• Published 5th Feb 2021
  • 4,485 Views, 249 Comments

The Chalk Prince and the Clover - FrostTheWolf

Albedo and Klee find themselves in the land of Equestria after an alchemical accident. Now, they need to find their way back to Teyvat... though, that's easier said than done (Genshin Impact/MLP Crossover)

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24- Lösung

“When you told me that you wanted to get some materials from the cave darling, this was… not quite what I thought you would want to bring back.”

By now, the alchemist named Albedo was already making their way back towards Ponyville alongside Spike and Rarity. The trio had a wheelbarrow full of not just crystals, but various other rocks and metals that they found inside the cave that Maud showed them. While the seamstress was still trying to process why exactly they were bringing all of this back, Albedo had his reasons for doing so. “Something wrong, Ms. Rarity?”

“No no, I’m just… surprised by how many you decided to bring back,” the unicorn replied back to the alchemist, “Are you sure that you’re going to need all of these?”

“More than likely, that’s for sure,” Albedo told her, “When it comes to conducting tests, the process for doing so is always trial and error. Though, before we can even do that, we need to find a smithy that can forge all the parts.”

“Uh… Smithy?” Spike now asked.

“Oh, right. I mean a Blacksmith. ‘Smithy’ is just a shortened expression used by the Knights of Favonius back home. I didn’t mean to confuse you.” He assured the dragon, before setting the wheelbarrow down for a moment, “The point being that having the materials itself is only part of the process. The next step is to find someone that can forge the pieces that we need before we can assemble it.”

“You want somepony to make pieces out of this?” Rarity asked, “Pieces of what exactly?”

“Twilight and I had been working on trying to come up with particular contraptions that could help us find a way home. However, since the size of the contraption is rather huge, the only way to properly assemble it is to have it be built in parts that connect to one another,” the alchemist explained, “ You can’t exactly build a home without a frame to support it. Though, I’m not sure if Twilight knows anyone that could help us with forging the parts and be… well, discreet about it.”

“While I see how important discretion might be, I wouldn’t be so sure as to why you would need it,” Rarity replied. Yet, her response just led to the alchemist stopping for a moment.

“In my experience, people will go to extreme lengths to try and fight back against what they don’t understand.”

“Uh… what?”

Albedo blinked, before looking back towards her. “Oh, my apologies, just thinking out loud. We should probably get going and let Twilight know that our expedition was a success.”

Yet, as Rarity watched the alchemist walk away, she couldn’t help but feel that he was alluding to something far greater than she or any of her friends for that matter would understand. Almost as if he was referring to something that he once had to go through. Though, she had to set aside that thought as the three of them approached the entrance to the castle of friendship.

After a couple of knocks on the door, it was soon answered as the princess of friendship herself opened it. “Oh, welcome back. How was your trip? Did Maud help you find what you were looking for, Albedo?”

“She did actually,” the alchemist replied as he set the wheelbarrow down, “We were able to harvest a lot of minerals, but not too much. Hopefully it’ll be enough in order to get started with construction.”

“Just, what exactly are you trying to build anyways?” Spike now asked, “I mean, you keep mentioning how you wanted some help to build the parts, but parts of what exactly?”

Both Twilight and Albedo looked to each other for a moment, before the latter of the two looked towards Spike. “Perhaps we can explain to you everything once we’re inside. I had left some sketches of what I was hoping to construct in Twilight’s care, so I can show them to you while we discuss this.”

As he said that, Albedo followed Twilight inside brought the wheelbarrow with him as Spike just shrugged his shoulders. Even though this might’ve been seen as strange at first, it would at least help answer any questions that he or Rarity might have. Especially since the two of them went out of their way so that they could help the alchemist procure these materials in the first place.

Once everyone was inside, Rarity and Spike walked over to the cutie map as Albedo had a few of his drawings on the table. Once they got close and Spike climbed up on the first open seat he saw, both the dragon and the unicorn found themselves looking at what appeared to be the sketch of a tower, with grates along the side and main compartment. At first glance, Spike thought that he was looking at some kind of outdoor oven or a detachable chimney based on its appearance.

“Um, Albedo? What… exactly is this?” the dragon asked, “Don’t get me wrong, it looks nice. But I’m having trouble trying to understand what it is.”

“That is a sketch based on what I could remember from my student’s original design, and our starting point,” he replied, “There were some flaws with Timaeus’ work and the instability from those flaws led to Klee and I arriving here. So, with our design, I wanted to make sure that we avoided the same mistakes.”

Around then, another picture was placed on the table for Spike and Rarity to see. Immediately, they could tell the difference between the old design and this one. For it wasn’t a singular tall construct this time, but a smaller one that was split in two and half the size of the original. Though, the new design also led to new questions being asked. “Why would you need two, exactly?”

