• Published 7th Mar 2021
  • 651 Views, 8 Comments

Equestria Down - Ultimus Pendragon

When Twilight Sparkle fails to do what needed to be done at the cost of her friendship, she attempts to set things right, even if it kills her.

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Across The Land

Author's Note:

Hey guys, back here with another story. This is coming from an old reverse Nightmare Moon story I tried a few years ago and it didn’t take too well.

Now I edited the chapter around and changed a bit of the premise and what we have now is a new chapter of a new story that may or may not continue based on feedback. I am optimistic, and have an ok track record of making ok stories or putting a twist on other stories that other authors have given to me.

But we’ll just see how the first chapter works out. Hope you enjoy.

It was never supposed to end this way. Equestria. . .should have prospered. Twilight Sparkle may have been a great many things; but the one thing she knew was nowhere near the truth was that she was mentally crazy.

Steps assaulted the ground, building into a jumble of sound. Clink Clink! Thump! Thump! Three figure traversed in a line, their gait a mixure of sleep deprivation and anger. Weeks had to pass since they found the company any other besides themselves.

A low thrum sounded, gradually building in intensity. Various sounds began to echo in and out.

''Don't do it!''

''We'll be ok, you have to survive!''

''You're the only one who can do anything!''


''Is this the end?''


''. . .I'll always be so proud of you, Twilight. . .”

Shuffling forward, the only sounds piercing the air besides the steady rainfall begun was the rhythmic breathing from the cold.

''Ugh, remind again why we care about coming back this way seeing as this used to be a good town.” a raspy voice sounded with a tongue of venom. “We’re just torturing ourselves.”

''You mean you still don't know? Did you listen to anything Master Dai told us back in Sandgen?'' the trio stopped in front of a downed structure as Twilight grew irritated at their bickering she was sure they were going to get into before long.

''Oh, I'm sorry: I was just busy keeping the harpies at bay!''

''Quiet, the both of you! Spike, you should have been taking notes like I told you, and you Sunset: while I appreciate you saving our lives back there, you could have at least shown a little skill in the art of multi-tasking. Every second is crucial to us as we may not get this chance again, so focus!''

''Sorry, Twi,'' the pair apologized, noting her look of no nonsense as she brought her attention to the horizon.

''Good, now according to our intel, this area should still be bare, but stay on your guard,” Twilight Sparkle said, leading the advance forward.

Agreeing either way, the trio moved forward at a swift pace, trying their best to keep from any prying 'eyes', lest any unwanted memories surface. Relaying across the path, small structures and corpses lay strewn about, battling a fight with time as the blanket of hot, acrid air chipped away at their skin and the distant rumbling of clouds portrayed a swirling vortex of despair around the town. Dragging herself with a slower stride, Twilight Sparkle stopped to realize two things.

''You know,'' she called from behind. ''you're half right: this was a good town. . .until that day reared its ugly head. We made a lot of friends here Spike, haven't we?''

''Mmm-hmm,'' the drake agreed. ''hard to believe they're not all with us now.''

''I know,'' Twilight weakly sighed, running a golden armored hoof through the rubble in front. ''It still. . .hurts. It hurts that this only started after I 'defeated' Tirek. . .and Equestria paid the price for my failure. It went downhill from there,'' she brought a picture untouched by time in her field of magic for her comrades to see as she blew the dust and dirt off. “I hate it.”

''W-We really should get going, Twi.'' Spike advised, noticing her stoic look at the photograph, a slew of emotion no doubt stirring within her. Twilight never took what happened to her friend easy, and every day she seemed to blame herself more and more.

''Y-Yea. . .'' Twilight responded with next to life in her voice as the trio sped off, moving past the wreckage and out on the mountains plain, yet none looked back to the still standing sign that portrayed:

Ponyville's Golden Oak Library/ Castle of Former Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Some time later:

The trio trudged on for what seemed like miles, past the makeshift gravestones of the many soldiers and innocent souls, through Ghastly Gorge, and even through what remained of the Everfree forest: cold, hungry, angered and most of all; lost in the growing maze of Equestria by the day. Nightfall consumed a good portion of their journey into the ever so rising sun, a sight and feeling Twilight held deep hatred for.

