• Published 26th Feb 2021
  • 807 Views, 188 Comments

Tidalverse: The Fearsome Foursome - Alden MacManx

Four life-long friends go fishing one fine late spring morning. The Event happens. Now what?

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Chapter 39: Maasvlakte, at last!

“Personal log, stardate 1608.02 1800 hours, Captain Frick recording.

“After over eight months of traveling, starting from Central Nebraska, we are finally within sight of our new home, Maasvlakte. If only the weather was clear and sunny, instead of low clouds and a constant drizzle. Not much to see except gray mist.

“For the first few days, we will remain on the Fugro, until we can pick out a house, then refurbish it. Apparently, if someone repairs and rebuilds a house to habitability, that establishes ownership. I am so looking forward to a bedroom with a proper workspace, and a display stand for Chalky.

“Fred and Frieda have decided to adopt three kids from Pensacola. Julie, a pegasus girl; Elaine, a griffon girl, and Aaron, the youngest earth pony boy. All three are having the most trouble adjusting to the new situation, and they trust Fred and Frieda. I’ll do all I can as well.

“Foster’s looking forward to getting started on his real mission, that being to set up the trade liaison office between the WSU and Queen Marie’s domain. Apparently, Queen Marie can lock in on him through his emerald rank badge, and use him as a focus to teleport herself and one other to him. Going home is much easier.

“Frack and Bernie have definitely become an item. I wish them both as much joy as God allows. Fran and Michie have bonded completely, Michie referring to Fran as her aunt. Capo is keeping an eye on both. With him on watch, no one would dare try anything with Michie.

“Let me stop running my mouth and get started helping handle lines. They sure are a lot larger than the ones we used on Deliverance! Frick out.”

Friday, 5 Aug 2016 0900

Fred, Frieda, Frack, Bernie, Fran, Michie and Capo approached a house. Three floors on a good-sized lot, from the outside it looked adequate for their needs. “Yard needs work,” Fred said, looking around as they came in the gate. “Should be able to get a patch going before cold sets in.”

“The yard is yours and Aaron’s, Paw. The house is mine, mostly,” Frieda said as she walked up to the front door, pulling the key to the lock out of her neck pouch and unlocking the door.

Inside, a single lamp was on, to signify that the house had power. “I was told that services had been restored to this area. Glad to see that’s true,” Fred said as he went in behind Frieda.

“All we really have to do is move in, clean up, and occupy the place. Once the town knows we’re here, that’s when it will truly be ours,” Fran said, looking around.

“Where’s our rooms, Aunt Fran?” Michie asked.

“Upstairs, on the top floor, Michie. Want to go see?” Fran asked.

“Yeah!” Michie squealed as she made tracks to the stairs, Capo flying after her.

Fran rolled her eyes once. “Kids…” she muttered before going after the kitten.

Frack and Bernie smiled at the Abyssinians, Frack with a wing around his mate. “Not yet ready for any of our own, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy what’s here, right?” Bernie said quietly to Frack.

“Correct, dearest one,” Frack replied before giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Shall we go up and claim a room?”

“One up on the top floor, with a small balcony. That way, we don’t have to disturb the whole house if I have night work,” Bernie said as she led the way to the stairs.

Fred and Frieda watched them go before looking around the ground floor. There was one great room, which Fred and John planned to hold services and conferences in, along with several office spaces and a full bath, along with the utility room, which held a washer, dryer and hot water heater. “This house is going to need a lot of TLC after being pretty much ignored for over a year, Maw,” Fred observed.

“If anyone can do it, we can, Paw,” Frieda replied as she led the way up to the first floor, where they found a kitchen and dining area large enough to seat twelve, a good-sized living area, and the master suite.

“Think we can make this our home, Maw?” Fred asked quietly as they looked around the master suite.

“If we can’t, we better get our heads examined, Paw,” Frieda replied, putting a wing around Fred.

