• Published 21st Dec 2011
  • 4,221 Views, 157 Comments

The Beauty and the Nerd - HattieForest

Twilight and Rarity fall in love, despite being from different worlds.

  • ...


Lunch came, and Twilight marched into the dining hall. Applejack and Pinkie, having already occupied a table, waved to her. Next to them sat Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, the latter seeming troubled.

Looking around in anticipation, Twilight trotted over to the table. Rarity- Rarity, oh, where art thou? Looking around her, Twilight felt her heart sink. No- it could be she was just fashionably late. She should give her some credit. Smiling nervously, she sat down by the table.

"What's with the downtrodden look, egghead?" Dash chuckled. "Missing your marefriend?"

"Rainbow Dash, Ah ever tell you you are a filthy hypocrite?" Applejack shot back.

"No, because you know I am too awesome to be insulted."

"You think so?"

The two locked gazes for a half a minute, before breaking up in laughs.

"See you on the race track later? No wings this time, cheat." Applejack said.

"You're on."

So this had to be what the books called jargon: a series of friendly insults acting as a social bonding agent. So quaint to see it in reality-

And there she was. Rarity, trotting majestically and proudly, walked towards the table of her old friends, of her posse...

Twilight bit her hoof. Was she going to...?

...and right past it, taking a seat next to Twilight.

"Oh, Rarity!"

"I am here as I promised." Rarity said proudly, her voice trembling some. "You didn't think I would let you down, did you?"

"No, I didn't." Twilight said, smiling warmly. Everything felt so... right. It was almost euphoric, the feeling of knowing Rarity had chosen her- her real friends even when it jeopardized her status. It felt special.

Lunch came and lunch went, and soon the bustling schoolponies began to march out. As Rarity sat there, carefully wiping her mouth, Runner Flare, Glitter Rain and four other ponies walked up, following her.

"So... mind telling us what's really up, Rarity?"

"Yeah! You-"

"Do quiet down, Glitter." An older pony of Rarity's age said. "Remember what we talked about? No shouting?"

"I am simply enjoying lunch with my good friend Twilight Sparkle." Rarity said flatly. "That's all there is to it."

"You're friends with dweebs like them?" Flare asked.

"Is there a problem?" Rarity said coldly.

"Yeah!" Glitter shouted. "This is-!"

Again, the older pony quieted her down.

"Looks like I am disinviting you from the fair I am hosting this weekend." One of the mares, Fabula Launch, said. The others gave a "hmmph!" in chorus.

"Then I'm afraid it will not be half as fabulous as it could be." Rarity shot back.

Turning a hoof, all but one of them walked away. Glitter, though, she stayed shortly before walking off. Her face looked torn; Twilight found herself feeling sorry for her.

Standing there was an elegant, tall young mare, the one who had held Glitter back.

"Diamond Vector." Rarity said.


"Have you any more witticisms?"

"Actually, I wanted to tell you... I don't really understand why you're friends with her, but I don't care. I'm still coming to your next show. You've always been talented, Rarity, and I'm not that much of a sheep that I can't see it."

Rarity blinked. "You mean-"

"Not all of us are like Runner Flare, Rarity. I wish you'd give some of us more credit." Shooting a smile, she walked away.

Rarity had been by herself for most of the rest of the day, aside from her former friends treating her to some tricks. She had one class with Pinkie Pie and she had never been so grateful for a friendly pony in her life. Pinkie had sat beside her. She had talked to her, and helped her with the day's assignment - a stupid drama play. Rarity was beginning to loathe literature.

Now Rarity was walking to her coach. She glanced back to the school. If only Twilight or some other pony had gotten out of school at the same time she did! Twilight had her chess club, AJ and Dash had their sports, and Fluttershy and Pinkie had the special nature class wherein students helped the woodland creatures that had agreed to live in Canterlot. Even Derpy would be welcome at the moment!

"Are you still so shallow?" Rarity asked herself aloud. She felt a stinging shame well up in her stomach. She looked about for anyone to take her mind off her feelings.

"Rarity?" Lightning Smoke asked. She jumped a bit.

"Oh.. hello, Darling."

"Would you care for an escort?" They began to walk.

"What game are you playing?"

"No game." He shifted. "I...well, I think you're stupid for being such tight friends with the egghead, but I still think you're awesome. I don't know any other pony who could stand up to the whole Royal Ass Crowd."

"Royal..." Rarity began to laugh. She shook her head. "I think I've underestimated you. And Diamond Vector. I wonder who else?"

