• Published 5th May 2021
  • 970 Views, 46 Comments

Block by Block - ruthim345

Discord has returned. And Steve is the only one who can stop him.

  • ...

Part 1

Author's Note:

This will be a two-parter. Second part should be updated next week, but I'll be honest, life has a habit of screwing with me, so I'll say I'll do my best.

Note: There's a 92% any questions you have about character choices and such will be answered in part two. If not, then my bad.

Steve panted heavily, his body aching and tired after the copious amount of hours he’s spent training. However, he didn’t stop. He knew that a lot of ponies were counting on him, and he was not about to disappoint. So, with a heavy sigh, he stood up straight, then got back to it.

“Because I know you wouldn’t hesitate to lay down your life if it meant someone else would live.” The stallion continued, as a tear began rolling down his cheek. “Because I think what you want more than a peaceful life is a heroic end.”

Steve’s breath caught in his throat.

Trench let out a humorless chuckle. “You want some way to both save somepony, but also to free yourself from the burden of living, the burden you carry everyday.”

A pause.

“You want peace.”

Abyss yearned to tell Steve of what she’d learned. She wanted to spill the truth of what he was, what his creator had done to him.

But she couldn’t.

Because she knew that it would break him. She knew that learning what he is, and why, would destroy him.

She knew, from the moment she had arrived at his house and saw him sitting and laughing with the mare Derpy Hooves and her child, Dinky. She saw how happy he was, and how happy he made others. It was better than the sad, lonely, pained expression she’d seen on his face countless times.

It was then that she knew that she could not reveal the truth to him, for it would break him.

As she flew away into the darkness of night, a tear trailed down her cheek.

‘Steve. I’m sorry.’

The Crafter smirked, ducking his head slightly as a pie flew overhead. There was a splat and a cry of indignation as it hit some poor sap behind him.

He sipped from his drink. ‘You know, I don’t know what Celestia was talking about. This Grand Galloping Gala doesn’t seem half bad.’

Steve felt it in his gut. A deep, powerful feeling in his gut, warning him of something, that something was going to happen. He gulped, then took a breath.

It had been happening off and on for a few days now, but it had never affected him as badly as it was now.

He shook his head then laid down on his bed, pulling the cover up to his chest. ‘It’s fine. I’ll worry about it tomorrow.’

Steve noticed three things the moment he opened his eyes and turned his head to look out the window.

Firstly, he had the same deep, annoying ache in his gut that told him something was wrong. It had been plaguing him for a few days now, but it had only gotten worse as time went on.

Secondly, it was raining outside, but the rain was dark and brown, like mud or something.

Thirdly, was Onyx.

‘Steve! We need to get moving!!’ The Nightmare yelled, spurring the Crafter to action. He rolled off the bed, quickly getting to his feet as he rushed down the stairs.

“Onyx! What’s going on!?” He asked before bursting through his front door into the… chocolate milk rain?

Steve looked around as chaos reigned in the streets of Ponyville. Pink clouds rained down chocolate milk. A building or two floated around the sky, spinning wildly. Ponies were shouting and running around trying to escape the weirdness that had suddenly plagued the town. The Crafter watched as a small herd of birds with overly large heads tried flying away, only to fall helplessly to the ground.

“Oh no.” He murmured, hoping he was wrong.

‘Indeed.’ Onyx grimly confirmed. ‘Discord has returned.’

* * * * *

Steve searched through the chest, hurriedly throwing the contents into his Inventory.

After pocketing the last of his spare potions and food, he stood up and was about to put on his armor before he was interrupted by a hurried pounding at his door.

“Steve! Steve, you there!? We gotta go!!” Shouted the familiar voice of Rainbow Dash. The Crafter immediately ran to his front door and threw it open, revealing that Dash was being accompanied by her five other friends. All six of them were wearing their respective Element of Harmony, the one weapon which could take the Lord of Chaos down.

‘Good.’ Steve thought. ‘Looks like Celestia took my advice.’

“Do-?” The prismatic mare began, only for Steve to cut in.

“I saw what was going on. I’m ready to go.” He spoke, expression neutral and voice curt. “I’m assuming Celestia has already contacted you?” He asked, gaze moving to Twilight, who nodded.

“Yes. She’s already sent a platoon of Elite Guards and others to help protect the town, but it will take a few hours before they can get here.”

“She know where Discord is?”

The purple mare shook her head. “No. Apparently, as soon as he broke free, he was gone. He didn’t even try and taunt Princess Celestia, which is strange.”

