlight and Sunset do some research on the banishing spell. “What about this one?” Spike asked, holding a book in his hand. “Seapony etiquette isn't going to help right now, Spike,” Twilight said. “Uh, Twilight? Are you feeling okay?” Starlight asked. “You seem kinda worried about something,” Sunset said. “Thomas may have just unleashed ultimate evil and doomed Equestria, no offense, before I was obsessed about meeting my idol and now I don’t know what to do! Why wouldn’t I be okay?!” Twilight said stressfully, and then banged her head on the table. Starlight scoffed, “You didn't know that was gonna happen before we brought them back.”

“But Thomas is only a little kid, and he would never do anything like this. Now we’ll lose the Elements of Harmony if we don’t fix something our nephew never meant to do,” Twilight said. “Maybe there's another way,” Sunset said. “If there is, Twilight will find it,” Spike said, holding a book of advanced magical spells, until Twilight brought it over to her.

“Portal gate... Portal keys... Portal spells... Yes! If the Pillars can hold open the gateway to limbo, a powerful pony can do the banishing spell herself! Do you know what this means?” Twilight said excitedly. “No, what?” Spike asked. “The Pillars don't have to leave Equestria! Even though we'll lose the Elements, we'll have the ponies that created them. And the Pony of Shadows will be banished for good!” Twilight said.

“That's great. But do you think it may work?” Starlight asked. “Starswirl knew what he was doing when he cast that spell. If I can make it even better, maybe he'll see that I take magic as seriously as he does,” Twilight said, and then they continued to work on the spell.