• Published 5th Feb 2021
  • 1,560 Views, 39 Comments

Swapping Scales For Suave - Jest

Spike is searching for the perfect ring, with the intention of finally popping the question to his long time girlfriend. Thank goodness Trixie knows of a place that carries totally not cursed rings worthy of a pony like Rarity.

  • ...

Chapter 23

Pinkie Pie paced outside the enormous castle-like hotel in upper Canterlot. Within the pony’s grasp was a clipboard that held a surprising number of papers. Around her was the usual hustle and bustle of Canterlot, though muted somewhat as it was only afternoon. The crowds would emerge as noon came, and ponies rushed to their favorite spot in search of food.

Even still, the flow of traffic was steady, with many catching a cab in one of the many carriages that waited at the curb. All of that passed by with little note from Pinkie Pie, who continued to glance from her watch to the doors of the hotel and then back down to her clipboard. Though not usually an anxious pony, Pinkie Pie was beginning to grow tense, a line of worry creasing her forehead.

“I know it's the day before your wedding, but come on,” Pinkie Pie muttered to herself.

As if summoned by her irritation, Rarity and Spike emerged, both looking slightly disheveled but also very well rested.

“Sorry darling,” called the dragon. “I’m afraid we both overslept.”

“And didn't check the time before we went for breakfast,” Spike added.

“Or when we had a shower,” Rarity murmured.

“Look, I’m happy your sex life is still intact, but we gotta get moving our tushies here. The others went on ahead in case you didn't show up and now I gotta stay behind to manage a few things,” Pinkie Pie replied.

“Oh uh, right. Just point us in the right direction,” Spike offered.

Pinkie Pie jabbed a hoof to her left. “Head that way until you find Derpy. I left her in charge of finding you a pair of cabs. She should have already told them where to go.”

“Sorry again darling. See you soon?” Rarity apologized and inquired.

“I’ll be joining Spike halfway through minigolf,” Pinkie Pie replied, only to pause. “Oooh, I hope they have those colorful balls. It's so lame that regular golf only uses the one color.”

“Quite, well I’ll catch ya later Pinkie. Thanks again!” Spike called as he and Rarity walked away.

Leaving Pinkie Pie to contemplate if painting the balls changed the aerodynamics of the golf ball.

The pair didn't have to go far before they found the unique, wall-eyed mare standing on the curb in front of two taxis. The burly ponies that pulled said cart didn't seem too enthused that they were forced to wait and watch as potential riders passed them by. Thankfully Derpy seemed to be a good job at assuaging their worries, at least for the moment.

“Oh please wait just a moment longer, Rarity and Spike should be here soon!” Derpy professed.

“Yes, we’re here, sorry to make you wait!” Rarity called.

Derpy spun around and looked at Spike. “Oh good, your here Rarity. You go on that one, while your partner uses the other taxi.”

Rarity and Spike both hurried into their respective taxis, neither giving too much thought to Derpy’s unique mannerisms. If they had been paying attention, they would have realized that there had been a mix-up already. The taxi drivers, already annoyed at having to wait, didn't say a word, merely hooking themselves back up to their respective carts and taking off.

Derpy herself remained behind, confident that she had done an adequate job and sent the right people to the right destination.

“Maybe I should be a party planner,” Derpy mused.

“We're here,” stated a gruff voice.

Rarity perked up, and pulled the shade on the window, revealing not the spa, but a wide open area. Filled with green blobs of fake grass, brightly colored obstacles, and several smiling mascots, it clearly wasn't the upper Canterlot establishment she had been expecting.

“Are you sure this is the correct address?” Rarity asked.

“Three fifty-seven Oakridge drive Canterlot. Just like that crazy-eyed mare said,” retorted the buff female unicorn that had pulled the taxi.

“Oh my. I’m supposed to be at twenty-five fifty-third street upper Canterlot,” Rarity replied.

“Look. I got paid to go this far, so unless you got the money then I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” shot the driver.

“Well no. Pinkie Pie handled all the payment,” Rarity sighed and pushed open the door. “Either way I shall not keep you any longer. Thank you very much.”

The large pony merely grunted before taking off down the street, immediately getting lost in the traffic. Not like Rarity was bothering to watch, as she had already found several familiar shapes waiting nearby. Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh were all waiting at the other end of the parking lot, none of them having noticed her. That changed when she walked over to the group, who turned and grimaced upon seeing the dragon.

“Lemme guess. Derpy messed something up?” Rainbow Dash half asked, half stated.

