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King Ice

Twidash is Love. Twidash is Life


Twilight always did what she thought was right. And she was ready to move on every time she saw someone she loved die. However, she comes to learn that this is not the case for Discord. She comes to learn that she has to be harsh to make things right.

Set in the same universe as The Princess' Students and Ascension as well as In Ten Thousand Years

You don't need to read them to understand this story as it works as a standalone one, but I suggest you check them out

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 59 )

He should have killed her when he had the chance. He shouldn’t have hesitated. On top of that he let his guard down.

Twilight seems to be the villain in this story.

Huh, wasn't expecting that. I get Discord's pain, but making everybody he cared about immortal? As Twilight said, balance is important. And I wasn't expecting her to turn him to stone either...

And so, with a single spell, all of Fluttershy's efforts to reform Discord have been rendered meaningless. Kinda feels like Twilight just stomped on Fluttershy's legacy.


I feel like that Twilight should PAY for this! :flutterrage:





I'll probably do a sequel, it will be a full story, but it would be set in a very far future

But it was also discord’s fault. And if you want me to explain, I can.

Comment posted by Pete100 deleted Mar 7th, 2021

This is one of those instances where both parties are right and wrong at the same time

For what exactly? Doing what Discord wanted would turn Equestia inside out. Chaos is an understatement.

Death is a natural part of life. Making ponies immortal at random. Or all at once?

Over population, 99% of them would attempt to overthrow Twilight and then run Equestria into the ground...

Do I need to go on? Twilight is thinking of what this would mean for the world. Discord only cares about himself.

Twilight even pointed out why this would be a disaster for all.

To add on top of that immortality could cause many to go mad and attempted suicide would raise to nearly hourly occurrences. Which would have drastic consequences on the children's psyche. As it's been said immortality is a curse not a blessing. So Discord is essentially cursing ponies not helping them.

With respect, this entire fic's premise is horseshit. Every fic that tries to say that characters should NOT become immortal becauseo f some stupid point as "balance" or anything is cringey as hell.

And Twilight doing that to Discord is both radicicolous and cruel. She has gone mad and deserved to be punted over her throne into a blackhole.

Immortality is NOT a curse. Its not a blessing either. It is what you make of it.

And Twilight had no right to pull this shit. And I'm tired of authors who paint this as the "right thing to do" over and over again. Its not.

EDIT: I've noticed your comment about a sequel. If Twilight pays, I retract the line about this premise being horseshit. I'm just tried of fics holding these views Twilight has in here like they are universally in the right.

Discord’s emotions are understandable, but trying to bring back the dead would probably backfire. That said, Twilight’s reaction to this reveals herself to be utterly undeserving of her crown. Her arrogance and self-righteousness has left her unwilling to even tolerate any other ideas. She might claim she isn’t a tyrant, but her actions here suggest otherwise.


With respect, this entire fic's premise is horseshit. Every fic that tries to say that characters should NOT become immortal becauseo f some stupid point as "balance" or anything is cringey as hell.

While twilight’s response of turning discord to stone was completely uncalled for let me put the immortality part into perspective

Say you are immortal and have the power to make others immortal you then make your friends immortal they then have people they don’t want to lose so you make their other friends and families immortal then this process repeatedly and suddenly the world suffers from overpopulation where everyone is pressed together under immense pressure, the other side is you only make your friends immortal and they then suffer from depression because they lose basically everyone they care about

Not really an issue. There are many immortal races in fiction, but immortality is never really a curse for them, minus the whole "having to watch mortal friends/lovers" die.

But moving on, overpopulation is a flawed argument. The default is usually reducing fertility rate, but lets ignore that for a moment: This is a world of subtly high-teir magic, and Discord possess power surprassing even that. You run out of room? Make extra-dimensional realms, granting near infinite space, or terraform planets, etc.

Anyone who says that the literal GOD that warps reality shouldn't make others immortal because it'll have long term consequences, isn't thinking in the long term. Magic, Discord or not, and its advancement can solve most of these issues if one applies and works at it.

More importantly, that world, Balance? It doesn't mean what you think. Balance in nature is an equalilibrium, a point where nature has a stabie, sustainable future. Taking something from the equation, DEATH, does not mean there can't be a new balance that copes with everyone being immortal.

Petrifying discord is honestly a step too far though as it has been shown that there are ways to completely stop chaos magic twilight could have handled it without turning discord completely against her

Well I’m surprised usually the people I’ve talked to who talk about this subject when it has come up in a story like this usually just leave the context of the story behind and you have given some good reasons for your perspective there are two things how ever that I will point out 1 we have seen discord’s version of terraforming and as the god of chaos I don’t think he would be able to do something as orderly as creating a liveable ecosystem and second we don’t know that discord made his dimension and neither do we ever see him create dimensions, reality warping does not equal reality creation.

