• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 3,449 Views, 155 Comments

Ultramare: The Redemption of Trixie Lulamoon - Azure Sandora

A fallen star may be Equestria's only hope when giant monsters begin attacking.

  • ...

A Friend in Need, A Friend Indeed

A Friend in Need, A Friend Indeed

Ultramare vs Melba (Ultraman Tiga)

Yesterday was a good day, that's what Octavia was thinking as she woke up that morning. She had a horrible hangover, but it was Trixie's birthday after all. It looked like Trixie took her home, because she was quite comfortable in her bed.

"Oh Trixie," Octavia said, "you're such a good friend." She would have to give Trixie a call later to see how she was doing (introduced after the Equestrian Evolution of Magic). She walked over to the door and began to open it, ready to pick up her morning paper. When she opened her door though, she got quite a surprise.

The whole town looked like a tornado had run through it. Buildings were destroyed, the roads were cracked, the whole town was totaled.

"Just how wild were we...? Octavia asked looking around.

The monster then began slashing at Ultramare, who managed to block a few of the attacks. She then grabbed it's shoulders, and the two of them seemed to wrestle a bit trying to throw the other onto the ground.

Ultramare charged magical energy into her arms. She then threw them out to her side, and then brought them together in a cross, firing a pure white beam of light at the monster. The monster took the attack head on, unable to dodge it. A second later, it turned red and exploded.

When Trixie woke up she wasn't in her trailer. The room she was in was actually really nice, and the bed was really soft.

"Are you okay?" a sweet voice asked next to her. Trixie turned to the source and saw a lavander pony with highlights. She recognized the pony immediately. This was Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic, and the pony whoo inadertently ruined her life.

"Where am I?" Trixie asked.

"Canterlot Castle," Twilight explained, "We found you in the remains of Warehouse 16 after that giant destroyed the monster."

"Giant...? What are you talking about?" Trixie asked slowly. Her head was hurting for some reason.

"The blue and purple giant that fought that monster. You were right under where it appeared."

Was she? Somehow that didn't feel right...

"I was under the giant? It... saved me...?" Trixie looked at the bed stand next to her and saw a necklace of some sort. It looked like the Element of Harmony necklaces, but the symbol in the center was a plain dark blue orb. Also, the necklace itself was silver instead of gold. Why did Trixie feel weird looking at it though?

"You were wearing that when Spike, Sweetie Belle, and I found you. I thought it looked weird, so we ran a magical scan on it. It has magical properties, but they're miniscule. In fact, it feels like the Elements of Harmony. Where did you get it?"

"Where did I...?" her head was hurting again. She was trying to remember something, but her mind was completely blank. She had a feeling though, that the necklace was hers.

Twilight looked at her suspiciously, "Trixie, you aren't connected to that giant, the Ultramare, are you?"

"Ultramare? What the heck is that?" Trixie asked.

"That's what I call the giant who saved us," Twilight said, "I've had the same dream every night, and well, in the dream I see that giant, and the name Ultramare comes to mind every time. This is, before I see her I always-"

"Excuse me, but why are you telling me this?" Trixie asked harshly. Twilight looked up at Trixie in shock.

"Well, I was thinking that maybe you were the mare I saw in the dream. There's always this pony there before the giant appears. I just thought that... at the very least you could help me... figure this dream out..."

"Sorry, but I can't help you," Trixie said getting up. On instinct she picked up the necklace and put it around her neck before trotting to the door.

"Wait, you might still be hurt. Maybe you should-"

"I'm fine, Twilight Sparkle, but I really need to get going. That monster could have destroyed my trailer."

"T-trailer? Is that where you live? You know, Spike and I are staying here in Canterlot for a while, and there's plenty of room. If you want to stay here..."

"I don't need your pity," Trixie stated. Twilight stepped back a bit hearing that.

"Trixie, I didn't mean-"

"I know, but..." Trixie sighed before speaking again, "I don't need the help of the pony who ruined my life."

"Ruined? How did I...?