“It does indeed seem that way,” Rarity replied.

“Well, that's too bad. Tea time is in two minutes and if we miss that then we lose our spot,” Applejack added.

“Would be a shame too. This place has a hella long waiting list and looks super fun,” Rainbow Dash whined.

“Eeyup,” agreed Big Macintosh.

Rarity glanced over at the course, and all the variety of surprisingly well-detailed set pieces there were. An entire medieval castle in the middle of a siege served as the green for holes one through four. There were also warring pirate ships that served as part of the course, and even what looked like a rather spooky mansion area.

“Well I suppose it would be a waste to leave now and forfeit our spot,” Rarity muttered.

“Oh. I thought you said you wouldn't be caught dead at someplace so uh… what did you call it? Gauche?” Applejack remarked.

“Ever since this debacle began I have learned to be more open to new things. Now then, we better get our clubs if we want to make our tea time,” Rarity encouraged.

“You guys go on ahead, I’ll go get the beers and meet ya on the green,” Rainbow Dash offered.

“Are you sure that’s wise darling? It's not even noon,” Rarity replied.

“Oh come on. It's a bachelor-er bachelorette party. Drinking is like mandatory,” Rainbow Dash retorted.

“It's just one or two. Nothing to worry about Rares,” Applejack added.

“Well alright then, onward!” Rarity declared.

“Eeyup!” Big Macintosh declared, rearing back and pumping a hoof in the air.

“We are here, sir,” exclaimed a voice.

Spike jerked upward in his seat, the unicorn suddenly aware of how he had been staring off into space for the last ten minutes. His head empty, and a blissful smile on his face, he hadn't been aware of his surroundings for so long that he didn't even know where he was. Peering out the window revealed that they were not, in fact, at the edge of Canterlot but were in the heart of downtown.

“Uh is this the right place? I thought I was going mini golfing,” Spike muttered as he stepped out of the taxi.

“I’m afraid your valet had told me the wrong information as this is indeed your final destination,” remarked the earth pony male. “Now, unless you have more bits I really must get going.”

“Oh yeah go on or whatever. I’ll figure it out from here,” Spike dismissed.

The unicorn walked up to the entrance, and pushed his way inside, only to immediately get hit with a blast of sweet-scented air. The aroma of flowers and a dozen other pleasant smells tickled his nose in a strangely relaxing way.

“Don't look now, but I think someone is a bit lost,” Sassy Saddles remarked.

Spike turned to see Fluttershy, Twilight, Coco Pommel, and Sassy Saddles were all standing nearby. The group had been seated in the waiting area, reading magazines and sitting patiently. Save for Twilight, whose mane seemed ready to turn into a ball of frizz.

“Oh no! How did this happen?” Twilight exclaimed. “You were supposed to be at minigolf. Rarity is going to be so disappointed.”

“Ahh, she’ll get over it. Besides, I got a feeling she’s probably taking this opportunity to take up the putter,” Spike dismissed.

“Well what about you, Spike? I don't think you’d much enjoy a spa date,” Coco Pommel offered.

Spike shrugged. “Could be worse. Besides, I didn't get a chance to do my mane or anything so this is a good excuse to have someone else do it for me.”

“Oh thank goodness,” Fluttershy murmured. “I didn't want to sound rude but this is the nicest establishment I’ve ever set hoof in and I would hate to leave before getting to try it out.”

“Ahh don't worry about it,” Spike replied, waving a dismissive hoof in the air. “Let's go get pampered or whatever.”

“Are you sure?” Twilight stressed. “I think if I really pushed it I could teleport you to mini golf.”

“I don't want you burnt out for the wedding. Besides, so long as they got a sauna in here I’ll be happy,” Spike exclaimed.

Sassy Saddles clapped her hooves. “Right then. Let us get moving before they decide to give our appointment away to someone else.”

Spike nodded and followed after the others as they walked up to the counter. “Ooh they serve mimosas,” he pointed out.

“I suppose a drink may be nice,” Twilight added.

“Oh their wines are to die for, their champagne especially,” Sassy Saddles declared.

“And Pinkie Pie did say everything was included,” Coco Pommel informed.

“Then Champagne it is!” Spike stated.

“It all comes down to this folks,” Rainbow Dash whispered, the mare holding the end of her club up to her mouth like it was a microphone. “Rarity and Applejack have been neck and neck the entire game but it's time to settle who is the put put champion.”

“Eeyup,” agreed Big Macintosh.

