• Published 7th Feb 2021
  • 2,617 Views, 79 Comments

What's Your Deal, Rarity? - thiswasamistake

Spike has a discussion with Rarity about their friendship.

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Awkward Talks and Honest Feelings

"Okay, just be honest with her, and it'll be fine. It's not going to turn into a fight, and it'll be awkward, but it won't be that awkward, but it'll still be really awkward oh my Celestia what in the hay am I doing I gotta get outta he- no! You da man, Spike! And da man has to commit to his appointments, no matter how terrified he is, a-and how sweaty his claws are, and- augh!"

With a whisper-scream of irritation towards himself, he takes a few deep breaths to try and calm himself. It sort of works. His heart's still thrumming like a hummingbird's as he raises one shaky claw to knock on the door to the Carousel Boutique.

Three sharp raps announce his arrival.

The door swings open, and an alabaster face framed by royal purple locks greets him with a smile. "Spikey-Wikey! Ooh, thank goodness, I thought Twilight had held you up with chores again," she says with a polite titter, stepping to the side of the doorway to make room for Spike to walk through.

His cheeks flush with pink at her words, and he offers her a weak, thin-lipped smile in response, nearly stumbling as he walks in.


It never feels good to lie to his friends, especially not his longstanding crush, but...it was tough to come to terms with what's been going on for the past few years that they've known each other. Even tougher to try and convince himself to approach Rarity about it. So, in order to avoid hurting Rarity's feelings, suddenly Twilight's been absolutely bombarding him with chores.


He notices her cocked head at his odd behavior, but when she sees him glancing her way, he offers an awkward smile - really, more of a grimace - in response, hoping that it'll ward off any prying questions. Her response is to simply look away as though she hadn't been observing the dragon in the first place, lips pursed slightly as a small smile plays at her lips. He gets the feeling that she's attributing his bordering-on-terror nerves to his "secret" crush, and...she's half-right.

With a slight shake of his head, he hops up onto a loveseat before placing his claws on the cushion in-between his knees, giving her a smile that's just a little bit more genuine and a little bit less fraught with fear. "So, um...w-what kinda tea are we having today?"

Rarity's horn glows with a turquoise aura, a silver tray engulfed within it floating into the boutique's sitting room before setting itself down upon the coffee table a little over a foot away from Spike. Resting atop the tray are a blue ceramic tea kettle, two light blue teacups, and a circular arrangement of cranberry scones. "My favorite! Honey citron, with just a hint of lavender." She tosses her mane with a delighted grin before stepping over to seat herself upon the couch opposite from Spike. Her arcana surrounds the ear of the teapot before tipping it so that steaming hot tea comes delicately pouring out into first one teacup - which she floats over to Spike - then into another, which she takes for herself. Sipping from it politely, she gazes at him with a curious look. "...Spike, do forgive me for my bluntness, but is something on your mind?" She flutters her lashes at him, her voice pitching up slightly with her next words. "You know that you can tell me anything, right?"

Leaning forwards to take ahold of the other teacup (and a scone), his claw shakes slightly as he lifts it to take a sip of the tea. Despite his nerves, he can appreciate the flavor; he can definitely see why it's her favorite. He takes a deep breath, takes another sip, then raises his emerald gaze from the ground to meet Rarity's. "Y-Yeah, actually. I, uh...I came here today t-to- to t-" He bites his lip and chews on it for a moment, scowling at his stammer, before releasing it with a low, deep exhalation of breath. "Look, I...I came here to talk to you about something." He gulps. "A-About us."

The unicorn's eyes widen in surprise, and she sets her cup down upon its saucer for just a moment before she blinks a few times.

'Oh, goodness...I never expected him to actually...ask me out...'

She's already beginning to formulate how best to reject him before Spike continues talking.

"I know how- I mean, I know what that sounded like, and, um...I'm not really good at talking about stuff like this, so just...let me say everything on my mind first. Then...I guess we go from there." His eyes, which had drifted back down to the ground, glance back up to Rarity, and when he sees her nod, he returns to staring at the floor, unable to meet her questioning stare as his cheeks begin to tinge red.