“Why’s that strange?” Applejack asked.

“Because from what she told me, the bastard loves messing with his opponents.” The Crafter replied. “If he didn’t taunt her at all, it’s most likely because something or someone else got his attention.”

‘And if that’s true, I think I know who.’ He thought grimly.

“Ooooh, clever one, aren’t you?” Spoke a strange, disembodied voice.

D-Pad Up: Sword

All six mares jumped up in surprise while Steve silently drew his sword, eyes looking all around for draconequus.

‘Onyx?’ He asked.

‘I’m trying, but it’s difficult. I’m trying to trace his signature, but with all of the chaos magic going around, it’s almost impossible to tell!’

Suddenly, there was a great burst of light, and before them all knelt the very one that had caused the chaos that was currently ravaging the town. Discord.

He grinned cheekily at them, Steve in particular, before standing up straight. Lightning struck just behind him as he laughed maniacally, which only added to the feeling of dread in Steve’s gut. The Crafter shifted his grip on his sword and growled slightly while the six mares grouped up in a tight-knit circle just beside him, staring at Discord in shock.

“Hahaha. You should see the looks on your faces!” The draconequus said, pointing at them. “You all looked so scared, and oh, Stevie boy, why so serious?”

‘Found him.’ Onyx spoke.

“Oh, and don’t think I’ve forgotten about you, little nightmare. I’m sure you were just as scared as the rest of them.” He put a clawed finger to his chin in thought. “Well, perhaps not. You do take after your host, after all.”

‘I’ll take that as a compliment.’

“I’m not even gonna question how you can hear Onyx in my head, from what I’ve heard, that’s just how you operate.” Steve spoke, expression deadpan.

“Oh, that’s no fun.” Discord pouted. “Oh, speaking of fun, I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.”

The draconequus snapped his fingers, and suddenly, the wings and horns (respectively) of four of the six mares suddenly disappeared, as well as their Elements of Harmony. The Crafter’s eyes widened.

‘Shit!’ Steve thought, drawing his sword back, cursing himself for being caught off-guard. However, before he could attack, there was another snap, and he was suddenly encased in a large bubble of glowing yellow magic.

“I hope you don’t mind, Steve, but me and the girls here are very late for a very important date.” Discord spoke as a pair of white bunny ears sprouted from his head. “So…” He snapped again, and the six mares, who were still in shock over their suddenly missing appendages, were gone as well.

Square: Slash

“No!” The Crafter cried out, slashing the bubble. Much to his shock, it fell apart rather easily, causing him to stumble slightly.

“Oh, yes.” Discord replied with a smirk. “Now, as I was saying, I’m afraid we’re late for a game. If you’re interested in playing, then come to Canterlot. Your friends will be waiting.”

Square: Slash

Steve dashed forward, swinging his sword, but just before he could reach, the Lord of Chaos was gone as well. With nothing for his sword to hit, coupled with his hasty and powerful swing, the Crafter stumbled forward, barely managing to stay upright. He looked around wildly, as if expecting the Lord of Chaos to pop out again, but after a minute of nothing happening, decided that Discord had truly left.

“Okay.” He muttered, taking a moment to clear his mind of the panic he was feeling. “So, assuming that the fucker wasn’t lying, they’re in Canterlot right now. Now, Canterlot is a three-ish hour long train ride away.” He shook his head and growled. “But that’s way too damn long. How am I supposed to-?”


The Crafter jolted, then looked up. Much to his surprise, there, coming in for a landing, was none other than Abyss, his dragonic friend.

“Abyss!” He replied, taking a step back as she landed, the wind from her wings causing him to put a hand up to block the dust.

“Is it-?” She started, only to be interrupted by Steve.


“Did he-?”


“Where is-?”

“Most likely Canterlot. At least, that’s what he said. Took Rainbow Dash and her friends as well.”

“Okay.” Abyss spoke, nodding. A sigh, then she stuck out her hand. “Okay. I have a tether point in Canterlot. Celestia’s idea.”

“For easy transport, I assume?” The Crafter inquired.

“Yeah.” She held out a clawed hand. “Are you ready?”

Steve chuckled, then shrugged before taking her hand. “Well, about as ready as I’ll ever be.”

Instantly, a tugging sensation filled his gut as a bright flash lit up the surrounding area, turning his vision black.