“Applejack may have had a good showing at this hole, but she also used two hits in order to bypass the triple windmill gambit entirely rather than go right through,” Rainbow Dash continued. “Meaning if Rarity manages to go straight through the all three, she might take it. Leaving my cohost and I tied for third place.”

“Would you two quiet down over there? It's Rare’s turn,” Applejack barked.

“Thank you, darling,” Rarity remarked.

The dragon then stepped onto the green, threw back the last of her beer, and tossed it into a nearby recycling can. She then hefted her club, cracked her neck, and set her hips. With her shoulders spaced evenly, and her arms extended downward, she began to line up her shot.

In front of her, the three windmills continued to spin lazily, their long wooden blades zipping mere millimeters over the green. Shirking the safer side route that went around the structures, Rarity was intent on going straight through. The shot seemed impossible, at least in Rainbow Dash’s eyes, as the timing never quite lined up perfectly.

“Now,” Rarity whispered to herself.

She swung, the movement short, swift, and with a fair amount of power behind it. At least as far as putting goes anyway. On the sidelines her friends stood in rapt attention, watching as Rarity’s ball flew down the tiny fake road running under the windmills.

“It's through the first, the second, the third!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “And it's on to the final test, will it end up in the hole?”

The small group ran over to the other side and waited, watching the three holes that extended out of the hill. Only one pointed towards the hole, while the other two aimed off to either side. The answer as to where it would emerge was answered a moment later when Rarity’s ball flew from the center and landed in the hole.

“Booyeah!” Rarity cried, pumping a clawed fist in the air.

“Gosh darn it,” Applejack cursed, the mare taking off her hat, throwing it on the ground, and stomping on it.

“Damn Rares. I never knew you were an accomplished golfer. Maybe next time we’ll have to play real golf,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, only to pause. “On second thought that sounds boring as heck.”

“And quite wasteful,” Rarity added. “All that land and water used just for wacking around some balls. This is much better.”

“Cooler too,” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

Big Macintosh nodded. “Eeyup.”

“So, what's next? Paintball?” Rarity asked.

“Why you need to get your ultra deluxe drink of course,” Rainbow Dash stated, pointing to a post nearby. “That's if you think you're tough enough to handle the cider island challenge.”

Following her friend’s hoof, Rarity saw that a notice advising that whoever got a hole-in-one could return to the clubhouse for a free beverage. A beverage that looked like a bucket full of cider with a floating mass of ice cream complete with sprinkles and fudge on top. It was the most ridiculous thing Rarity had ever seen but for reasons she couldn't comprehend, she wanted it, bad.

“To the clubhouse!” Rarity proclaimed.

“Whoo doggie, let's get to it!” Applejack added.

“Eeyup!” Big Macintosh agreed.

“You know when I first heard about aroma therapy I thought it was pseudoscience, like chiropractics,” Twilight murmured, pausing to sniff the air. “Yet I stand corrected.”

Fluttershy hummed her approval, the mare reclining into the deep cushions sprawled around the central burner. Coco Pommel nodded her own agreement while continuing to lay on her back, a content expression on her face. Sassy Saddles was the only one not wholly taken by the purple vapors spilling out of the bronze container in the middle of the room.

“It's not bad, though I can't stop thinking about poor Spike,” Sassy Saddles remarked.

“Oh I’m sure he's fine,” Twilight dismissed.

“He did seem rather into getting the makeover rather than joining us for aromatherapy,” Fluttershy muttered.

“I’m sure he just wanted an excuse to get out of doing another girly thing,” Coco Pomell retorted.

“I’m not so certain of that,” Sassy Saddles began. “He embraced the mud bath, the massage, and even the pedicure without much of a fuss.”

“He has gotten in touch with his feminine side recently. Maybe he really did get the full…” Twilight paused, her gaze drawn to the now open door.

Or more specifically the individual standing in it, one who was now unrecognizable from only a half hour earlier. Spike the unicorn had become what appeared to be a villain out of a stage play, complete with a brand new mane style. Now sporting a black streak, his now straight locks hung down over one side of his face, obscuring one eye.

The one that was visible had a deep black shadow surrounding it, while the brow had been trimmed until it was sharp, almost pointed. Lips as dark as midnight, eyelashes extended, and darkened, Spike, looked like he had tripped into a hot topic. As pale as death, with a large ankh earring dangling from one ear, the look was dark, yet his confidence sold it.

“Wow, Spike… That certainly isn't what I expected,” Twilight muttered.

