• Published 6th Feb 2021
  • 1,414 Views, 59 Comments

What Could've Been - Centurion Pike-Wall

Praetor Rainbow Dash is called to investigate a mysterious magical spike off the coast. At the same time, somewhere completely different, Luster Dawn miscasts a high-level spell.

  • ...

1~Establishing a Connection

"Dang", Rainbow Dash said. "I look cool."

"I have a stupid mane-cut", Praetor Dash said.

The two of them sat across from one another at a table in Canterlot Castle. Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Spike, and the mare referred to as Luster sat across from her, looking at her with a variety of looks. Fluttershy sat off to the side, applying bandages to Discord. The draconequus was eyeing her, a dirty look on his face. Rainbow already had a pistol unholstered, a talon pressed to the hammer.

"Mm-hmm", Twilight said, clearing her throat. Praetor Dash shifted her head to look at her. "So, you... you are Rainbow Dash?"

"Yeah", she said. "Praetor Rainbow Dash. And I assume your name is Twilight Sparkle."

"Yes, I am", Twilight said. "Can I ask how you got here?"

"I was responding to an alert from a PIN ship out in the Strait", Praetor Dash said. "There was a magical signal under the water. Admittedly against protocol, I got a closer look. A strand of magic hooked onto me, and I ended up in front of Discord." She turned back to him, her eyes beneath her goggles narrowing. "Speaking of which... why is he here?"

"Discord has been reformed", Fluttershy said. "He's not that bad anymore."

"Color me skeptical", she said. "I've only had one experience with him, and it wasn't pleasant."

"What did I do exactly?", Discord said.

Dash said, "Stealing the Elements of Harmony. Removing my wings. Making Rarity make out with a rock. Any of this ring a bell?"

"When he first came back?", Spike said.

"I guess", Dash said. "So... why is he not in shackles? Or a cage?"

"I've been reformed", Discord said in a sing-song voice. "Fluttershy has been a great friend... and we've gotten close."

Rainbow blinked, before slapping her claw to her temples. "Of fucking course it'd be you. Yeah, that isn't something I thought I'd see."

"Wha' were ya expecting?", Applejack asked.

"Well, I didn't expect to end up here", Praetor Dash said. "But, where I come from, he's still a statue. For that matter, a couple of Caput Legio troopers impaled him with metal rods, so I think he's dead."

"You killed me?", Discord asked.

Rainbow shrugged. "No, not me. Not even some of my troops. Honestly don't know why I didn't, though."

Twilight tapped her chin, looking between the Praetor and the table. Luster Dawn, silent ever since they had sat down, finally piped up. "Princess?"

"Luster", she said. "Do you know where the Manuscript you used is?"

She nodded. "Yeah. I brought it with me; wanted to go over it last minute before I showed you. It's in our hotel room."

"Can you go get it?", she asked. "I have an idea, but I want to be sure."

"Of course, Princess!", Luster said. She got up, lit her horn, and teleported away in one fluid motion. Silence reigned in the room as both sides shuffled between themselves nervously.

Said silence was broken by Spike, who cleared his throat. After all eyes shifted to him, he asked, "Umm... Can you take off the mask? It's kinda unnerving."

"You sure?", Praetor Dash asked. "I've been told it's... also unnerving."

"Your face?", Rainbow Dash asked. "Please. How bad can it be?"

"If you insist", Praetor Dash said. She removed her helmet, before unslinging her goggles and lowering her neck gaiter. Instantly, all of them cringed at the sight, eyeing the massive patchwork of scars and burns that ran across her face. Her runic eye pulsed with red light as she leaned back in her seat. "I take it you want to know how?"

"Um... That would be nice to know", Fluttershy agreed, nodding.

"Ok", Praetor Dash said. "Before I joined the Empire, I worked as a courier. During a raid from Brigands, I was captured by them and turned into the personal toy of the leaders. Turns out they were Degenerate shitstains, but I digress."

"Wait", Rainbow said. "Empire? Brigands? Where were you?"

"The Demosian Penninsula", Praetor Dash said. "Before the Second Unification Wars, that is. So, lots of Brigands, and not a lot of Order."

"But, you dealt with Discord?", Applejack. "Is there no Equestria?"

"No, Equestria is still a thing. I am from there originally", Rainbow said. "Not anymore, of course, but... yeah."

"Then, how did you end up in this, Pryha?", Twilight asked.

