• Published 26th Jan 2021
  • 10,003 Views, 155 Comments

T-plus Seven Hundred and Sixty-Nine Days - Monochromatic

It is Equestrian tradition that, when a pony is a certain age, they are given a timer that counts down the days until they meet their soulmate. Rarity was very excited the day she got hers. She just hadn't expected it would be counting up.

  • ...

I. A Conundrum

For most of her life, Rarity had dreamt of the day she’d finally be the determined age to receive her Soulmate Timer. It was also a rather nerve-wracking thing to think about. What if she was destined to meet her soulmate the same day she received the timer? That would be so little time to prepare!

Ideally, the timer would let her know she had one or two months left. Something akin to "T-minus forty-six days" or something of the sort. That was short enough that the wait wouldn’t be unbearable, but long enough that she could work on her physique a bit and get everything ready so as to impress her beloved.

Admittedly, though, when she finally received it the day after her birthday, she hadn’t expected her timer to be in the positive numbers.

“...T-plus seven hundred and sixty-nine?”

T-plus? PLUS?

She stared at the counter on her foreleg, flabbergasted. What did that even mean? Had she… already met them? Was that it? If that was it, then she was ruined! How in Celestia’s name was she supposed to remember who she met seven hundred and sixty-nine days ago?! She met dozens of ponies a month because of her job, and she was now supposed to remember somepony she met Stars-knows-how-long ago? That was impossible! Ridiculous! It wasn’t as if she had Twilight’s exceedingly impressive memory.


“Twilight?! Darling, dearest, are you here?! I’m sorry for coming over unannounced, but I need you!”

Rarity stepped into Golden Oaks Library, more than a little distraught as she called out to her friend.

“I’m in the living room, Rarity!”

“Twilight!” she exclaimed, rushing over and indeed finding the unicorn sitting in the living room, as well as as a particular pink pony. A chessboard was placed in between them. “Oh, hello, Pinkie, dear.”

“Hi, Rarity! Are you here to play chess with us?”

“Er, no, I’m afraid not. I actually have to ask Twilight something.”

Twilight perked up, always eager to help. “Oh? What do you need to ask me? Is this about the dress you’re making for Duke Goldlining?”

“Oh no, I finished that yesterday after the party. You were right when you said the green fabric was softer, by the way! I’ll have to show it to you later.”

“Oh! Good!” Twilight replied, pleased. “And, uh, what did you want to ask, then?”

“Do you remember if I met somepony important seven hundred and sixty-nine days ago?”

A second passed.

Pinkie frowned, thoughtfully. “Seven hundred and sixty-nine days ago?”

This was shortly followed by Twilight blurting out a simple: “...What?”

“Do you remember if I met somepony important seven hundred and sixty-nine days ago?”

“No, I heard that, Rarity,” Twilight replied. “I’m just… Why would I know that?”

“I don’t know, Twilight!” Rarity whined. “Because you’re one of my dearest friends! And because you know everything! You know more about my life than I know about my life for some reason!”

Twilight arched an eyebrow playfully. “For some reason? You mean the fact that you come over for tea five times a week and we talk for hours?”

“See! That’s precisely my point! So I’d have told you who I met back then, and you would remember, and you would tell me now! So why aren’t you telling me?!”

“Because I don’t know!”

A great gasp filled the room, and both mares turned to look at Pinkie Pie.

“I know who you met that day!” she exclaimed, standing up and bounding in place.

Rarity and Twilight blinked at her. “You do?”

“Uh-huh! And you girls should know too!”

“We should?”

“Yep!” She moved over to Twilight and wrapped an arm around her. “'Cause that’s when we all met Twilight and Spike! Two years and thirty-nine days ago!”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Oh, you’re right! That is the day we moved here.” She turned to Rarity. “Well, there you go. Why did you need to—Rarity?”

Rarity was completely petrified, a red tinge crawling up her cheeks as she stared at Twilight.

“Are you okay, Rarity?” Pinkie asked. “You’re red all ov—”

“Are you positive that’s the day they got here?” she interrupted.

“Yep?” she replied. “I’m pretty sure! We also met Nightmare Moon and Princess Celestia, but that was the next morning so it was seven-hundred and sixty-eight days ago, not sixty-nine!”

Well. The Soulmate Timers worked differently for dragons, so he'd already gotten his, and she knew for a fact it was still counting down, not up.

So. That meant...

“Ah. I see. Right. Good. Yes.” She cleared her throat and then offered a charming smile. “Well, thank you, dear! I’ll be off now!”

...To go and rethink her entire relationship with Twilight Sparkle, but they didn’t have to know that, of course. Soulmates could be platonic, right? Maybe that’s what they were!

