• Published 23rd Feb 2021
  • 3,690 Views, 5 Comments

Trust Meetings - Naptime

Princess Cadance stood quietly, calm, and wearing a patient expression on her face. Across from her, standing bow legged and fidgeting uncomfortably was Chrysalis, former queen of the changelings, wearing nothing but a diaper.

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Trust Meetings

Princess Cadance stood quietly, calm, and wearing a patient expression on her face. Across from her, standing bow legged and fidgeting uncomfortably was Chrysalis, former queen of the changelings, wearing nothing but a diaper.

The unlikely pair had found themselves yet again in a private garden, nestled inside a small greenhouse on the outer limits of the Crystal Kingdom castle. It was one of Cadance’s favorite private yet semi-formal meeting places in the kingdom. Beautiful flowers and trees made of crystal decorated the area around them, filling the room with a rainbow of golds and pinks and blues. A slab of heavily polished crystalline marble marked the center floor of the room, keeping the healthy roots and vines of the lush flora at bay.

Officially speaking, neither Cadance nor Chrysalis were here. It was a private meeting held with the utmost secrecy. Not even the royal guards knew about these meetings. It was a result of dozens of parleys the two held together over the past couple of months. Meetings that were built on the prospect of trust and peace between their two nations.

Princess Cadance was hesitant at first, hardly giving the changeling an inch when they first met, but after many delicate, diplomatic steps that traveled along a fine line between rivals and allies, the two were starting to make progress. They never really grew closer than tense acquaintances, but after a while the two realized they shared similar goals.

Which led to today. Today Queen Chrysalis was taking an extra big step towards mutual trust. Upon Princess Cadance's request, she had put on the diaper as a symbol of this trust. To put on such humiliating attire, as Cadance diplomatically explained, was the ultimate test of faith to prove that both of them were truly after peace between their kingdoms.

The usually very outspoken changeling was quiet through the whole process. From powdering to diaper change, Chrysalis wordlessly complied to the new terms. In the end she found herself dressed in a bright white diaper as thick as a pillow and a matte lead ring fitted around her horn as a safety measure against using her magic.

“You can relax now, Chrysalis,” Cadance finally said, “you’ve proven to me that you have as much faith in these meetings as I do.”

“I still don’t quite understand how wearing this...thing helps anything,” Chrysalis answered, finding the word ‘diaper’ an impossible word to say.

“It helps immensely, trust me,” Cadance assured her, sitting down on a soft floor cushion, “now please sit. Your tea’s getting cold.”

Between them stood an ornately designed metal tea table topped by a circular, clean cut of purple hued crystal. A steamy pot of tea, paired with two freshly poured cups sat in waiting. This table had seen dozens of diplomatic meetings between rules over the years, some of them even under Cadance’s rulership. She found that a shared pot of tea was a sort of equalizer and helped her find common ground with those she met.

Waddling awkwardly over to the tea table, Chrysalis plopped down beside the pony princess. The diaper’s sweet scents mingled in the air with the subtle spicy scents of the tea. She fidgeted in place as she tried to get used to the invasive padding that splayed her back legs out at an awkward angle.

"To new changes," Cadance exclaimed, magically raising her cup in the air.

Without thinking Chrysalis attempted to magically raise her own tea cup, only to feel a sharp pain in her horn. The glow in her horn quickly became muted as the dense metals of the dispersion ring pulled in the arcane energies. To avoid any further headache she opted to using her hoof instead. "To...new changes," she answered back, as the cups clinked with a tink.

Elegantly Cadance floated her tea up to her muzzle, daintily sipping the earthy black liquid. Chrysalis, hesitating for a moment or two, followed suit and sipped from her drink as well. The slightly bitter drink soothed the mind and relaxed tired muscles, something the changeling didn’t think she needed until now.

The delicately baked tea cakes that sat on a platter in the middle of the table were the perfect pairing for the drink. Sweet shortbread cupcakes frosted with a bright pink topping, fruity and fluffy biscuits, crisp wafers of lemon. Each one more delectable than the last. It had been years since Chrysalis had tasted something so sweet.

Then, out of nowhere, a cold chill ran down her back as she felt a sudden spike of heat flash against her face. An unsettling gurgle groaned deep in her gut as a terrible pressure began bubbling in her insides. The experience of it all was painful, making the changeling cringe and grab her belly with a hoof.