Spike smirked as he strode into the room. “You expected that I was ducking this aroma therapy thing but you were only half right. I don't care much for this but I also wanted to get dolled up.”

Sassy Saddles laughed aloud, slapping her knee. “Oh, this is rich.”

Coco Pommel giggled. “Rarity is going to kill you.”

“That's fine, because I’m already dead,” Spike deadpanned.

“Is there a joke that I’m missing?” Fluttershy inquired.

“Rarity hates the goth look. It's the one style she's never indulged in. Thus,” Spike gestured to himself with a smirk.

“Oh, I get it,” Fluttershy chuckled. “That's kinda funny.”

“I’m assuming the dye is temporary?” Twilight asked.

Spike nodded. “Of course. Though I was tempted to use a spell to make it last a few days.”

“Hey maybe seeing you like this will finally sell her on it,” Sassy Saddles offered.

“Let's hope. Now,” Spike turned to the door. “I believe our time is nearly up and I vote to grab another mimosa for the road before we head out on this vineyard tour.”

“So you're joining us for the whole day? You aren't going to try and switch with Rarity?” Twilight asked.

“Of course. Now come on. We don't want to be late now do we darlings?” Spike teased.

“They’re heading up the east side. Someone get over there!” shouted a voice.

Rarity ducked out of the window, hefted her paintball gun, and ran over to the other side of the wooden castle. As she made her way to the undefended segment, she saw Big Macintosh lean a bit too far out the door and get peppered with blue orbs of paint. Pinkie Pie was swift to take his place while Rarity crouched down next to a large window guarded by a similarly red-garbed pony she had never met before.

“Where are they?” Rarity asked.

“They are coming from the trebuchet but watch your head. One of them is a real crack shot,” warned the young male in a nasally tone.

Rarity nodded, and peeked out, quickly scanning the battlefield before her. Constructed to look like a real battle complete with fake trebuchets, siege towers, a few trenches, and further back a couple of tents. Everywhere she looked there were ponies, or other creatures moving from cover to cover and firing up at them whenever they had the chance.

Everywhere but the spot the rather nerdy-looking unicorn had indicated, that was completely empty. That was until Rarity saw a prismatic tail duck behind a battering ram, one that she only noticed at the last second was moving. Her gaze narrowed from behind her mask, and she saw a half dozen ponies hiding beneath the cover of the siege weapon.

“They are using the battering ram as cover, they are almost here!” Rarity shouted.

She raised her gun and unleashed a flurry of shots down at the attackers, but it was too little too late. Realizing that their ruse was up, they sprinted out from cover, and right up to the castle’s exterior. With the elusive and dexterous Rainbow Dash at their head, they made short work of the distance. Rarity’s backup arrived just in time for the victorious attackers to leap through an unguarded window. In a flurry, every defender was painted blue.

“Yes, victory!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

Rarity shook her head and brushed off the paint that stained her scaled chest. “I thought you weren't allowed to pick up any of the cover,” Rarity muttered.

“Actually we didn't pick it up at all. The wheels work,” Rainbow Dash retorted.

A referee shrugged. “Technically there are no rules against that,” she remarked.

Rarity smiled and extended a hand. “Good job Rainbow, that was some real out-of-the-box thinking.”

“No kidding, I only got the tingles when you guys were already inside the keep!” Pinkie Pie added with a giggle.

“Well I don't know about you all, but I am ready for supper. Where are we going?” Rarity asked.

“The press box is a sports bar. But if you want to change it up we totally can,” Pinkie Pie hastily exclaimed.

“And mess this up? No way,” Rarity retorted. “To the sports bar!”

“Why didn't anyone ever tell me wine was so good?” Spike exclaimed, the unicorn sipping at a deep red cabernet sauvignon.

“I’m pretty sure Rarity has. Multiple times,” Twilight replied with a smirk.

“Let me try that again. Why hasn't anyone told me, in a way that I could respect, that wine was this good?” Spike declared.

“It is kinda hard to sell,” Sassy Saddles admitted. “Cab sauv especially since its dry, tart, and if done poorly can taste like your drinking dirt.”

“But if done can have a deep blackcurrant flavor with some refreshing spice, and a hint of vanilla at the very end,” Coco Pommels murmured.

“Plus wood. I kinda like the wood taste,” Fluttershy added, the pegasus hiccuping.

“Maybe you’ve had enough for now,” Twilight declared.

“No way. I haven't even drunk like a regular cup’s worth!” Fluttershy declared, raising the tiny tasting cup that she had been given at the start of the tour.

