• Published 29th Jan 2021
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My Filly From Tartarus - 5u0myn0n4

Twilight Sparkle has decided to look after Cozy Glow after her recent takeover attempt. Twilight now contemplates whether or not this was a good idea. Meanwhile she must come to terms with her promotion to be the Princess's successor.

  • ...

Chapter 5

In the previous chapter, Cozy Glow was swallowed whole by a Timberwolf. She now sat in the belly of the wooden beast.

With her magic locked down, there wasn't much she could do to escape.

"EERGH! If it weren't for these restraints, I could just blast my way out of here!" she exclaimed.

But there was something she could do after all. There was a way out. Inside the belly, Cozy found the green orb inside keeping the Timberwolf form in tact.

"Hmm." Cozy wondered if there was a way to use the Timberwolf's magic to her assistance.

How did Headmare Twilight escape Tartarus despite the fact that so much magic had been depleted? Tirek told me that she gathered droplets of magic from every corner and every creature she could in order to escape. I wonder if I can pull off something similar... she thought.

Meanwhile outside, Diamond Tiara was being rounded up by a team of Timberwolfs. They surrounded her, and terrified her.

"Somepony help us!" she exclaimed.

Diamond Tiara braced for the worse, when a bright red glow shined onto her. She opened her eyes, and saw that suddenly, one of the Timberwolves started glowing red on the inside.


The Timberwolf burst apart, and pieces expelled from all directions, and where it once stood, was Cozy Glow. Free from her restraints, she was now hovering with her large wings, and her horn poised and glowing.

She saw Diamond Tiara surrounded by a group of Timberwolves.

"Get your paws off of her you Timberfreaks!" Cozy said aggressively.

Cozy Glow charged her magic. The glowing orb on the end of her horn was massive, it was as bright as the sun, and lit up the forest.

Cozy Glow looked at Diamond Tiara. As the light radiated from her horn, and cast stark shadows on the filly, she could see how terrified she was, but it wasn't because of the Timberwolves, and Cozy knew why.

Cozy was ready to blast those Timberwolves, but all of the sudden, for some reason, it didn't feel right. Upon realizing who the real monster in the scene was, Cozy realized she had to change her plan.

She powered down her magic, and began to think more... thoughtfully.

"Starswirl wasn't admired because he was the most powerful. It's because he created spells to help ponies." Cozy said to herself, repeating what Twilight had told her.

Cozy lit up her horn once again, but this time, it was a lot less furious, and more... deliberate.

"You want me to perform, Twilight? Well here's my magic performance." she said to herself.

Cozy decided the best way to handle the situation was not to destroy the Timberwolves, but instead to dazzle them.

She began her performance by flying higher into the air. She then dove down and flew around with her horn lit up. Her magic traced a trail of light, which traced the path she took through the air. The magic stayed in place. She flew in a swirl and flew circles around the Timberwolves. The trails of magic light glowed a dazzling light red. The glow dazed the Timberwolves, their eyes dilated and they stopped in their tracks. Diamond Tiara was also impressed. So much so she was frozen and didn't think to try to run away.

With the Timberwolves distracted, Cozy Glow swooped in and scooped up Diamond Tiara by her hooves.

"I got you." Cozy said.

The Timberwolves were not pleased, and started to growl at Cozy.

Diamond Tiara was visibly worried, but Cozy assured her she had a plan.

"Alright, I'm gonna need your help to finish this off." Cozy said.

"Me? But how? I don't have any magic to lend you." Diamond Tiara said.

"I don't need you to lend me unicorn magic per se. Instead, I would like it if you lent me some...thing else." Cozy said.

"Whatever you need from me, I'd be happy to oblige." Diamond Tiara said, pressing her face against Cozy's face.

Cozy Glow pressed her forehead against Diamond Tiara's forehead, and her horn lit up even brighter. Diamond Tiara gasped, and knew exactly the kind of magic Cozy needed to get them through this.

"Hold on tight." Cozy said.

Cozy, holding Diamond Tiara, flapped her large wings and flew around the forest once more, and again tracing beautiful trails of magic.