“Having tummy problems?” Cadance spoke up.

Chrysalis’s head shot up with a glare. “What did you do to me?!” she snapped at the alicorn with gritted teeth.

“Afraid I spiked your tea when you weren’t looking,” Cadance so casually answered, rolling around the last bit of tea in her cup, “we’ll be able to make better progress with a little...coaxing.”

Chrysalis snarled as her horn sparked with green energy. A surge of power formed in retaliation, but was then immediately drained from her horn, filtering the arcane glow into the dispersion ring. The ring nullified any attempt at spell casting, resulting in only fizzled magic and a mild headache. Regardless with how furious she felt, the spiked tea she had just consumed was working through her system.

She groaned in pain as the pressure became too great. Dignity and self control paled under basic bodily instincts. She had already endured much of the spiked tea’s effects, but the powerful concoction wasn’t letting up as the minutes ticked ever slowly by. It was a battle of attrition and the Queen of the Changelings was quickly losing.

Her defeat after the half hour long battle came in the form of a guttural growl that rumbled deep in her abdomen. The noise came with a burning sensation that forced her into a squatting position. Legs splayed out and diapered rear lowered inches off the ground, it was here Chrysalis would have to endure her unconditional surrender.

Almost effortlessly, her bowels began to empty into the patiently waiting diaper once she succumbed to the growing pain. A semi-liquid mass plopped heavily into the diaper, browning the white padding. Very quickly the diaper was filled to almost comical proportions with only weak grunts and groans coming from the queen’s clenched muzzle.

After a surprisingly short while, the changeling found herself free of the debilitating pain that tortured her not seconds before. As quickly as it started, the humiliating deed was over and she was left with the terribly foul smelling aftermath. She dared not move an inch, but even as she stood there she could feel the stinky mess irradiate heat inside the diaper.

“All finished?” Cadance’s voice came into focus. Her words were gentle and genuine, but to the embarrassed queen, she might as well have been laughing at her.

“You have some nerve pulling something like this during a meeting!” Chrysalis was absolutely fuming now. Her horn, despite the magic nullifier, sparked useless, wayward sparks of green as she sneered. “You could have poisoned me!”

“I was very careful with measuring out the mixture,” Cadance replied calmly, “it did exactly what it was intended to do.” From behind her seat she extracted a long flat paddle made of a light colored wood. “Now...lay down on the ground. Butt up,” Cadance commanded.

“You can’t be serious,” Chrysalis frowned.

“When a foal misbehaves, they earn themselves a spanking to fit the crime,” Cadance explained, waggling the paddle around in the air, “and you, ‘Little Crissy’, have earned quite a few.”

“There’s no WAY I’m going to let you...”

“Do you want to earn my trust or not?”

“...I do...” Chrysalis’ scowl could melt through solid crystal. It was obvious that the former great Queen of the Changelings was not at all happy with her current situation. “Just...get it over with,” she reluctantly growled as she carefully lowered to the ground and assumed the position. Head low to the ground and messy diapered rump up in the air like a smelly beacon.

Cadance lovingly positioned herself behind the changeling, grinning wide as the submissive pose. “Now hold still,” she said redundantly, the paddle floating into position, “it’ll be over before you know it.”

The first spank met with a muffled, wet impact as Chrysalis’ lumpy mess pancaked under the firm force. Her body lurched forward in an exaggerated motion of displeasure. The squishiness of her foalish accident was amplified by the swing of the paddle. The second spank drove this sensation further home. In that instant she became intimately aware of the mess's texture and consistency as it oozed around her backside. But still, she remained still. Her face remained curled up in a furious scowl and her bound horn still teemed with pent up arcana, but she still laid where she was told. Another spank was quick to follow. Then another. Then another.

A rhythmic tempo was added to the mix as Cadance continued dishing out spank after spank firmly into the changeling’s padded behind. She’d slam the wooden paddle down hard, holding it there to leave a faint impression in the sodden material. The paddle was then slowly reared back up high in the air before slamming down for another smack all over again.

Anger burned into fury as the relentless spankings continued. Chrysalis’ face grew red with rage as she gritted her teeth. It took every ounce of her power, every fiber of self-control to keep her in such a humiliating position. Her hooves could claw trenches into granite with her whole body so tense and twitching with pent up anger.

