• Published 8th Feb 2021
  • 2,922 Views, 89 Comments

Honey Cupcakes - Someguy458

Chrysalis buys cupcakes from Sugar Cube Corner. Without a disguise. This, understandably, makes some ponies worry.

  • ...

"I want to help you."

It took all of Rainbow Dash's mental strength to keep herself from rocketing out of their hiding spot and tearing Twilight a new one. Helping the enemy?! Twilight was practically commiting treason! And okay, maybe Chrysalis wasn't actually up to anything, but she still needed to pay for her crimes! With beating up the Queen off the table, then their best interest would've been in leaving her alone to fend for herself! But actively, willingly helping a known enemy to Equestria!?

As the Element of Loyalty, it stung Rainbow Dash to her core.

But from the looks on her friends' faces, the only one who agreed with her was Spike.

"Help me?" Chrysalis parroted back to Twilight, drawing Rainbow back out of her thoughts.

Twilight nodded. "I saw the eggs, Chrysalis."

The Queen instinctively bared her fangs as she bristled, but Twilight kept going. "You're fending for yourself in the middle of the woods, trying to protect them, and I can't, in good conscience, just stand by and do nothing. If you'd allow me, I would like to help you."

To emphasize her point, Twilight knelt down disarmingly. Chrysalis looked over the unicorn for a long while, a scrutinizing look on her face.

Then she asked, "And what would you expect from me in return?"

That actually caught Twilight off guard. She took a moment to gather herself before saying, "Well, I wasn't gonna ask, but since you're offering... You could answer any questions I have for you."

The Changeling blinked. "That's all?"

The unicorn nodded. "I'll try and keep them as non-prying as possible, but don't hesitate to tell me if I get a bit carried away."

Chrysalis shot a glance back at her eggs. "And my children... Will they be safe?"

Twilight nodded, "Nothing will come to harm them; not if I can help it."

Chrysalis stared down the lavender mare for the longest moment, her gaze seemingly boring into Twilight's soul for any traces of deception.

There was none to be found.

Wordlessly, Chrysalis lit her horn. Rainbow Dash nearly leapt out of her hiding spot to defend, but backed off as she realized that the Queen was, in all actuality, using her magic to carefully pick up her clutch. She watched with wide eyes as Chrysalis walked up to Twilight and stated simply:

"Lead the way."

Twilight nodded, lighting her horn. With a flash, they teleported away.

Then the group practically exploded. Rainbow Dash began ranting to the spot Twilight just was; Fluttershy was trying in vain to calm down Dash; Applejack was frozen in shock; Rarity was trying to play detective and see if she could glean any ulterior motives from either of them, coming up empty; Spike had fainted; and Pinkie...

She gasped loudly, then rocketed back towards Ponyville.

There was a party to set up.

With a flash, the pony and the Changeling appeared just inside of Fluttershy's Cottage. Twilight rubbed her temples, the effort of the teleport making her head ache slightly.

Chrysalis looked around. "Is this your place?"

The lavender unicorn shook her head, "This is actually my friend Fluttershy's house. We're just stopping here to rest because my house is too far for just one teleport."

The Changeling nodded, before beginning to look around the room. "This 'Fluttershy' must really love animals..." for some reason, she was practically salivating.

Twilight nodded. "It's her favorite thing in the world. Whereas she's uncomfortable around other ponies, she can always find comfort in animals."

Chrysalis nodded in acknowledgement, then opened her mouth. But instead of speaking, a pink haze began to appear, being drawn into her mouth.

Twilight blinked. "What're you doing?"

The Changeling paused. "I'm just collecting some of the ambient love in the air. Your friend won't notice a thing."

The unicorn nodded, somewhat unsure. "Oh, alright..."

Chrysalis was about to turn back to continue, but Twilight then had a question come to mind. "Wait a second, if you're feeding on the love, then why'd you buy those cupcakes?"

"We need both to survive," Chrysalis stated, suddenly becoming guarded. "How'd you know that I was feeding on it, though? I only said I was collecting it."

Shoot. "Well, I've heard about Changelings before." Twilight quickly said, not technically lying.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow. "What else do you know about us?"

"Well," Twilight began to list, "I know that you're capable of transforming your appearance, though whether that's only limited to ponies is unknown. I also know that you're especially adept at mind-altering magic, and that love also directly strengthens your magic, but too much can overwhelm and even hurt. Other than that, I don't know much, and that's kinda the reason I wanna ask those questions."

After a moment, Chrysalis nodded. "You're rather knowledgeable in this."

Despite herself, Twilight couldn't help but beam. "Thanks; I'm not the protegé of Princess Celestia for noth—"

But quickly, Twilight covered her mouth. That was a little more than she'd intended to let slip so soon.

Chrysalis cocked an eyebrow teasingly. "The student of a Princess, eh? Well, aren't you a lucky one?"

Twilight shook her head. It was already out there, so she might as well roll with it. "Luck had nothing to do with it; it took lots of hard work and perseverance."

"An admirable trait in anypony," Chrysalis agreed.

The unicorn smiled a little. She liked interacting with Chrysalis. In fact, if this weren't the pony that attacked Canterlot, she felt they might've been friends long ago.

She shook her head at that thought. "Alright, I'm ready to teleport us to my place."

Wordlessly, Chrysalis made to stand next to Twilight again, and nodded. With another flash, they were gone.

When they arrived in the Library, Chrysalis looked around. "Is it always this dark?"

Twilight squinted. Indeed, it was unusually dark; especially for the middle of the day. That usually meant—


The lights all turned on, and an assault of noisemakers blared at the two. Chrysalis, startled into acting, reflexively shot a spell in front of her.

A moment of silence passed as the two stared tensely at the spot the spell had hit.

Then Pinkie tutted, "You're really tense, you know that?"

Chrysalis whipped her head around to find that Pinkie was standing on the table directly next to her. She readied another defensive spell, but Twilight shouted, "Wait, that's just Pinkie Pie!"

The Changeling paused, recognizing the face. "How did she know we were coming?"

Twilight shrugged, "She just does that. I tried figuring it out, but all that got me was a bunch of injuries."


"Ooh! Ooh! I can tell this one!" Pinkie raised her hoof. "It all started when my Pinkie Sense told me that stuff was gonna start falling..."