The trails of magic glowed extremely bright, thanks to Diamond Tiara's aura helping Cozy. Cozy deliberately traced circles around the three Timberwolves, and with the loop complete.

"That should do it." she said.

Her horn lit up extra bright, and BOOM!

Her magic sparkled into a sparkling light show, and ceased the Timberwolf magic, turning them to a pile of twigs.

Diamond Tiara opened her eyes, and saw she had wrapped her hooves around Cozy as she heroically rescued her.

"So beautiful..." Diamond Tiara said, blushing.

"...Huh?" Cozy asked.

"The uh... the light! The burst of light was pretty beautiful." Diamond Tiara said, blushing.

"Thanks. Huh, I'm glad you think so." Cozy said, looking down.

"What's wrong?" Diamond Tiara asked.

*sigh* "I knew I had it in me, but I... still, even if it went perfectly, I'm just anxious that ponies won't be pleased to see me." Cozy said.

"Then wouldn't that have been the whole point of dazzling them?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Win them over with a light show? As if. Takes more than that to change their minds." Cozy said.

"Well, I was impressed. It definitely swept me off my hooves." Diamond Tiara said.

"Yeah, I guess I did." I wonder what everypony would have thought of it. Cozy thought.

"You know, I couldn't have done it without your support." Cozy said.

"But how exactly did I enhance your magic?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Let's just say..." Cozy blushed. "I found uh... inside I... with you... you um..."

The two fillies were getting cozier with each other. But the moment was interrupted.

*clap* *clap*

"Pip pip, hooray!" somepony exclaimed.

"Who's there?!" Cozy exclaimed.

"AH!" Diamond Tiara screamed as Cozy dropped her.

Cozy Glow dropped Diamond Tiara when she heard the voice of a foal squeal out.

Cozy lit up her horn, and panned her head around the scene.

Emerging from the twigs was none other than.

"Pipsqueak!?" Cozy and Diamond Tiara said simultaneously.

"What the heck are you doing here?" Cozy asked.

"I don't exactly know. I don't know how it happened, but it sorta did. I was compelled to follow this sinking feeling, and suddenly I'm here with you. The rest was a blur." Pip explained.

Diamond Tiara noticed he was covered in leaves and twigs.

"You were a Timberwolf?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"What a twist." Cozy said.

"No, not Twist. I'm Pipsqueak." Pip said. "Wow, long time no see, Cozy Glow. I'm so glad to see you. I was worried about you, Cozy. After you disappeared after the magic incident, I was worried I wouldn't see you again."

"You were worried about me?" Cozy asked.

"Yeah, I'd have been really sad if I never saw you again." Pip said.

"Yeah. Well, kid, you're lucky you live on this timeline. And, I'm glad to live here too..." Cozy said, smiling.

Pipsqueak ran up and hugged Cozy Glow.

"And may I say, I'm happy to see you not only free, but now you're a princess!" Pip said, rubbing his face against Cozy.

"I'm a what?" Cozy asked, surprised.

"You've got both wings and a horn now. Like Princess Twilight, or Princess Luna." Pip said.

"But, Pip, not all alicorns are princesses." Cozy explained, while also pushing Pipsqueak off of her.

"But all princesses are alicorns. So if what you said rings true, then you're the only alicorn who's not a princess." Diamond Tiara said.

"I mean, there's a very good reason for that. And that isn't likely to change." Cozy said.

"Well, Princess of Equestria or not, you're a Princess to me." Pip said.
"And me too." Diamond Tiara added.

The two foals put their hooves onto Cozy, and comforted her.

Cozy was comforted by her two... I guess they're truly her friends. They were both worried for Cozy Glow after she was sent to Tartarus. Tonight made for a sweet reunion. They were relieved to see Cozy okay.

The three fillies looked through Diamond Tiara's diamond encrusted pink telescope to observe the conjunction of the two planets.

"I thought planets were just stars that moved around funny." Pip said.

"Well, if they are stars, then they must be relatively close, which is why they move through the sky much faster than distant stars." Cozy said.