Trixie knew that she was hurt. Trixie closed her eyes before she continued, "Thank you for helping me. I'm sorry, you seem like a really nice pony, and it's nothing against you. You're just not a pony I want to be friends with. Good luck with that dream, okay?"

Trixie walked out of the room, leaving Twilight by herself. She knew that Twilight would be upset by the things she said, but she swore she wouldn't lie again, and she needed to get that off her chest.

When she got outside, she felt a sharp pain in her head. She stopped and put a hoof to her head as images came to her. They were images of a fight. She saw the monster from yesterday, but something felt different. The monster seemed smaller... or was she bigger? But how was that possible?

"I... need to... get to my... trailer..." she said, forcing the memories to stop. She shook her head and ran over to her trailer.

"I ruined Trixie's life?" Twilight asked herself. She remembered the day she met Trixie, and how her actions revealed that Trixie was a fraud. Had those actions also...

She was about to walk after Trixie to get an explanation, but Spike ran over to her.

"Twilight, you were summoned to the throne room," he stated, "Princess Luna said that it's an emergency."

She wanted to check on Trixie, but this sounded important. Twilight sighed and turned to Spike, "Alright. Let's go."

Unknown to everypony in Canterlot, another monster was making it's way to Canterlot. It flew over Ponyville, attracting the attention to all the ponies living there.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were walking through Ponyville at the time and noticed the monster. Applejack looked serious, but Rainbow Dash gave a confident smirk.

"Looks like it's time," Applejack said.

"Alright! I can't wait!" Rainbow Dash said now smiling fully.

"A defense team?" Twilight asked the princess of the night as she paced around in the throne room.

"Using our new magi-technology we have made a number of weapons that might combat these creatures. A defense team specializing in their destruction would be best," Luna explained.

"But how do we know that a defense team is needed?"

"Trust me Twilight, it is needed. Look at this," Luna said walking over to the large glass screen front of Celestia's pillow. Luna turned it on and Twilight saw a number of monsters scattered all around Equestria.

"Celestia..." Twilight said looking at the scene before her in horror.

"We discussed the name for this team, and in the end, nothing we thought of sounded good. In the end, we settled on Monster Annihilation and Rescue Equestrian Squad," Luna turned to Twilight, chuckling when she saw the "what the buck" look on Twilight's face, "MARES for short."

"There is no way I can remember that name otherwise..." Twilight said shaking her head, "So who are the members?"

"At the current moment..." Luna looked down thoughtfully, "There's you."

"Well I figured that, but who else?" Twilight asked. Luna just looked at Twilight in silence. It took a minute, but eventually Twilight got what she was saying, "Oh, I see," she sighed in frustration.

"We have an opening for at least nine members including you. I was hoping we could convince the rest of your friends to join us."

"You mean...?" Twilight asked, knowing exactly who Luna meant.

"Yes, the rest of the Elements of Harmony. I believe we might be able to use their power to bring a swift end to these monsters."

Twilight looked down. She of course wanted her friends back together, but not everyone handled the Equestrian Evolution of Magic as well as she did. That was a difficult time for all of them, but a few of her friends never recovered. She then had a sudden idea.

"What about Ultramare?" Twilight asked.

"Ultra...mare?" Luna asked, raising her eyebrows in confusion.

"The giant who fought the monster last night after the meteor shower. Perhaps we could-"

"We don't know the first thing about that giant," Luna stated, "Where did it come from? Why did it fight the monster? Where did it fly off to? We don't know, and as such, we can't depend on it to save us again. Our best bet is to gather the Elements of Harmony. That... won't be a problem... will it?" Luna asked.

"Oh, uh..." she wanted to say yes, as it would be difficult. She didn't even know if any of her friends would want to fight anymore. She couldn't tell Luna that though, so in the end, "Not at all. I'll get right on it."

Twilight walked out of the throne room looking down. Even if her friends did agree to help, she still needed some ponies helping her now, otherwise another monster would come and attack Canterlot.