“Well you have had nearly twenty of those smaller ones dear,” Sassy Saddles added.

Spike ignored the ensuing argument and merely gazed out over the vineyard, taking in the sights. Build on a section of the Canterhorn that was flatter than most, it stretched on for nearly a mile. Rows of well-cared-for bushes extended all the way to the edge of the property, the occasional worker moving amongst them.

The porch he was sitting on was nice, covered, and large enough to fit several parties of mostly affluent tourists. Behind him was the large, yet still rustic house, and the wine bunker as the elderly tour guide had called it. Build into the mountain wall, it was the location of the actual operation including the press, as well as the bottling.

It was an incredible sight, the small farm sitting next to a cliff, and allowing anyone to gaze out over Equestria. Or at least the eastern sections of which, like Manehatten as well as the small dot sitting on the horizon that he was informed was Vanhoover. He was content, yet there was still an intense desire to keep moving, to see more that was hard to ignore.

“Equestria to Spike, come in Spike,” Twilight called.

Spike shook his head, dismissing the idle musings that plagued his mind. “Yeah, what do you need Twi?” Spike asked.

“Was just wondering if you wanted to get moving to the mask and cask or if you’d like to go somewhere more to your liking,” Twilight replied.

Spike hummed to himself. “That's that new restaurant that hosts multiple plays right? I think I remember Rarity talking about it. Something about how they were showing the prince there.”

“We don't have to go if you don't want to though,” Coco Pommel added.

“Though I would really appreciate it,” Sassy Saddles declared.

Spike smiled. “Today has been wonderful so far. I think it would be best to continue with the plan.”

“In that case, we should probably a cab. The next showing is in a half hour,” Twilight declared.

“Oooh, do they have a bar there?” Fluttershy asked, her eyes a little wide for comfort.

“I don't think so,” Twilight replied.

Spike leaned in close. “Do they really?”

“They actually do but let's not tell Fluttershy that until she’s had a chance to sober up,” Twilight answered.

Spike watched as Fluttershy had a very animated discussion with a wooden squirrel. “Probably for the best,” Spike agreed.

“They assemble at the line of scrimmage in a classic hail mary position with their wide receivers way out there,” announced a masculine voice over the radio.

“Is that good, I thought ‘throwing a hail mary’ was a bad thing,” Rarity muttered, the dragon pausing to take a bite of her burger, then a sip of her beer.

“Oh, it is. They need to make up way too many yards so they are just throwing caution to the wind here,” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Eeyup,” agreed a solemn Big Macintosh.

“I still think they shoulda run it. The Broncos got such a weak offensive line,” Applejack remarked before shoveling a hoofful of fries into her mouth.

“Your not wrong, but that would be a risky move,” Rainbow Dash retorted.

Rarity popped the last of her meal into her mouth and sat back, swirling the beer around in its glass while listening to the game.

“Here's the snap, and oh it looks like it came out wrong as it is nearly fumbled,” exclaimed the announcer.

“Come on get your grip, let's go!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“He manages to get ahold of the ball but it's too late, he is completely surrounded,” the second, slightly more feminine announcer continued. “It looks like this might be a sack wait he's throwing it but there's noone- wait is that Laces Out the linebacker?”

“Oh shit if she gets this she could run it the whole way there, she's a goshdarn fridge,” Applejack whispered.

“Yes, Laces Out has managed to snag the ball before it could hit the ground and is making a run for it!” declared the voice over the radio. “At over three hundred and twenty pounds this is not a mare you wanna try and tackle.”

“Even still, she’s got nearly seventy yards ahead of her and almost the entire Eagles offensive line on her,” added the other announcer.

“Oh damn if she does this they could actually win it,” Applejack muttered.

“If they hit the field goal,” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“She's got three ponies hanging off her, but Laces Out is powering through it. She's at the forty, at the thirty, but here comes Green Packer for the tackle,” announced the first voice.

“This is gonna hurt,” Rainbow Dash muttered, the pegasus already wincing.

Rarity glanced briefly over the bar, noting that nearly everyone had fallen silent in an effort to listen to the game.

“And she dodges? My word folks. I’ve never seen someone that big move that well before. Laces Out has the grace of a dancer and the physique of a brick outhouse!” shouted the more masculine of the two announcers.

“She just might pull this off folks!” added his co-announcer.

Rarity couldn't help but notice that even the servers and bar staff had stopped, and were now staring intently at the radios. The rowdy, and almost deafeningly loud bar had come to a complete and utter halt as they all collectively held their breath.

