• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 1,774 Views, 79 Comments

The Ponies and the Ninth - Comrade_Derpy

When a Roman Cohort appears in Equestria, Shining has to act. But has he made a horrible mistake?

  • ...

4: Lose morality. Gain sanity

Varius grasped the helmet inspecting it. It was big, and crafted differently from many he had seen. "It looks strange, not made for a human" He inspected it further looking at the inside "hmm, not for the warhorses we use either..." he pulled himself up forcing Sextus off and rolling into the log seats "Where did you find this Marius?" He said a light hint of worry in his tone.

"The woods." Replied Marius unaware of the situations gravity.

"did you see anything, anything at all?" Varius said scanning the forest. "Nothing.." came Marius's voice from the right.

"I see" His eyes scanned the forest again before his closed his eyes "I want this camp moved. out of the forest now, before night falls. Understood?".

"Yes Centurio".

"Guys...C-can i come down from this tree now?" Asked Publius his face upside down peering out from the branches. His response was Sextus pulling him down by the feet. "Yes, yes you may" With a scramble Publius got himself up and him along with several other men gathered and packed up there equipment putting them in leather and hide bags they would carry. Each man was to carry all his tools, Cooking items, shield and anything else needed for this they earned the name of mules.

By this time the camp had grown, finding other "Survivors" they had around a full cohort, four hundred odd legionnaires surprisingly the forest had hid them well. the canvas of the tree canopy hid the smoke from fire while they never left there post to explore until now. Varius being the only ranking officer was in command. Ordering them into a column of four and began marching them in a northerly direction. a low sound came from the signifier although the men had been thrust into a strange and different place there spirits had not damped as they sung and chanted though the forest.

it took about an hour of slugging though the dense undergrowth before a cry came from the front "Centurio a road!". Varius headed to the front of the column the dirt track coming into view, leading in and out of the forest. after a few minuets of shuffling and reorganising they stood on the road in perfect and ordered formation. Sextus made his way to the front beside Varius "Do you see that village up ahead?" He said noting the small community of houses on the edge of there vision.

"Aye. Were heading there." Varius said the Legionary. "Im just glad to be out of there." As the column marched forward Sextus turned to him "So...why are you afraid of a few trees?".

"As a child i got lost in one for a week".

"Really?, no kidding?".

"Yes" sighed Varius "Long story short. a wolf almost killed me, lucky one of the town watch just happened to notice me and kill the beast. I've hated forests since...". Varius looked over to Sextus, "You have anything like that?". As they marched Sextus sighed "Water...my town was raided. we escaped to sea...b-...but a storm flipped us, I..I was the only one. my family and brother perished Centurio" He looked down letting a small sigh escape him. Varius sympathised, placing his hand on his armoured shoulder "You have us Sextus, and as long as your alive. Your my brother" He smiled.

Sextus smiled back "Thank you Varius. luckily I was eighteen at the time, i joined straight up afterwards. Served in the Sixth Legion, the Eleventh and now ours" He looked at his shield, it bared several notable features. Pointed arrows, wings and finely the words "Legio IX Hispana" The ninth Spanish legion. "Do you think anybody's looking for us?".

"Even if there not i think we can survive" Varius commented.

"And what's you plan, if i can as?" Questioned Sextus.

"Find out who live in the village, get our bearings and head back south towards Vindolanda and Edge of empire. that's the basics..." Said Varius. However things were not as easy, he had no idea where he was how he got there and he was sure every man in his company were equally as confused as him. as they grew closer several fields of wheat and apple trees appeared at there sides. several horses looked on at them, however they were the strangest horses Varius had ever laid eyes on.

Firstly and the foremost was the fact they were coloured, brightly and as were there manes and tails. They were somewhat smaller then normal horses. Had strange tattoos on there flanks. And gods there eyes, either these creatures had a purpose of such large eyes or by the gods above something had clearly gone wrong during one mating season.

Sextus leaned over equally confused as every man and spoke "I speak for every man when i say. where are we and what on earth are those?".

"Honestly Sextus I think there horses".

"Horses? I can see that but I mean why are they coloured, is this some sort of celebration to a horse god? or just a horrid practical joke?".

"Looks like something weird the Greeks would do Sextus. Something the Greeks would do..."

As the men looked at them they strangely looked back, some looked like they were acctualy talking, it was clearly there sanity. Yes that was it slowly Varius was going insane, it to Varius was the only possible explanation for the sight.

Looking still Varius and the men entered the village and as they did the horses seemed to follow. "Sir? t-there's horses in the town...and..everywhere?" By this point the head of the column was in the centre of the village. with a large mass of multicoloured horses looking in awe, or fear. It was at this point one happy greenish horse trotted in front of him mouth agape and looking right at him. Sighing Various shouted "Hello. might somebody move this horse out of my dammed way".

"Hey...who you calling a horse ape".

Di...Did it just talk, no impossible. And yet there it was right there i had just talked to him. the entirety of the men in front and around Varius gasped, or took a step back in shock he looked at it "Did you just...Talk?".

"No I just decided to open my mouth and let my belly rumble...yes I talked" It spat back rather harshly.