She then had a sudden idea. It was a long shot, and she didn't even know why she considered it, but in the end, after what Spike had told her, she might agree to help.

"I need to find Trixie," Twilight said galloping out of the castle.

She had hoped that it wasn't the case. This was the only thing she had that was truly hers, her life was in there. In hindsight though, it made more sense this way. It was a giant monster. But deep down, she had really hoped that her trailer would be okay.

That wasn't the case.

"Shit..." Trixie said looking at the remains of her trailer. She began kicking the rubble out of the way trying to salvage anything she could. Thankfully she was currently wearing her hat and cape, because looking at how many of her dresses were torn up or burned, her current outfit wouldn't have fared very well.

"Thank Celestia!" Trixie heard behind her. She turned around and was blindsighted by Octavia, who gave her a hearty hug.


"I was so scared! You weren't answering your phone, so when I heard about the monster attack last night I was scared that you were-"

"It's okay Octavia, I'm sorry I worried you," Trixie said. Octavia let go and the two of them walked around the wreckage, looking for anything that could still be used.

"So you really slept through all of that?" Trixie asked laughing a bit.

"Even I was shocked. Did I drink that much?"

"You started quoting Starswirl the Bearded."

"I was wasted. I have to stop drinking so much," Octavia laughed awkwardly.

"Both Vinyl and I keep telling you that, but you never listen. Tell me why a classical music artist is a chronic alcoholic?"

"I may play classical music, but that doesn't mean I can't let my mane down every once and a while," Octavia picked up a dress in her mouth, "This looked wearable."

Trixie looked at it, and scoffed, "Just my luck, the only dress I can still wear and it's one my mom sent me."

"Maybe that's a sign of who you should talk to," Octavia said putting the dress aside and continuing her search.

"I don't care if my trailer is totaled, I'm not turning to my mother," Trixie said, pulling out a red scarf from the rubble and wrapping it around her, "I can totally bounce back from this. Watch me."

Octavia giggled bit, but then looked at Trixie with a sad smile, "Don't you ever get tired of going it alone? I mean, there's independence, and then there's full blown loner. That's what you are. Isn't it exhausting?"

"Sometimes I get tired of it," Trixie said sadly, "But I've never depended on anypony before, so I'm not going to start now. I've always been alone, and I think I always will be."

"Nopony can go far on their own, Trixie," Octavia said, "That's the truth."

"Yeah, well I'm not like you and Vinyl. You two were inseparable in school, and you always supported each other. Me, the only pony I had to look out for me was me."

"But you don't need to be alone, Trixie. Tell you what, why don't you stay with me for a few nights?"

Trixie sighed, "Octavia..."

"If you won't take my advice and talk to your mother, then at least let me be a good friend. Please, Trixie, just this once depend one someone else for help."

Trixie sighed in defeat. She knew that Octavia wouldn't take no for an answer at this point.

"Alright, I guess I can stay for a little while. At least until I-" Octavia hugged Trixie again, making her laugh, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were happier than I am about this."

"I'm glad that I found you," they heard behind them. Trixie lightly pushed Octavia off of her, and looked Twilight right in the eyes.

"You followed me?" Trixie asked, harsher than she probably hoped, because Twilight winced a bit.

"I actually need your help with something," she turned to Octavia, "Is she your friend?"

"Y-yeah, she is," Trixie said looking away. Twilight walked over to Octavia and held out her hoof.

"You probably already know this, but I'm Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic," Twilight introduced.

"It's an honor," Octavia said touching hooves with Twilight, "I'm Octavia, classical musician."

"It's nice to meet you. I wanted to go to your last concert, but unfortunately I was busy. I heard you sounded really good though."

"The concert hall was packed. I'm surprised ponies still like classical music," Octavia noticed that Trixie was walking off, "Trixie, where are you going?"

"Please Trixie, the fate of Equestria could rest on our hooves," Twilight said. Trixie stopped and turned slight to Twilight.