Sunday, 7 August 2016, 1400 hours Maasvlakte time:

Captains Lorelei, Skinner and Perrin met in a large conference room with Ambassador Hardegan. Also present via monitor is Captain Prateek, who is aboard the Amandine in the Eastern Med. “We’re all present, Ambassador Hardegan. Will you let Her Majesty know we are assembled?” Dilip asked politely.

“Sho’ can, Captain,” Foster said, closing his eyes. His horn started glowing gold and his pendant shone brilliant green. Suddenly, his eyes snapped open as he looked at a vacant part of the room. He projected his glow, and two ponies materialized, one being a very large black unicorn mare with white horn, hooves, mane, tail and cutie mark of a human-shaped rag doll with three pins through it, and a smaller white unicorn stallion.with dark green horn and hooves, aqua and forest green striped mane and tail, and a cutie mark of three quill pens writing on a piece of parchment, also wearing a large green emerald in a gold fitting on a silver chain around his neck, as well as a black sash with three white stripes.

Once fully materialized, both unicorns shook their heads, making their manes fly about. When settled, Marie spoke. “Thank you, Ambassador Hardegan. Greetings, Gentlemen,” she said, looking about the room. “I am Marie Laveaux, Queen of Louisianne. With me is Major Henry Thibodeaux, my main diplomatic aide and replacement Ambassador to the World Seafarer’s Union. He will present to you my list of requests and demands to allow the World Seafarer’s Union access to the river systems of the former United States. Said list is not onerous, and parts are negotiable.

“I greet you all, and hope to have a long, successful trade agreement with you and yours. I must return now, but Major Thibodeaux will be able to speak in My name for all agreements. Ambassador Hardegan, you are now free from duty to me and are able to pursue your destiny, free from harassment.” She looked at everyone in the room, one at a time, finally looking at the monitor showing Captain Prateek. “Until we can meet in person, Captain,” she said politely before vanishing in a white flash.

Silence reigned for over a minute before Lorelei spoke. “Well, I was not expecting THAT…” she muttered.

“I don’t think any of us was,” Dilip said from the monitor. “Major Thibodeaux, do you have the list?”

“Ah shure do,” the Major drawled as a green glow came from his horn, opening a saddlebag on his back, and pulling out a thick folder. “First off, unless yuh want to be stiflingly formal, mah name is ‘Hank’. Formality is for final documents, not foah negotiation.” He took pages from the folder and distributed a copy to each of the beings in the room, plus a stack off to a side, where Dilip can see through a camera.

“Weren’t you workin’ for the state in Baton Rouge?” Foster asked as the others read the cover pages.

“Chief negotiator with the state worker’s union,” Hank replied.

Foster whistled. He had heard of Henry Thibodeaux, and his reputation said he drove hard deals, but absolutely fair ones. If Henry is going to be in charge, both sides will benefit.

[1]Acknowledgement of the Queen’s desire for complete control within her stated borders, to be recognized by both parties.

[2]Liaisons to be set up in both capitols for further negotiations.

[3]Louisianne will provide a river craft to open trade with the interior of North America.

[4]The WSU will provide the crew for the river craft, Louisianne will provide the commander.

[5]Louisianne will refit a small ocean-going craft to open trade with Havana.

[6]Louisianne will provide mana-fertilizer to Havana at reduced prices in exchange for produce from the cannery.

[7]The WSU will provide 5% of all healing/medical potion produced in the U.S. interior
to Louisianne in lieu of tolls.

[8]The WSU and Louisianne will cooperate in salvage of granaries, technology and other ‘plunder’ inside the continental U.S.

8a) Anything found in a designated city’s ‘city limits’ will be the sole property of the city itself.

8a1) ‘city limits’ are defined as of January 1, 2015.

8b) Salvage of granaries not claimed or within a city’s designated boundary is to be divided equally between the WSU, Louisianne, and the nearest city, if said nearest city so desires.

8c) Louisianne claims ‘right of first refusal’ on technological salvage.

8d) Magical salvage rights will be determined on a case-by-case basis, determined by use of said magical item. Who can use it better gets to keep it.

[9]All cities/colonies/communities of ponies and other sapients will be granted the right of self-determination on their course of progress, be it membership in the WSU, with Louisianne, or none of the above.