Edit: yeah the balance part is honestly dumb and I wasn’t focusing on it

To counter you're point, I don't think he'd have to do anything orderly. He'd just have make the atmosphere sustainable. And to counter your point entirely, making a planet habitable and fill(able) with life is inately massively more chaotic than leaving it a lifeless rock.

It would take at least a thousand of years for the MLP world to reach overpopulation problem with immortality, even if they kept the same growth rate, as there appears to be a very low population density all over the world. Just making another planet suitable for plants and such from their home planet, and the planet will probably terraform itself as plants and such are introduced.

As for your "Reality Creating" part.....extra-dimensional spaces are an aspect of just about every form of high-teir magic, and even low teir If one thinks its possible in the MLP universe, Discord can probably do it. And give his Chaos realm exists at all is a point in that favor.

PS I'm glad we agree the balance-thing is dumb.

Ok, at this point discord has known twilight for years, right?

By then he should already know that she’s will king to do anything to protect equestria, right?

This doesn't protect Equestria, just her world view.

That’s not the point.

Yes it is? You said she'd do anything to protect Equestria. I'm saying she is not protecting Equestria.

That’s not the point I was trying to make.

And you're not clarifying your point.

I was getting to it.

Okay? Than say it?

My point is that he knew she would do anything to protect equestria and outright threatened him, and yet he still got cocky which resulted in him being turned to stone. That’s why I said it was also his own fault.

And my point still remains that Twilight isn't protecting Equestria by doing this.

I understand that, which is why i didn’t say twilight wasn’t in the wrong. I was just saying that it was part of discord’s fault for being turned into stone because he hesitated and got cocky.

I think that has more to do with him assuming his friendship meant enough to the Princess of Friendship, not realizing she has gone tyrant.

But still, he shouldn’t have just assumed that. If I was discord rather she’s my friend or not, I’m going to have my hands in a snapping position while I’m talking to her.

My point is this: your telling me that a cabal or large group of immortals with all that potential knowledge, and exprience? The ancient dragons? Who knows what else? Can not stop bucking like rabbits?

Like dont people at some point grow out of that?

Let alone all the combine intelligence that would be used to fight the problem? Of overpopulation? Because its not like centurys of knowledge from Twilight would amount to anything?

Why Twilight is morally wrong here?

Because then Twilight has wasted time burying her friends to bother with her POTENTIAL guilt of condemn generations of people to die. Due in no small part to hubris.

Their is after all no one more smarter or kinder or....generous then, Twilight Sparkle.

Ps. I open to critcism of the above thoughts. And if I am not clear on something then ask. Thank you.:twilightsmile:

I don’t think I understand everything you’re saying, but I think twilight did mention the others not being worthy, which to me doesn’t sound right.

Thats understandble. I edited it down to what I feel is my main point.

That’s surprisingly a good point, but at the same time are we even 100% sure that alicorns are immortal? Also, being tired is understandable.

word, I feel you. I personally as much as people write them as such, find them more compelling to write and read about when they are more, if not, mortal.

I like the struggle of characters and if your already perseved as perfect. Could techincally solve most if not all worlds problems...but dont. And have all the money in the world....

Let alone the inplicit threat of your disfavor would and could bring on your descendants? Whos to say that is not a legitimate concern?

Because the whole, I know more then you, ha ha, is not cool.

I think we get that enough from people, you know? And to have someone forever believe they know better?

I think thats dangerous?

Who could protext themselves against a perseved god? And its shown as a good thing they are in charge. Yet is the world really better then ours? I.e written by us humans.

Ps. I edited my post. Im curious did you check it?

To be honest, I feel like they aren’t immortal, because if they were they would actually be powerful, but after seeing how many times the princesses have been folded they can’t be immortal.

As for those type of people who think they know everything, yes they are dangerous, but not just to themselves but to other people, especially if they have a high status like the princesses.

P.s: I’ll reread it.

You don't have to be powerful to be immortal.

But that’s what they’re painted as.

Well, I can see them being both immortal and powerful. Though, I don't think that they're clever enough to use their full potential when faced with a problem. Either that, or Celestia purposefully let herself be defeated so that Twilight can succeed.

There is no way. If you’re a thousand years old you have to have SOME brain cells. As for purposely failing, I doubt it.

Well it'd make sense if it's a kid show for very young children.

I guess that’s a good point.

The author had just released a sequel. Also, this story is connected to two other stories written by the same author.

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