• Published 10th Feb 2021
  • 1,024 Views, 93 Comments

My Little Consciousness - Creative Delight

A little consciousness find it self in new place where she meet someone new

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Chapter 3: Overwhelming.

I don’t know how long I was lost in myself. I wake to a fading and color-losing world. ‘What happened here,’ I look around, trying to see what has happened. I feel a feeling inside of me that I don’t like. A feeling of “panic.”

I started to scream for mother, trying to look for her. I spot her and run over to her. “Mother, what happened to you?” Mother was slowly losing color and was fading,

“My Little Consciousness,” Mother says in a quivering yet kind tone. “I'm sorry,” she says to me.

“Why are you sorry? what happened here?” I asked, “sadness” building up in me.

“I’m sorry I could not help you more, that I can not give you the knowledge and answers that you seek from these memories that you are making you suffer so much. I’m losing power, and something is draining me.”

“Is there anything I can do to help you, mother?” I try to hold myself from “Crying” this “Sadness” I felt was frustrating. Everything was frustrating. I know nothing every time I try to remember. It’s like it loses all meaning, and I hate it.

“Please don’t cry, My Little Consciousness. The answers you seek are out in the real world. You need to find your brothers and sister and bring them to me in the real world.”

Now in “Tears,” “I will, mother, please don’t leave me.” I say to her as a window opens up behind her.

“The world would be scary after being in this world for so long. But it is where you can learn and get answers to all your memories. I love you, my little Consciousness, but there are forces at play that I don’t even foresee.” Mother looks over to the window. “The world is changing for the better or the worse, but things as change that the world is out of balance. Now go find your siblings, find the holders and find the day and night.” Mother says as a surge of energy leaves her, and she screams in pain. I at the window, looking back at mother now crying.

“I will, mother, I will come back to get you, I will save you. I love you, mother,” I say as I walk into the window. I look back and see the window starting to act fussy and then vanish. I look to where the window was, where mother was. I then began to weep as I feel these new feelings overwhelm me.

Getting a little more control over myself, I start to realize the new form I'm in. I was looking like those two-legged creatures from my memory. I felt myself up, like my form and such this new form is different from the last form. I look around and see I'm in a forest of some kind. I stand up as I hear the sound of a River. Yes, a River. I felt joy from knowing a word.

I try to walk but am having a hard time as I felt and hit something. The feeling was too great. This Pain I felt was scary. It Hurt so much. I started to cry from the pain, sopping and screaming for my mother, again these feelings started to overwhelm me, and I hated it.

I stopped instantly as I heard a scary sound of a growl. I frantically looked around for the source and saw these big scary Wolfs. They were baring their fangs at me and growled while circling me.

“Please stop, don’t come near,” I say in a low and scared-sounding voice, almost swallowing it.

One of the wolves started to jump me. I close my eyes and screamed


Nothing happened as I started to hear whimpers instead. Finally, I open my eyes to see the wolves with their tail between their legs and looking at me. I stand up, and as I stand, the wolf's back away from me.

“Can any of you show me a way out of here?” I asked, but most of the wolves back away further from me. Some even run away. This white one walked up to me, still a little scared, but so was I. the white wolf took note of this and moved slowly up to me, less scared.

My own fear is rising as the white one is getting closer to me but stops and sits in front of me with its tail waving, not happy but natural. It barks at me.

“you want to help me?” it barks a second time. I smile at it “thank you. Do you have a name?” it barks at me “your name is Snowball? That's a cute name. Nice to meet you, Snowball. My name is Consciousness. Please take care of me.”

I don’t know how much time has passed as we walked about in the forest, but we talked a lot. I learned many new things, and a lot of old things have also gotten some meaning to them. Snowball is a rather cute girl.

I also finally found a river so I could see myself in a reflection. I seem to be a blond small female of the two-legged creatures with blue eyes and white bunny ears on top of my head. I also have a fluffy tail.

It was about to get dark as I had a harder time seeing. Snowball found a little inclined of stone with a small space where we could sleep. I do feel very Tired after all these new things and experiences.

As I lay there on the Ground, I look up at the Moon. I started to tear up as I start to think about Mother and everything else happening to me and all these confusing memories I have. As I start to whimper, I feel something soft behind me. I look over to see snowball lying beside me, looking at me sadly. Roll over and hug Snowball.

I slowly fall asleep as everything that is happening is crashing down, making me so very tired.

“good night mother” I wisper
“Good night Snowball zzz” And sleep take over me.

Author's Note:

Next up more exploration with Snowball. Hope you liked this chapter. Working hard on multiple chapters of my other stories as well.

Comments ( 14 )

Why have I never gotten a notification about this comment. sorry to have not seen it until now. but yeah it was a guy trolling then he starts to delete his comments.

Comment posted by Sssanss deleted Aug 15th, 2021

So how have you been

Comment posted by Sssanss deleted Aug 15th, 2021

Does my name seem familiar

Almost feels like an adjunct to creative delight...:heart:

Interesting story, I will definitely follow

A bunny girl? Curious.

For future, you can block a user so they don't have ability to comment on your story.

yeah I know I should maybe have done that the first time.

I love this story, but I really don't like the horrible grammar because I feel it detracts from the enjoyment of the story.
English isn't your first language, isn't it?
The closest I've seen to this is that "Soul" film, was it an inspiration?

I'm glad that you enjoy it. This story though is more of a Work when I want to type of story, well most are but it's not like my other two stories.

it is just something I worked on I took no inspiration from anything.

Meh, we're will see next chapter?

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