"Our hooves, don't you mean your hooves?" Trixie asked, this time meaning to sound harsh, "I'm just a regular unicorn trying her hardest to make a living. I'm not an Element of Harmony or anything like that."

"Right now we don't need Elements of Harmony though. What we need right now are ponies with a will to fight."

"What do you mean?" Octavia asked.

"Well, Princess Luna is organizing a team to fight the monsters, and right now, we need ponies who are willing to take arms. Ultimately I am hoping to get my friends to fight too, but right now I just want to know I'm not alone. I was really hoping that you would join MARES, Trixie."

"MARES? What kind of name is that?" Trixie asked, making Twilight look up awkwardly laughing.

"Apparently they had a disagreement on the names, so they came up with some other really long name that when abbreviated spells MARES. Anypony can join. Please Trixie, join MARES. Help me protect Canterlot."

Trixie turned around and glared at Twilight, "Why me?! Of all the ponies you could have chosen why did you have to come to me?!"

"You protected Spike and Sweetie Belle, and you already fought the monster last night. I know that inside of you is a hero, Trixie."

When Twilight said that, Trixie's head started hurting again. Once again she saw images of that monster, and somepony was in fact fighting it. She saw the motions, felt their power, and saw them destroy the monster. Who was it?

"Trixie? Are you okay?" Octavia asked trotting over to her.

"FORGET IT!!!" Trixie shouted, shocking both Twilight and Octavia.

"Trixie?" Twilight asked.

"YOU'RE WRONG!!! I'M NOT A HERO!!! ALL I AM IS TRIXIE!!! TRIXIE LULAMOON!!!" she started crying.

"Trixie, what's wrong?" Octavia asked, "You're scaring me."

"I can't help you!" Trixie sobbed, "I'm sorry!" she got up and galloped away, still in tears.

"Trixie!" Octavia called out. She ran after her a bit, but then stopped and just watched her run off. She then turned to Twilight, who was looking down in sadness.

Trixie ran all the way to Canterlot Park, where she fell to the ground and wept loudly, not even knowing why she was crying really. All she knew was she was for some reason, she was terrified.

The monster landed in the middle of Canterlot where Golza had fallen. It looked around, almost as if looking for something. Apparently it didn't see it, because it first frowned, and then roared loudly.

The monster then began firing yellow beams out of its eyes at the buildings of Canterlot. The ponies were already shooken up by the monster attack last night. Now a second one appeared. Ponies were already running away as the monster slashed at buildings, finishing the work of the monster before it.

* * * *

Twilight and Octavia were watching the monster from a distance. Octavia looked terrified, while Twilight looked really serious (still afraid, but she saw this before).

"Oh my... is that?!" Octavia asked, pointing a shaky hoof at the monster destroying Canterlot.

"Must have come here looking for its friend," Twilight reasoned after she noticed how angry this one seemed. It wasn't just destroying everything mindlessly. This monster actually had a purpose, and judging by how pissed it looked, that purpose was obviously revenge.

"Wh-what do we do?" Octavia asked.

"I don't think any of the vehicles MARES will be using are finished, but I know we have weapons," Twilight said looking at Octavia, "This monster doesn't look as strong as the last one, and it's obviously just upset. Be might be able to chase it away or even take it out ourselves. Assuming that... you're willing to..."

"Well let's go then!" Octavia said suddenly. Twilight looked taken aback of course, but she nodded all the same and lead Octavia to the castle.

Trixie had stopped crying when she saw the monster appear. Something in her heart was telling her that she needed to do something about it, but she didn't have any power. She almost died fighting the one from last night!

Wait... she almost died, but she didn't. Did somepony... save her...?

She groaned in pain as her head started throbbing again. It felt like she was trying to remember something...

"Damn it... DAMN IT!!!" Trixie screamed in frustration. What was going on with her? Was she going crazy or something?

She looked up and saw Twilight and Octavia running off in the distance. They were heading to the castle. Wait... was Octavia going to fight?! She was a civilian though! What could she possibly do?!