* * * * *

*pant* *pant*

“Gah!” He grunted, hand pressed to the still-bleeding wound on his right shoulder. He looked up, just in time to see three Minecraftians get cut in half. He choked as their bi-sected corpses hit the ground, the blood spraying his face and upper body. Hurriedly wiping away their blood, Steve looked up at the monster that had killed so many of his kind.

Herobrine let out a dark, chuckling laugh as the blood of who-knows how many Minecraftians dripped from his blade.

“Oh, this is just too good!” He roared, cutting down another Crafter. “So, you, you, you all just come here, and think that you have any chance of beating me and my army?” A sweeping strike broke two shields, sending the wielders flying. “Even without my army, you all don’t stand a chance!”

Gritting his teeth in anger, Steve shakily got to his feet, rolling his injured shoulder a bit and readying his blade. Herobrine noticed this and turned to face him.

“Ah. And then there’s you.” The god’s smile was gone. “Not to worry, I will deal with you later.” The smirk returned. “But first, I have to get to wiping out your race.”

Suddenly, time seemed to stop for Steve as he took a moment to look around the throne room.

Herobrine was stuck in time, smirking at him. The bodies of dozens of Crafter’s littered the floor, blood pooling from their wounds. The few Minecraftian’s that still stood were injured in some way, with most of their armor damaged or broken. They stared at their opponent, terrified, but resolute.

If Steve listened closely, he could still hear the din of fighting. He could hear the desperate cries and shouts of battle coming from the rest of his army, which was outside the castle, fighting Herobrine’s horde of mobs. Steve closed his eyes as the realization hit him.

They were losing.

After everything they’d done, after everyone they’d lost, and after everything they’d fought for, they were losing.

‘I…. I can’t… How do we win?’ He asked himself. ‘We’ve been fighting with everything we’ve got, but it’s not enough!’

He again looked at the dozens of Minecraftian corpses littering the battlefield, many with their broken weapons still clutched in their lifeless hands. He thought of the many Crafters that had fallen, the ones that had sacrificed their lives to get Steve and everyone else where they were today. They’d made the ultimate sacrifice, and Steve would be damned before he let it be in vain.

‘We can’t lose.’ He thought, his gaze focused back on Herobrine’s visage. “We’ve already lost too much. We can’t let this fucker win!’

In his mind’s eye he could see the faces of all those that he’d lost.

Alex. Jen. Mary. Danny. Butch.


‘I swear, in their memory, that Herobrine will fall today!’


Teeth grit in anger, no, in wrath, he readied himself as time resumed. He roared, charging towards the god with his blade poised to strike. The god’s blade met his with a thunderous “CLANG!!!” that shook the very ground they stood on.

Herobrine looked around for a moment, then glanced down at Steve’s face, only for his pale white eyes to widen.

Steve’s eyes were black.

* * * * *

Steve blinked.

“What the fuck…?” He murmured as he took a look around. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Abyss doing the same.

“Where are we?” The Crafter inquired, ducking his head slightly as a potted plant with wings nearly hit him.

“Uh, this is supposed to be the throne room.” Abyss replied, kicking away an errant vine that tried to wrap around her leg.


The room, put frankly, was in chaos.

Guard ponies ran around the room trying their best to regain control of the tables, which had begun rolling around the room at shocking speeds, the chairs, which had come to life and started fighting people, and the various vegetation, which had grown and trapped at least three ponies from what Steve could see.

“I’ll help them.” Steve informed Abyss. “Just use your magic sense thing to try and find the chaotic bastard, alright?”

“You got it.”

Without another word, the Crafter dashed towards the nearest rolling table, which immediately turned towards him.

Square: Slash

Steve sliced his blade in front of him, which not only broke the table in half, but sent it’s bisected parts flying.

Suddenly, his instincts flared up, warning him of an imminent attack. Whirling around, he saw a long vine darting towards him from a nearby column.

Circle: Dodge

Square: Slash

Twisting his body to one side, Steve barely managed to avoid the vine, which instead shot past, allowing him to slice a large amount of it off in one swing. Looking up, he saw that several more vines were shooting towards him.

Circle: Dodge

Circle: Dodge

Circle: Dodge

Steve ducked his head under the first, then dodged backwards to avoid two more. One last one tried to wrap around him, but he spun out of the way.

Square: Slash

One swing from his sword cut all four of them down.

Suddenly, something hard slammed into his back, sending him stumbling forward. It wasn’t a soft hit, by any means, but his armor cushioned the blow

Damage Nullified. 40 health remaining.

