• Published 5th Mar 2021
  • 813 Views, 20 Comments

Friendship Knights Season 1 - Tidal Wave2

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Bambi vs. Spencer

Author's Note:

Bambi is offended when Spencer tells him forest animals aren't as good as engines like him. So he decides to defend the animals honor by racing him.

Starring: Bambi, Thomas, Spencer, Applejack

Start song at 1:38

It was a bright, sunny morning on the Island of Sodor. Thomas The Tank Engine was chuffing down his branch line. Thomas had many friends on Sodor. Friends on the tracks, friends on the road, friends in the air, and even friends in the great forest located on his branch line. One of them was Bambi. Bambi was the young prince of the forest. He often spends his time with his father, or his friends: Thumper, Flower and Faline. One afternoon, Thomas came to the forest. He was looking forward to seeing his animal friends.

"Hello Thomas!" Bambi, Thumper & Flower greeted.

"Good afternoon my friends." Thomas replied. "How have you guys doing?"

"We're doing great." Bambi said. "Me and Faline found a hidden area in the forest, and I've been practicing my jumps. Wanna see one?"

"Sure." Bambi walked over to a rock shaped like a ramp and began pawing at the ground. After a bit, he ran up the rock and jumped. Bambi was going pretty high, but he didn't jump at a good angle. The young fawn ended up crashing into a tree. "Bambi! Are you ok?" Thomas exclaimed.

"Ow... Yeah, I'm ok. That hasn't happened very often."

"Well, at least you're fine." Thumper said. The group then heard laughing coming their way. They turned to see a silver Streamlined Tender Engine approaching; Spencer.

"Another 'perfect' landing, eh Bambi?" The silver train laughed.

"Spencer!" Thomas scolded. "Bambi just got hurt, and you're laughing?"

"Oh please, that fawn's wasting his time. Those jumps of his won't save him from hunters." Spencer taunted. "It's only a matter of time before he becomes a target."

"Hey! Leave him alone!" Thumper yelled. "That's my best friend you're talking about!"

"Yeah? Well, FYI little bunny: forest animals are terrible survivors. They're just lucky that fabulous engines like me are distracting people from hunting."

"Hey, that's not true!" Flower retorted. "Haven't you heard of when Bambi stopped a group of hunting dogs and survived falling off a cliff?"

"He couldn't even save his mother, black and white rodent." That did it. Bambi stomped him hoof and glared and Spencer.

"Ok, that's enough! I'll have you know that my mother died to protect me! And forest animals are much better survivors than any Tin Diesel!"

"Is that so?" Spencer asked. "Well, let's find out for ourselves."


"You and I will have a race from Knapford Station to Vicarstown." Spencer answered. "When you lose, you'll step down from your 'thrown' in shame. You're home will be restricted from visitors in shame. Your name will be cursed for numerous generations!"

"In shame?" Bambi asked.

"That's right, little prince." Spencer grinned. "That is unless, you're too much of a coward to do it."

"Now listen here Spencer! You can't just-"

"You're on!" Bambi interrupted Thomas.

"WHAT!?!?" The other's yelled in shock.

"Good. See you at the starting line tomorrow, your majesty." Spencer laughed as he chuffed off.

"Bambi, what are you doing?" Thomas asked.

"I'm only trying to defend everyone's honor."

"Don't you realize how fast he is? Gordon can hardly keep up with him." Thomas pointed out.

"I know." Bambi said with a sigh. "I just need some help from someone who's an expert on this kind of thing. Someone who has down this many times before. But who?" Thomas thought for a moment, then, he remembered a certain country mare.

"I think I know just the girl. Or should I say pony."

Bambi waited at a station. He was wondering what Thomas was up to. Finally, Thomas pulled up to the station and smiled at Bambi.

"I'm back, Bambi." He said. After that, a certain orange mare walked out of Thomas' driver area: Applejack.

"Well howdy, sugar-fawn." She said. "It's been a while."

"Applejack! I should've known Thomas was talking about you." Bambi said. "So you came all the way from Equestria to help me?"