It was at this point Sextus looked to his right, Varius was wide jawed as was half of his men. he sighed as Varius right eye twitched and he began to mumble like a madman. The horses around them nervously stepped back from Varius at his mumbling, while Sextus Stepped forward going though his head what we was told to say to the local villages in Britannia. "Ave! I am Sextus Catalonia of Ninth legion. now tell me strange talking horse where we are..."

Honestly Sextus still thought he was sleeping, or dead. Dead sounded slightly cooler in his opinion though

The horse explained that they were in a place called "Ponyville" and that they were in the magical land of "Equestria". Inhabited by talking ponies, not horse Ruled by two princesses that seconded as demi-gods. And that she was a mare and that the entire planet was filled with every creature in any of the Hellenistic or Roman legends and defended by the royal guard. And Sextus could not keep a straight face though the entire description, laughing several times to the extent of almost being floored.

It took several moments for the information to make sense in Both Sextus's and Varius's heads. it was then that Varius finely snapped out of his mumbling, after hearing everything he simply looked down at the pony stating one word "Eagle."


"The eagle. where is it?".

"There's Eagles in the sky...or im sure Flu-".

"Where is the dam Eagle mule!" At this point he drew his sword. Bad move, Panic gripped the town, pony's scattered in fear in every direction while a few stayed to throw anything to attack the strange angry ape.

It was at this point Varius patience snapped. he turned to the pony frozen in place in front of him.

"Somewhere in your gods, forsaken kingdom lies a Golden eagle. I want it, and I shall have it." he spat lowering the blade to the pony's neck" The mare whimpered "I really don't know..please".

Suddenly there was a shout a small blue stallion stood opposite them "Its up yonder in the castle of canterlot...you'll have to take several days worth of food its a long trek" he looked at the legionnaires with a look of hatred and disgust at there acts he had witnessed during the few seconds of seeing them "Now please go and never return" he spat.

Varius nodded sheathing his blade as the greenish mare ran as far from them as possible. "thank you" he simply said. before turning and walking behind the column that still stood rock solid. Sextus sighed following him "Good start if I may Centurion" he said Sarcasm clear in his tone.

"Burn it" Varius hissed heading out the small town.

Sextus could not quite understand what he meant "Burn what?".

"The village.... Ponyville" He said slowly but harshly "Burn it to ash and cinder. his sudden change in character frightened Sextus slightly "But sir, they helped us, they gave us the informat-" he was cut short by the Centurion "Do not question me Legionary, I want a message sent here. I want these... pony's to know we do not mean threats and story's, but sword and actions.

Sextus remained silent staring down at the dust track they stood on "The God of War hates those who hesitate. Sextus.." Varius said again. "now go."

He looked back at the village, as did Sextus. the young legionary sighed looking at the men beside him "You....You heard the Centurio. Ash and cinders, no mercy, no morality, no remorse and certainly no quarter" The men nodded braking the formation, a total change for the elite solder they broke into ravenous men braking doors down and setting fire to the many thatch worked houses.

Several hours later

Varius stood on a hilltop under a tree, the dirt track followed up and to the right of him. From below came a panting and soot covered Sextus. At the top he glanced down, The town lit up light a torch in the light. Although he had done as he asked he made sure that most of the pony's had ran and escaped before the town was burned. He was, after all no barbarian, what happened here was no just nor sanctioned.

"A brutal slaughter Centurio" he said looking at Varius with disgust.

"What if they lied? moved us into a trap we would have risked being killed. I cannot risk our men" Varius snapped back.

"You know they were just as innocent as us, just as kind hearted. you knew that!" Sextus roared.

Varius looked over before back down to the blazing town "Sextus, you can never be sure. And until you stand in my sandals you will never understand the things that happen in war."

"We were never at war you fool!. we were gods above ambassadors here, could you have acted like one?" Sextus shouted anger rising in his belly.

Varius simply began walking back down the town where his men stood looking back he smirked.

"Sextus. A man-of-war is the best ambassador..." And with that he left Sextus to the night sky and his thoughts.

For one in his life since that night at sea. Sextus sat down and simply cried.....

Author's Note:

Please note before I get anonymous metaphorical knickers in a twist that:

A) Sextus had cleared the town. This means no-pony was acctualy killed

B) Yes Varius is a rather unpleasant fellow right now. But he's working under his years of service in Roman Britannia (one most vicious places in the Roman empire) And he's looking out for his own men, i doubt he honestly care about anything other then them at the moment

C) These men are not modern day infantry with rules of engagement, there two thousand year old soldiers with no rules of engagement, brutal tactics and generally unpleasant fellows. that are part of a dictator y empire and believe that everybody not Roman or under Roman rule are therefore beneath them or scum of the earth. This could probably happen then under these condition.

But less of explaining why i burned it down. This was honestly the hardest chapter to write, to figure out the reaction of a trained solder who's supposed to be ruthless. i also wanted to show a contrast to Varius and Sextus. and change there personality under certain situations.

I kinda feel like i rushed this. but hopefully it worked. you are supposed to hate Varius at this point

Mind you i can say anything, since im not reading it