"Not many else." Lightning flashed her a grin. "We're at your coach."

"Thank you."

"Whatever." Lightning trotted away. Rarity watched him go up to several other ponies. Most used to be her friends.

But were they ever really? Rarity sighed and hopped into the coach. Sky Blade started it up.

"Are we going straight to your place?" Pinkie asked excitedly.

"Ahhh!" Rarity yelped. "I - you - Pinkie! Please, exercise some manners! What are you doing, lurking in my coach?"

"I got a twitchy twitch twitchy." Pinkie's eye twitched to emphasise the point.

Rarity swallowed nervously. "You think my father knows? Of course he knows, bad news travels so fast..." Rarity slumped against the cushions. She looked out her window. "Pinkie..."


"Do you think everything happens for a reason?"

"Of course I do, silly! I mean, a rock doesn't move unless somepony kicks it and everypony knows life is like a rock, you can't go anywhere unless you kick yourself into action and I don't literally mean kick yourself, that's silly, and it's an ouchie! I mean, you have to bend weird just to kick yourself, and the momentum you would have to have in order to kick - ohmygosh, wouldn't it be cool to be able to bend that way without hurting yourself, though? You could be a pony pretzel!"

Rarity nodded. She let Pinkie ramble, trying to focus on her friends words and trying to squish the uneasiness that was in her body. It had been years since she had not done what her father had told her to do.

Would he still do what he used to do to get her to do what he wanted?

She shuddered. Pinkie noticed and stopped chatting. What had Pinkie been saying? Something to do with a blue time box?

"Rarity, do you need me to come in with you?" Pinkie asked seriously.

"No. But...stay outside, could you, Darling?"

"For sure."

The coach came to a stop in front of Rarity's front door. The two of them left the coach.

Rarity saw her father's silhouette in a window. She took a deep breath, and swallowed her tears. She held her head high. No more acting. No more masks.

She walked to the door, each step becoming more and more of a struggle. She looked back. Pinkie sat on her hunches, her eyes not blinking, and her gaze never leaving Rarity. It should have unnerved Rarity that her friend was doing so, but instead it made her feel stronger. Like somehow Pinkie knew what Rarity knew, and she wouldn't look away and she would be ready to help.

Rarity entered the house.

"Rarity, darling, how was school?" her father asked amicably.

"Dreadful." Rarity stiffened, preparing for the storm she could see emerging.

Her father tilted his head. "Dreadful? Why?"

Rarity forced the uneasy feeling away. She had to do this. For herself, for her future, and for Twilight. Oh Twilight... her silly book-loving friend, who was so lost outside the printed word. Her little egghead.

"My egghead?"

Her father's eyes widened, mostly in shock. Rarity realised she had said the question aloud. Too late to turn back now. She remembered Pinkie was just outside, down the path and ready to come charging in if Rarity needed her. With that in mind, Rarity spoke confidently.

"School was a bit boring, Father. Most of my friends are not worth my time. I realised this yesterday, and I'm turning to more fulfilling friendships. Also, I've decided I will not attend your party tomorrow, nor will I endorse your companies any longer. Find another fashion designer."

"How dare you!" He trotted to her, eyes blazing. "Remember what happens if you disobey me?"

Rarity shrank back. Her father leaned in close, his hoof raising and striking Rarity between the eyes. He took hold of her mane.

"Stop it!" She tried to jerk away, but his teeth were hard to shake off. With a great shake of his head, Rarity went flying a few feet away.

"You are forcing my hoof."

Something within her snapped. She suddenly knew. She was not a filly, she was a mare. She was not her father's trophy. And she had to win against him not for her, but for Sweetie Belle. No one would hurt Sweetie Belle!

What happened next felt like it took much longer than the real split second.

Rarity tried to remember how Applejack had taught her to buck, from when they were just little fillies. Yes, she remembered! She turned to the door, crunched up her hind legs then let them loose as powerful as she could manage. Her father bellowed in pain. She heard the crash of porcelain and wood.

Pinkie suddenly burst into the foyer, her eyes blazing angrily and her mane straight. "Rarity! I'm here! What do you need?!"

"I need a place to stay, Pinkie," Rarity said calmly.

"I - uh - oh, that's not what I expected to see." Pinkie took in the damaged china cabinet, Rarity's father on the floor, and finally Rarity standing by her, trembling. Pinkie stuck her tongue out at Rarity's father. "Meanie head!"

She turned, held her head high, and said: "Come on, Rarity. I have an extra bedroom if you don't mind bunking with Gummy."