"...okay, so, uhm." An audible gulp echoes throughout the boutique. "H-Here goes, I guess." He takes a deep, shuddering breath before releasing it as a just as shaky exhale. "When Twilight and I first got to Ponyville, I didn't really- I mean, I wasn't really...interested, I guess, in making friends with anypony. It just wasn't something that I thought of as part of my job description, you know?" He takes a bite of his scone, chewing to buy himself some thinking time. He washes down the crumbs with another gulp of tea before continuing. "But...that stopped the second I saw you." His anxiety breaks for just a moment as a tiny smile curls the corners of his lips upwards. "I'd never seen anypony - anything - as pretty as you. It wasn't just your mane, or your makeup, or anything. I just thought that everything about you was so- so perfect."

Against his better judgment, he shoots another quick look towards Rarity, finding her with a tiny, fond smile crossed over an expression that looks conflicted and, if he didn't know any better, apologetic.

"I thought that my c-" Suddenly, he finds that his throat is drier than the Samarea Desert, and he takes a series of small sips of tea to wetten his vocal folds before daring to attempt speech again. "...I thought that m-my...my crush..." Something in his chest twists unpleasantly. It's as though a deep knot within his heart has been unbound - uncomfortable and perhaps a little bit painful for a moment, but as the seconds pass, he finds that he can breathe much more easily than before. "...was a secret." He takes several more bites of his scone, nibbling on the dried cranberry bites and not really tasting them as he fiddles with them with his tongue. Another sip of tea accompanies the pastry and fruit. "But...over time, I realized that it wasn't a secret. Twilight knew the second that it started, and the more that our friends saw us toge- er...saw me looking at you, the more they realized that I was c- c-crushing on you."

Now he looks up, some unknown emotion fluttering within his eyes. Something just a little bit dark, something confused, something more than anxious but less than scared, and something imploring.

"I was kind of upset with the others, at first, because as I thought back on all of the times we hung out as a group, I realized that, yeah, I was really obvious." He glances off to the side, gaze fixating upon some mundane point on the couch near Rarity's left forehoof. "That didn't last, though. I don't think I was emotionally...uh...mature enough, I guess...to handle them telling me to my face how I felt. To handle them telling me to my face that they knew how I felt."

His head turns back up to lock eyes with Rarity, brow furrowed with contemplation as he continues.

"So...y-you must've known, too. Even if nopony told you directly, I mean...come on." One side of his muzzle quirks up into an awkward grin. "If I know I was - and sometimes still am - a ditz, all for your attention, maybe even l- l-love, then..." He reaches out to set his tea and half-eaten scone down, pressing his face into his claws with a heavy sigh.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

Her head swims with a maelstrom of thoughts and emotions. She was expecting a heartfelt love confession, which she had been prepared to reject with the utmost care and compassion whilst still reassuring the dragon that they would still be very good friends. Friends, and only friends, yes, but still very good friends.

But this...

"Spike. Just because I was aware of your feelings for me, it does not mean that I owed - nor owe - you anything in response. I-"

She's interrupted not by his words, but by the incredulous look in his eyes as he pulls his hands off of his face, something just below the level of irritation flashing across the reflective surfaces.

"'Owe'?" He groans and tops off his tea, taking a large gulp of the piping-hot liquid - silently, he thanks his draconic heritage for allowing him to give in to his impatience - before setting the cup back down and dragging the back of one claw across his mouth. "Rare, I- I-I'm not demanding a date or anything! I just- I-I've been thinking about this for- Celestia, I think weeks, now?" He leans back into his hands, but this time he rests his elbows on his knees, then his jaws in his palms, cheeks smushed together slightly as he speaks. "I just needed to know: Did you know? And if you did...did you have me do all of- well, pretty much everything that I've ever done for you, just because you knew?"

His tone is, the distant, detached part of her mind chimes in, just a touch more accusatory than she'd like, but as she flinches as though she's been struck, she must fight back the conflicting feelings of guilt and anger that rise up within her all the same. "No! Spike, I-I would never take advantage of- of any of my friends, and that includes you!" She purses her lips in thought before picking up her own tea saucer, the cup trembling slightly as she lifts the rim to her mouth for a drink. The soft 'clink!' of porcelain meeting silver announces the start of her next words. "Why would you say such a thing?"