"What if distant stars are just other suns, but super far away, and planets are like other Equestrias." Diamond Tiara speculated.

"I find that unlikely, but that would be pretty out of this world." Cozy said.

The three of them enjoyed the stargazing, but it was getting late, and little Pip could only keep his eyes opened for so much longer.

"Well, *yawn* It's getting awfully late." Pipsqueak said.

"So do you guys want to camp with me? I have a tent set up, and plenty of extra sleeping bags." Diamond Tiara said.

"Why sure. I've never gone camping before, but I've always wanted to." Pip replied, softly.

Diamond Tiara led the two to her little tent she'd set up. Cozy used her magic to lift Diamond Tiara's heavy telescope and carry it to the tent.

"Nice tent you have set up." Cozy said. "But I'm confused. Why are we camping here? Haven't you had enough of the forest?"

"You know, aside from the Timberwolf attack, this place is actually quite tranquil. Besides, you defeated all those Timberwolves. It's definitely safe now. I trust these woods." Diamond Tiara said. "I always believed the Spirit of the forest would protect me. And now I have you to protect me too."

Inside the tent, Diamond Tiara and Pipsqueak were snug in their own sleeping bags. Cozy Glow was sitting down next to her friends. The only source of light was a dim red glow emanating from Cozy's horn.

"You need sleep, Pip. A big boy needs his eight hours of sleep." Cozy said, rubbing her hoof on Pip's hair.

"Will you be staying over for the night, Cozy?" Diamond Tiara asked. "We have an extra sleeping bag."

Cozy looked around, unsure. It would've been nice to sleepover with her friends, but she couldn't help but think of Twilight. The new ruler of Equestria probably would have been really pleased to see her magic show.

She really did have it in her after all. She was just afraid to show off to every creature.

"I don't think so. I'll stick around for a little bit longer, but there's somewhere I gotta be... there's someone I have to apologize to..." Cozy said.

"Well, you do you, Cozy. Right whatever wrongs you feel need to be corrected." Diamond Tiara said.

"Right..." Cozy said, doubtfully.

Cozy realized the importance of. She'd hardly ever felt guilty for anything, but now she felt guilty for leaving Twilight the way she did.

"So, how does it feel to have real friends now?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"What do you mean by 'real friends'?" Cozy asked.

"You know, not just pawns or tools to use in your games. Like, real friends who help you out, and make you feel good." Diamond Tiara elaborated.

"It feels, sure... good, as you say." Cozy replied. "I like how it feels." she added, smiling.

Diamond Tiara and Pipsqueak closed their eyes, and Cozy merely sat there watching them, and thinking out loud to them.

"I didn't think anyone would be happy to see me like this, but you two seemed impressed, which kinda felt nice... Felt really nice actually. To be admired for who you are, and not having to hide away. But also, being adored because you helped somepony in need... Maybe this is what it really means to..."

Having them as company felt nice.

It had seemed like Pipsqueak and Diamond Tiara had fallen fast asleep. Having their close friend Cozy next to them made them both feel warm. Her presence relaxed them, and they fell to sleep swiftly.

"You two sleep well." Cozy said.

Cozy Glow slowly dimmed her horn, and then the scene was pitch as dark.

Diamond Tiara and Pipsqueak were now sound asleep.

"You two have some sweet dreams." Cozy said, softly.

Cozy walked out of the tent, and looked at the sky. She thought about Twilight, and how best to apologize to her, but couldn't think of an appropriate way yet.

Meanwhile, back in Canterlot, the festivities were just about done. Pinkie Pie waved goodbye to each of the guests one at a time. But in Twilight's mind, she couldn't say goodbye fast enough. She was eager to have a private conversation with her friends.

"I can't believe Cozy Glow just left like that." Twilight said to Spike.

"You can't just sit and be upset about it. What are you gonna do, Twilight?"

*sigh* "I don't know. I am just so fed up right now. I haven't wanted everypony to leave one of Pinkie's parties so badly since... since..." Twilight said.

"Since your very first party? Pinkie's Welcome to Ponyville Party?" Spike asked.

"...It's been a long time." Twilight said.