She trotted out of the house. Rarity stayed close behind, still shaking and not quite sure what she had done.

Rarity, pondering her new-found freedom, with all its terrors and joys sat up all night until Pinkie finally managed to convince her to just go to sleep already. She would probably come to some agreement with her father- he still had legal sway of her until she was an adult- but she was done trying to appease his foolish wishes for what was proper.

So night came and went. While Rarity slept uneasily, she was not alone- across town, in the same rich district where she usually kept house herself, Fluttershy lay worrying and worrying until finally she managed to doze off.

It felt as if but a few seconds had passed when she opened her eyes again. She felt rested; these beds were the softest, most comfortable there were. Sitting up in her bed, she yawned and looked around the room. The sun shone through her window, and all the little birdies were chirping. It was a ...nice morning.

Walking in through the door with some new sheets, their maid Rose Button- Fluttershy was pretty sure she was the only pony in the family who knew her name- came.

"Miss Fluttershy, it's time to get up. The Mr. and Mrs. will be waiting at the breakfast table."

Her father and mother. Right. Looking at the clock she realized she was late- for a moment, she felt a surge of panic fly through her body, but then she realized school started three hours late today. Whew. Getting out of bed, Fluttershy walked out the door and down the stairs of her three-story home, down into the kitchen. Her father had a simpler background than her mother, and didn't much like formal dining halls, something Fluttershy was grateful for.

As she walked into the kitchen, going for some toast, her mother spotted her.

"Fluttershy dear, are you late to school again?" She scowled, disapproving.

"Oh no no, not at all." Fluttershy said, shying back. "We start late today, so I am actually early."

"Very well, then." Her mother said, nodding. "What are you heading out to do 'till school starts, then?"

"Oh, I was going to go meet up with Rainbow Dash. I am going to watch her practice." Actually, they were going to have some intense snuggling, but this was not something she was ready to share with her mother. She had wanted to say she was going to spend time with her animals- which would have made sense- but she felt bad enough lying as it was.

"Not Rainbow Dash again." Her mother said again, sighing. "Red, will you talk to your daughter?"

"Whuh?" Her father said, looking up from his paper and coffee.

"Your daughter, Flutterina Shymenola Greystone, is associating with this... ruffian pony. She is a bad influence." Carmella complained. "It's not right-"

"Wrong side of the tracks, right? Well, if she actually IS a bad influence-"

Fluttershy held her breath. Oh no! She could not stand it if they forbid her from seeing Rainbow!

"- then I wouldn't want her associating with her," her father said, taking a sip from his mug. Her mother nodded eagerly. "On the other hand, lil' Shy's been so much happier lately. Coming out of her shell. So why don't you get back to me when this "Rainbow Dash" character is arrested for vandalism, and I'll think about it."

Fluttershy breathed out. Thank goodness. While Carmella went off on another of her tirades on "social standards" and "you know what that kind of pony is like", Fluttershy snuck out of the kitchen with her toast. She was going to see Rainbow Dash, and her heart skipped at the thought.

Fluttershy found Dash alone at the track. Her mare was just warming up, flexing her wings and stretching.

"Um...hello, Dash..." Shy said.

Dash glanced back. She zipped to Fluttershy's side.

"Heya! Didja see my landing? It was AWESOME!"

Fluttershy shook her head. "I've only gotten here, Dashie. But I do like the way you stretch your wings when you're warming up."

Dash puffed out her chest. "Yeah, they're perfect, aren't they? Hey, you only have toast?"

"Well, I - "

"How can we make out if you fall asleep from lack of food?" Dash whipped out an apple. "Here. Eat up!"

Fluttershy knew Dash really just worried about her eating habits. When they had first met, Fluttershy had barely eaten anything at all. Dash had come up with odd, funny, or beneficial excuses for Fluttershy to eat more. Also, Shy suspected Dash like watching her eat. She remembered her marefriend saying she looked like a cute, delicate princess when she ate - albeit in a nasty tone, but Shy knew Dash only spoke that way as a cover. She really was a nice pony.

"Thank you," Shy said. She took the apple and nibbled. As Dash talked, Shy nodded or made the appropriate sounds of acknowledgment.

"Are you excited for the big race this afternoon? I'm gonna win, of course, but it will be fun for everypony else to watch the losers fight for second place! Oh, and didja hear? The Wonderbolts are coming here in month. I'm so excited! Do you wanna come with me to the show?"

"Of course." She swallowed the last of her apple.