''Great, it's up again.'' Twilight ducked behind a lone, bushy tree. ''why can't night be permanent?''

''Oh come on, Twi: you don't hate it that much.'' Spike waved a claw in naivety.

''You wouldn't know,'' Twilight whispered, her companion not fully knowing what happened that day besides the account of events from Twilight. Spike trained in the Far East, so he was unable to be there.

He didn’t fully understand.

''Spike!'' Sunset scolded. ''Can’t you be more considerate?''

''Whatever,'' Spike huffed into his clasped claw over his maw. ''just speaking the truth. And as a matter of fact, I-''

''That goes for both of you.'' Twilight began to cut into her companions. Twilight's voice began to waver, the pain in her voice betraying the tone she attempted to set.

''Me, what did I do?'' Sunset pointed a hoof to herself in shock. ''Spike started it!''

''And now I'm ending it!'' Twilight stomped up to Sunset, catching the glow of something that shimmered in her eyes as she huffed at her friend, poking her in the chest with her hoof gauntlet. ''You have no idea of the pain I went through all thanks to this d-d-damn sun and what it did to me! What it took from me! And what it-'' Twilight choked on her words for a moment, slowly breathing in and out. If she was going to talk about this, she would compose herself.

''Twi?'' Spike asked, Twilight holding a hoof to stop him from talking. It was bad enough for them to have the gall to mention something as important as this was to her.

''I had a good life: friends, books, all the basic necessities that made me me,'' Twilight sniffled. ''I'm supposed to be The Princess of Friendship, and how do you expect me to be that if I have no friends or wings? Look at me!'' Twilight gestured to herself, showing off the dark and gold plated armor surrounding her forehooves, body plate that hugged her slender purple frame, brown cloak draped over her neck, and friendship tiara was given a rustic and gated look from the Victorian Pony era, colors of the different elements up top the star of her Cutie Mark. “But the worst is how cruel the world can actually be.”

''Well, yea you lost your wings, but that doesn't make you any more or less different than us; you're still Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship.'' Spike sat and stretched, a few bones popping from the sudden movement. ''You can still make something happen with us by your side.''

''I agree with Spike: I mean, would you think I'm a Princess or Alicorn because I have bat wings?'' Sunset smirked, portraying her curved fangs, furry pointed ears, and leathery wings. ''Nergal the Insatiable accidentally bit me when we did our little expedition to the Minotaur Plains, and while I didn't want that to happen, I don't regret that; it's a blessing in a way.''

''Because you got stronger,'' Twilight bitterly commented, noting Sunset flaring her wings out. ''While I got weaker.''

Sunset dared to push the envelope. ''What makes you so sure about that? How do you know maybe not being an Alicorn anymore is a blessing.” Sunset looked at Twilight who stared right into her friend’s eyes, unwavering and unblinking.

''Because it was my destiny. . .it was mine and it was taken from me,'' Twilight said, walking down the broken path that led to the downed drawbridge, which she had to use her magic to move in order for them to proceed. The wood creaked underneath her magic, pieces chipping off and falling to the ground as she hefted the wood into the moat, water splashing the unicorn in the face as she ignored the impromptu bath.

''So why here? Why Canterlot?'' Sunset wondered. Twilight kept walking ahead, her guard up as the pair had to scramble to keep her pace. ''There's nothing here, anymore.''

''There is,'' Twilight nodded to her companion, knowing that she did not believe her, she had already lost faith in most things of the past, such as returning to her own world, thanks to the portal being destroyed on both sides. Sunset held even little doubt that Canterlot would hold anything of value. ''The Royal Archives should hopefully have most of what we should need if Tirek didn't completely raze everything in sight he deemed dangerous to him.''

Spike flew ahead, scouting a few of the charred buildings, checking to see if any creature may have taken up residence; for shelter or attacking. ''Even if we find something worth value; what's your plan, Twi?''

