• Published 30th Jan 2021
  • 275 Views, 7 Comments

The Enchanter - My name is R

Starswirl and Somnambula find a hidden village, beset by evil.

  • ...

3 Dawn

The forepony stared at Somnambula. "I hope that either you're joking, or there's more to it."

"Indeed," said Starswirl, looking at Somnambula. "I would have led with the magic scepter that can control dragons. The dragon said if we take it from Sombra he would help save the village. He seemed quite angry at his servitude."

"So the dragon is no more responsible than the taken? Merely puppeted by the Dark Wizard?"

"He seems more aware, but yes, that's what he said," answered Somnambula.

"Alright, do you know where he keeps this scepter?"

"The dragon said Sombra kept it on hoof at all times," said Starswirl. "Likely he cannot use it unless he has it with him."

"And how are we going to take it if he always has it with him? He never leaves the keep without several bodyguards."

"Actually," said Starswirl, "that's what we needed to see you about."

"We thought that the executions would be the best time," added Stone Seeker. "He would be focused on the crowd below. Then they could come in from above, where he'd never see it coming."

"Okay, well in that case you'll be wanting the keep's floorplan," the forepony said, walking over to one of the bookshelves and pulling out a scroll. "Here it is." He unrolled the scroll on the desk and set a stone on either side.

Starswirl walked over, with Somnambula close behind. "So," asked Starswirl, "where will he be overseeing the executions from?"

"The gallows are being constructed directly under this balcony," said the forepony, pointing. "It's where he makes all of his announcements from."

"Alright then, Somnambula and I will wait on the roof for him to come out."

"What if one of the taken sees you?" asked the forepony.

"Not to worry, my good sir. I will make us both invisible first. Anyway, while we take care of Sombra we'll need the resistance to interrupt the execution. We're rushing this to save those ponies, no point if they all die in the struggle."

"Of course," said the forepony. "I will make sure that everypony is prepared by dawn."

That day there was much activity in the northernmost settlement of Värld av Hästar. On the surface things proceeded much as they had every day since the Dark Wizard had come to the village. Some ponies went to the farms, to grow food for the village. Others went to work at the quarry to get stone. And the rest went to build the gallows under the taken's watchful gaze. But whispers were there, if one knew where to look, of a new plot. Slowly, carefully, the news spread. By the time everypony went back home the remaining members of the resistance had been informed. The time to strike back was nearly here. At dawn they would make their stand.

Starswirl and Somnambula woke before dawn the next morning. They had spent the previous day learning everything they could about the keep and Sombra from Stone Seeker. The forepony had to go to work, both to spread the news and to avoid suspicion. One worker was easy to forget, but if the forepony was missing a search would have been made. That evening Stone had gone home and they had slept in the basement, in case the taken came calling.

Ping. Starswirl awoke to his alarm spell. He lit his horn and turned to Somnambula. She was already blinking her eyes at the change in lighting.

"Is it time?" she asked.

"Indeed," he said as he stood and walked over to the trapdoor. Then he held up a hoof, put his ear to the wood and listened intently. After waiting a moment he opened the door a crack and peered out. Upon not seeing anypony he opened it the rest of the way and walked out, followed by Somnambula. They walked upstairs to the bedroom.

"Oh, hello," said the forepony. "I was about to wake you, but I see that won't be needed."

"I was just coming by to inform you that Somnambula and I are headed out."

"Hopefully we will all meet again soon."

After they had gone back downstairs and stepped out the front door they looked around. Seeing nopony watching, Starswirl cast invisibility on them as they made their way to the keep.

A pair of green glowing eyes watched from a shadowy alleyway, then melted into the shadows.

"Are you sure you can do this Archer?" asked a dark blue earth pony mare with a light blue mane.

"Yes mother," replied the filly beside her. She had the same colors as the mare but reversed, a light coat and a dark mane. "I feel like have been training for this moment, like all my practice is leading here." She was standing in a house with a small hole drilled into the wall facing the gallows. As she spoke she strung a bow and set it into a groove in the ground. "I have to make this shot, because nopony else in the village can."

"Alright, you've got this, I'll make sure you don't have any interruptions." And with that she stepped outside.

Once they arrived at the keep Starswirl teleported them both onto the roof of the tower above the balcony. Shortly afterword many taken began to filter out into the town, intent on gathering the citizens. Attendance of the executions was mandatory. Several more began tying up the prisoners in the nooses.

In about ten minutes ponies began coming into the square from all over town and the sun began poking out over the mountains. Once they were all settled one of the taken on the ground blew a horn. "Now presenting Lord Sombra!"

Starswirl and Somnambula heard hoofsteps below them and saw a hooded figure with a red horn holding a gold scepter with a ruby on the end step forward. Starswirl leapt down onto Sombra with a shout, "Now!"

At this moment many things were set into motion. For one, the hangman reached for the lever to drop the prisoners. Meanwhile Archer pulled back on the arrow nocked in her bow and let it loose. It sailed through the air until it hit the first noose's rope, and kept going until it had severed all four ropes, freeing the prisoners. At this a small flash appeared by the filly's side. She looked down and saw it subside into a picture of a silver bow and arrow. "Oh! It's here!" She started jumping up and down, her part of the plan complete.

Author's Note:

So every time I sat down to write this story a song popped into my head. (I would rate it teen, fair warning.)

Also, here is a picture of archer with her bow.

And here is one of Archer's dad Crystal Beau. He was one of the prisoners.

I found them searching my little pony archer. They are based on one of the students in call of the cutie. I just burrowed the appearance, since their personality is unknown.