"Get ready for a Rainbow Dash boom!" Dash wiggled her eyebrows playfully. Fluttershy laughed.

Dash swept Shy against a tree, and kissed her on the nose. "We got a whole hour before anypony comes along," Dash whispered. "Relax, already!"

Fluttershy let her weariness drain away. She was with Rainbow Dash, in nature, and there were no bullies around. Life was good.

Later that day, once classes were about to start, the two walked towards the school building. Dash insisted they wouldn't walk too close, and Fluttershy obliged her- Dash loved her. She just needed her own time.

She blushed deeply just thinking about the time they had just spent together- Dash holding her close was unlike any sensation she had ever felt; it was like some wondrous drug coursing through her system. Not to mention she had become increasingly... grabby lately, her hooves going places they had not gone before. Fluttershy didn't mind the idea, but merely the thought of it made her mind shut down. She could still barely understand that somepony as cool as Rainbow Dash would even want her.

Walking as they were, they came upon Twilight and Rarity.

"-and you simply wouldn't believe how my father reacted! I tell you, I will not tolerate this at all!"

"Oh my." Twilight said. "Are you okay?"

"Okay? I am more than "okay"!" Rarity said jubilantly. "I bucked him right in the face; that had him back down! This marks the end of an era, I tell you, an end of an era."

"You actually kicked your old man in the face?" Rainbow Dash said, chortling. "I guess you have more spine than I gave you credit for."

"You would consider violence admirable." Rarity hmmphed. "Still... thank you, Rainbow Dash. This was the key to my personal emancipation, and I cannot help but feel proud."

"You know, I could show you how to buck people where it hurts the most." Dash said, grinning. "It's how I won that fight against the three upperclassmen the other month. A girl's gotta stand up for herself, you know? Ain't no Royal Guard in shining armour going to save noponies like us, you know?" Dash grinned, recalling the fight that had made her truly infamous.

"...you know, I quite agree that a lady needs to learn how to defend herself. Perhaps I shall take you up on your offer." Rarity said, smiling.

Twilight's- and no less Rainbow Dash's- jaw dropped.

"You agree with Rainbow Dash?" Twilight exclaimed. "But violence is bad!"

"I think so too, but if I hadn't used my hooves, who knows what would have happened? Clearly, it isn't entirely unjustified." Rarity said, deep in thought.

"That's the spirit." Dash said, nodding approvingly. "I can show you a thing or two about boxing, and then there's Hoof Kan Fu, I learned a bit of that before I got kicked out of the dojo..."

"Good idea." Rarity said. "Now, I am afraid you must excuse me; literature starts soon." Trotting off, Rarity shot Twilight a smile. It occurred to the studious pony that for such a traumatic experience, Rarity was strangely upbeat.

Twilight trotted along beside Fluttershy. She barely noticed her friend or Dash.

What had happened exactly with Rarity's father? Should Twilight ask her mother to help out? Where was Rarity staying? Surely not with her father?

Twilight was so engrossed with her thoughts she didn't notice Fluttershy heading off into another direction.

"Hey, Egghead, your class is back there," Dash broke in. She sounded sore, like Twilight was interrupting something.

Twilight sighed. "Where is Rarity sleeping?" she asked.

"Er... how should I know?" Dash asked crossly.

"I mean, she can't possibly be still at her father's home?"

"Oh..." Dash landed in front of Twilight. "Look, kid, sometimes the only thing you can do is root from the stands, y'know? Rarity has friends now, thanks to you. You all will take care of her - it isn't just you, so quit worrying, breathe, and run the race with your teammates, not against them. Understand?"

"I think so." Twilight sighed. "I wish there were a manual for life."

"There is. It's called the Book of Experience, and it is wrote in someone's heart."

"Wow, that's poetic, and deep, Dash."

"Yeah, well..." Dash coughed. "Anyway, I gotta get to class, and so do you. Get going, kid."

Dash took to the air. Twilight watched her go, and it occurred to her that she had gained yet another friend.

Aiming for her classroom, Twilight's thoughts took a turn she had never even considered before.

Did school matter? Did reading books really help her, or pony kind? Knowledge is power. But was knowledge the same as knowing facts? Or should it be, knowledge coupled with experience and the cleverness to utilize them made a pony powerful?

"Please leave me alone," Fluttershy's whispered.

Twilight's eyes snapped up from looking at the ground, and what she saw made her heart freeze. A Griffon had Fluttershy by the tail, and was holding her high above the ground. Holding a pony by the tail hurt, and Fluttershy hated heights. Tears bathed Fluttershy's face.

