• Published 26th Feb 2021
  • 1,369 Views, 52 Comments

Mann Vs Mane - dudenotactive

For a thousand years the two sisters would fight over the silliest of things, and for a thousand years, that is how it always been. Now a new threat had invaded Equestria and it's up to the mercs to save their careers.

  • ...

Meet Your Match!

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Mann Vs Mane!"

Discord's voice boomed out from the center of the arena, a large structure that was built just a few miles away from Canterlot. Thousands of creatures from every corner of the country came to watch the upcoming battle between Celestia's mercenaries and Saxton Hale's men. Not only are they there to watch the bloody war that would surely be messy, but to also witness the fate of Equestria.

Leaders of all races were seated in the VIP booth along with their representatives who were students in Twilight's School of Mercenary/Friendship. This country is not just home to Ponies, but others as well.

The arena was massive, it could fit a whole city in it. It was even enough for millions of creatures of all races, even humans were present. The crowd drowned out any outside noise, only Discord's voice could be heard with the defeating roar that filled the arena. Many were just itching to witness the battle of the ages, one that they would surely tell their descendants about.

Iron Will sat quietly in his seat as he waited for his co-host to finish the opening, he had nothing better to do ever since he lost his position as CEO of Mane Co. So there he was, just a host for this game that will decide the fate of his home. What's worse was that Discord hogged all the attention, Iron Will could only distract himself with snacks and a spare timberwolf to destroy in case he gets bored.

Back with Discord, he was just done with his opening act, some jokes to get the tears flowing and sides hurting. So now that the crowd was ready, Discord continued on with the show.

"Now that we got that out of the way, let me introduce to you all the players!" Discord grew in size, he towered higher than the arena, and no longer did he have the need to use a mic. "In this corner, representing Equestria, a team both vicious and resourceful, one of the most dangerous teams in the mercenary underworld, and the most infamous of them all! Team, Harmony!"

In a flash of light, seven ponies and two others appeared on one side of the arena, all armed and ready to take on their opponents.

Twilight, the brains of the group, already have several plans for any encounter. Spike, the young and daring drake who was just as intelligent as his adoptive sister, he's ready to show his kind how much of a dragon he is. Rarity, mysterious and decisive, the flash of her knife would be the last thing you'd see before death's embrace.

The strong and silent tank of a pony, Big Mac. Hooves ready to shatter spines and make puny babies cry. The ever so positive, Pinkie Pie, ready spring-out parties full of rockets and balloons. Rainbow Dash, loud as thunder and just as destructive as one.

She who razed a thousand fields and buried many under the fiery blaze of explosions, Applejack the Bomber from Tartarus. Shy as a mouse, yet deadly as a snake, Fluttershy the silent killer, only one crack of thunder warns her victims. And finally, the shame of all kirins, the violent and monstrous Autumn Blaze.

These nine mercenaries will be written down in history as the heroes of Equestria, the ponies -and others- who will stand against Mann Co for their rights to fight under Celestia's name. They all trained for this, even if they were smaller in size, Twilight was sure that she and her team could take on the humans.

Every mercenary present in the arena put their trust in team Harmony, who knows what would happen if the humans win, they could lose their jobs.

"And in this corner, from the world beyond ours, a chaotic yet magical world it is, humans from different corners of the globe! Trained and armed to fight demons to hell and back! From the coldest side of Russia to the hottest part of Australia! These mean, deadly, and outright ridiculous team of good for nothing! Let me introduce to you all, our judge, jury, and executioners! Team Fortress!"

The humans simply walked into the scene, they did not need any fancy entrance, the only things they wanted more were the boos and hisses of the crowds as they walked. They felt a sense of pride knowing that they posed a threat to this world's way of life.

No introduction needed, these men are already known for their skills and power, they are unbeatable in the face of danger. Just like our heroes, these men fought things you would not believe, from other mercenaries to creatures of dark origins, these bastards are ready for any job that comes their way. And you'd best believe that these candy horses won't easily win against them.

"Alright!" Scout was already hungry for victory, he even dared to call his shot and claimed that he'd hit the ball out of the park. Such confidence got him mixed reactions from the audience, and he welcomed both.

"Ugh, I can't stand that jerk." Dash voiced her distaste.

"Don't know, Dash, he reminds me of you." Applejack teased her friend.

"We are nothing alike!"

Celestia watched as Discord went on about the origins of both teams, with her was Luna, the former princess who sat in a chair that looked like a frog just so Luna would feel humiliated, a good combo for her loser hat as well. Though the only issue with Luna was that she was an employee of Mann Co now, and it was worrying that Celestia kept her close. Worse was the fact that the CEO of RED and BLU sat between the two sisters along with some pegasus filly she had never seen before.