It's not about what she can do, just as long as she's doing something. You remember that feeling, right?

That voice in her head. It sounded so familiar. Was that the one who saved her? Whoever it was, they were right. Octavia must have been afraid, but she was still willing to fight. Yet here she was, cowering in fear of something she couldn't even identify.

Trixie straightened herself up, and then galloped after her friend. She didn't know how helpful she would be against the monster, but she just like Octavia, she had to do something.

She had to fight.

"Are these uniforms actually necessary?" Twilight asked as she and Octavia put on special red, white, and gold suits (Think GUTS from Ultraman Tiga).

"We want the people to know there is hope, so these uniforms will tell everypony who you are," Luna explained.

"I still can't believe you have a uniform in my size," Octavia said fastening the jacket of her uniform, "nor that you have one with my Cutie Mark on it," she continued looking at the pants that came with the uniform, which had her Cutie Mark right on her left flank.

"Don't question Princess Luna's logic," Twilight stated, "Just go with it."

"Now, as for the monster-" Luna started, interrupted by the doors slamming open. Everyone turned around and saw Trixie, standing on her hind legs, holding the doors open.

"I'm... fighting... too..." Trixie panted. Octavia looked really relieved, and Twilight smiled happily.

"Twilight Sparkle, do you know this pony?" Luna asked.

"I do Princess," Twilight said, "She and I are..." she was about to say "friends", but after what Trixie said earlier...

"I'm a friend of hers," Trixie said walking into the room. Twilight looked up in shock and turned to Trixie, who gave her a small smile before looking back at Luna.

"Very well, guards, get this azure pony a uniform as well. In the meantime," Luna pulled up a screen showing the monster attacking Canterlot again, "We have codenamed this monster Melba, after the ancient bird of destruction. From what we can tell of this creature, it's not physically as strong as the monster from last night, but as it can fly it's just as dangerous. You're first objective has to be the safety of the ponies."

"I can help with evacuations," Octavia said, "The people will listen to me anyway."

"Excellent, then Twilight and Trixie can get to work on attacking the monster. Use whatever means necessary to damage it. We'll try and get the MARES Wing-1 finished in time to help out, but until then I'm afraid you'll have to rely on weapons from the armory."

"Got it," Twilight said nodding. She looked over at Trixie and Octavia, Trixie now fastening her uniform and nodding to Twilight (her necklace still on over the uniform), "MARES, move out!" Twilight called out. Trixie and Octavia nodded and ran after Twilight.

The three of them grabbed blaster and hooked them to their sides (Octavia's was larger and more like a bazooka), and ran out of the castle to face their foe.

Melba was walking through Canterlot, firing at the ponies as they ran away. Octavia galloped through the crowd, stood on her hind legs, and began firing at Melba, shooting large white magic balls at it. Melba roared loudly, showing that the blasts actually did damage.

Octavia smiled in relief, and then turned to the citizens, "Everypony, begin making your way to the castle! You'll be safe there!"

It didn't take long. Now ponies were galloping to the castle. At the same time, Twilight and Trixie found higher ground and used their laser pistols (held by their magic) to fire at Melba. These attacks didn't do as much as Octavia's but they still hurt. Melba turned to them however, and fired yellow beams at them, forcing them to take cover.

"That might not have been a great idea," Twilight stated.

"Gee, ya think?!" Trixie scolded. She then took a peak out and saw Melba walking to where they were, "Shoot, he's coming over here now!"

"Split up and try to surround him! Maybe if we fire from both sides that will do more!" Twilight commanded. Trixie nodded and ran off, Twilight running in an opposite direction.

The two mares began firing at Melba while galloping away. Just as Twilight had predicted, Melba didn't know what to do, and it looked like he was taking more damage now.

After a second though, Melba spread it's wings and took to the skies. At first Trixie thought that he was running away, but when he began swooping back down she got scared.

Melba flew over both Twilight and Trixie firing his eye beams at them, knocking both of them to the ground.