"Put her down!" Twilight shouted.

The Griffon looked over. "Oooo, another filly-fooler."


"What, you think I don't know?" The Griffon laughed cruelly. "You're friends with Fluttershy, so of course you're a Filly-fooler."

"Put her down!"

The Griffon instead flew higher, up to the lockers that the Pegasus students used. She began shaking Fluttershy up and down.

"Make me Egghead!"

Twilight lowered her head. No one would hurt Fluttershy and get away with it!

She thought of the Griffon letting go of Fluttershy, and thought of Fluttershy going safely to the ground.

Twilight's horn began to glow. Sparks flew from the Griffon's hold on Fluttershy, and with a yell the Griffon let Fluttershy fall. A shriek pierced the air then a thud and Shy went quiet.

"What....?" the Griffon looked from Twilight to Fluttershy. She shook her paw. "Bogus!"

Taking three quick steps towards Twilight, the Griffon raised her arm. Twilight's horn glowed brightly, but before she could cast a spell, the much larger, much stronger Griffon had smacked her, sending her into a wall.

"Magic freak," the Griffon muttered.

"Let her be!" Fluttershy squealed.

"Isn't that cute, standing up to the big bad Griffon?" she said, smiling wickedly. "Of course, in real life, that doesn't work." Stepping back to Fluttershy, she grabbed the poor pony by the mane. "So what are we gonna do with you, huh?" She flexed a claw. "You're just some dumb rich kid. Did you get even a single scratch growing up? If not... I think I can fix that."

"Yo Gilda, sup?"

Twilight looked up. It was Rainbow Dash! Everything was going to be okay now!

"Dash! She is bullying Fluttershy! If we help out, we can-"

"I got this." Rainbow Dash said. "So what's happening, Gilda?"

"Just putting these dweebs in their place." Gilda said, tugging at Fluttershy's mane. "You up for a race later? We can ditch class again. It's not like we'll ever have use for math."

Dash laughed. "Yeah, I hear ya. Look, let's just skidaddle. You got better things to do than shove dweebs around, right? C'mon, let's go get a soda or something."

"Fine by me." Gilda said, letting go of Fluttershy. "You lucked out this time, dweeb, but I got my eye on you."

Twilight, shocked, stood upright. What the hay was this? Why was Dash not defending Fluttershy? What?!

"Dash, are you crazy? She hurt Fluttershy!" Twilight shrieked, beside herself with emotion.

"Rainbow... Dash." It was Fluttershy, crying.

For an instance, there was a pained expression on Dash's face. Then,

"You need to stop being so dang oversensitive, Fluttershy. Gilda was just horsing around, having a laugh. Don't take it so seriously, sheesh."

"...what?" Fluttershy's voice was almost inaudible.

"I said, toughen up some already. C'mon Gilda, let's go."

"I hear ya." Together, the two walked off.

Shocked, Twilight walked over to Fluttershy. What the HAY had just happened? How could Rainbow Dash do this?

"I...I..." Fluttershy began to shake. "She doesn't care?"

Fluttershy began to sob so quietly Twilight had to lean in to hear her. Twilight squeezed her eyes shut. This...this was far worse than what had happened with Rarity. The only thing really hurt in that debacle was Twilight's pride.

This...this.... Fluttershy had bruises appearing, and bits of her mane were on the floor.

"It's okay, Shy, we'll...we'll..."

"What are you doing?" a voice asked. An adult voice, one that was familiar... Twilight realised. The teacher from Fluttershy's and Pinkie's class. Pinkie! Where was she? She usually just appeared...

"Please, sir," Twilight whirled around. "Please help me, Fluttershy needs a nurse..."

He trotted over, saying: "Come now, it cannot be that .... " he stopped short. "Great Stars, what happened?"

What had Rainbow Dash called that Griffon?

"Gilda happened," Twilight muttered. Than louder: "A Griffon named Gilda hurt her for ... um... I'm not sure, actually."

"Nothing happened!" Fluttershy yelped.

"Shy, your eye is swelling, and bits of your mane and tail are everywhere, and she dropped you from the air lockers!" Twilight said in disbelief, forgetting Gilda dropped Fluttershy because Twilight used her magic.

"She didn't mean it!"

"Excuse me? She said she was going to give you - "

"I'm fine!" Fluttershy nearly shrieked - which for her was just about the normal level of what a pony talked.