Celestia eyed both children, confused as to why they were there and not in the VIP booth along with Saxton Hale and other leaders, though she isn't sure where the filly belonged. These two girls prevented Celestia from teasing her sister, it would make things awkward if Celestia began gloating out of the blue. But it was already awkward to begin with, the lack of any conversation between any of them was just so deafening.

The only sound that was made in the room was from the filly who ordered some snacks and drinks for everyone, the creepiest part of it was the fact that the filly knew what they liked. Though she liked the chocolate banana cake that was ordered for her, Celestia couldn't help but feel suspicious of the filly.

"Do you like the cake, auntie Celestia?" The filly asked cutely.

"A-auntie!?" The princess gasped. "Luna, explain yourself! When did you have a child, and how did you get an heir before me!?"

Luna's frown twitched like an epileptic fit. "Sister, you utter buffoon, if I had a child then I would use them to show my superiority over you and how no stallion would ever bed you even with your reputation."

"That was uncalled for!"

"I am no longer a princess, being respectful is no longer needed of me. So I can say whatever I want without worrying about my own reputation, unlike you, you fat marshmallow."

"I can imprison you, the moon will finally have its first pony on it, and it will be you!" Celestia threatened.

"Refrain from threatening my employee, princess Celestia, or I will report this to uncle Hale." Olivia threatened back. "But I am also curious, and would like to know who this filly is."

"Do you remember that insect that tried to assassinate us? I asked for a cease-fire so that we can focus on this war, and apparently, she had an adoptive daughter and wanted me to take care of her since she is not a pony like us." Luna explained. "Cozy Glow, please introduce yourself."

"Hi! I'm Cozy Glow, I hope we can all be best friends!"

Olivia arched her brow. "There is a third sister?"

"Chrysalis is the queen of the changelings, we did not know of her existence until she first invaded Canterlot during our niece's wedding. She was once a pony just like us, but for an unknown reason, she mutated into a bug-like creature. But before that, our mother wanted to execute her for being too weak compared to us." Celestia explained.

"Then she was kidnapped by some changelings I presumed, and she was raised by the changelings as their own, but once she was old enough she ate her adoptive family." Olivia continued nonchalantly.

The two sisters and Cozy stared at the child with wide eyes. "How did you know?" Luna was flabbergasted.

"Seems like Chrysalis is just like my father, Grey Mann. It would mean that Cozy is my counterpart in this universe, and I am given the reason to be suspicious of her, as I know myself more than anyone."

"Mom just wanted for me to be around other ponies, so you don't have to worry about little ol' me!"

Olivia narrowed her eyes at Cozy. "That gives me more reason to keep an eye on you."

"So that bug decided to be friendly for once?" Celestia scoffed. "I would have never expected her to take in a pony like you, Cozy..."

Then an odd smile grew on Celestia's face, before Cozy even knew, she was pulled into a tight hug by Celestia.

"Oh, you are so adorable! Don't worry, auntie Celestia will be here to keep you company!"

While the two got to know each other better, Luna and Olivia could only watch with the same disgust as Celestia began gushing about cute outfits and other stuff.

Luna began to wonder about team VN Omega who she hired with her remaining funds, with everyone preoccupied with the game, there was a good chance to deal heavy blows against Mann Co. Perhaps they could steal her freedom from their wretched hands.

"What a great day for a game, am I right Iron Will?" Discord finally gave his co-host a chance to speak.

"You're right about that, Discord! Best of all, we got creatures from every corner of Equestria! Gotta say, love the support for team Harmony, a chance to finally fight back after our humiliating defeat!"

"At least you got away with a broken arm, I had the chaos punched out of me like candy from a pinata!"

This earned Discord a few laughs from the audience.

"He was a formidable foe, that Saxton Hale, it was like fighting a god hyped up on sugar. Iron Will nearly won his fight, unlike you." Iron Will teased. "Back to the players, what can you say about them, Discord?"

"Though I have faith in team Harmony, I still must admit that nothing can beat the original! Our world is just an alternate universe of our original one, though it is Team Fortress 2, they are still the foundation for all hero shooters!"

"Iron Will has no idea of what you're talking about, but he has to agree with you there!"

"Now, these are no ordinary men, these are battle-hardened mercenaries! They were the ones who defeated team Classic, those who've defeated Echelon, Citadel, and Vanguard! The best of the best, and yet these nobodies crushed team Classic!"

"But don't forget team Harmony!" Iron Will cut right in. "Though they themselves are as chaotic as you are, which is ironic given the name, these shorties fight with the wrath of ten Iron Wills. Third in the leaderboards, their reputation alone brings fear to other mercenaries below them. They even defeated that annoying wizard in the north, Sombra!"

"Well enough with that! We have a game to watch!"

With a snap of talons, the arena began to change.

