• Published 5th Mar 2021
  • 489 Views, 1 Comments

A Demon’s Rise - ShadowRazer2121

Some Demons run head first into their problems, but this demon does something much, much worse.

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Chapter 2: End The Beggining

Author's Note:

This is a rework of a story I never posted, but a story I had stashed away as I am trying to dust it off and get rid of all the cobwebs. There are many mistakes in this story. More mistakes than I can count. But it tells the story of an idea.

Also, different dimensions exist in this story. Meaning there are canon and non canon ones these are non-canon ones.

3 years Before Dark Cloud’s Arrival

“Well this is just ticking terrific.” Shadow Demon said as he was currently tied up on a podium overlooking a crowd of a hundred or so Dragons wanting to see him be hung to death.

“You can say that again.” A Dark dragon said As shadow snapped his head in his direction. “What?” The drake said. Said drake had black scales with a blood red underbelly with pentagrams written on his shoulders and his back legs.

“Jason, they are going to kill us. I don’t want to die, I can’t I don’t want toooo.” A dragon said in which he had a white scales and a grey underbelly.

“Redo, calm down please, your giving me a headache.” A Maroon colored dragon said as he rubbed in between his eyes.

“Oreo is the only one yet to talk.” Jason said. As he looked over to a dragoness with white scales and a black underbelly that had her head looking to the ground. Pentagram was about to say something until a voice spoke and interrupted it.

“Today my fellow dragons,” said the speaker.

“Oh boo, here we go. They old we are evil because of what we are thing again. Why can’t they get more clever with their lies?” Jason said.

“Today we rid of a evil that unknowingly lived among us as one of us lying to us the entire time, as they leeched off of us...”

“And here it comes.”

“These so called dragons are demons that crawled from their holes to try and take us with them.”

“ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?” Shadow Demon screamed on the top of his lungs.

“Who told you to speak demon?” The announcer said.

“That’s claim is still a rumor in this fucking disgrace of a city? We don’t dragons with us nor do we try to, it’s against the rules. I should know. You want to know why?” Shadow Demon said getting in the announcer’s face.

“And demon tell us why that we should believe what a demon says?” The drake said.

“Because I made said rule.” Shadow spat.

“You see my fellow brothers and sisters. This criminal calls himself the leader of the under world a....” he was interrupted by the group off next to the podium.

“He is the leader!” Jason, Redo, and Pentagram said as they blankly stared at the announcer who just looked confused.

“You see all the more reason to rid of these demons. By order of the council these demons shall be hanged by suffocation! Hanging for all to see until the are unmoving just swinging in the winds.” At the announcement of this Oreo looked up to Shadow who hung his head low as did the others.

The others were walked onto the podium as the ropes were lowered over their necks.

A few roofs away. A dragon made of metal and wires ran quickly to reach the city center. She had to kill multiple guards as she ran a full sprint. Thrusters appear in her mid section and launched her in the air for a second as a energy blade extended from her wrist as she cut the throat of a guard as his head hung from a single shrewd of skin left.

She heard the announcer’s voice as he was about to give the call. She knew what would happen to them, all except one. It’s what he would have wanted. Cloud kept pushing herself more and more. Jumping from wall to wall. She reached the roof that over looked the city center and her objective. She jumped off all the while getting a couple of odd glances, but she was seconds too late. He had given the order and they had all been dropped hanging there. Redo bing Redo flailed like a hackling throwing a tantrum. She needed to get through the crowd. She opted to fly over them as she took off and headed straight for the podium. Her faceplates slide over her face as her H.U.D appeared in front of her.

Some guards tried to stop her, but she was built by a Demon so she knew a few things. She let a ball of dark energy form in her paw and then spun in the air and then hurling it at a guard that was closest. Hitting him and exploding on impact sending him flying right into another behind him. A guard swung his spear at her, but it simply bounced off her armor. She grabbed the guard as her foreleg retracted and formed a drill as she shoved it right into the guards head as the drill spun.

She let the headless body drop to the grind bellow where she heard the crowd gasp and scream I fear of her show of strength and power.

Her foreleg went back to normal as she landed. The announcer was about to talk but with in a blink of an eye she was already behind him. As the speaker was gasping for air as Cloud held his heart in her claws as she squeezed it and crushed it in her claws while she had a neutral express the entire time. She cut down the rope that Oreo hung by. As Cloud eventually cut down the rest.

“Miss Oreo are you alright?” Cloud asked with no emotion evident in her voice. Oreo gave a simple nod in response.

“Then quickly get them aboard the drop ship.” Cloud said which earned Oreo a questioning look from her.

“Oh right. Demon likes to tinker, so he eventually came up with the idea to build a ship that could fly us anywhere we wanted to go.” After more explaining and a couple of guard fights later the square was abandoned. As a flying machine came down and landed in front of the two of them as what little onlookers stared in shock and wonder at the metal machine. She pick up The limb bodies of the group and set them down inside her personal ship.

When she was done the machine started to lift off the ground as Oreo looked out as the back ramp slowly closed. She looked at the limb body of Shadow as she felt sadness grip her.

“I’m so sorry Shadow. So, so sorry.” Oreo cried in Shadow’s chest.

Dark Cloud walked up to The body and extended her wrist. A green light shot from her wrist and swept its way up and down shadows body. As for the first time since Clouds activation. Dark Cloud was shocked as she lowered her head.

“H..he is dying.” Cloud said as she lowered her head.

“The other seem fine but why Shadow?” Cloud asked until he sat on her back legs and closed her eyes. When she opened them again she noticed that she was in a void and as she thought more, the more she searched for that moment she saw the tips that were used to hang Shadow. She then saw it.

“Oreo? Shadow will not survive. He was hung using an enchanted rope that was made by... by a purple dragon.”

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