Whirling around, he saw his attacker was… a chair, one of the many that had apparently been brought to life by Discord’s magic and begun attacking any nearby people. He deadpanned at the moving piece of furniture.

Square: Slash

One hit, and the newly-cleaved chair fell lifeless to the floor.

“Jeez. Bastard does not half-ass things, does he?” He muttered.

“Well that was fast!”

Square: Slash

Steve whirled around, blade already swinging. Unfortunately, Discord simply flew out of the way of the blade.

“Whoa there! Feisty one, aren’t you?”

“Damn right asshole!!” The Crafter yelled, blade by his side. “Where the Nether are my friends!?”

“Right this second?” Discord put one clawed talon to his chin in thought, as a stop-watch appeared on his head, ticking loudly. After a second, the draconequus snapped his fingers, causing the clock to ring suddenly. “Oh! Probably in the middle of their little game. Or rather, my little game.”

“What kind of game?” Steve asked, voice low. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the guards quietly evacuating the room while he kept the draconequus’ attention.

“Well, that would be spoiling things, wouldn’t it? But, I suppose it won’t matter if I tell you.” Discord let out a heavy, dramatic sigh. “Well, if you insist.”

He raised his fingers, ready to snap. Steve’s eyes widened and he immediately dashed toward the draconequus, hoping to stop him from snapping.

X: Jump

Square: Slash

Steve leapt forward, sword already swinging forward. Discord frowned and swiftly dodged the attack.

Square: Slash

Twisting his body, Steve swiped again, this time barely managing to graze Discord’s back with the attack before he finally landed on the ground, rolling on the ground for a moment before getting back to his feet.

The draconequus grunted slightly as he turned to look at the cut. After rubbing it with a clawed hand, he glared at Steve, who was already running towards him.

“That hurt.”

He snapped.

A pillar of stone shot towards Steve at incredible speeds.

Circle: Dodge

Sliding on his knees, the Crafter leaned back as the pillar passed over him, missing his head by inches. Without losing speed, he jumped back to his feet as he rushed towards Discord, finally getting in range.

Square: Slash

Square: Slash

Triangle: Kick

He swung his sword at the draconequus, trying desperately to hit him. Discord avoided the first and second attack, but was caught off-guard by the kick he received to the face, knocking his head back.

Square: Slash

Seeing his chance, Steve pressed forward as he thrust his blade directly at his opponents chest.

Much to his shock, the attack struck home.

The purple glow of his sword lit up his target as the tip and about half of the entire length sunk into Discord’s chest. The draconequus sucked in a breath, then looked down at his torso.

“Hmm.” He glanced up to see Steve’s face, teeth grit in determination. “Good hit.”

Suddenly, a force akin to a lightning bolt struck Steve, throwing him back and sending him crashing through one of the tables that was still rolling around.

Damage Received - 8 damage. 32 health remaining.

Coughing, Steve hurriedly got back to his feet as he tried his best to ignore the pain rolling through his body.


Suddenly, the Crafter was shrouded in darkness. Looking up, he saw that the entire ceiling was now dropping on top of him.

Eyes wide in panic, he hastily withdrew his diamond pick-axe, then threw it upwards just moments before it crushed him.


With a noise like a clap of thunder, a sizable hole was made in the slab of falling rock above him. His pick fell clattering to the earth, and he barely had the time to store it away before he heard another snap.

Before he could react, he felt several things wrap around his body. Vines from several pillars wrapped around his arms and torso, tightening painfully around him as his arms were pulled to an outstretched position.


In front of him, dozens of crossbows suddenly materialized, fully loaded and each aimed directly at his chest. His eyes widened in panic.

“I’d hate to end this here….” Discord spoke, all joviality gone from his face. “but I’m afraid I have to get going.” The triggers pulled back.

Square: Slash

While his arms were trapped, Discord had made the mistake of leaving his hands free. With a quick spinning hand, the sword cut through the vines holding the right side of his body. The tension in the vines still holding him launched him to the left, just as the crossbows fired, barely missing him as he flew through the air.

He landed on the ground, rolling for a bit before coming to a stop face-down. Propping himself up, he glanced up to see the wound on Discord’s chest had already disappeared.

“How…?” He muttered, quickly getting back to his feet. “You heal just like that?!”

“Of course.” The draconequus replied. “In the wise words of a certain muscular grape…” Discord suddenly morphed his appearance. His fur grew purple and the skin on his face became old and wrinkly. His paw arm suddenly had a golden gauntlet on it, with a glowing red stone. “Reality can be whatever I want.”