“She's at the twenty.”

“She's nearly there but oh Laces Out has taken another hit!”

“Even with four fully grown ponies hanging off her, she's still moving, the end is in sight folks!”

“She's at the ten, the five, and is crawling her way to the goal line at a snail’s pace.”

“But Laces ain't out yet, she's still up, and… its good! Laces Out has collapsed but she has carried that ball a full seventy yards!” yelled the announcer.

Rarity expected the bar to erupt with excitement, yet the tension remained, with more than a few patrons chewing on their hooves. The dragon was about to ask why they hadn't begun celebrating, only for the former pony to bite her tongue. Instead, she merely took another swig of her beer and waited alongside the rest of the bar.

“And the nurse is saying she’s good. Laces Out is already back on her hooves and is moving to- no wait she is being picked up by her team and carried to the sidelines!”

“After the extraordinary bit of athleticism, we’ve seen today it's the least she deserves.”

“I think she deserves a bit more than that my friend.”

“Very true.”

“This is surprisingly intense,” Rarity muttered. “Does it all come down to this?”

“There's only fifteen seconds on the clock. So yeah pretty much. The other team might attempt a run but they wouldn't be able to do anything with it,” Rainbow Dash answered.

“They are back on the field folks and the silence is deafening!”

“The crowd here at the stadium can feel how important this kick is.”

“Yes, they can and speaking of kick. Here's the snap, the kick, and it's good!”

Just as predicted, the bar went wild, with glasses being clinked, hoofs pounded against one another and a cry of joy being had by all present. Even Rarity couldn't help but join the cheers as the rest of her companions tapped their glasses and then threw back their contents. The dragon chugged the rest of her drink and sat back down, silently marveling at the atmosphere change.

“I can't believe I’m saying this but that was exhilarating,” Rarity admitted.

“Hold that thought Rares, they should be lining up now,” Rainbow Dash retorted.

The bar went silent once more.

“Broncos have lined up, and there's the kick. But what's this? The Eagles have taken a knee folks! It seems like they know when they have been beaten and want to show respect to the broncos!”

“That is the finest bit of showmanship I’ve seen in years. Truly there were no losers tonight.”

“Wow,” Rarity muttered.

“Wahoo, no one lost!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“Eeyup,” Big Macintosh agreed.

“So, now what?” Rainbow Dash muttered. “We did everything we originally planned on doing. Maybe we should change it up.”

Rarity smirked. “Oh, we’ll change it up alright. Change it right to a strip club.”

“Like, no way. I know I included that as a possible option to end the night but I never thought you’d actually go for it,” Pinkie Pie murmured.

“Heh, eeyup,” Big Macintosh rumbled.

“I’m ready for a bit of adventure. Now Pinkie, where is a good location?” Rarity inquired.

“Come on Everypony, to the Pink Rope!” Pinkie Pie proclaimed.

“And where to for you ladies?” asked the taxi operator.

The stallion glanced over his shoulder to the five feminine, and slightly drunk, ponies that had hopped into his carriage.

“Maybe just back to the hotel?” offered Coco Pommel.

“No way let's go to a bar. A dirty bar!” Fluttershy shouted.

“Or maybe a movie?” Twilight added.

“No I got this,” Spike interrupted, leaning forward. “Do you know where the Pink Rope is?”

The taxi puller smirked. “Do I know where the Pink Rope is? Ha! I spent my eighteenth birthday there, and every birthday after!”

“Then take us away my good gentle stallion!” Spike exclaimed.

“Wait isn't that a strip club,” Twilight whispered.

“Woooo boobies!” Fluttershy shouted.

“Are you sure about this Spike? Don't get me wrong I am certainly feeling adventurous but don't you think you should talk about this with Rarity?” Sassy Saddles inquired.

Spike snorted. “Pfft, don't worry about it. We trust each other. Besides, I bet she’s doing something equally as crazy as us right now.”

The conversation halted briefly as the taxi lurched forward, joining the flow of traffic and speeding off down the street. In the distance, a street light ignited, banishing the gloom that had begun to gather ever since the sun had neared the horizon.

“Well I have always been curious,” Coco Pommel whispered.

“What about you Twilight? Aren't you hyped?” Fluttershy asked, hooves shaking the unicorn’s shoulders.

“Yeah totally,” Twilight replied while gently pushing Fluttershy back into her own seat. “Besides. Spike is the man of the hour, and this is his night.”

“Damn right it is. Now come on girls. Let's get ready for a crazy night!” Spike proclaimed.

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