"No!" The teacher said firmly. "No, Fluttershy, you are hurt, and badly. We are bringing you to the Nurse's Station. Then I will ring your parents - "

"Oh no!" Fluttershy gasped.

" - and I expect you to stay with the Nurse until she gives you the okay to leave. Understood?" Somehow, the Teacher's crisp accent made everything he said more official. The two young mares nodded. "Twilight, will you stay with Fluttershy?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Now..." He sighed warily. "Help me bring her to the Nurse's Station..."

Twilight stood on Fluttershy's right, while the teacher stood on her left. Together, they gently lifted her up. Twilight carefully pushed Fluttershy's onto the teacher's back. Fluttershy gave a painful moan and whispered: "I guess I'm hurt more than I thought. I'm so sorry."

"For what? Walking to class?" Twilight retorted. "Don't be stu...silly, Shy."

The walk to the Nurse's Station took much longer than Twilight had thought it would be. By the time they got there five minutes had passed, and Twilight wondered if Canterlot should chop the Main School into smaller schools. Or perhaps have more than one Nurse Station.

"Nurse Redheart, could you please help us a bit here, thank you..." the teacher said as they entered the Nurse Station.

"My word!" Nurse Redheart gasped. "Oh dear. Roseluck!"

Another pony trotted out from a side room, and before Twilight could do anything, the three adults and Fluttershy were gone in an examination room.

"Wow... it's a small hospital..." Twilight said in awe. She even saw some shock paddles tucked away. She shook her head. No, no, no! Fluttershy!

She hurried into the room.

"What happened?" Roseluck was whispering to the teacher. "Were we right? Are there monsters here?"

"No, Rose, it is sadly a case of bullying..." He noticed Twilight watching them. He cleared his throat. "I'll be in to check on them in a bit, let Twilight stay with Fluttershy, will you, Nurse Redheart?"

"Of course, as long as she doesn't get in the way, and Roseluck, what are you doing, do your job!"

"Sorry, ma'am." Roseluck zipped around the small room.

"Um..." Twilight turned to the teacher. "What's your name, sir?"

"Hmm? Oh, Time Clock."



"Time Clock? Isn't that...redundant? I mean, I know clocks and time are different..."

"Twilight, I must ring Fluttershy's parents." Time Clock hurried out of the room. Twilight frowned. Something fishy was going on, here.

She had no time to think on it, however.

"Twilight, dear..." Nurse Redheart came up to Twilight. "We must bring Fluttershy to the Hospital. Please, go to your regular class..."


"She is worse than we thought, and she's losing consciousness, I'm sorry, we have no time!"

And in a poof of magic, the adults and Fluttershy were gone. Twilight stood there, dumbfounded, trying to make sense of everything. How could they teleport without a unicorn? How could they not be equipped to help? This made no sense!

"Arrg!" Twilight yelled. She sighed, her mind going blank. Then...

"Rainbow Dash left her," Twilight whispered. If the teacher hadn't come along when he had... She turned from the room and ran, using her magic to track that sorry excuse of a marefriend down.

Twilight's inside was a tumultuous chaos of emotion. She had never been so angry, so downright furious. Rainbow Dash! Some marefriend she was! Fluttershy- if there was one pony in all of Equestria who didn't deserve this, it was Fluttershy! The sheer injustice of it ate at her, and before she knew it, she was walking away from school, to the place Scootaloo had said Dash lived at. Somewhere in her head she knew she was skipping class, intentionally missing out on learning, but she did not care. This was more important- more important even than studies.

As she entered the neighborhood- it seemed sadly run-down, trashy, poorly maintained; as if ignored by all- she would have, if not for her fury, wondered how a pony could live like this.

But she did not ask herself this, only trotting down the street. Some young miscreants hollered at her, but a single sharp gaze made them shrink away. Walking down to the apartment building Dash lived in, she saw her.


The Griffon didn't notice her at first, but after a marked clearing of the throat, the Griffon saw her. She shot a smile.

"Come back for more-"

Not even letting her finish, Twilight sent her flying into a wall, pinning her there with magic. Her eyes glowed with the raw magical power that was her forte; she was unstoppable.

"Where is Rainbow Dash?" The cold in her voice was one that brooked no trouble, but the Griffon persisted,

"You think you can get away with this-"

Slamming her into the street, Twilight magically hung Gilda in the air by the tail.

"I'll ask again: Where is Rainbow Dash?"

"She-she's up the hill! She said she needed some space!" The Griffon struggled, but she was powerless against Twilight's magic. "Look, put me down! Please"

"You know," Twilight said coldly, "if I was like you, abusing my power, there would be some really unpleasant things I could do to you."