If Rarity was even remotely interested in Twilight in any other fashion than platonic, she would have already known, right? She practically lived at Twilight’s house, after all, considering they understood each other so well, and she love—liked spending time with… with…

Oh, dear.

“But, wait, Rarity,” Twilight blurted out. “I don’t understand. Why did you need to know who you met that day? What’s going on?”

“Nothing, darling,” Rarity replied, her light blush increasing as she quickly turned around. “Really. Don’t worry about it. You’ll find out eventually!” She stopped and turned back. “Wait. What are you doing Saturday evening? Are you free?”

Twilight blinked. “I… Yes? I think? Why? What’s going on, Rarity?”

“Nothing!” she said quickly before clearing her throat and inspecting her hoof. “I just think we should go get dinner together. Catch up and all that. Talk about important things. And about each other.”

Twilight’s frown deepened. “...Okay?”

Pinkie giggled. “Gosh, Rarity! That almost sounds like a date.”

“It’s not a date!” Rarity immediately gasped. And then quickly added, “Or, I mean. It could be. I don’t know. It could be whatever we want it to be. Or Twilight wants it to be. Regardless, I-should-be-off-goodbye-see-you-Saturday!”

Twilight watched, completely and utterly perplexed, as Rarity sped out of the room without so much as letting her say anything.

“Right,” she said after a minute. “I guess that just happened.”

“It did!”

“It sure did. Anyway.” Twilight turned back to her friend, clearing her throat. “Should we, er, continue our game?”

“We sure shou—Oh no!” Pinkie jumped up and looked towards the door, aghast. “I forgot to ask her!”

“Ask her? Ask her what?” Twilight asked, alarmed.

“About her soulmate timer, silly! Yesterday was her birthday, so she should have gotten it today!” Deflated, she sat back down, pouting. “Now I won’t know how many days she has left on her timer until the next time I see her.”

With a great sigh, she sadly moved a pawn forward on the board and waited… and waited… and waited until half a minute had passed and Twilight hadn’t done a thing.

“Your turn, Twi—Twilight?”

To her great confusion, Twilight Sparkle was still staring at the door, eyes completely wide and cheeks bright red.

“Now you’re red all over, too! What is going—” She cut herself off. “Oh. Oh. Oooooh. Uhm.” She looked down at the board. “...I guess we’re done playing for today?”

Author's Note:

hello this is the first thing MLP thing I've written since September 2020 wow

I'm trying to get back into the swing of things (and also the raritwi train bc I kinda fell off it) by taking drabble prompts on my tumblr!

This one turned out to be long enough to post on fimfic so I guess here we are??? I used to feel weird about posting little fluff ficlets because I Want To Be A Quality Writer but that mono stayed in 2020

2021 mono doesn't give a damn anymore sO HERE HAVE OTP FLUFF

Comments ( 155 )

This is the flustered Rarity that was missing from my day. Thank you for being the highlight of my day.

I know we come for the Raritwi, but bless Pinkie's Pinkieness, she's just such an adorably fluffy Archimedes lever.

Fluffy ficlets and quality aren't mutually exclusive. Even gourmet chefs need to slap together a PB&J sometimes. And this was a delightful combination of sweetness and nuts. Thank you for it.

One of the Quality Writer dirty little secrets, I understand, is to write everything, but sell the best 10%. So, you're just building up your 90%. :ajsmug:

Nice and sweet. Thank you :raritywink:

kits #6 · Jan 26th, 2021 · · ·

Rarity being super embarrassed by this was very fun and sweet.

Flustered rarity is a blessing and it makes my day better. Thank you Mono for this, it was a delight.

It is Equestrian tradition that, when a pony comes of a certain age, they are given a magic timer that counts down the days until they're destined to meet their soulmate. Rarity was very excited the day she got hers.

She just hadn't expected it would be counting up.

...Why would it have that feature?

Ah yes lovely fluff just what was needed well done mono :twilightsmile:

Probably for situations like these where you met them before you got your timer. And also because it's a nice thing to be like "awww, we met X days ago"


because it's adaptable magic

That was a great twist on a theme as well as a lot of fun seeing Rarity being the one that was flustered.

This was just adorable. Love the Maxi cover art too; amazing that she got it done so fast.

I for one am glad to have you back! Feel free to post all the short little fluff you want. Especially if short fluff leaves you more time for your Big Original Projects! :heart:

TWIST: Rarity's soulmate is Nightmare Moon/Luna. They have the same voice and everything!

Also, FiM Classic characters FTW.