“The original problem with the old design of the elemental crucible was that it took on too much elemental energy too fast without a proper way to release it if things got too dangerous. For a while, I was unsure of what exactly to do to avoid those mistakes,” Albedo admitted, “Then, Twilight told me something.”

“I told Albedo that one of the things in Equestria that we’ve seen before is that sometimes, the best solution comes in pairs. You don’t have to take everything on yourself if you got somepony else that could help carry the weight,” Twilight replied, a bit of glee chiming from her voice as she told the others.

“From there, I realized something. If we were to not only shrink the size of this crucible, but split it to where the amount of energy is stored is not solely in one place but two, we would have a higher likelihood of success,” the alchemist picked up where the alicorn left off, “Of course, building it was going to require more resources and also split everything into pieces so that way it could be carefully assembled when it was time for testing. Though, as unfortunate as it may sound, we can’t even begin testing until we find someone who could help us build everything.”

That was definitely a problem. Especially since Albedo couldn’t be able to make any significant progress on trying to find his way home until after everything was made. Right now, they were just stuck with blueprints and a wheelbarrow full of ore and crystals. If they couldn’t find some creature to help them, then there was no telling how long Albedo and Klee would be stuck here for.

Of course, that was when Twilight thought of something, “You know, there is somepony that I think I can ask.”

“Really, darling? I don’t believe we know of any friends who are skilled in such a profession,” Rarity spoke.

“We might not, but somepony else might,” the alicorn told her, before looking towards the alchemist, “Albedo, have I told you about my brother Shining Armor?”

Albedo, in turn, shook his head and folded his arms, “No, I believe this is the first time I’ve heard that name. Why do you ask?”

“Well, my brother is the captain of the royal guard. He himself might not be a blacksmith, but it’s more than likely that he knows somepony who does since they would have to forge all the royal guard’s equipment,” Twilight explained.

“Captain? Are you sure that he has that much influence?” Albedo then asked.

“Well, to compare it to something you told me when I asked you about the Knights of Favonius you were a part of, Shining’s position as captain is almost like the title of ‘Grand Master’ back in your world. The one that belonged to that lady you mentioned named… Jean I think.”

Now that made a lot more sense. After the unexpected visit from Princess Celestia, Twilight wanted to know more about the Knights of Favonius that he was a part of. So, he gave her a brief explanation as well as explained the fundamental roles of some of its most important figures, including the Grand Master. While it was a simple explanation at the time, it was helping tremendously right now since Albedo was unsure if this ‘Shining Armor’ was experienced enough or qualified for such matters since being a captain in the Knights of Favonius didn’t have a lot of weight behind it compared to if they were the Grand Master. Yet, when Twilight told him about his position in the guard and made that comparison, it put his mind at ease.

“Well, if he’s the best in his field, then we could ask him. It’s not like we have many other options,” Albedo replied, “Where would he be exactly?”

“Well, usually he’s either in Canterlot or the Crystal Empire. Though, sometimes I write a letter to verify where he is first before heading out anywhere,” Twilight replied. To which Spike let out a small breath as he folded his arms.

“Can’t you just ask him tonight?” the dragon asked.

That had the alicorn stop, before raising an eyebrow, “Tonight? What do you mean, Spike?”

“Twilight, I told you a couple of days ago that he was going to join Big Mac and I for Caverns & Chimeras tonight since Discord was on vacation,” Spike explained, with a look on his face that made it seem like he was annoyed that Twilight didn’t remember the first time, “If this is important, then perhaps Albedo could ask him while he’s here before we start our game.”

“It would save an unnecessary trip, darling,” Rarity added.

Albedo liked that idea, since doing so would allow him the opportunity to rest after their earlier expedition into the caves. Even Twilight looked to be in agreement with it. Though, there was one question that was on his mind as he looked back at the small dragon, “I agree with Spike’s proposal. Though, out of curiosity, what is this ‘Caverns & Chimeras’ that you mentioned?”

The simple question had Spike look back to him with a surprised look on his face, “It’s a fun game that I play with some of my friends. Though, it’s not exactly simple to explain. Seeing others play it usually helps-”

“Well, since I’m going to be here when Shining comes over, I hope you don’t mind if I watch. It would be interesting to see what you and your friends like to do for ‘fun’,” the alchemist said, “Mainly since my position doesn’t entirely give me a lot of opportunities to do things like this.”

“Hey, I don’t see why not,” Spike replied with a smile, before a question came to mind, “Say, now that you mention that, I need to ask a different kind of question. Not just to you, but to everyone.”

“Oh? What kind of question?” Albedo asked. Though, what the dragon said next wasn’t exactly friendly and more concerning.

“Has anypony seen Klee by chance today?”

Author's Note:

"...... Oh dear."
-Rarity, five seconds after realizing that Klee was nowhere to be found