[10]The WSU is to accept any sentient not deemed to be ‘suitable’ to Louisianne, ‘unsuitable’ being defined as refusing to accept Queen Marie’s sovereignty of the lands upon which they Return.

Dilip looked up from the reading first. “Did you have a hoof in drafting these Articles, Major?” he asked.

“I did, after Her Majesty first wrote them,” Hank confirmed.

“Article One, to be accepted without discussion. Captains, any arguments?” Dilip asked the group in the room.

Doug, Lorelei and Edgar all looked at each other. “No dissent here,” Lorelei said, taking the lead.

“Article Two can wait until I get back home. Captains, search for a suitable candidate and give me some proposals to fill the role,” Dilip said with authority, which the Captains agreed to without argument.

“Article Three I feel we can accept,” Lorelei said. “Article Four, that can be a problem. I highly doubt we can find enough crew who would want to go. I’m sure we can find some volunteers, but how many? We do have our ships to look after, as well as the settlement.

“Next question here is who will be the crew?” Dilip asked. “Mister Hank, how many crew members will be required for this part of the Agreement?”

“Anywheah between eight an’ ten. Theah’s several boats available to choose from, an’ ah have the specs in my bag. No real rush fo’ that. You is going to have to drop them off, Captain. Her Majesty can only teleport one other at any one time, and reachin’ out of her territory requires help from either myself or Sheriff Hardegan,” Hank reported.

“So that’s why she appointed you Ambassador,” Edgar said. “She needed you as an anchor point for her magic.”

“Sho’ looks like it, Captain. Ah don’t mind. If ah didn’t trust her implicitly, ah would never let her use me,” Foster confessed honestly.

“Very well, then. Please communicate to Her Majesty that we may not have enough crew to spare. Now, if she would like us to train some of her… subjects…” he obviously stumbled over the term, “on how to be riverboat crew, that we can do, without any problem. Now, on to Article Five…” Dilip said.

15 August 2016 0900 hours

Captain Frick watched from the roof of the radio building as the Polar Princess, under escort from one of the harbor tugs, made her way through the Maasvlakte to her designated berth. “Once I finish this upgrade, I’m going to drop by and see them. I wonder how they’re doing after the stop in Belfast,” he said to himself as he checked out the antenna links. “Harry said he had found some good stuff in the refrigerated containers. Wouldn’t mind something different. Hope he found some whiskey in storage. Rum is tolerable, in small doses, but I miss my whiskey.”

At 1300, Captain Haugen, directions in glow, made his way to the Captain’s offices, to report in to Captains Lorelei and Skinner. Once there, he ‘shook hands’ with Lorelei, a little startled at her extreme youth, but he has examples of that on his own. After introductions and pleasantries, they got down to business.

“How did the refitting go, Van?” Lorelei asked.

“Better than I expected. Most of the accommodations were refitted to pony scale, leaving some normal-sized just in case, like with our minotaur. Door handles and such are now easier to open by hoof, and many controls are easier to operate. With proper care, the Princess can remain in service for a good long time,” Van told the captains. “One thing I’m finding popular are my refrigerated cargo containers. Belfast wanted six, divided between the camps. With a bit of cargo rearranging, that paid for all the work they did on the Princess.”

“We can use some here, for various uses. How are your crew taking to the changes?” Edgar asked.

Van took a breath to settle himself before replying. “I have six genderbent folk aboard, and they are adjusting and adapting in their own ways. I did have one crewman ask for a transfer, and I granted it, because I had a willing replacement at hand. He’s in Belfast, working with one of the groups there,” he said to the captains.

“Who left, and who did you replace him with?” Edgar asked.

“My Second Officer, Einar Einarsson. He changed into a young earth pony. A very small young earth pony. He was too small to use the control room consoles, even standing up on his back hooves. So, in order to leave with a clean conscience, he talked someone into applying for a position,” Van reported.

“Who was crazy enough to want to put in for it?” Lorelei asked.