Praetor Dash leaned back in the chair. "Long, somewhat complicated story, Princeps. Point is, I'm now an Imperial through and through."

"So, what're all a us like?", Applejack asked. "Ah mean, if we exist an' all. We do, right?"

"Yeah, you all exist", Praetor Dash said, a slight creeping edge entering into her voice. "You know about me. Most of you are still doing the same thing I assume you are here. Applejack's a farmer, Pinkie Pie does parties, Rarity makes clothes." She turned to Twilight, eyeing the wings clamped to her sides. "You are most certainly not a fucking Alicorn."

"I'm not?", she asked.

Praetor Dash shook her head. "No, Princeps. You run a school in Ponyville. Pretty big one, too; you're even starting an exchange program with international students."

"Huh", Twilight said, smiling. "I'm happy to see that your Twilight and I have similar ideas, even if I'm not a Princess in your world. Or, whatever it is."

"What?", Praetor Dash asked.

"Twi also founded a school", Rainbow Dash said, chuckling. "The 'School of Friendship' back in Ponyville. I taught there a bit before I rose up in the Bolts. Brings in a lot of students from outside of Equestria."

"Well, it's only a recent thing", Praetor Dash said. "From what I understand, she was only really able to get her program through the fact that Celestia runs the EEA."

"Wait wait wait", Applejack asked. "Princess Celestia... runs the EEA where you come from?"

"Well, she abdicated her position", Praetor Dash said. "Princess Luna is the head of the Equestrian State."

Before the conversation could continue, a loud crack and bright flash appeared next to Twilight. Luster Dawn stood when the light died down, a rolled-up parchment in her hoof. "Sorry if I'm interrupting. I got the manuscript", she said, passing the parchment to Twilight with her magic. "Be careful, your highness. It's not in the best of shape."

Twilight unrolled the piece of parchment, scanning the words on it. As she did so, her eyebrows furrowed and her light smile faded. By the time she had apparently finished, she looked rather disturbed. "I know what this is. How it ended up in my school's library, I don't know."

"What is it?", Spike asked.

Twilight placed the paper on the desk, revealing a service covered in scratchy writing. "It's the spell that Starlight Glimmer used in order to time travel. In this case, it somehow brought you here."

"How, exactly?", Rainbow Dash asked. "I thought that it was just going back to alter things."

Twilight tapped a hoof to her chin, before smiling and lighting her horn. A line appeared, with several parts breaking off of it in several places. "The best I can understand it, the spell works by heading back to a certain point, then following a branch along the various actions that can alter the timeline. In this case, it must've-"

"All due respect, Princeps", Praetor Dash said. "But, how does this affect me getting back."

"I... don't know", Twilight said. "I've never actually cast the spell. But, what I do know from this writing is that, when it comes to crossing over timelines, it's not an exact science. I don't know exactly what timeline you came from, and it might take some time for when we can get you back home."

The Praetor leaned back in the chair, looking at the ceiling. "Well, in that case..."

"Starlight is in Ponyville", Twilight said. "We'll head down there tomorrow in order to work out a potential solution. In the meantime, I can have you provided a room to stay the night."

"You're coming back to Ponyville?", Fluttershy asked.

Twilight nodded. "This is an unusual situation. I think I should be present in order to help out. Besides, Spike can handle anything that might come up, right?" Spike gave a sloppy salute, fixing her with a serious look.

"I would like to make an additional request", Praetor Dash asked.

"Sure", Twilight said. "What is it?"

"I'd like to requisition a... Well, actually. Do you have typewriters here?", she asked.

Rainbow Dash asked, "A what?"

"Nevermind", Praetor Dash said. "In that case, I'd like a pen and notebook. Due to the unusual nature of this situation, my superiors would like a report upon my return to Pryhan territory. I'd prefer to have it be pre-written as opposed to having to recall everything on the spot."

"Of course", Twilight said. "I'll have it brought to your room." She nodded to a pair of Royal Guards standing by the door, who bowed their heads and adjusted their spears. "These two will escort you to a room."

"Thank you, Princeps", Praetor Dash said. She took up her helmet, slinging it under her wing. As the two of the Guards left the room, she followed, a sigh on her lips. "If I ever get back, I'm never gonna get through the Paperwork."

Author's Note:

I know 'Praetor Dash' and 'Rainbow Dash' in dialogue is kinda clunky, but it's the best way I could come up with to tell them apart.