• Published 12th Feb 2021
  • 1,057 Views, 6 Comments

Equestria Girls: Red Hood - BROLY MUI

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Chapter 1: Alternate Reality

Gotham City

In the rainy day of Gotham, a thunder was heard as someone was pushed off the window, a guy with a leather jacket, black armored pants and boots, with the most noticeable thing was the gun holders, the sniper in his back a red helmet.

“Ok... let’s make an introduction and how I got into this. My name is Jason Todd, 2nd and undead Robin, now Outlaw known as Red Hood, and Bruce greatest pain in the ass... get in like Damian. You might be asking why I’m in Gotham and not doing my own shit? Well... Roy and I disbanded for a while to find our own place, we still are in contact, Koriand’r left to Tamaran but mostly to hunt those scumbags who threatened her planet and us, also in contact. So why come to Gotham? Maybe to annoy Bruce and three birdies, have some time with Alfred, best and most badass butler in all Earth Prime and maybe gun down... sadly not kill, criminals with someone since it feels kind of lonely in the warehouse but it isn’t that bad. Surprisingly bat’s asked me for help to handle Grodd for some weird portal shit he was making, just like when he sent us to Japan, monkeys really are dumb in my perspective. Now I’m being thrown by Grodd through the window of a skyscraper, a fall like this would kill me... maybe, but I’m more intelligent than that pathetic monkey.”

Jason was falling but grappled to a ledge and swings back into action as Grodd a was being tied up by Batman and he just kicks Grodd’s leg and later ran by Grodd’s back and smashes his head to the ground, knocking him. Jason enters the skyscraper and runs to the machine Grodd did. He looks around it trying to find the cables that connect the machine.

“Damn can’t turn it off, is already active, fuck!” Jason looks back and sees Batman who walked from Grodd to him. “The Caped Crusader finally came, can’t turn it off, if I do the reaction will turn us into the people that died in Hiroshima!”

“The batwing can’t grab it and fly away, it will also make it explode. I may have an idea.”

“I’m all ears!”

“Is a portal that is opening if we don’t stop it, then let’s close it the second it opens.”

“Oh yeah? How?”

“Vibe.” Batman touched something from the gauntlet and started to beep, as they heard a laugh, as they saw Grodd laughing.

“You can’t stop it, is already active, and I know what you’re trying to do, it won’t work.” said Grodd as Jason gets annoyed.

“What will you achieve you damn fucking Gorilla!? You sent us to Japan once now where!?”

“Who knows... not even I know where this will lead us.”

“You damn Gorilla piece of sh-“ the bomb explodes creating a wormhole, but in slow motion, a figure with red clothes appeared covered in lightning arrived with a guy with long hair and weird gauntlets. The man passes lightning to the guy, Jason and Batman.

“Sorry I’m late, took a bit of traffic.” said the red guy as Jason gets annoyed.

“Ok bad luck, I can’t do anything, Grodd has this unstable, and this is some type of Singularity Black Hole Portal. The frequency is constantly changing, if I don’t fire with the right one, all Gotham will become Gothamless.” said the guy who was Vibe.

“I can take every civilian out of here.” said the red guy as he was about to run but Vibe stops him.

“Wait... this is different, Barry look at yourself!”

The red guy named Barry/Flash saw that his lightning was getting sucked to the portal.

“I’m getting slower.”

“You can’t evacuate everyone, but this is unstable, it should close if one of us enters through it.”

“That doesn’t make sense.” said Jason as he looked at Grodd and smirked under his helmet. “We’ll send the monkey!” Batman stops him as he looks at Jason.

“We aren’t sending Grodd!”

“Seriously, Bruce? That moron sent us to Japan once, let him suffer like he has done to everybody!”

“So you’re planing to kill him!?”

“50/50 chance, one that I’m willing to take to save, Gotham!”

“I am not risking that!”

“Too bad, made up my mind.” Jason goes to grab him but Batman pins Jason to a wall.