"I didn't think he was that smart! These monsters can learn!" Twilight reasoned, now seeing how dangerous a foe these were. She then began looking up at the sky, apparently searching for something. Trixie was confused so she ran over to her.

"Looking for an angel up there?" Trixie asked helping Twilight up.

"Ultramare has to see this! She has to be coming!" Twilight said.

"Ultramare again? Twilight, I don't know if-"

Twilight grabbed Trixie's jacket earnestly, "I know my dream meant something! Ultramare will get here, and she'll save us!"

Trixie thought Twilight was being silly at first, but looking into her eyes made Trixie realize that she actually believed in this "Ultramare". Until she decided to show herself though, they needed to keep going.

"Twilight Sparkle, Trixie, the MARES Wing-1 is ready!" they heard Luna say from their helmets, "One of you need to get here to pilot it!"

Trixie nodded and looked at Twilight, "You go and retrieve it! I'll hold it off!"

"But I can't leave you alone!" Twilight shouted.

"I'll be fine! But-" Trixie stopped and looked down thinking before she continued, "I don't know what you see in this Ultramare, but if she is coming then we need to hold out until she gets here! We can't stop fighting! Even if we can only do a little, we have to do what we can!"

Twilight looked down thinking about that, and then nodded to Trixie, "Be careful Trixie," she urged. Trixie nodded and let Twilight run off. She turned to face the monster, now alone. That familiar feeling from last night returned to her, uncertain if she would survive, but this time she had a weapon better than just her horn.

She fired at Melba again with her laser, but Melba flew straight up and out of the way. He then came back down and fired his beams at Trixie, who fell back from the blast.

"What do I do now?" she asked feeling hopeless, "I can't beat this thing alone!"

You aren't alone anymore. I can help you.

Trixie looked up hearing that voice. She then felt that sharp pain in her head, remembering the events from last night. She remembered the entity in the light that saved her, she remembered the fight, and she remembered how she defeated it.

Right... that glowing entity asked for Trixie's help in return for reviving her. That help... did the entity want Trixie's help in fighting the monsters?

Almost as if answering her silent question, the orb in the necklace began to flash white. That was where Ultramare was. She was inside the necklace. No... she was inside Trixie!

"Y-you want me t-to fight that thing?!" Trixie asked, shaking as she looked at Melba stalking over her. The necklace wouldn't stop glowing, as if saying yes, "But I don't know if I can... Not by myself..." but then she remembered the voice in her head, saying that she wasn't alone, and she remembered Octavia and Twilight. They would be fighting with her.

That's not all, this glowing entity, Ultramare, she'd be with her as well.

Trixie took a deep breath, got up, and backed away from Melba, looking at him straight in the eyes. She knew what she had to do. Just like last night, she had to become one with Ultramare's light. She had to face this thing, as Ultramare.

"Okay then, you said you'd be with me right?" Trixie asked the entity, "Well then, let's do this, together!"

Trixie's horn began to glow, and she ran back towards Melba, screaming. She then noticed a bright light right above her, and jumped in, allowing herself to become one with it. She then felt something change within her, and around her.

The light grew, and Melba stepped back from the light, but when he looked ahead as the light died down, he didn't see Trixie standing there.

Standing proudly, looking at him right in the eyes, was Ultramare.

Melba roared swinging his claws around while Ultramare stood in her fighting stance watching him. Melba ran over to Ultramare and began swinging his arms trying to slash Ultramare, who moved out of the way of each swing. She then grabbed his arm and elbowed him in the stomach hard.

When Melba fell back, Ultramare jumped over to Melba and grabbed his shoulders, and then wrestled him a bit until she was able to throw Melba onto the ground. While he was on the ground Ultramare tried to jump onto him, but Melba spread his wings to knock her down. Ultramare got up and braced herself for Melba's next attack, which came in the form of his eye lasers.