Fortunately, she didn't have to wait much longer.

Pinkie Pie waved goodbye to the last guest leaving, which left just Twilight, Spike, and the rest of the mane 6 in the courtyard.

"Alright. It's time to ask that important question." Twilight said. "Let's see if any of them are interested in coming to Canterlot with me."

Twilight walked up to her friends.

"You were great, Twilight." Starlight said.

"I suppose..." Twilight said, looking down.

"What's wrong, Twilight?" Applejack asked.

"Aside from Cozy Glow walking away from my coronation..." Twilight took a deep breath before continuing her thought. "Girls... I've been wondering..."

"Yes, Twilight?" Rarity asked.

"Girls... would you..." Twilight bit her lip. This was harder than she thought it'd be to ask. "Would you like to join me in ruling Equestria?" Twilight asked swiftly.

She closed her eyes, preparing for her friends to revolt. But instead, there was a pause in the air.

"But why, Twilight?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Because... I could use the extra help?" Twilight said. "We can have like a friendship counsel. The seven of us will be in charge of Equestria. That way, we minimize the chance of-"

"You sure 'bout that, Twilight?" Applejack asked.

"So is that a no?" Twilight asked.

"It's just, Princess Celestia appointed you, not us." Rarity said.

"And now that I'm ruler, I can appoint you to any role you want! It's just, we're the mane 6! Not the Twilight 6! I've never saved Equestria alone! I've always done it with my friends!" Twilight said.

"Twilight. We're humbled by your offer..." Rarity said.

"But..." Twilight said.

"It's just, if I move to Canterlot, who's going to watch my animal sanctuary?" Fluttershy asked.

"Just because you're risin', doesn't mean you're leavin' us behind." Applejack said.

"That's exactly what it means! I'm being crowned princess of everything, while the rest of you are stuck living your same old lives!" Twilight exclaimed.

Her friends were silent. What she said came across as very harsh.

"Not that your lives aren't worthwhile of course, it's just..." Twilight said.

"Okay, so maybe that's exactly what it means. But it doesn't have to be so bad." Rainbow Dash said.

"But-" Twilight started. "I can find things for you all to do! Originally I made Spike Royal Advisor, but he complained saying that wasn't a real role, so I appointed him my Royal Knight instead, giving him an actual title with actual purpose." she explained.

"Twilight." Pinkie said.

"I just, I don't want you girls to feel like your lives are unremarkable compared to mine. I'm sorry." Twilight wept.

"But, Twilight. We already have purpose in our day to day lives." Rarity said.

"Being us ain't so bad." Pinkie Pie said. "We don't need to be royalty to be happy."

"But being me, now it doesn't get more awesome than that." Rainbow Dash said.

"I see. So being royal isn't awesome..." Twilight said.

"Wha? NO! She didn't mean it like that, Twilight." Applejack said.

"I see how it is..." Twilight added.

Applejack went in to try to explain things better.

"Look, we'll always be friends, Twi. And we'll always be a team. But royalty, rulin' the land, that's your thing." Applejack said. "We'll be fine, Twilight. And that's the honest truth."

"So the next time King Sombra decides to awaken, you know exactly which ponies to round up." Rainbow Dash said.

"Thanks, girls." Twilight said, looking uneasy. "YOur words really *gulp* mean the world to me..."

So, this is what it comes to. My friends are totally fine abandoning me. Heck, Celestia and Luna up and abandoned me, and their duties to project Equestria by putting me in charge. And then Cozy Glow goes and abandons me. Who hasn't abandoned me by this point?! Twilight thought.

"You alright, Twilight?" Starlight asked.

"Hello!? Equestria to Twilight!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Twilight?" Spike asked.

Inside Twilight's mind, her mind spiraled out of control, and externally, her horn started to glow in an unstable fashion. She felt her mind being overwhelmed, clouded up by a dark magic. She felt an unexplainable compulsion, and just so happened to shout.

"If my friends will not join me—if this is truly goodbye—If I am to be the one to rule Equestria—then I shall rule Equestria the way Celestia did for 1,000 years! ALONE!"