The only way to describe the look that Spike gives Rarity is deadpan. "Rarity, I don't think there're enough claws in all of the Dragonlands to count how many 'favors' I've done for you just because- b-because you asked me, specifically, to do them." He looks down at the tray and starts counting the crumbs surrounding his scone. "A-And I did them all without even thinking about it, because you fluttered your lashes in just the right way, or you tossed your mane like that, or flicked your tail that one time when I was really scared." He gives her a tiny, sardonic smile. "Good play, by the way. I-It really did motivate me to rappel down into those jagged mineshafts to gather more pyrite for you." He sighs and mutters under his breath, "'Fool's Gold' is right."

When faced with the...evidence...of all of the times that she's exploited her knowledge of Spike's crush for her own, personal gains, she can't keep a grimace from marring her features. Any indignance she feels now is directed towards herself. It had felt so natural at the time - she's used to puckering her lips or giving perhaps just a hint of what the lucky stallion (or mare!) might get access to if they'll give her just ooone little discount, or ooone extra sack of cherries - to simply use her beauty to profit off of someone who she had known was attracted to her. She's used to the ponies she teases simply wanting sex, and she has no problem with implying things whilst never paying up with ponies who will never give her the storybook romance that she so desires, but...

...but Spike isn't just anyone that thinks with their bits instead of their brains. He's a friend, and he's been through more for her sake than most of her other friends.

Suddenly, she feels very, very small.

"...I-I didn't reali-"

"I know."

Once again, his voice causes her to react as though she's been hit, a wince crossing her features. The coldness of his tone seeps deep into her core.

"But..." His gaze, which had hardened throughout the scolding, softens substantially, as does his voice. "...it's fine." Spike's muzzle wrinkles with thought as his expression turns pensive, and he stares once more back at the floor. "Just, please..." A quiet bark of a laugh leaves him. "The dreaded question, but...what are we, Rare? I-I need you to be honest, and clarify things, because..." Sharp fangs clamp down upon his lower lip as he attempts to control the wavering in his voice. "...I-I can't deal with the confusion anymore. You remember the whole, uh, 'incident' with Applejack, the timberwolves, and my Dragon Code, right?" He catches a minuscule flash of movement out of the corner of his eye as Rarity nods, and he continues. "Well, then, that, combined with how I've been through the years...I need to know if I can, um..." He winces, worried about how this may come off. "...i-if I can stop being loyal to you. Because as much as I wish I could just tell myself that it's all up to me, and as much as I know that it's true...emotions and c-crushes don't really listen to logic." Rubbing at the back of his head, he lets out a sheepish chuckle. "Guess I've been livin' with Twilight too long. Man, talk about an egghead line."

Something warm and fuzzy engulfs him and blocks out the light from the source above, and as the scent of lavender perfume fills his nostrils and his eyes focus just enough to get a blurry view of white fur, he realizes that Rarity's hugging him, soft sniffles leaving her as she does so.

"Oh, Spikey-Wikey...of course you can. I- I-I'm sorry that it took us so long to talk about this. That it took so long for me to talk to you about all of this." She squeezes him tighter for just a moment longer before pulling away, smeared mascara running down her cheeks in rivulets as she smiles apologetically at him. "I really do love you, Spike, and that will never change. But...as a friend." Taking one of his claws into her hooves, she pats it gently, nuzzling at his cheek. "I know that that's hard for you to hear, but I owed that truth to you a long time ago, and I shouldn't have taken advantage of your feelings the way that I did." Rarity lifts her other hoof to wipe at her tears - only managing to ensure that grey is now all over her cheeks instead of in lines down them - before returning her gaze to lock with Spike's. "You don't need to forgive me. Not right now, and not ever. However, I am sincerely grateful for the fact that you're even willing to consider it, let alone try."

The smile that he gives her is still conflicted, but it's the first one of that afternoon that seems genuinely at peace, and as he hugs her back with all the strength that his adolescent-sized dragon body can muster up, the both of them feel just a little bit lighter for it.

Author's Note:

Couple of things:

1) Since I headcanon the Mane 6 as being ~20 (give or take about 4ish years), Spike would be roughly 14 at the start of S1. Not really sure when this fic takes place, but let's say 18.

2) Sorry the ending was so...abrupt/bad. I couldn't really think of a better way to do it without straight up cutting it off after Rarity stopped talking.