''Simple; stop Tirek from causing any more damage to the world, and then end the nightmares of my failure,'' Twilight whispered the last part to herself. Every day that she remained in this world, the longer that she wanted it all to end, but she made herself a promise. A promise that she was forced to make on the behest of Celestia.

And on her death bed, no less.

Spike stopped his step, turning around and looking back at his friend, hoping she was not saying what he had a good enough idea of what she was. ''Twi. . .''

''I want to die,'' Twilight said simply, closing her eyes briefly.

The wind blew, a vicious cold coming along with it as the sound of magic being cast in a futile effort. The brilliant display of spells came in a thin line, soaring to its intended target with the speed of a bullet.


“. . .Did it connect?” a wary voice called from the foxhole that was covered by nature’s landscape. All sound stopped for the moment, the towering castle that stood miles away standing proud. The two Unicorns prayed that it did something.

A flicker of a flame started inside, just by the pair’s hooves, making the two of them scramble.

“Oh, son of a-“


The covering went in up flames, blanketed in the wake of the smoke cloud which shot up to the heavens, displaying heat and charring the ground. A secondary explosion occurred, the amber flames seeming to be a beacon of death.

The land soon went quiet afterward, animals scattering about in fear of what happened.

“And that,” a gruff voice, laced with vocal fry with a tinge of anger commented in a bored tone, slowly lowering his hand to his side as the magic around it dispelled. “Is what happens to those who dare retaliate against me.”

“It is as you say, Lord Tirek,” Tirek spied his minion, or at least questionable minion as she attempted to kiss his flank for the umpteenth time. “The tracing spell was accurate within 15 feet.”

Tirek growled at Chrysalis, tugging at his chain that he held wrapped around her neck, causing her to yelp out in pain and cough harshly at the internal spikes that lightly punctured her throat.

“Of course; I am not a fool; those. . .attackers will soon regret sending all of those dead followers my way; as I show no mercy,” the glow of magic in Tirek’s eyes glowed brightly.

“Like you didn’t with Twilight Sparkle?” Tirek quickly backhanded the other voice who dared to get too close before yanking her chain back, slamming her tiny body on the ground, getting up from his chair to apply pressure on her tiny head, her screams and tears doing nothing to faze the magic eater. “P-Please! Mercy!~”

Tirek dared his hoof a bit further, feeling her bone slowly give way before he stopped.

“Another inch and you will be dead, Cozy Glow,” Tirek said, huffing a breath of hot air. “I suggest if you wish to continue your existence-“

“Y-Yes! I apologize!” Cozy pleased with her master, hoping he would be lenient. She did have a habit of pressing the envelope, and if she kept up her remarks, it would end terribly for her.

“Hmmph.” Tirek sounded, seemingly content with the scope of her groveling for now. He returned to his seat, his eyes narrowing and the feeling of annoyance began to creep into his face. “Twilight Sparkle is nothing. . .I destroyed what she and her ‘Magic of Friendship’ stood for. I am the one reigns over all make of creature, and any who are foolish to resist will be erased.”

Chrysalis dared another question. “Why keep her and her comrades alive then?” Tirek simply chuckled and began to scheme. This was something that he controlled in the palm of his hand, and he only wished for such a thing to occur because he knows the limitations of his foe.

He beat her, and left her and the small remnants of hope to lick their wounds, but now he would break her inch by inch until nothing was left.

“I thought you would know more than most,' Tirek shook his head at Chrysalis. ''Part of being a ruler also entails making those with the highest resistance suffer for a time; to breed compliance.”

Cozy Glow and Chrysalis looked to each other, uncertainty plastered across their faces as their master spoke of his plan. It made them wonder if he would be gracious enough to grant them their own desires in exchange for their own slice of the world; or if he would dispose of them at the first idea of them being useless.

Equestria and beyond was on a set course to change, in some regard. One would rule over all, or all would scramble over each other trying to make sense of the chaos.

“If Sparkle and her little followers wish to go against the law of the land, they will be very, very suprised at what I can do.”