I have a feeling a certain Pretty Pink Pony Princess has something to do with this Soulmate Timer thing. If so, there is no wonder why she is the Goddess of Love.

I'm almost surprised by how Pinkie was surprised by what happened. Then again, she's only omniscient when the plot allows her to use her true powers. :rainbowlaugh:

Also, damn! Closing in at 100 likes after the story being out for just 2 hours. You are an inspiration to the small fry that is me.

A truly sublime story to find at the end of a long day. Good show!

It’s a treat to get a new Mono story, and this had a really fun premise!

And what does the timer look like? A digital stopwatch, or what?

And Rarity came of age two years after the series premiere? :raritydespair: That hardly makes sense, considering she owned and operated a clothing store (and by definition, paid taxes) for quite some time before then. Wouldn't she have received it when she turned 18 or 16?

10646896 see, that’s what we call a “hook”

“Now I won’t know how many days she has left until I see her again.”

I'm a little confused as to what this line means? Other than that, this was a cute little fic! I do wish there was a follow up though... :pinkiesad2:

Cute little read! :rainbowkiss: But when does Twilight get her timer? :twilightoops: They would end up saying the same time right?

that might be a mistype on my part but came of age isn't like 18 or anything; it's just a set age for when you're given the thing (in my head it's 25, which honestly i should just add in)

Edited it to make it clearer. Basically, she's saying she won't know how many days are left in rarity's timer until she can ask again next time she sees her.

wait, to add on to my previous reply, the reason I kinda see it as the timer being given to ponies in their mid-twenties (or the equivalent of that) is because by that point you're supposed to kinda be settled into your personality and your life?? if that makes sense

<GASP> OTP Fluff! I needed this, thank yoo!

Yesssss, all of the shipping! :3c

Yup. Lavender flavored marshmallowy goodness. Thank you for the cuteness Mono.


Well that was nice and cute. Honestly I get the feeling Rarity was just oblivious to her own feelings this entire time anyway.

Can you imagine having already missed the moment you met your soulmate? Crushing.

♥️ing 2021 Mono

Any Monochromatic is good Monochromatic.

2021 Monochromatic is 2020 Monochromatic with a better fluff case

There is a Zootopia story with a similar premise.
It's a good premise and I look forward to reading your story.

Plot twist: her soulmate is Princess Luna. :pinkiehappy:

"Or perhaps that dashing river dragon, darling!" :raritystarry:

I've always seen her as very knowledgeable, and good at connecting the dots, yet just poor at seeing them in the first place. Here she isn't omniscient - she's able to do the math of 365 days into 730 for two years, then realize that the Summer Sun Celebration this year just happened a month and some change ago before double checking the 39 more days and figuring out that was Twilight's arrival - all the while there's actually pretty fair amount of time passing between Twi and Rarity's back and forth for her to do so, frowning thoughtfully.

I've grown up with ADHD all my life, scarcely knowing I had it for 2/3rds of it so I'm absolutely and definitely projecting, but she's less a clown who stumbles upon information and more so one smart cookie who acts absolutely clownish. I like her, she's pretty cool.

:heart: OTP fluff, yay :yay:

What an adorable one shot

Ohhhhh fudge.
Twi, you better not let 'er down, or you're in for a flooded planet.

Edit: I just realized that this is a completed story and now I'm saddd

...You could make a in-depth story out of this, but aside from that, good read.

Adorable :twilightsmile:

(and also the raritwi train bc I kinda fell off it)

How can you fall out of the train when you're the conductor? :rainbowhuh:

Oh gosh this is great. Monochrome adjacent RariTwi is my *jam*

Then again, if you watch "Cutie Mark Chronicles," Rarity was sewing the costumes for her school talent show in the boutique when she was Sweetie Belle's age. Rarity has had that place since forever.

She met Steven Magnet the day after she met Twilight and a little while before she met Celestia for the first time. Come to think of it, Rarity did not meet anyone who was not a local and thus probably already within her circle besides Twilight and maybe Spike. It's hard to say with Spike; Rarity never even acknowledged his presence. Seriously, how does she miss the fact that the pony who just walked into town hall has a freaking tiny dragon with her? For that matter, how did Applejack miss him? You would think that Spike would be a lot more of a conversation piece.

"Well, howdy, Twilight... uh, do you know you have a huge purple two-legged horny toad following you around?"

wait, coulnt it also be sparity?

then I realised that Mono writes a lot of twarty stories

Makes you wonder if Twilight had a timer as well and she was so confused by it she locked it away.

Needs a follow-up chapter. ^^

Potentially misleading hint about dragon timers working differently… Hmm.

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