Ultramare was able to roll to the side out of the way of the attack, but when she stood up she saw Melba flying toward her. He tackled Ultramare, knocking her to the ground. When she got up, Melba flew in the other direction and did the same attack, but this time Ultramare stood her ground. She turned around and held her arms out. She then brought them up above her, brought them to her side, and then through her left arm out firing a white dart at Melba. It hit his wing and knocked him to the ground.

Ultramare then ran over Melba and punched him three times, followed by a kick to the side. She then did a spin kick knocking Melba back. Melba recovered and then ran over to Ultramare, slashing wildly. This time, Ultramare took a slash in the shoulder, and Melba then fired into her chest, knocking her to the ground.

Twilight and Octavia were flying back to the scene, now riding in a red and gold fighter jet. Octavia sitting in the back seat.

"Twilight, is that Ultramare?" Octavia asked as they flew to the fight.

"Yes it is, and it looks like she needs support. Can you fly us closer?"

"Consider it done."

Ultramare got up, but but had to roll out of the way as Melba flew past her trying to tackle her again. He got her from behind, causing her to fall forward, and he then flew back around and fired his eye beams at her, doing extra damage. When she got up, she noticed the blue light on her chest was flashing red.

Melba was about to swoop back around, but MARES Wing-1 fired at Melba causing him to crash into the ground hard. Ultramare looked up in surprise at the tiny jet flying around her.

"Ultramare, are you okay?" Twilight asked. Ultramare nodded and then got in a fighting stance readying herself for round two. Melba got up, and roared angrily before charging at her again. Melba swung his claw at Ultramare, who rolled behind Melba. She then stood up and slammed her fist into Melba's back hard, and then kicked Melba in the back.

Melba spread his wings and was about to take to the skies again, but this time MARES Wing-1 fired at one of the wings, damaging it beyond use. Melba fell onto the ground hard, and Ultramare jumped onto his back and began pounding him. Eventually Ultramare got up, allowing Melba to stand. It looked like Melba was on his last legs, so Ultramare could end this.

Ultramare charged up magic into her arms, and then threw them out to her side. She brought them together in a cross, and fired her white beam of light at Melba, who exploded seconds after being hit.

Everypony was gathered around and was now cheering loudly. MARESS Wing-1 landed and Twilight and Octavia ran out to join the crowd. Octavia was cheering loudly as well, while Twilight looked up at Ultramare with a smile. This time, Ultramare stuck around long enough to meet eyes with Twilight.

Twilight mouthed out "thank you" to Ultramare. Ultramare nodded, and then jumped up, flying off into the sunset.

Octavia stopped cheering and looked around, "Um, Twilight? Where did Trixie go?" Octavia asked, sounding a little afraid now.

"Oh no, Trixie!" now Twilight was worried, "What if Melba hurt her?! We need to-"

"Heeeeeeey!" they heard behind them. They turned around and saw Trixie happily galloping over to them.

"Trixie!" they both called out happily, galloping over to her, knocking her down from their weight as they both hugged her.

"You guys!" Trixie said laughing.

"We were so worried! We thought that you were-" Octavia started.

"It's fine. Ultramare appeared out of nowhere and took on Melba. I watched over there where it was safe," Trixie explained.

"Thank Celestia you were safe," Octavia said, wiping away tears. Apparently the shock of almost losing her best friend twice in one day was a lot for her. They got up, and Twilight stepped away from Trixie looking down.

"Trixie, I'm sorry about ruining your life," Twilight said, "I never meant to make you suffer. If I had known you would suffer because of me-" Trixie hugged Twilight, stopping her.

"I'm sorry for being so harsh to you earlier," Trixie said softly, "I'd love to be friends with you."

Twilight smiled and returned Trixie's hug. Octavia looked at the scene with a smile, happy to see her friend reach out to another pony for once.

When they returned to the castle, Trixie stood out on a balcony looking at the necklace, which she silently felt like calling the Element of Light. Looking at it, and remembering who came to her aid, she couldn't help but smile.

"It'll be our secret, partner," she said. She put the Element of Light back on her neck, and walked back into the castle, now ready to accept her new life in MARES...

And as the Ultramare...