“You’re not sending Grodd through there, there’s always another choice!”

“Fuck the choices, Bruce! Your ways aren’t always the ones that Gotham deserves! Joker, Bane, Crane, Harley, Enigma, you let them live as they keep killing! That’s why I barely work with you and consider you a father, because you’re not willing to make the hardest decisions like I do!”

“Involves killing! We’ll be no better than them!”

“I don’t care if I am better or not! You might be the hero Gotham wants but I’m the one they deserve. Criminals in Gotham are more fucked up than the ones of Metropolis, Central City, Coast City, even from Atlantis. Now out of my way, Wayne!” Batman stops Jason as he looked angrily as Jason grabbed a gun.

“Don’t do this, Jason.”

“Is Red Hood to you, Batman.”

“Guys!” said Flash as the two vigilantes look at him.

“WHAT!?” asked angrily both as the portal started to emit a rainbow color and later they see a logo that represents like a sparkling star.

“What the fu-“ Jason doesn’t finish as a purple shockwave sends them flying but the portal starts to pull them, Grodd was being pulled as Jason goes to push him but Batman pushes Jason from Grodd and he grapples Grodd to a wall. Jason was now grabbing a ledge as he looked in anger at Batman. He looked at the portal and later at Batman. “You know I admired you Bruce, I saw you as a father but I don’t think if you ever considered me as your son... maybe you considered me a Robin... a failure.”


“Goodbye, Bruce.” Jason lets go of ledge and goes to the portal but not without taking Grodd. “But I’m taking the monkey, with me!” Jason pulled Grodd as time returned to normal and the portal closes. Batman looks in shock as he clenched his fists but later falls, as be frowns.

“Jason... what did you do?”


A portal opens in the sky to the grass, as a Jason starts to fall but somehow without Grodd. He lands in his side as he grunts.

“That’s gonna leave a bruise.” Jason sits up and takes his helmet, revealing black hair with a tint of white and a red mask he takes off quickly.

“That’s great, monkey boy didn’t came. Now where am I?” Jason looks around confused as he saw that... it was day like Metropolis and the place looked way too colorful for him also like Metropolis. Being for so long alone, in Gotham and embraces by darkness made him look everything in black and white, but more black than white. Jason felt his helmet beeping and looks at it as he quickly puts it on and sees the energy locator going crazy. It points at a school and a statue, making Jason look confused. “That’s weird... maybe the helmet is a little screwed.” he takes his helmet off and quickly checks if everything was alright and it was, possible confirming that there was something weird in that school. Jason got up from the grass a little dizzy but manages to stay put. Uses nanotechnology and puts his helmet in a small box form and zips his jacket making sure his logo isn’t noticeable. He goes to the roofs since he couldn’t hide his sniper and guns. Jason keeps tracking that signal until he left his guns and his sniper in a roof and sure than no one will find them. He got down from the building to an alley and joined the people he walked, but shocked as the unusual looks they had, colorful skins, eyes and hair, he walked faster but a little uncomfortable with how everyone looked. Jason finally arrived and looked around the school and the statue. He walked towards it touched it but it was solid, why was energy coming from there? Jason sighs as he looks back at the school. “The school also have energy signatures... maybe I’ll find something there.” Jason breaths in and out and enters the building. He walks around the school though luckily people were in class as he didn’t want to call attention. He grabbed some glasses he has and kept looking for the signatures as he looked to the right and saw the signature coming from a safe. He puts x ray and sees a crown but what shocks him was the symbol, the exact that he saw before he jumped. He heard the bell and every student came out from classes, but Jason was on the roof making sure nobody sees or hears him. He looks at the students like some kind of stalker but Jason was breathing a little but not loud enough as he had no idea where is he.

“What is this place?” that was the last thing Jason asked to himself until the camera cuts off.

Author's Note:

First chapter of the remaster of Equestria Girls and Red Hood, hope you liked this and I know this chapter was short but they’ll be longer later on.