Gilda squirmed, fear apparent on her face.

"But I'm not like you." She continued, dropping Gilda on the street.

"I- I can't move! What did you do to me?!"

"I removed your motor functions below the neck. Oh yes, I can do that. Don't worry, it's not permanent. You'll just have a few hours to think about what you did."

With that, Twilight marched up the hill Gilda had spoken of. True to her word, there sat Rainbow Dash...

"Rainbow Dash." Twilight spat. "You obnoxious, horrible-"

Suddenly, she stopped herself. Dash was averting her head, but she was bawling her eyes out. Twilight's fury lost its momentum; she had not expected this.

"Rainbow Dash, you-"

"J-just say it already!" Dash stammered. "It's not like you'll be saying anything that's not really true." She sobbed into her hooves. "I'm the absolute worst- just-just say all you have to say, I don't care..."

Twilight had not seen something so miserable- excepting Fluttershy only an hour or so earlier- in her life. Her anger quieting down some, she said,

"I don't understand."

Dash just kept sobbing. Sitting down next to her, Twilight continued,

"What- why are you crying? I thought-"

"Some pony I am." Dash said quietly. "I- I can't believe I did that. To Fluttershy! I'm-"

"At a loss for words?" Twilight said dryly.

Apparently not the case because Dash continued on.

"I can't even admit to anyone who I love, for no good reason! I'm a lot of big talk, but really? Under all that, I'm just... a coward. I'm a joke, Twilight. Just- just go away. Don't waste any more time on me."

Twilight scooted closer, putting a hoof on her back. "If you feel that bad about it, why did you do it in the first place?"

"Because it's Gilda!" Dash exclaimed, letting out a sob. "It's Gilda, and I can't- I just can't!"

"Slow down. What is it about Gilda?"

Dash shook her head. "Look, you don't have to hear my story. I'm not worth it."

"I'm here, and you sound like you need to talk. So go ahead."

Wiping her nose, Dash began.

"It's like... it's Gilda. She's like, the only person I ever trusted like, ever. We grew up together and stuff. When I was ten, and I fell and broke my leg, and all I could do was pull myself to the apartment and just lie there and cry, she flew me to the hospital. She was always there for me, and-"

"She flew you to the hospital? What about your parents?"

Dash let out a joyless chuckle. "Yeah, there's a joke for you. My dad was gone before I was born, and my mom doesn't give a bucking shit about me. She's always out somewhere with some new stallion or whatever, and she just sort of pretends I'm not around."

Twilight gave a mental gasp. That was awful!

"So yeah, Gilda was like, the only person I ever really let in close, you know? She's like this cool big sister, best friend who always looked out for me when nobody else did. And I kinda can't- I can't stand up to her when she does these things. I know it's petty and weak and... but I can't. She's always Gilda."

"You are a very loyal pony, aren't you?" Twilight said quietly.

"The buck I am." Dash said, hawking out a lump of snot. "I'm this pathetic, cowardly traitor-"

"Shut up."

Closing her mouth, Dash obeyed, hanging her head.

"Now, what you did to Fluttershy was plain wrong. She deserves better." Dash just nodded. "But at least you're sorry. Go apologize to her, explain-"

"But I know she would forgive me!" Dash exclaimed. "And I don't deserve that. She forgives everypony of anything, even when it's terrible because she's just so bucking nice and... goodness Twilight, she is way too good for me! She is one of those really perfect ponies- she's posh - but not snobby - nice, forgiving- she's everything I'm not! I don't deserve-"

Twilight slapped her.


"That was that biggest load of silliness I ever heard." Twilight said, fuming. "You've been an idiot- a big idiot- but not going back to Fluttershy because you think you're not good enough is even dumber. Why don't you let Fluttershy be the judge of that?"

"I..." Dash said, rubbing her cheek.

"I know you've had it tough, and it's glaringly obvious you are insecure. Nopony is perfect. We can work on that, but only if you're giving it a chance. Are you a quitter, Rainbow Dash?!"

"Quitter?" Dash stood up straight. "No! I'm not a quitter! I'm the best, and I don't take no for an answer!" Her wings began beating, and she rose in the air, hovering a few feet off the ground. Suddenly, she stopped flying and sent a puff of dust into the air as she hit the ground. "How do I do this, though? I can't balance Gilda and Fluttershy. It's not fair...wait, what am I on about? I'm Rainbow Dash, of course I can do it!"