Suddenly, he was back to normal, rubbing his chin in thought. “Wait, does this breach copyright laws?” He put on a pair of glasses and pulled out a large bundle of papers. He flipped through them for a moment, then threw them and his glasses away. “Eh, a bit of a gray area.”

Triangle: Kick

Steve’s foot met Discord’s face with a loud thwack!

Square: Slash

Square: Slash

He immediately followed up with two slashes across the draconequus’ chest, causing a dark, navy blue blood to fly out. Grunting, Discord brought up his clawed hand to snap, only to Steve to grasp it firmly, as though he was shaking his hand.

Both opponent’s gaze met.

Steve grit his teeth and raised his blade.

Discord frowned and pulled back his paw.

The Crafter thrust.

The draconequus punched.

Both attacks met, only to be violently blown apart, sending both of them flying away from each other.

Damage Received - 5 damage. 27 health remaining.

Steve flipped end over end, coming to a stop face up with a heavy clunk! Groaning, he got back to his feet to see Discord already on his feet, though he clutched his paw hand with a grimace on his face. There was a deep stab wound cutting through the hand, nearly separating it in two. While it was indeed healing, Steve could see the process was much slower than before.

He knit his brows together in confusion. ‘Before, he healed his chest in moments. Even now, the slashes I gave him are already gone. Why is his hand taking so much longer to heal?’

Onyx replied. ‘I’m not sure. Maybe his hands are weak to attack?’

“Not even close.” Discord spoke, bringing the two of them back to the fight. “Though I applaud you for trying!”

Suddenly, his tail whipped around, aiming right for Steve’s armored chest.

Circle: Block

Putting his arms in front of him in a defensive stance, the blow hit Steve hard, causing him to skid backwards across the floor, maintaining his stance as he did so.

Damage Resisted. Damage Received - 1 damage. 26 health remaining.


He let out the breath he’d been holding.

‘Alright, he hits hard, and as long as I’m quick enough, I should be able to stop him from snapping.’ Steve thought. ‘I can work with that.’

Square: Slash

Dashing forward, Steve sliced his sword at Discord. The attack was deflected and then returned by the draconequus’ tail.

Circle: Dodge

Square: Slash

He spun out of the way of the attack, using his movement to launch right back into a swing, which was again deflected by Discord, though he used his clawed hand this time.

The draconequus’ still-injured paw struck the Crafter in the face, knocking his head to the side before the tail struck his chest, knocking him off his feet.

Damage Received - 5 damage. 21 health remaining.

Coughing, Steve got back to his feet.

‘Steve, your bodily integrity is resting at about 50%. I recommend you summon my power.’

“Oop, sorry, about that.” Discord interrupted, causing Steve to look up at him. “You see, he warned me about that, so I’m afraid I won’t be allowing that to happen.”

“Warned you? Who-?” Steve began, but was forced to stop when Discord moved to snap again. Eyes widening, Steve dashed forward, hoping to get stop him.

But the distance was too far.


Suddenly, the Crafter felt like he’d been punched, like a fist had passed through his armor, passed through his skin, and passed through his flesh and bone to hit his very soul.

He stumbled backwards, gasping for air. Upon getting enough to speak, he spat out. “Cough! What did you do?!”

Discord grinned. “Just locked away a certain friend of yours.”

Steve froze. ‘...Onyx?’


“I’m afraid he won’t be able to respond for a while.” Discord muttered, inspecting his claws. “Not to worry though, I’ve just sealed him inside you. If by some miracle you survive today, he should be released by tomorrow. He made it clear that the Nightmare would pose a problem should you and I ever face each other.”

The Crafter narrowed his gaze. “Who made it clear?”

“Oh, just your dear friend Herobrine.”

His blood ran cold.


‘No, no, no, no.’

‘No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.’

Steve felt his heart beating loud in his ears. His breaths were coming out short and he was certain he was starting to hyperventilate.

‘No!’ He roared in his head, willing himself to calm down. ‘Calm down! You have a fight to worry about!’

‘Calm down! Just stay calm!’

“How…?” His voice came out with a croak, but he mostly kept his voice steady.

“Oh. You don’t know?” Discord taunted. “I thought for sure a certain god would’ve told you by now, but it seems Notch hasn’t been as forthcoming as Ol’ Briney thought.”

“What?” Steve asked. Nothing the draconequus said was making sense.