Cadance sort of lost count as Chrysalis’ punishment continued. Initially she had planned on something light like ten or twenty spanks, but after a while she realized she wasn’t making as much progress with the changeling as she had hoped. Even after ten spanks, Chrysalis remained tense, furious, and practically boiling with anger. After twenty spanks, she somehow seemed even more tense. She continued watching her charge's progress until she hit thirty which led to her completely losing count.

Even after countless spanks Chrysalis continued to take her punishment through gritted teeth. But after countless spanks with the wooden paddle, even the Queen of the Changelings found herself running out. When she ran out of anger and fury, however, she was left with exhaustion. And when she was overwhelmed with exhaustion she could only cry. It took a lot of energy to be so furious and filled with so much rage. After so much fighting and so much struggling, she realized that she was completely drained.

“M-mommy!” Chrysalis found herself blurting out. The tears that streaked her cheeks gave Cadance all the convincing she needed.

“There we go,” Cadance said before finally putting down the paddle, “all it took was a little bit of warming up.”

Tears continued to well up in Chrysalis’ eyes as she pathetically balled her eyes out. Once she started she just couldn’t stop. Some switch deep in the recesses of her mind had been flipped and she struggled to flip it back. She felt so vulnerable and weak. Exposed and humiliated. Suddenly the weakness made her less furious and more afraid. There was hardly anything she could do in such an emotionally compromised state.

Cadance set aside the wooden paddle, stashing it away at a safe distance on an empty shelf. “Come here,” she beckoned, extending her hooves outward towards the changeling.

Still blubbering like a baby, Chrysalis pulled her quivering body off the ground. Her legs struggled to stand still as she waddled over to Cadance with her gait awkwardly widened by the flattened diaper that smushed itself against her thoroughly sore backside. She ended up plopping crudely in the alicorn’s embrace, dropping her tear struck face deep into the alicorn’s embrace.

“Theeeere we go,” Cadance said, pulling the changeling in closer, “that messy diaper must have taken a lot out of you.”

“I-I’ll be good, mommy!” Chrysalis exclaimed through choked tears and very un-queen like whimpers, “I’ll be a good girl!”

“I know you will,” Cadance so warmly replied, patting the quivering changeling on the back, “I know you will.”

The changeling whimpered up a storm in Cadance’s arms, curling up into a quivering ball. She wanted to be disgusted by the mushy diaper that clung to her backside. She wanted to be angry with the childish treatment she had received. She wanted to do a lot of things, but in her weak and vulnerable state all she could think to do was cuddle in closer to the pink pony. She found an unexpected comfort in the hugging hooves.

“We made a lot of progress today,” Cadance spoke up patting the changeling’s quivering back, “but I think we should keep up with these regular meetings for a little while longer.”

Chrysalis was much too exhausted to argue. Weak and extremely tired, all she could think about was how much she needed a nap.

A nap and probably a change as well...

Author's Note:

Shortly after finishing this story I noticed I had quite a few Cadance stories already posted. I don't know what that means, but it's more likely just a coincidence. Maybe I like the motherly/babysitter vibe her character gives off. I don't know, but here's a short story for you all!

A nap does sound pretty good right about now!

Comments ( 5 )

Awesome work you did there dude, keep it up

Well, this made Cadance really unlikeable. Chrysalis goes out of her way to earn her trust, and Cadance responds by pulling this 💩 on her! And then Cadance has the nerve to lecture Chrysalis on “trust”, when she has clearly demonstrated herself to be untrustworthy. Chryssy had every right to be angry.

​Really I appreciate the effort you made to share the knowledge. The topic here I found was really effective to the topic which I was researching for a long time.

... I guess that’s diaper play?

There's also the matter of Chryssi being a creature that was raised on and thrives on duplicity and guile. It is easy to imagine Chrysalis just "going through the motions" to gain Cadance's trust so eventually she can pounce and snack on the "Princess of Food"...

I do not agree with Cadance's use of forced compliance on Chryssi... but I do understand it. I also can see it as an opening to teach Chryssi about trust (something Chrysalis has little to no experience with, save as a weakness in others to exploit) in the simplest way, by building trust with her in a caretaker's role, something Cadance is VERY good at.

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