• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I write second-person sensual fiction featuring you and your favourite ponies. If there's anything you'd like to know, just ask, I'm always happy to answer questions!


Comments ( 258 )
Site Owner

Oh hey I think I remember reading this....

Good stuff.....damn good stuff.....

#2 · Dec 24th, 2011 · · · Part 4 ·

excellent story, that's all i can really say.
other than hnnngggg

Where do you get all of these beautiful vectors?

Moreover, how do you put them in a story? :twilightoops:

I simply used the Insert Image function. The original plans for this fic was to use each chapter as one big picture each and send them around imageboards (like FimChan, Ponibooru and, if missing leaving out the Mature sub-chapter, Ponychan). I compromised, and now it's here in both image AND writing style. I found the vectors by searching for MLP Vectorclub on DeviantArt, where they have a great collection of vectors free to use.

Lots o daaw in here.

My stars. Take them all.

Yes... Yes. I indeed have a Rainbow Dash fetish now. There's just one question I have...

Sequel? :pinkiehappy:

Love the first person "you" writing style. Great short story, wish there was
more of it.

I have several more fics on the way, featuring a different pony and a different "you" for each of them. Check Ponychan'ss /fic/ for the Sensual Fictiion General board, where most fics there are in the same 2nd person style as this.

Looks like I have some competition on the featured bar. :rainbowdetermined2:

But seriously, congratulations on getting your fic up there, too! If this keeps up, we'll have the entire bar dedicated to 2nd-person stories of cuteness and sensualness! SFG FOREVER!

You guys still have Gentlemen Creeper and Coffeebean to get past, but I thoroughly enjoyed both your stories.
I'll be following both of you, and I expect big things!

That was a very nice story! You had a very good story and well developed Dialogue, among other things...

Anyway, nice job! 5 stars.

D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :rainbowkiss:

Damn Clopfics, I hate them so much. but this one, maybe its because of the actual story behind it, or maybe its just Dashie, but you sir get all my stars.

Thanks, I respect your distaste for the ordinary "set-scene-and-f'ck" clopfics, which is why I made the sex scene totally skippable and non-vital to the story for those who don't wish to read it. The fact that somepony dislikes clopfics, yet likes the story as a whole, as it was meant to be told, means I'm doing something right, so thank you very much for your thoughts and support pal, you've made my day! :rainbowwild:

>After reading last note
I already had both before this story.
Now I feel weird and akward!
5 stars for you now!
(Good god, now I really want to have sex with Rainbow Dash.)

this has got SW@G :moustache:

I really wanna have sex with Rainbow Dash now, though :twilightsheepish:

I 2nd that Sonic.


My friend Crowley has, in my opinion, surpassed my works of fanfiction very, very easily ;)

Shouldn't OC be in the character's list? Or does that not apply for second-pony stories?
But anyway, I'm looking forward to the rest of this!

I like the pictures you're adding to this. It's the first I'm ever seeing a Fimfic story doing that.

Honestly flattered, friend, but I'd say your Drunken Lullabies blows my smaller fics out of the water!
Oh geez, it should! Sorry, I thought the silhouette meant other characters not on the list or something. Amended!

One of the best 2nd-pony view fics i've read, and the best anypony x RD fics/clop so far

healthy balance of romance and passion and unbelievably well characterized,


I thir... um, I support that Sonic.

Also in 3.5, you need to chang "manhood" to "stallionhood", to keep context

just sayin

I... um..... I support the motion that Sonic has proposed.......

And I think all three of you guys dwarf my fics in comparison. I guess it's just an author thing to think everyone's fics are better than yours...

at least you gave 'me' a nickname (Rookie)

what the fuck everyone has a horse fetish


says the guy with a very suggestive name......:pinkiegasp:

Cool double post bro.

Pretty interested in story after reading the comments.pity I'm not old enough.

Loved this. Absolutely loved it. Although, I'll admit it was short, it was still well written, and emotional. Cute story, bro.

All your dissapointment is belong to me as I don't get a fetish on a non-human characters.
Yours is the first fanfic I read in which RD isn't described as a lesbian, and for that I give you my gratitude.

Motion carried! Let "Giggidy" be recorded in the books.

You know. I liked this story when it kept the 'you' protagonist's gender ambiguous.
Well this chapter blew that ambiguity right out. And I am very disappointed for it. Unfortunately this is where my reading ends. Its still good, till this chapter.

My compliments for the fact that you kept the whole fic gender neutral with exception of the 'mature' part. Good job!

And my reaction to the 'Spoiler' on the end:

Nope, not really. Sorry...
*takes bite of an apple*

So, this is Rainbow Dash shipped with the reader? I think I've only ever read one fic similar, and it was simply entirely gender-neutral, rather than being the reader himself (b/c no girls on the internet, amirite?)

"What're you- HELLO!"

Yeah, that's what I would say in that situation... This is awesome.

I try to make them as neutral as I can while still making the character interesting. For example, it's gonna be hard to know what decision each reader would take in this situation, so I kinda have to give "you" a personality that may or may not fit the reader. Sometimes an assigned gender is required too.
As such, in the upcoming fics I make, I've given a different "you" to a different pony each time. For example, Rookie here was a pegasus who loves Rainbow, the next one might be a humble earth pony meeting Fluttershy for the first time or a caring unicorn who stands up for Derpy when she's bullied (totally not future fic spoilers, hint hint), as they're never the same "you". Sometimes it's gender-neutral, sometimes it isn't. Honestly, gender shouldn't matter, so long as the story itself is engaging and fun to read, that's what I believe. Cheers for reading! :rainbowwild:

Crowley I love you. I want your man-babies.

Indeed. What your doing here actually takes a lot of talent (I'm told) and you pull it off perfectly. A completely open character that evades bland and is capable of keeping interest is rather difficult. The fic I mentioned was a Mass Effect one, involving a BJ, with Shepard being gender-neutral, but that is the closest I've seen to something like this, and isn't nearly as engaging. 10/5

*Crosses legs after last chapter*

"You also might have a sex fetish"


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