“Renee Noir, the genderbent hippogriff that turned up in Pensacola. It turns out she is qualified up to Chief Officer, but she signed on as Third while my daughter moves up to Second. She’s a quick study, her main problem is she’s having a bit of difficulty reading English. She CAN, but it’s not easy. I’ve paired her with a helmsman who speaks French,” Van answered.

“Hope it works out,” Lorelei said as she looked through some papers Van had brought.

“It seems to be, Lorelei. I had my Chief with her in Control as we moored, quizzing her. According to him, she caught on right away, but she did admit she was going to need a lot of training to handle such a large ship in restricted waters. I do have to respect her honesty.” Van replied coolly.

The little pink unicorn looked intently at the black spotted reindeer. “How much experience does she have?” Lorelei asked.

“Nothing the size of the Princess, but she sailed up to Chief on many of the mid-size fishing boats on the north shore of Haiti for over twenty years,” Van explained.

Lorelei held up a piece of paper in her glow. “You found a container full of liquor and beer?” she asked.

Van nodded. “Oh, yes, we did. A regular assortment of whiskey, rye, gin, vodka, schnapps of several types, other liquors, wines, and beer. Coors, to be precise. Kegs of Coors,” he explained. “I already grabbed my case of akvavit.”

“Put me down for a bottle of peppermint schnapps,” Lorelei said quickly.

“You got it. Rumple Minze do you?” Van fired back.

“Works for me!” Lorelei said with a giggle.

Edgar cleared his throat. “Van, I’ve briefed you on how we do business here. We always keep one ship in port, and we do arm our ships. One task will be to figure out just how to arm the Polar Princess properly, to handle just about anything that can be thrown at ye. Let me tell ye aboot what happened in Brazil,” he said before launching into a description of the combat with the pirate vessel.

After Edgar told his tale, Van sat back and whistled. “Captain Frick told me about his encounter with the sea creature outside Havana, but your encounter makes that look like a skate under the stars,” he said.

“Got that right,” Lorelei grunted. “Fortunately, we can outfit your ship with plenty of weaponry. Obvious weaponry. Very big powerful weaponry. Smaller arms, too. How many military veterans do you have on board?”

“Nine,” Van replied quickly. “Starting with my Chief Officer, Jim Cranston. He got as high as Lieutenant Commander in the Canadian Coast Guard before joining the merchant fleet. My Chief Engineer made his way up to Chief Petty Officer in the Royal Navy, I know my Chief Steward was in the Swiss Army, the Senior Boatswain was in the Greek Army…” he trailed off as he thought. “Seaman Boudoin has hinted he’s been in some sort of military, and I know four of my engineers have been in some sort of military. Of them, I know Mark Minetti was an engineer in the U.S. Navy, while the others have seen service. They have hinted at some things they have done, but I have had no real reason to pry.”

“You’re going to need to,” Edgar said, “if only to know who can man the weapons when needed.”

“I’ll get on that later tonight,” Van promised.

“Also, something else to know,” Lorelei told the reindeer. “As ship captains, we also run both Maasvlakte and the WSU. Our pecking order is by seniority of return, which means Dilip is the leader, then myself, Edgar, and you at the end. Your presence means we can have more ships at sea maintaining the alliance. I will be pulling out in a week or so, and Dilip should be back by the middle of September.”

“What that also implies is that the senior officer present here is essentially the mayor of Maasvlakte. I will have the chore of training you and Doug Perrin in what is here, what’s going on, and other such stuff,” Edgar said. “Doug has said he is interested in being an executive aide to the Port Captain, seeing as he has no ship to command. The three of us like the idea of having someone here full time to run the place.”

“I can run a ship. I’m not so sure about running the port and town,” Van mused as he took in the news. “One thing for sure is that I won’t shirk from it. Just part of the job.”

“That’s how we look at it,” Lorelei said.

