• Member Since 9th May, 2016
  • offline last seen May 19th

Tropical Applejack

All bubble-blowing fillies will be beaten senseless by every able bodied pony in the bar (bar).

Comments ( 16 )

You making a comment saying a story "is crap" means nothing if you have nothing constructive to say.
Grow up, and stop prefacing your insults with false apologies.

Dislikes don't mean anything when it comes to a story's actual quality.

Why'd you delete your comment and then reply anyway? Kinda criminalizes yourself dude lmao :rainbowlaugh:

he nice

so who is next the only ones off the top of my head left are cadence and miss sun princess but she will likely be the finally correct

Glad you liked it!

As for who's next? Let's just say Shining is about to get VERY acquainted with his wife's horn~

I wonder cuz she's an alicorn will shining even be her first or does she have a secret collection

I guess I'll have to wait to find out

So, it will actually be awhile until the story I mentioned. The next ones to get a story will be Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara.

Then there'll be at least two more tales before the one I mentioned. :raritywink:

This is what I call dumb. Comment, get called out, delete, reply. I’ve seen it far to much on any platform.

I love this story so much and never have i ever wanted to trade spots with Trixie before. This was amazing, fun, and hot to read. Thank you.

You're very welcome! Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself. I'm jealous of Trixie too! :raritywink:
Be sure to send the co-author superfun some love too!!

Well your welcome. I simply adore discord and I know my sona would pay to be in Trixie's position

I wonder if Twilight has had any experience with this gift yet?

Being turned into a cock, you mean?
Superfun and I have done something involving that. Maybe I'll publish it tomorrow. Hopefully you'll like it. :heart:

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