"Sure did, Bambi." Applejack confirmed. "Thomas told me 'bout Spencer's challenge."

"Um, you left out the part when I told you he was being an asshole." Thomas reminded her.

"Uh, right. Anyway, let's get started." Applejack said. "First off; Spencer is much faster than ya. Accept it."

"I know that."

"Listen sugar-fawn." Applejack continued. "You'll never be faster than Spencer, but ya can be smarter." Bambi nodded. "Plus, there are things ya can do, that Spencer can't. Use that to yer advantage"

"Yes ma'am." Bambi said.

"Good. Now let's get to training."

(Training Montage Music: https://youtu.be/xtOoeDPc9uI)

Bambi spent the rest of the day training with Applejack. He was given a few hurdles to jump and obstacles to avoid. At first, Bambi struggled to keep up, but he kept trying until he got it right. After his final trial, Bambi gave Applejack a Hoof-bump and went back into the forest to rest.

"I won't let everyone down."

The next day, Knapford Station was filled with people, animals and engines. Bambi was sitting on the side of the station with worry.

"It's ok Bambi." Faline said. "I believe in you."

"Thanks Faline." At that moment, a whistle was heard, signaling that Spencer was approaching. He pulled into the station and smirked at Bambi.

"So, you showed up after all. I figured you would've wussed out."

"Go on and laugh, Spencer." Bambi said. "But I'm not just gonna stand by while someone disrespects my people."

"Go get 'em." Applejack said. Bambi and Spencer got in position as Sir Topham Hatt raised a pistol. The world went silent for Bambi, all he could hear was his heartbeat as he remembered what Applejack taught him. He turned to Sir Topham Hatt about to pull the trigger. The gun fired, and the race began.

"Let's do this." Bambi said quietly. Unsurprisingly, Spencer took an early lead, but Bambi continued on.

"Good luck Bambi!" Everyone said. As Spencer sped through his branch line, Bambi ran through the forest. He would go through a few areas, and every time he would exit them, he would see Spencer speeding away.

Eventually, Bambi came across a broken bridge. The fawn quickly looked around until he saw part of the edge of the bridge was ramped upwards. He knew it was risky, but it was his only chance of getting to the other side. Bambi backed up and took a deep breathe. He pawed at the ground for a few seconds, and took off. Bambi ran as fast as he could and when he reached the edge, he put all his strength into his jump. Bambi went flying through the air and safely. He turned, admiring what he just did. Bambi immediately continued running.

Thomas and the others were waiting in Vicarstown. They kept their hopes up for Bambi, knowing that he'd do his best. They looked ahead when they spotted something in the distance. To their displeasure, it was Spencer.

"Ha ha ha. I knew he didn't stand a chance." Spencer laughed. "Guess I might as well go slowly and enjoy my easy victory." At that moment, Bambi ran past a building and saw Spencer was almost at the finish line. He gasped and quickly began running at his greatest speed. Thomas and the others noticed Bambi and started to cheer. Spencer thought the cheering was for him. "Ah, listen to that respect." As he ran, Bambi noticed that Spencer was going slowly. He knew this was his chance. Bambi continued to run and he passed the silver diesel. "WHAT!?" Spencer yelled in shock and surprise.

"YES!!!" Bambi shouted as he ran through the finishing tape, and the audience roared in applause.

"It's over. Bambi won." Thomas said to himself. "HE FREAKING WON!!!!!" Thomas cheered with a whistle. Spencer couldn't believe he just lost to a fawn. He was so embarrassed and puffed away in shame. After that, Bambi walked to his friends, who gave him their congrats. Applejack walked over to Bambi with a smile.

"Ya got a lot of stuff, sugar-fawn." She said.

"Well, I had a great trainer." Bambi said before nuzzling the mare in thanks.

"You know Gordon," Thomas began. "There is something to learn from this."

"What's that." Gordon asked.

"True greatness, honor, and power come from within. And you don't have to be a big guy to do big things." Everyone cheered as Bambi wore a blue ribbon and thanked everyone for their support. The young prince felt proud, especially because he knew his mother would feel the same way.