Both teams were engulfed by two buildings, Blue team was given a warehouse as the respawn area while a big red barn was made for the Reds. At the center, an old wild west-themed town grew from nothing, railroad tracks unwind itself through town before ending at the entrance of a large bank. From the sky out came Discord's giant paw which held a very large bomb that was then placed on Blue team's side.

It was a payload match, and it would seem that the Red team is on the defensive. It was a large town indeed with six points in total, six important areas to cover. This was it, everything led to this moment where the world will finally witness the might of two warring factions. Beasts, savages, murderers and degenerates. These two teams are out for blood, and by god they will have it.

As the time counted down, the Reds set up around the exit of the Blue team's spawn, Dash wasted no time and taunted the enemy, Spike had his sentry pointed at the exit. Fluttershy hid herself behind cover, Twilight kept the siblings by her side, while she ordered Pinkie to meet the Blues head-on. Rarity opted to keep herself in the blind spot of the spawn with Autumn by her side.


Sniper was the first one out much to everyone's surprise, bow in hand he disposed of Rarity before anyone else could make a move. The Red team stuttered in their step, allowing the rest of the Blue team to break through Pinkie's defenses. Everything Twilight had planned fell apart all because the Sniper knew where her spy was.

Dash tried her best to steal back the advantage, but she found herself at the other end of Blue team's guns.

The Equestrians in the arena became silent as the Blues pushed the cart with ease, only the cheers of every human can be heard as the battle went on. The Blues forced Twilight and her team back with numbers alone, Spike's sentry didn't even do anything thanks to Soldier and Demo, and Fluttershy couldn't find any chances to shoot as the Pyro obscured her line of sight with bursts of flames that shielded his allies from Fluttershy's deadly gaze.

The oddest part was that he knew where to spit out his flames as if Pyro could see the future... Now that Fluttershy thought of it, the Sniper ran out with his bow ready and shot Rarity before anyone could strike. The thought of them actually cheating came to mind, but she could not believe that was possible. Discord took pride in this game that lasted for years, any form of cheating will not be tolerated by the deity, you are of course allowed to use enhancement drugs. But wallhacks, aimbot, or anti headshots are not allowed. Anyone who is found guilty would be stripped of their license and banned from participating in any more games.

But she wanted to know how.

And before anyone knew, the Blue was already halfway. And what was worse was that Sniper and Scout had completely ignored Twilight and her group just to camp by the Red spawn. The fight was happening so quickly, from nine versus nine to seven versus three. They did not intend on killing Twilight, only to keep her alive so she could not assist the others. She thought she could uber one of the apple siblings, but the Pyro was quick to blast her away from the other two and wasted her uber.

"W-what is this?" Celestia gaped at the ongoing game, her mind could not process how the team she put her faith in was being dominated so easily. "How are they...?"

Luna watched with a careful eye, she recalled that opening scene over and over, how the Sniper shot out of the spawn room and domed Rarity in just a blink. It was a powerful display of skill, so much that the humans were the only ones that could be heard in this arena. She looked over towards the hosts, the booth was just across theirs. Luna could not ignore the fact that the two were just as silent as the local spectators.

She could tell that Discord was seething with rage strong enough to raze down cities, for Iron Will, Luna believed that the minotaur felt grief as the Red team was being destroyed.

Luna could feel the fear in the room beneath her, where the leaders of Equestria are, the proud laughter of Saxton Hale could be heard through the floor. This was a painful blow to Celestia's pride, and Luna knew that the chance of her sister's defeat was just over the horizon.

Down in the VIP booth, the leaders of every race were struck with great despair as they watched their heroes crumble under the power of team Fortress.

"W-who in the world ubers a spy!?" Gallus was frozen along with most of his team, they have seen other mercenaries who were brutal and ferocious, but never before have they witnessed such skills.

Or perhaps they have not seen men like the Blue team; quick, chaotic, and completely insane. Were they even humans to begin with?

Unorganized yet deadly, eight of them wore smiles that oozed with confidence. And one single moment cemented itself in everyone's minds, where the Medic ubered the Spy which ended poorly for the Reds as Spy flashed behind every one of them with a speed that rivaled Scout's, all thanks to his Big Earner. A knife that grants a burst of speed after a kill, and being under the influence of Medic's uber helped the Spy take out four Reds in one go.

If that was only a portion of their best, then the leaders of Equestria could only pray that they would not have to witness the full extent of their power.

It didn't take long, but the bomb reached the final point, the blast was louder than the roar of every human in the arena. The bank was flattened by the explosion, the Reds were further humiliated as the Blues mowed them down with a hail of bullets. This was only the first match, and somehow the Blue came out on top flawlessly.

Discord clutched the microphone with a shaking paw, his teeth clenched tightly as his co-host slowly drowned in despair next to him. This was a crushing blow to their side.

"Victory to the Blue team!"