"But - " Twilight tried.

"I just need to schedule it, right?"

"But - "

"Hey, you're an Egghead, can you work out a schedule for me? So I can be friends with Gilda and ... um... friends with Fluttershy?"

"I guess I can, but -"

"Brilliant! Can I have it by tonight? 'Cause I need it after the race!"

"Well, yes, but -" Twilight was becoming quite flustered. How to get out of this? A friend does not need a schedule!

"So where is Fluttershy? I have some... stuff to say to her."

"You want to talk to Fluttershy? Let's go to the hospital - "

"Hospital?" Dash asked.

"Yes. Nurse Redheart brought Fluttershy to Canterlot's Central Hospital." Twilight nodded sadly. "They said it's worse then they thought..."

"What? Gilda hurt her that bad?!"

"Well, it was partly Gilda, and partly my fault."

"Your fault?" Rainbow Dash rounded on her. "What? How? Why?"

"I wanted Gilda to leave her alone, and that's all I thought. My magic misfired. I hurt Gilda's claws, and she threw Fluttershy..."

"So she only hurt her that bad because she got hurt herself? Okay, good..." Dash sighed in relief. "And you! Be more careful with your magic!"

Twilight nodded.

"Come on!" Dash sped a head, then look back. "Hurry up, Fluttershy needs us!"

Twilight stood up and raced after her friend. She paused, and went to Gilda. Rainbow didn't notice she wasn't following, or she didn't care if she went a different route.

Gilda was silently crying. Twilight felt a deep sense of shame. She landed beside Gilda, and bent down to place her horn on Gilda's neck.

"There. Your motor functions will return within the next few minutes. But remember, Gilda, if you abuse your powers again, you will lose your ability to move permanently!"

Twilight did not have this power, of course, but she didn't want to risk Gilda hurting anyone else for amusement.

Gilda nodded quickly. She wiggled her claws.

"But also remember, if you need to protect yourself, you can do that too. I'm not evil." And Twilight thought about Fluttershy, and how bad she wanted to see her, and suddenly she found herself in a hospital waiting room.

"I...I...what?" she gasped.

Rainbow Dash flew into the room.

"I...what...you...wow." Dash eyed Twilight. Twilight grinned uncertainly. "Anyway..."

After badgering the receptionist about where to find Fluttershy, they at last found themselves at Fluttershy's door.

"Well-" Twilight began.

"You go in first." Dash said abruptly. "I can't- I can't face her like this. She was hurt like this... by Gilda..."

"It's not your fault." Twilight said. "At least not the part where she hurt Fluttershy."

"Just go." Dash said, shaking her head. "Maybe if it's not too bad, I can see her. If... if I go in there and see her all torn up and in bandages, I'd just die. I'd die, Twilight!"

"...fine." Twilight said, grudgingly giving in. "But I'll be back out in two minutes, and then I want you back here."

Marching into Fluttershy's room, she left Dash outside. Once inside, she felt relieved- Fluttershy was awake and smiling; a small bird that somehow made its way indoors had landed on her hoof. The horror image of her in tatters, wrapped in bandages to the point of mummification that Dash had painted was a far cry from this- aside from two small scrape bandages, Fluttershy looked perfectly healthy.

"Are we feeling better?" It was the authoritative, yet caring voice of a head nurse, trotting into the room.

"Oh, much better!" Fluttershy insisted. "I could just go home right-"

"Not so fast, young lady." The nurse said calmly. "I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that there is no real internal bleeding to speak of, it's much less serious than we first thought."

"And the other thing?" Twilight said anxiously. The nurse gave her a look. "Oh, sorry- I'm Twilight Sparkle, a friend of hers."

"The bad news," the nurse continued, "is that there is a fracture on her leg. Not a broken bone, but a crack in her left foreleg. Fortunately, with a bit of unicorn magic we can put a spell on it to heal overnight. I am afraid you will have to stay the night, young lady."

"Oh no!" Fluttershy exclaimed. Twilight felt for her; Fluttershy was not doing well outside a place that was not in her comfort zone.

"Don't worry, I'll stay with you- if that's fine with the doctor." Twilight said. "And I'm sure Dash will want to be with you too."

"We'll see what we can do." The nurse said, turning around and walking out.

"Dash... is here?" Fluttershy said anxiously.

"Yes, and she feels really bad about this." Twilight said, nodding her head. "You should have seen her, she was in tears because of this-"

As she spoke, she opened the door and looked out into the corridor. Rainbow Dash was gone.