Saturday, December 17th, 2016 2200 hours

Frick, Frack, Fred, Frieda, Fran and Bernie gathered in the family room of what is now known as Cornhusker House, a bright warm fire going in the fireplace, a Christmas tree shiningly bedecked in the corner of the room, each with a drink of their choice at hand or hoof. “A year,” Frick said. “It’s been a year since the first four of us Returned there outside Oconee, Nebraska in my old king cab. Now, we have each other, a warm house, our company, and new families to look after. I said I would get us here, and thanks to our working together, we’re here.” He raised his glass of whiskey and water. “To us all, in our now home!”

“To us all!” the rest chorused, raising their drinks high before sipping.

Frack cleared his throat as he put his beer down. After a glance at Bernie, he said to everyone, “Together now, but not for long. Bernie and I were accepted to be crew on the Mississippi Voyager. Harry Bell will be going as well. I have not heard about anyone else yet,” he announced to all and sundry.

Fred was the first to break the silence. “What will you be doing?” he asked.

Frack smiled. “What else? Chief Engineer, of course! The boat will have a diesel engine as well as a wood gas extractor. They will need a mechanic of my quality to keep the lights on! I’ve been training for it since October with the crew the Queen sent over! Naturally, I would go along, just didn’t know if I was accepted or not until this morning.”

“If anyone can, you can,” Frieda agreed, sipping her beer. “You’ll be going up and down the rivers, then. Visiting old friends?”

“Friends old and new,” Bernie said. “Old for you, new to me. I would like to see who you met before you found me.”

“Looks like I’m going to have to come up with a primo radio set for you, bro, so we won’t lose touch with each other,” Frick said. “When will you be leaving?”

“Middle of January, we’ll be setting out. Date and ship hasn’t been decided yet, but we’re supposed to be in New Orleans by mid-February,” Bernie reported. “We’ll also be taking the new Ambassador over as well, a unicorn mare named Hilaire van Rijn.”

“I’ve met her. She’s a former blacksmith who’s been teaching her craft at the school. How did she get selected to be Ambassador?” Fran asked.

“That, I can answer,” Frieda said. “She’s a tough-as-nails old biddy who is fiercely loyal to the WSU and all it stands for. Her words, she’s told me once.”

“Has she met Hank Thibodeaux?” Frick asked.

Fred snorted. “They met. The shouting match was clearly audible all through the Command building, I’ve heard. Afterwards, they went to the Windmill and were spotted sharing a pitcher of beer, chatting amiably. For all I know, he suggested her for the post.”

“Has there been any word from Foster?” Fran asked. “He’s been gone since October.”

Frick shook his head. “Not since we got word he made it to Broceliande. I’ll ask Sandra on Monday if she can find out.”

“When will you start running the boards, Frick?” Fred asked.

“Sometime after the first of the year. I’m already Sandra’s sidekick most days, and I’m familiarizing myself with the folk here so I can start hosting podcasts,” Frick said before a sip of his whiskey. “Fred, you and John have got clearance to do a half-hour podcast on Christmas Eve, and Sunday podcasts after. Just ensure you have the non-denominational disclaimer at the start, and we’ve been informed the deities won’t be offended.”

“Raven’s said pretty much the same thing. I have been told we can use a Judeo-Christian format, because that’s what we’re trained in,” Fred said. “We’ll have the sermon ready by mid week.”

“You can either record it in the studio, or downstairs. Just let me know,” Frick said.

“Enough business! Let’s enjoy our time together!” Frieda squawked in tones that let everyone know she meant business. Happy business, that is!

Wednesday, January 11th, 2017 0900 hours

Everyone from Cornhusker House were gathered on the pier next to the Polar Princess, together for the last time in who-knows-how-long-it-will-be. Capo was perched on Frick’s yachting cap, something he was known to do, especially when Frick was on the air. The bird liked commenting on Chief Screwball’s words, to the listener's enjoyment. For the record, DJ WSU was nicknamed ‘Batty Lady’.

After a round of hugs by all, Frack looked at the four children. Summoning his best Gunny face, he rose up a few feet and caught them all in a staredown. “Now, all of you, Julie, Elaine, Aaron, Michie, you better not give Maw and Paw any trouble, because if you do, Aunt Bernie will come into your dreams, bring me along and I’ll let you have it! Got it?” he bellowed.