“Oh come on!” Discord said in an almost scolding tone. “Didn’t you ever wonder how you got to this world? What, did you seriously think you just ended up here at random?” He pinched the bridge of his snout. “Well, let me give you a hint. Herobrine came here first. You came second.”

“...What are you-?”

“Got you!” A new voice suddenly rang out. Both looked over to see Abyss in mid-air, having launched herself at Discord while he’d been distracted. She hit her target, causing the both of them to start rolling around the castle floor.

Suddenly, there was a burst of light and the two were thrown violently apart. Abyss crashed into a nearby column, crying out in pain as something probably broke. Discord was flung into a nearby wall, coughing slightly as he held his back.

“Ah, yes. He mentioned you too.” Discord chuckled. “Tell me, Jean. Did Mr. Sun at least tell you?”

Abyss furrowed her brow as she got back to her feet, injured, but still capable. “Tell me what?”

“About your dear friend here. About what he is.”

Much to Steve’s surprise, the dragoness standing nearby noticeably stiffened, which sent alarm bells ringing in his head. Discord, on the other hand, started laughing.

“Hahaha! So, he did tell you! And yet The Million Dollar Man over here doesn’t know?”

Steve, ignoring the draconequus for a moment, glanced at her ally and friend. “Abyss?”


He opened his mouth, several questions on his mind. But as much as he wanted to ask, they had bigger priorities.

‘I hope.’

“We’ll talk later, okay?”

She frowned, but nodded. “Okay.”

“Aw… how sweet.” Discord cooed in a sarcastic tone. “It’s almost enough to make me stop just so I can see the trainwreck that conversation will inevitably end up being.” He narrowed his eyes. “Almost.”

He made to snap.

Abyss flew towards him with a powerful flap of her wings. Steve was just behind her, sword at the ready.

However, Discord didn’t snap. Instead, right as Abyss got within range to attack, he grinned.

He dodged her first swipe, weaved past her second, then tapped her on the skull with one claw.


She fell.

Square: Slash

“Abyss!!” Steve roared, whacking Discord with the flat end of his blade as hard as he could before rushing towards his fallen ally.

“Abyss. Are you okay?” He asked as he rolled her onto her back. She didn’t appear injured, just asleep.

“She won’t be awake for awhile.” Discord spoke, causing the Crafter to hastily get to his feet, sword at the ready.

“What did you do?” Steve demanded, gritting his teeth.

“I just took her for a trip down Memory lane.” The draconequus replied, shrugging. As he spoke, Steve could hear Abyss grunting a bit as she shifted ever-so-slightly.

‘Memory lane?’ Steve thought.

“Now, as fun as this has been, I’m afraid I really must be going. Canon to keep with and all.” He raised a hand. “And I’m afraid that as much as I love the chaos you bring to daily life, you’re too much of a liability.”

He snapped.

Suddenly, there was a great thunderous noise from above. Glancing up, Steve saw that the ceiling above him was cracking, shifting, ready to fall.

He had no time to think.

D-Pad Down: Shield

Circle: Block

Withdrawing his shield, Steve pulled Abyss close just as the first pieces of ceiling fell. Holding his shield up, he tensed his body, praying that he would be able to survive what came next, and hoping he could at least save Abyss if he didn’t.

The pieces fell around and on top of him. He shrugged off as many as he could but it soon became too much for him as he and his ally were swiftly being buried in the rubble.

Damage Received - 4 damage.

“Grh!” Steve muttered as a rather large piece of rubble was deflected.

Damage Received - 4 damage.

Damage Received - 4 damage.

‘What the shit is that creaking noise?’ Steve briefly wondered, just as blood shot from the various injuries painting his body. Due to the situation, he wasn’t able to figure out that noise was coming from his bones.

Damage Received - 4 damage.

One last piece of rubble fell with a Clack! Steve’s wavering vision was turning black.

Damage Received - 4 damage. 1 health remaining.

He waited.

And waited. For perhaps a minute, or maybe an hour.

It had finally stopped.

That was the last thing he thought before everything went black.

* * * * *

Discord stared dispassionately at the huge pile of rubble that had covered his opponents. With a sigh, he shook his head.

‘I doubt that truly killed him.’ He thought. ‘Herobrine made it clear that the only way to make sure he’s dead is to see his body yourself.’

That was the plan. To kill the Minecraftian, to kill the only true threat to himself on the planet. He’d be safe, now that the only immune would gone.

Suddenly, he grinned. “But what would the point be if everything went to plan?”

Chuckling to himself, he slowly raised his clawed hand and snapped.