• Published 9th Apr 2021
  • 1,398 Views, 72 Comments

Background Pony Cuddle Simulator - Player 4

Want to cuddle with an underrated background pony? Or perhaps a more well-known one? Come to this Choose-Your-Own-Adventure sleepover!

  • ...

White Lightning

"...White Lightning!"

The pony with that name jumps a bit in surprise.

"Oh wow. Me!", she says, giggling. "Well, thanks, H.C.! I'd love to cuddle with you!"

"You don't have to ask me twice!", you say, walking up closer to her.

"Awesome! We're cuddle buddies tonight!", she beams as she high-hoofs you. "Come on over!"

You follow the white, blue-maned pegasus over to her sleeping area on the right side of the room, which is, much to your surprise, neither in the form of a sleeping bag or a floor mattress. White Lightning's bed is a pure pile of blankets.

"Huh. Interesting bed choice.", you say to her.

"Yeah. It is.", she says. "I was trying to recreate the feeling of clouds. I felt like blankets would accomplish that. Pegasus ponies like me often sleep on clouds, and I'm one of them who primarily does. Even in my own house, I use a floating cloud as my bed."

"Oh yeah, that makes sense.", you say, remembering all the times you've noticed Rainbow Dash napping on a cloud when you've walked by her house.

In any case, you climb down into White Lightning's bed made of blankets, and to your slight surprise, it was highly comfortable. With the bed's high-rise build and thick-blanket support structure, you couldn't feel the ground even if you tried to sink through the bed with every muscle.

Looks like White Lightning is an expert at creating these makeshift cloud substitutes; you really do feel like you're on a cloud! Not that you had ever slept on a cloud before, you physically couldn't, but you could bet this is what it felt like.

Your cuddle buddy climbs in on the other (left) side, pulls the light-brown, for-cover blankets up, and announces her own plans.

"So, I have an idea for how we should cuddle.", she notifies you. "I'd like for us to take turns spooning each other. Starting with me, if that's alright with you."

You giggle. White Lightning is the host of this sleepover, and she sure sounded like a host here. But host or not, you were fond of her idea.

"Sure. We can do that.", you say. Instantly after, you flop onto your side, facing away from White Lightning, where the black fireplace you and the ponies had just used for all that s'more roasting is right in front of your eyes. Good memories.

You then feel White Lightning press her slim stomach against your back and wrap a hug around your lower ribcage from above... but only with one foreleg. You went "huh?" in your head at the half-hug, and then, to your further surprise, she rested her other hoof on the top of your head, and began to stroke.

Something new here! You had the practice of a human petting ponies stapled into your life, but nowhere could you find a memory of a pony petting you.

And that petting... you closed your eyes with a wide smile. It felt great! With the gentle petting of your head, coordinated by a soft pony hoof, you spill out a content sigh, like what you hear from the ponies.

"Feel good?", she asks you as she continues.

This was sure an unusual question for you to hear. Again, normally it was you petting the ponies. Them petting you was rare.

"Yes. This is awesome.", you say honestly.

White Lightning gives you a giggle and then forms a full, tender hug, moving her left leg to wrapping around your chest and back from below, and draping her fluffy wing over your side.

"I just so happened to remember that humans don't seem to get pet a lot. We're the ones getting all of it from them.", she says.

"Yeah. You're totally right about that.", you respond. "I can't remember being pet like that, and I'm a pro cuddler."

"Would you be interested in doing it more someday?", White Lightning says, her warm breath finding your neck.

"Oh yeah. That felt great.", you respond.

White Lightning nestles her nose into your neck, accompanied by her hug, and she leaves you to feel the embrace. You could feel yourself about to doze off probably sooner than usual, given how much you had been relaxed by her stroking, and now comes the warm, tender hug. But you wanted to stay awake for longer to return her favor.

Except, then, though, you'd have to move out of this position in order to pet her. And you didn't want to do that anytime soon.

You consider the undisputed best option to be engaging in some small talk with her.

"So, White Lightning, how did you come to be the host of this party?", you ask.

"Good question. Simply because I was the one who came up with the idea for the sleepover. We all figured it made sense.", she responds.

Oh, wow! She was the one who started the whole thing? Well, in that case, you had something to give her.

"Awesome!", you exclaim. "That means I'm extra grateful for you, and as such, perfect recipe to be cuddling.

"Hehe. Thanks.", she says, nuzzling the back of your neck. "And yeah, I'm happy to be cuddling with you too."

"Aww.", you say, trying to hover your hand as you want to pet her in response to that. But you're being spooned.

You decide to let this position hold for a while continue the chatting period. "Do you like being the leader?", you ask.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool in this little just-for-fun activity.", she says. "I don't think I'd want to be the leader of a big business like the Cloudsdale Weather Team, though. That's where I work, by the way. I'm a member of the Weather Team."

"Cool.", you say. "I figured you might be, as most pegasi I've met are members of that team."

You decide to change the topic now, the topic being putting the dilemma you're facing into her hooves. "So, at what point are you thinking I start spooning you?"

White Lightning takes a short bit to respond; the scene you picture happening behind you is her tapping her hoof to her chin in thinking.

"I think I'm ready now.", she says.

"Okay.", you say. She loosens her grip on you and turns over to face the other side, which you copy.

You can now see her laying there with her backside exposed, just totally inviting you to give her a giant hug. It's adorable. You dive right into taking full advantage of this, holding out your arms big and wide before you even press your body against her. When it does, both of your hands wrap tightly around her upper body, which is coated in pleasantly soft fur.

"You're so cute, White Lightning.", you say affectionately.

You can see her cheeks go pink from your side view. "...Am I?", she responds.

"All of you in this sleepover are cute.", you say. "But it came to my mind with you specifically because of that spooning invitation."

White Lightning giggles. "I guess I was being pretty adorable there."

"You were.", you say, moving one of your hands east.

No time to sleep yet. You start sinking your hand into and around White Lightning's blue mane. It is as puffy as it appears, and incredibly smooth and slick, probably from her interactions with the sky. You then use your left hand to lightly rub her tummy, which results in deep breaths of content along with a few light giggles.

As you continue, White Lightning looks so happy.

"No sugarcoating it, I love this.", she says without shame. "Thanks a bunch, H.C."

"You're welcome.", you say. "I've been loving cuddling with you, too."

You could feel a cuteness overload coming on. Guess that means you and White Lightning make good cuddle buddies.

Powered by the cuteness, you hug her tighter and rest your cheek on the back of her neck. The position? You didn't see a need for a change now. You felt content holding White Lightning for the whole night.

"Good night, cuddle buddy.", she says.