The four kids all giggled, looking up at Frack. Together, they saluted him. “Yes, Uncle Frack!” they chorused.

Capo squawked before saying, “Get a move on, bigmouth! Ship’s waiting on you!”

Maintaining his glare on the kids, Frack pointed a wing at Capo. “And teach that bird some manners!” he added.

“Don’t expect miracles, Frack. I don’t think Raven can manage that,” Fred commented as the ship’s whistle sounded. Together, Frack and Bernie took wing, to fly onto the Princess’ deck.

“If you get to Nebraska City, check on Cousin Curtis’ place!” Frick called up.

“Will do, bro! I’ll be listening for you!” Frack called back.

As the ship started moving, Frick waved some more, tears coming to his eyes. They had been together for a very long time, and now they are pursuing separate paths. “I’ll miss you, bro,” he whispered, not trusting his voice.

Capo leaned over so he could look into Frick’s right eye. “Screwball got Capo now! Capo help Screwball!” he squawked.

Frack didn’t say anything, but he did think, “That’s all I need, another dumb smartass bird…”

“WHO SAYS I’M DUMB!?!” the red macaw screeched loudly, to general laughter from the Cornhusker House crowd as Frick spasmed some, as would anyone who just took a LOUD squawk directly into an ear…

Author's Note:

At last. After a year, thirty-nine chapters, 174,000+ words, I got this project done. Many times I had mental stalls, other time physical ones. BUT, it is done.

This part, at least. Why do I say that? Because MM and I have been chatting, and we came up with a concept to continue the story. The WSU wants contact with the interior of the former US, and Queen Marie has an interest as well. So, why not co-operate? The question being, what's there to be found?

In a few weeks, give or take, the first chapter of Tales of the Mississippi Voyager will be released. I don't know when or how often now, but it's early yet. Hey, I've been at this for a year! Let me have a little time off, okay?

To all those who have ran the distance with me, thank you. May you enjoy the conclusion and what is yet to come. Harts Fire, I said he would show up at the end, and he did!

Until the next story, fans who are friends and friends who are fans. Time for a nap.

Comments ( 8 )

Nicely rounded up and over, the book ends but the story continues.

Where would the main Dragonlands be here, Iceland, Hawaii, I can understand due to plumes and flowing lavas, volcanos like Vesuvius etc being too explosive for hatching fields but maybe for other reasons? Yellowstone as a R&R Spa between Iceland and Hawaii? Thre was something about te need for migrations with such species, relavent to magical fields, and the only thing I can think of was severe Mendelevian manipulation.

Still, refrigerated booze? Scotch on the rocks, no granite?:moustache:

Have not put much thought on dragons. I tend to avoid them because I'm not sure if I can use them to their best advantage.

Several areas for consideration are, yes, Iceland, Hawai'i, New Zealand (North Island), Indonesia (Sumatra and Java, in particular) and a few other spots in between.

There are over a hundred refrigerated containers on the Princess, out of a total of 754. Who knows what else is hiding in the cargo containers? Well, Harry Bell might, but he hasn't told me yet.

Looking forward to a new story.

some how the system here on the site doped the ball agene for this amazing story and i never saw this chapter.

first this is a awesome ending for this story.
second you friend defiantly need a bit of time to just relax and recover.


Harts Fire, I said he would show up at the end,

yes you did and yes he did. silly Bird.

Concord is the name of the offspring of the Tree of Harmony that was planted near Broceliande. Merlin/Starswirl is looking for the artifacts linked to the new Bearers of Concord. So far, they have Merlin’s Staff, Excalibur, and Durandal located; why not a magical pistol as an Artifact?

Wrong person. Frick is not the one joining the Broceliande group, it's Foster, as Honor. His emerald pendant is his charm.

Frick is happy to remain in Maasvlakte as a radio technician, waiting for his brother to come home with his wife and niece/nephew.

Well, this was a good story : )

Also, Honor, huh. Should've seen it, I was kinda surprised by the nickname at reveal time, but never connected it to the Concord and their Mane 7 : )

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